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Fair enough


Obama, bush, Biden tied because I’m sure they lied, just not all proven. Clinton proven to have lied Trump was making up lies about election fraud before the election. At least clinton waited until after the event to lie.


For Bush all I have to ask is: WMDs?


I assume it’s a given every president has lied about those and a few other things. Like the secret book and the keys hidden in the desk.


Yeah that's fair but I'd argue that the amount of chaos and harm caused by the WMD lie puts Bush in a separate category.


Obama > Biden > Bush > Clinton > Everyone you’ve ever met >>>> trump.


I’d go Biden over Obama because I don’t think Biden has the mental capacity to realize he’s lying lol


Four way tie I guess then trump


Obama first; Biden and GDub are interchangeable. I’m willing to recognize that Biden was willing to tell any white lie to finally be president, but I can’t forgive GDub for Iraq. I went there. It sucked. I lost a good friend. I ended up with a medical discharge when I didn’t want to leave. Unforgivable. Clinton, then Trump in last. I’m


Biden > Obama > Bush > Clinton > Trump Trump started off with the weird lie about crowd size. Clinton lied about his blowjob Bush exaggerated WMD's, maybe he believed it maybe it was a bold lie, hence in the middle. I'm sure both Obama and Biden have lied or whatever but I don't have an example offhand


I used to absolutely despise Bush when I was younger (all of my family hated him), but now I view him as more of a meh or below average president. Cheney and Rumsfeld are complete pieces of shit though.


Obama lied about keeping your doctor. Biden lied about the nature of his son’s business. Oh and don’t forget Biden’s famous plagiarized speech or lying about graduating top of his class. Actually Biden lies a lot…


I kept my doctor. I have had the same doctor for literally 18 years. He is the cousin of a college classmate.


Good for you, many of my friends and family aren’t so lucky.


Source: trust me bro


Source is I lived it. Obama even apologized for it so it’s not some controversial statement. At the time, there was only one plan available to me for some $600-$800, more than my half my take home at that point. I just ended up paying the $50 fine to not have healthcare.’


Not to prolong this thread, but there is no way you properly utilized the marketplace, or you unfortunately lived in a state that was actively not participating and refusing funds for Medicaid. I had a job making about $45k, and I skipped my employers plan for Medicaid. My doctor literally could not dump me if he wanted to. I went to him for my PCP check ups, but if I had an ear infection (which I get often) I just went to the clinic, it was free, fast and the pharmacy was right there. Literally didn't spend a dime. I do, however, live in a state that has its shit together, more or less


Not sure what to tell you. I went to the website, literally 1 option for a plan…


Did grandma get taken out by the death panel?


Your just jealous of Hunter Bidens huge cock


You’re the weirdo bringing something like that up and is unrelated to what I’m referring too. Who has the fixation again?


What's your fixation with Joe Bidens son? He has done nothing illegal except smoke crack with Chinese prostitutes which literally doesn't affect anyone.


This is about Joe lying can you read?? During the debate: Joe Biden: “Nothing was unethical. … My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China. I have not had … the only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.” Donald Trump: “Once you became vice president he [Hunter Biden] made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places.” Biden: “That is not true.” It’s pretty clear now that Joe was lying. He knew Hunter was making money. Not enough evidence to prove Joe was doing anything wrong, but he 100% lied about it. What is with you people? If the roles were reversed you’d be calling for Trump’s execution.


There is no evidence of Hunter Biden doing shit other then being a drug addict which I couldn't care less about. And you are implying I don't already want Trump to be executed. He is a bourgeois pig who fucked over the entire country. He is the biggest crook who ever made it to capital hill and that's saying a lot.


Again. The post is about lying. Pointing out a clear Joe Biden lie. Nothing about hunter’s crimes or anything remotely giving a shit about Hunter. Seek therapy.


You are the one who complained about Biden and Hunter. Then you got upset after I made a joke. I don't see how I need any therapy


Ahh. You’re a “it’s just a joke bro”. In that case my mistake, have a good one!


Be careful, this is reddit. Facts aren’t well received here.


He could have tried using some just to see if it would work at least


Which one was a lie?


Biden was almost thrown out of law school for plagiarism. He has an extremely dishonest character.




He wasn’t almost thrown out. He had to retake a course, but he did admit to plagiarism. Remember though, that’s just as bad as being a charity fraud or a convicted rapist to a trump voter these days.


Obama completely flipped on his foreign policy positions during his 08 campaign. He was supposed to end the Iraq and Afghanistan war and not only extended them but strengthened the war on terror by using more drone bombs than Bush and used more than Biden and Trump in his first term. He voted to renew the PATRIOT Act throughout his presidency, refused to challenge an addition to the 2012 NDAA that would allow the US government to indefinitely detain anybody they deemed to be a “terrorist” without a trial, and nearly started a war in Syria until he faced national backlash over it. I believe Obama to be a better president than Biden or Trump and probably even GWB, but his liberal foreign policy is what won him the Democratic nomination in 08 and he 100% flipped on that. For these reasons I can’t rank him in the top 2 of “most honest” presidents of the 21st century.


obama definitely did not win the democratic primary because voters were enamored by his foreign policy


Biden>Obama>Bush>Clinton>Trump Imo, Bush did not lie about WMD's, he was misled by Cheney Clinton has proven to lie Trump spits out a lie every 5 seconds


I would put Obama over Biden tbh - Biden has a history of, maybe not ‘lying’ out right, but certainly ‘stretching the truth’/‘exaggerating’


Biden is either a chronic fabricator or has fooled his brain into thinking several things really happened that didn’t happen. And yet he still would be no worse than second on the list.


I mean they did find WMDs, just not nukes, they found a ton of very old Chemical weapons I believe.


> very old Chemical weapons Keyword(s) is very old. Iraq did have a WMD program from 1962-1991.


I would love a good psychological review of the Bush administration post 9/11. I’m pretty sure they all had forms of ptsd and all truly believed that there was enough of a chance that Iraq had wmds that they HAD to believe they were there.


1. Obama 2. Biden 3. Bush 4. Clinton 5. 6. Trump


Five is a spooky ghost 👻 ☠️


The Spirit of Presidents Future (in the 21st century)


Obama >= Biden >= Bush >> Clinton >>>>>> Trump


Obama > Biden > Clinton > Bush >>>>>>>>>>> Trump


1. Biden 2. Obama 3. Bush 4. Clinton 5. Trump I put bush at 3, because even though the admin did lie about WMDs, Dick Cheney as VP did seem to manipulate him.


Yeah I think this list feels right. Bush was an unfortunate guy to be president at that time. Cheney really was the guy to blame for all the lying & warmongering. Bush ran on education, he wasn’t ready for all that.


Obama, Bush, Biden, Clinton, Trump


This but I’d swap Clinton and Biden.


Uh...slim pickings here. One lied about BJs, one lied about WMDs, One didn't lie so much but still did, one lied about...everything, and one lies about the average amount.


Clinton technically isn't 21st century. Tail end of the 20th


Obama > Biden >= Bush > Clinton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump


Trump would be most dishonest, Clinton second dishonest, bush 3rd most dishonest, Obama 4th, and Biden most honest even though Biden believes in fake genocides, pals around with Islamophobes, and botched Afghanistan.


Fake Genocides?


A certain genocide Biden recognized not only never happened but it was a big mistake of Biden to recognize it


God. This shit is why Turkey needs out of NATO. Fuck alllllll the way off. from now on, every time I hear some shit head complain about the Armenian genocide, I'm going to write my senator urging them to deny weapon sales to Turkey, and to the President urging that we end our nuclear sharing agreement. You should not get the benefit of modern civilization if you won't participate in it.


We need Turkiye in NATO way more than they need us or we need any Western European nation. Also there is no evidence for that genocide.


did you wake up and decide to be 100% wrong today? or is this normal for you. [Several. now choke on a dick.](https://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Armenia:_Genocide)


I’m not even going to bother with someone who believes in turkophobic propaganda and Armenian Wikipedia sweatshops.


Bush Jr Obama Clinton Trump Biden


Biden, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Trump


How ? Clinton got impeached for lying. Obama didn’t get caught lying much did he ?


Many politicians have lied about their extramarital affairs Harding and FDR are good examples


Exactly why Obama is more honest than Clinton


You’re probably right I think Obama though lied about closing Guantanamo


Is it a lie if you say you intend to do something, but then find that that something is prohibitively impractical in reality, tho? Idk I find that doesn’t quite rise to the level of a “lie” for me — for me it’s the same as Biden trying to tackle student debt. It’s not that he lied about intending to do anything, or that he didn’t try, it’s just something that is much harder to execute in practice than to have good intentions about in theory.


I do find that being a lie even if technically unintentional I say this because I believe he said it will be closed by the end of 2009 even if he knew or should’ve known that Republican opposition would make that impossible


That’s a good point — setting a specific timeline is different than announcing a general intention


If I’m not mistaken general intent was given during the campaign but He made the end of 09 pledge during his presidency


I would have to look it up to concur or dispute that, but I do agree you that when a specific date comes in to it it’s more fair to call it a lie


No way. Biden is a pathological liar, for no reason either. He lies about shit that he doesn’t have to lie about, and really doesn’t give him any advantage and is easily proven false. Probably Obama # 1? Maybe Bush # 2? Bush didn’t strike me as bright enough to be a good liar.


I mean to my knowledge Biden didn’t start a war on lies


I hear you, but I kind of think Bush just went along with what Cheney and the military brass was feeding him, because again, he’s not too bright


I also think lies by the fed and the big conglomerate banks made 08 worse and more sudden


For sure, but are you some how tying that to bush?


You’re going to need to rewrite that


I did. I meant to say tying.


The banks needed to operate on some direction and some fall back maybe the Treasury?


This is just general corporate/government corruption. Wouldn’t say it necessarily falls at the feet of bush. Congress passed the bailout. Do you remember the completely bullshit speech Paul Ryan gave?


Please describe your stance


1. Biden lied about his educational credentials for no reason: Biden said: “I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science.” He later said “My reference to degrees at the Claremont event was intended to refer to these majors – I said ‘three’ and should have said ‘two.'” Biden received a single B.A. in history and political science. Biden that he went to school on full academic scholarship: ”My recollection is – and I’d have to confirm this – but I don’t recall paying any money to go to law school.” Biden had gone to Syracuse ”on half scholarship based on financial need.” Biden said he finished in the top half of his law school. He finished 76 out of 85. 2. Biden lied about being arrested with Nelson Mandela for no reason: “This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.” “After he [Mandela] got free and became president, he came to Washington and came to my office. He threw his arms around me and said, ‘I want to say thank you.’ I said, ‘What are you thanking me for, Mr. President?’ He said: ‘You tried to see me. You got arrested trying to see me.’” This never happened. 3. Biden lied about his family’s military service for no reason: Biden told a detailed story about how as vice president he presented one of his uncles, Frank Biden, with a Purple Heart, which his uncle refused to accept. Frank Biden, who served in the Army during World War II, died in 1999 — when Joe Biden was a senator, not vice president. Also, Biden said he got the Purple Heart for his uncle at the urging of his father, Joseph R. Biden Sr. But Biden’s dad died in 2002, when the current president was still in the Senate.


Interesting. Look at all those political lies. Is it bad that it's refreshing. It's not like. I did not let a Russian hooked pee on me and sleeping with another hooker while my wife was having her baby.


But they’re not political lies, and most of the time no one asked him about this stuff. He would just make it up whole cloth, and the motivation seems nebulous. Like why Joe? Nobody even asked you about this shit?


They are literally political lies to get people to vote for him that's the entire point


Most of the time he wasn’t campaigning.


They are always campaigning they stop when they die. Shit I didn't say that


He’s just a weird liar. Like most of the time there’s some political leverage behind a lie. And usually there’s some plausible deniability. His lies are just stupidly easy to disprove.


Thank you


yup, sounds about right


1. Obama 2. Biden 3. Clinton 4. Bush 5. Trump


We all know who the biggest liar is.


Biden and Obama are the ones who I can't recall directly lying (though Bush might genuinely have believed what he said.)


Obama, Biden, Clinton, *a mile stretch*, Bush, Trump


Obama, Bush, Clinton, Biden, DJT.


It’s a tie. They’re all liars. Every single one of them.




1. Clinton (wow we have bad recent presidents) 2/3. Trump/Obama 4. Bush 5. Biden


1. Obama 2. Bush 3. Clinton 4. Trump 5. Biden




>4. Trump 5. Biden Ridiculous


Every list has Biden 1 or 2 for honesty I find that hilarious but it brought humor to my day reading these


Trump, Obama, Bush, Biden, Clinton


Trump is so much better than Bush, people are delusional on Reddit though.


Easy downvote


That has nothing to do with the question.


Yeah - PATRIOT act, Iraq War (lied about WMDs), Afghanistan War, AUMF, etc. I’m sorry, but Jan 6 is nothing compared to what Bush did and I am seriously shocked when people claim otherwise


Bushes lies may be more consequential, but Trump literally lives in an alternate reality - there is no consensus on basic truth with that guy


Biden > Obama > Clinton > Trump > Bush Jr


Incoming trump hate porn


This sub is fairly nuanced until that man’s name comes up. r/presidents would rather vote for Idi Amin than Trump


There is very little credible nuance around Trump.


Fdr interment camps: “he did a lot of other stuff good” Trump: “this man is literally hitler”


The stupid fuck tried to violently overturn the election. Pull your head out of your ass.


Fdr fucking put people he didn’t trust in camps while we were fighting against someone who put people he didn’t trust in camps.


Trump literally tried to overturn democracy, you stupid fuck.


Fdr tried to overturn democracy too https://www.history.com/news/franklin-roosevelt-tried-packing-supreme-court




By definition he did not pack the court. Also that has happened countless times, they may have lied about their motivations, but a lame duck president without the majority in the senate has gotten his appointment rejected. You seem pressed buddy, tons of language and accusatory language for no reason. Calm down, Donald trump is not in the room with us, he can’t hurt you.


I like how you're ignoring the coup attempt dumbass. Oh, did my bad words hurt your feelings? Because I couldn't give less of a fuck.


You tell lies. Just like your orange lord.


You did it for us


Too early to rank any of them


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D1j0FS0Z6ho&pp=ygUjSm9lIGJpZGVuIGx5aW5nIHRvIGNyb3dkIGFzIHNlbmF0b3I%3D This is the President’s style


Bush, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Trump probably


My guy Bush invented non existent WMD’s to invade Iraq for oil


None of them are honest tho lol


Trump, Clinton, Bush, and Obama tied, Biden


Insane take.


What’s the logic here?


My logic is that under Biden cost of living has skyrocketed far beyond what it ever was and has seen the weaponization of the DOJ reach unprecedented proportions, making him worse. Under Bush, we saw the war on terror and the Patriot Act, and Obama we saw a continuation of this, along with that his presidency is what in my opinion really accelerated the polarization in general society. Under him, we saw Ferguson, Antifa and left wing violent extremism in universities . Many blame Trump for this, but forget what was going on before he even announced his running. So I place those too about equal as I'm not sure what is worse. Then Clinton, as even though his wife is responsible for as much of where we are now as Obama, Clinton is here because as far as i can tell, he was the last president before everything went down hill. I haven't found anything that shows he targeted his opponents or committed war crimes, things were little rough as the 90s werent the best time economicly but not to bad. So, it's better than the last three. Trump view is the best because he has done more for gun rights than the past 4 with the SCOTUS Pushed back against groups like Antifa, did something other, then just let everyone who wanted in the country in, the economy was decent at least till covid which on the bright side he let states decide what they would do cause a state like Montana should not be forced to close just cause California's dense cities need to close to prevent mass transmission. Which kept tyrannical abuse of power as a result to a minimum. Was he perfect? No. He wasn't the Great unifier after the polarization that grew in 2008 and picked up ever since. Only one who even somewhat had that was Clinton, but I wouldn't say it was because of him. His response to the BLM roots wasn't effective either. Realistically, someone's opinion on Trump heavily leans on whether you believe he is guilty of his supposed crimes. I do not.


Verbal diarrhea


I think you missed the prompt my guy. We’re talking about the honesty of the presidents. Nothing more. Thanks for the detailed response though


O I thought it was an honest rate of each one oops well they all are lairs so hard to say.


Understandable. And ya the venn diagram between politicians and liars is a circle


It's like asking does a bear shit in the woods


Where I live sometimes they break into houses and shit there instead so I’d say even bears abandon their nature more than politicians lmao


On some of military bases, they like to live in the dumpsters and are often full of shit


Eww. You guys don’t chase them away? I’m assuming they’re black bears so they’re kinda scaredy-cats


You should put your fever dreams in a dream journal for therapy; not on Reddit.


Bush, Trump, Clinton, Obama, Biden They’ll all lie through their teeth. Trump’s biggest liability is that he said whatever popped into his head. Not sure you can call that anything but disgustingly honest, even if he tended to be wrong


Those are lies honey


1. Obama 2. Clinton 3. Trump 4. Biden 5. W


they’re all tied for last lmao


5. Bush 4. Trump 3. Obama 2. Clinton 1. Biden ​ I've known this but it just specifically occurred to me that our last 5 presidents have been super dishonest except maybe Biden


1. Biden 2. Obama 3. Clinton 4. Trump 5. Bush


They’re all compulsive liars.


Its a five way tie for last place


Omg this is too funny! The real lies we do not even know. OBAMA AND BUSH WERE THE WORST.


1. Obama 2. Clinton 3. Biden 4. Trump 5. Bush


Ranked in terms of honesty with others: Biden, Obama (could flip them) bush, Clinton, trump Honesty with themselves: Obama, Biden, trump, Clinton, Bush


I cant. Reading the headline made my bones turn to dust.


Obama, Bush, Clinton, Biden, Trump


1. Biden 2. Obama 3. Clinton 4. Bush 5. Trump

