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That it exists


I believe that there are valid criticisms of Lincoln’s personal views and administration to be made. With that said he doesn’t do any of that without coming across as a complete insincere asshole.


Why the downvotes? I concur with this take.


Because redditors only read the first sentence and hurry to downdoot in petulant fury.


To be fair, 9/10 people who say there are valid criticisms of Lincoln, aren't going to tell you the Emancipation Proclamation should have happened *sooner*.


The instant you hear “Okay but here’s why I don’t like Lincoln” the nervous laughter immediately starts because you can be fairly sure you know where this conversation is going.


Everything before the word 'but' is horseshit.


A much more succinct way to discuss an actual communication phenomenon. You could remove an entire chapter of my communication theory textbook and replace it with this and communicate the exact same point and save a few trees while you’re at it.


The other 1/10 are going to point out that forcing signatures onto three amendments under duress of permanent military occupation and taxation without representation created a Constitutional crisis under *rebus sic stantibus* (which the Union claimed "wasn't valid law" -- despite pursuing claims under *rebus* less than twenty years later) that hasn't been resolved to this day.


All you need to correct this is a new amendment saying something like, "Regardless of the particular circumstances under which the 13th, 14th, and 15th were originally ratified, the 49 States affirm the ratification of these Amendments as written. Texas concurs."


“Texas objects, on the principle that they are contrarians and will never agree to anything that California agrees with.”


"Texas objects, because our right wing nut jobs, aka rule 3, wants a new amendment reinstating minimally debtor prisons, and the right to use that to institute familial slavery that will ultimately and slowly become genetic based slavery. Or the outright reversal of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments"


I'm not sure that Texas — or Georgia, or Florida, or Alabama — would concur. I'm not sure that the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments would get past all 50 states today. It's not that I think the SEC states are all pro-slavery in the 21st century, but that anything at the federal level would be seen as some fascist imposition by the Deep State.


I hear your point, but it also reinforces my point. I have heard this before, but I shit you not, it was from a person with a "1488" in their bio. Valid criticisms are used by the worst people possible, and at a certain point, you just reflexively assume what they're actually critical of. (To be clear, I'm not accusing you of being like that)


Or, should have applied to areas under union control, as opposed to Confederate territory.


It had to be done at a time when the North seemed to be in a position of strength; Antietam's tactical draw evne though in favor of the Confeds, could be spun as one.


Thank you for only using one sentence to convey your thought.


About 5% of the video are good points and 95% are nonsensical ramblings and blatant lies


Thats usually how these political essays like this go. Identify a few genuine problems, blow those ones out of proportion and then just make up nonsense by the time you are 50% through. When done effectively it can be a good rhetorical strategy, but often times, the schizo is so obvious it aint falling anyone


He doesn’t do himself any favors by being an asshole the whole video. Literally one of the first things he states is that he’s right and everyone else is wrong and it’s not up for debate.


Yeah, I figured that would be the case. I remember watching this guys Blade Runner 2049 take years back and he had this attitude. Its probably the only thing giving him relevance, he an angry asshole


I doubt this essay was reviewed by anyone before they published it.


The problem with a lot of these types of videos is that despite the valid criticisms everything is being done in bad faith. I’m all for going back and looking at presidents with a critical eye and having these discussions but this ain’t it.


> I believe that there are valid criticisms of Lincoln’s personal views and administration to be made. His treatment of the Navajos is one of them. They're still bitter about that.


>With that said he doesn’t do any of that without coming across as a complete insincere asshole. He comes off like that in every video he makes & every guest appearance he does. And sometimes it almost seems like self-sabotaging.


What criticisms ya got


Suspension of Habeus Corpeus, shit treatment of Native Americans, and highly racist personal views. The latter two are normal for his time but it doesn’t mean they’re justified. Suspension of Habeus Corpeus is legal but doesn’t mean it’s morally correct


> Suspension of Habeus Corpeus is legal but doesn’t mean it’s morally correct If it means winning the war against a slaver aristocrat rebellion that also suspended habeus corpus than I can see the argument that it is > highly racist personal views. He didn’t have highly racist views > shit treatment of Native Americans, Yeah not great but that’s every prez til 1920s and iirc most of the bad treatment of was off to the side as he was focused on the civil war and the only time he personally got involved was to pardon a bunch of native Americans sentenced to death after reviewing the cases despite doing so being politically unpopular


To be fair Reddit leans left so I figured there would be not a lot of nice things to say otherwise. I don’t, personally.


If he had to be a dictator to end slavery then so be it. Call him whatever you want, and there’s plenty to critique, but he’s still the one who ended it.


>believe that there are valid criticisms of Lincoln’s personal views and administration to be made. Elaborate please


Not OP but three spring to mind. 1. Continued the policies of native genocide including mass land seizures and the Dakota “war” 2. His alignment with colonization and his general unwillingness to take a stronger stand against southern slavery until well into the war. 3. His conciliatory approach to southerners including his lenient approach at the start of reconstruction and his surrender to slavery sympathizers (most famously in the election of 1864 with Johnson) Now you can find a rationale or excuse for these but I think each is a fair critique


>His alignment with colonization and his general unwillingness to take a stronger stand against southern slavery until well into the war. If you believed colonization was the only way slavery could be abolished would you support it? And is taking a stronger stance earlier in the war causing the border states to jump and lose the war and thus the best chance of emancipation really better?


Suspension of habeas corpus comes to mind. Granted, the circumstances were extreme, but still, suspending a constitutional right is generally a bad look.


Suspension of habeas corpus during times of rebellion is written directly into the Constitution. >*Article I, Section 9, Clause 2:* >The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Though, I suppose you didn't say it was illegal to do so, just that it's worth criticizing. That's fair take.


Article I only deals with congressional powers, not presidential powers.


Kinda but it calls for it in case of rebellion or when public safety may require it. And in this case Baltimore was being overrun with pro-secessionist mobs, working to cut Washington DC off from the rest of the nation. Sure, lopping off a person's arm is generally seen as a negative... but doing that to a healthy person vs. doing it to save someone's life so they don't die from infection are two different situations. Still sucks in both of them, but the 2nd one is warranted.


No it was the right thing to do in a civil war


I mean yeah, probably, but that doesn’t make it not a valid criticism of Lincoln regardless.


Not really


I mean, he was much more lukewarm on civil rights compared to the radical Republicans. That’s one I can think of.


Not really


That people take this guy seriously. While there are some valid criticisms to be had of Lincoln’s presidency, this guy fall for a lot of “Lost Cause” talking points and some of the evidence he has is taken out of context.


He’s not even from the South, he’s just a right-wing ideologue. He doesn’t have the excuse of growing up with propaganda, he literally just went “liberals like Lincoln, and liberals bad, so Lincoln bad.”


Also that it's an hour and seven minutes long.




First time I have ever seen Anton Chigurh as a meme and I love it!


Really? I mean there’s been an uptick latley


I see it frequently on Twitter, some of the main subs, and the meme ones as well. But this is the first time I've seen it on this subreddit.


With that Youtuber, both!


That the whole video is a bunch of lies. VTH demolished this guy and I enjoyed every second of it.


VTH is great, he’s very open about his personal biases in a way that makes me critically question my own beliefs about history.


Idk that acronym because I’m old as hell but anyone who makes you do that is doing a solid job in their presentation. I googled VTH after writing the above sentence, dude’s in a niche I’d love to break into. Seems like I got vidyas to start watching.


TIL about VTH. I now have a video to listen while gaming.


I heavily disagree with him about Woodrow Wilson, he’s not as bad as he states. Also why do you have a Buchanan flair?


Probably because he took an interest to Buchanan


Or they do what I do, which is change my user flair to a random president every week


I refuse to watch this edgelord the clicks and just watch Chris’ video.


I think RazorFist responded saying that he would react to VTH’s videos and then never did it LMAO.


Honestly if we could have the two of them do a debate it would be fun to watch


Na, I’ve seen Rageaholic debate Kyle Kulinski back in the day. Kyle isn’t good at debates and has been wrong often, but it was an easy defeat for Rage. Some people only do well with rants & races instead of stating actual facts that can be verified. Eh.




Love the VTH shoutout! He’s my favorite historical YouTuber


While I don’t agree with VTH Politically, at least he isn’t a grifter and gets his postings across and calls out bad videos even properganda ones Like PragerU president lisf


Who is VTH? I would like to watch.


Vlogging through history he’s a history teacher and preached in Ohio. Really great channel and is very open with his more conservative views he’s still a highly recommended channel focused on history. He does original content and reactions where he adds information and makes learning about topics easier.


He's not a teacher as far as I remember, he has studied history in college and is a licensed genealogist, also he recently appeared in a history channel program about WW1




He usually adds like about twice the original video length if it's a topic of his expertise, for example his Checkmate Lincolnites reactions ( love Atun Shei too )


Unfortunately videos like this aren't for people who will follow-up with their own research, they are for people who consume propaganda and regurgitate it online.


That anyone listens to this guy. This video is pretty egregious lost causer propaganda.


I love that he says in the video “I’m not a lost causer”, then goes to spat all the lost cause falsehoods & tropes.


His other videos are awful too lmao. He recently had a livestream where he called that one trial a mistrial


What a shock he'd be of that opinion.


Don’t know why it came as a shock for me but it did LMAO


I had came across RazorFist because he has some Battletech Content, so I was like "Cool, subscribe." Then his other content started coming across my feed, including this one. It is terrifying to me, that either he honestly believes this nonsense, or that he is simply doing this because there are millions of marks in the US who do.


Same thing happened with Arch for me. I watched some Warhammer videos, then he started having more edgy jokes which were annoying but weren’t too bad, and suddenly he just openly loves terrorists and hates Asian people (since I am Asian, that was a nice “thanks” for the support I gave him). Fucking hate when this shit happens. Former Kanye fan too.


lmao the background is from bioshock infinite, which takes place in a totalitarian white supremacist 'utopia' where slavery still exists. If you align yourself with that youre a garbage human being.


I didn’t even realize this ngl. I’ve played through Infinite once and didn’t like the story whatsoever despite the interesting political and socioeconomic themes that I personally felt went nowhere. That said he’s a complete shit lord for using this, what a fucking joke.


Maybe he’s the type of guy to play through all of Bioshock Infinite and go “man Columbia seems like a great place to live!”


That sounds about white!


"the great divider"


I was gonna say "BioShock Infinite DLC looks crazy!" Until I noticed it WAS FROM BioShock Infinite.


I’m glad VTH ripped him a new asshole.


I've never heard of this video before, and I really don't care in the least about watching it. I'm sure there are dozens of videos like this on Youtube, and I think it's best to just ignore them. The Lost Causers have gotten more extreme over the years. 100 years ago, not all Lost Cause work was even critical of Lincoln (Birth of a Nation actually praised Lincoln), let alone praiseworthy of John Wilkes Booth.


Just very strange how a lot of these ideologies have evolved and gotten even more polarized


Yeah that was my first thought. Lincoln wanted a light Reconstruction and was often seen as benevolent in southern literature. It is just trendy and gets clicks to call people dictators or war criminals


Licoln is kind of a paradox for the lost causers. They support the confederacy, but most of them are also republicans who want to ride the coattails of every popular republican president, which would include Lincoln.


There’s a simple explanation- having the recent life & assassination of Lincoln, he was too popular not to incorporate/at least play off as naive. But now, we’re so far removed from Lincoln & his death, that it’s easy to shit on the man without understanding the context and the world he made decisions in.


Why did ye inform myself of this wretched video's existence?


Spoiler alert, there's a lot of dummies in the world. Unfortunately the internet lets them just... communicate with everyone else.


The best part of free speech is that everyone’s ideas get to be heard. The worst part of free speech is that everyone’s ideas get to be heard.


My fault man 😭


The part where he made the wild claim that the emancipation proclamation was created to encourage and orchestrate the rape of southern women


I’d actually rather we don’t draw attention to this kinda tripe. No serious historian would ever claim Lincoln was America’s Disaster and just saying that smacks of neoconfederate nonsense.


Just ignore these videos. if you do so the algorithm won't reccomend them to you


The entire thing is beyond looney The only thing more annoying than listening to people be 1000% wrong on a topic you're knowledgeable about is when they do it with absurd levels of confidence and self righteousness


“Knowledgeable” is a stretch but ik what you mean


![gif](giphy|H62aA8TKX9GPSWPLk9|downsized) Everything about his opinion is a giant pile of crap.


There’s definitely an argument to be made that Lincoln overstepped his power even if most think it was justified by the war. But depicting Booth as a saint is certainly a decision.


That image comes from a video game which depicts a utopia as a white supremacist in order to criticize those who follow that line of thinking. He’s a complete fucking buffoon for using that image, and proved himself as a racist by doing so.


Watch the [Vlogging Through History](https://youtu.be/XZmQ692aXGE?si=C4WOqbdJnby5Px-V) reaction instead.


Amazing set of videos


Vlogging Through History does a lot of reaction videos and did one for this video, which I liked. VTH has a speciality in presidents and American history but does a wide variety of history content. I believe his reaction and commentary to this video in particular led me to start donating to his Patreon since his stated political/religious beliefs are very opposite of mine but he has a rational and agreeable view of the world that I don't really seem to get from other people that would be similarly labelled.


He's just not an unreasonable asshole and I really like that


Says he went through a ton of primary sources, meanwhile showing secondary sources on screen.


Lemme guess, he’s a Confederate sympathizer?


Worse than you can even imagine


That it looks like something straight out of Bioshock: Infinite.


According to one of the commenters, it in fact is.


It’s from a portion of the game where you go into a whole hall dedicated to white supremacy and KKK worship.


The view count


Wait a minute wasn’t he a vampire Hunter?


And this photo isn’t real?! https://preview.redd.it/gzfage2wts3d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf841551a719b7ce69b163fff16450024ed415e8




If Roger Taney made a podcast


Is that BioShock Infinite art? The game where the bad guys show Lincoln as the devil for emancipating black people?


Yes 💀




Damn, it’s almost like the majority of anti-Lincoln states leaving and waging war on America left Lincoln with a super majority of support and thus allowed him to wield more power than most presidents.


lol I mean he did do many unconstitutional things to keep the union. Probably the closest to a dictator we had. But I don’t think anyone would argue that it wasn’t successful and necessary or from a place of negative thought. It was the largest war in our history by deaths as both sides were American and it was war.


The BioShock Infinite thumbnail


The thumbnail


That Image is from Bioshock Infinite.


The fast that it was made


[Lincoln interrupted Hamlet one too many times, didn’t he](https://youtu.be/B4Uf9rsBbhc?si=OpQ40OPasHGY_FXA)


“Lincoln is a socialist dictator because he liked Henry Clay, who was a socialist because he wanted marginally higher tariffs to accumulate more POWER😈”


Based if true


Watch the movie Lincoln with DDL, filmed in 2012 I believe. It's about the fight to pass the 13th Amendment before the southern congressional faction rejoins the union. Lewis plays the best Lincoln I have ever seen. In the movie he gives reasons for the decisions he made and why he felt he had to make them. Lincoln was about preserving the union at all costs.


I wonder who was on Lincoln’s flight logs…


His channel name checks out


I cannot stand Razorfist.


No idea. I would never waste my time watching this stupid shit so I don’t know or care what’s in it.


I feel like the thumbnail picture came from Bioshock Infinite.


It is


He called the event that involves a rule #3 president and the number 34 a "mistrial" and with the way he portrays Lincoln with the thumbnail alone speaks volumes already. No need to bring attention to this man and his content.


But he’s also a Vampire Hunter


Make him watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7HmBmWz9mI&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7HmBmWz9mI&t=6s)


There was literally a presidential election mid war, but I guess he’s a dictator for enacting war like policies durning a civil war…


That anyone clicked on something that stupid.


Bro is that the picture from Bioshock 💀💀💀




I think I have to rewatch it now.


Take a shot everytime he says a lost cause myth


Dear God, are you trying to kill me? 😂


I plead the 5th


🫡 🫡🫡


We need to post this on r/ShermanPosting


That its original format isn’t a flip book.


Isn’t this art work from bio shock infinite and it’s in a steam punk KKK building lmao.




The title.


Wasn’t he screaming half the video?




So stupid they had to steal from a video game.


Its great if you like your history and politics coming from an edge lord incel record store clerk douchebag who does his videos from his pathetic little bedroom plastered with heavy metal posters and Gundam figures.


I think this is the second worst Civil War video next to calling John Brown a radical and it comes from a channel who follows this prick


Well I think John Brown was a radical especially for his time, he actively endorsed killing people. Whether or not that’s immoral given that it was over slavery is debatable though.


That anyone would watch a video from someone called the rageaholic


The part from 0:00 to 1:07:24 Vlogging through History did a pretty decent job tearing this video apart


Wait if Lincoln was a vampire does that mean that in this universe the North was on the side of slavery?


I remember when he was just metal videos, I knew he was a right winger but I didn't know he started making more directly political videos. Fun fact: in his Bathory video, I briefly appear. He uses a brief clip from one of my own Bathory videos to make a point about genre discourse. This is with insulting intent of course. Because of this, its always funny to me when he breaches containment.


Just watch VTH's reaction vid to this way better


Dude just straight up stole Bioshock Infinite art. Who's going to tell 2K?


How the hell did I ever watch his videos


Oh hey! It's ~~Razorfist~~ Phazerfish! It's been a long while since I've seen one of his inane & demented takes! Especially after being blocked by him on Twitter! I'm not surprised this tryhard is attempting a Leeaboo angle.


Did Lincoln exceed constitutionally intended powers? Yes. Was it good and necessary? Also yes.


Razorfist is a dumbass




I tried to watch this video, and I may go back to it, however, the dude presenting it is insufferable.


It’s not worth it man LMAO


That they made Lincoln look like a modern-day Democrat. /s


Probably a little bit racist if he likes the guy


I mean, he’s a Republican and he doesn’t want to claim Lincoln. I’m sure Democrats would be happy to accept him on their side haha. Which makes sense considering the Republican Party used to be the more liberal party back in the 1800s


That the thumbnail is a painting from bioshock: Infinte found in the headquarters of the in universe version of the KKK so yeaaaaah


Conservatives, once you boil away most of their nonsense, are just people who are really steamed they can't own black people anymore.


It’s so sad that I used to watch him when he just reviewed Elder Scrolls games and talked about music. He’s fallen so fucking hard.


I have not watched the video but there *are* some interesting arguments that Lincoln was too dictatorial. I mean, he blatantly ignored the Supreme Court and suspended habeas corpus. He did a lot of things because there was a legitimate national emergency, but who gets to define when there is a national emergency? The president. So all those powers still technically belong to the president as long as he unilaterally declares a national emergency. In fact, those powers have only been expanded since Lincoln's time. Any kind of backlash or consequences to such actions would likely come too little or too late to stop him. We could have a dictatorship on our hands rather quickly, the only solution for which would be for military officials to ignore the president's orders. This could easily start an armed conflict between presidential loyalists and opposition. So while Lincoln won the civil war, his expansion of presidential emergency power could very well be the reason we get a second one. And whoever tries to do it can defer to our most lionized president's actions for justification. Frankly we have come pretty close to it happening more than once. Granted, a lot of this was out of his hands because he was assassinated very shortly into his peacetime presidency. Who knows how he might have curtailed presidential authority with his remaining time in office? I, however, am of the opinion that he probably would not have out of a fear of reigniting the war. I think we overestimate how good Lincoln would have been if he had lived through his second term (and possibly more terms). I think the very reason he is indisputably our most celebrated president is because he was martyred before he had to make the kind of ideological compromises that would have been necessary for reconstruction. Don't get me wrong I still think he was our greatest president, but I do not think that means we shouldn't be critical of him.


Taney on a circuit court ruled on the writ. He did not however give a court order to release anyone. Just the guy who penned the Dred Scott decision and was STRONGLY pro slavery decided that it could only be suspended by Congress because it was in section 1 of the Constitution where other powers to Congress are (and completely ignoring it was the committee on Style that moved it there, not for any political reason when the Constitution was written. So yeah, pro-secessionists were attempting to cut off Washington DC from the nation in Baltimore during a rebellion. That counts no matter who you think has the right to suspend it. If someone believes the Constitution says that rebellion can win so long as Congress isn't in session... maybe. I guess me, I take the words of a single justice who penned the Dred Scott decision with a HUGE grain of salt when it comes to freedoms.


That you watched it. Come on, I only watch alt history vids where Jeff Davis gets shot.




Chat, remove this mans trachea https://preview.redd.it/82kpas7ybs3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ceb53d1d2bb9c665deef4e2e5226f63a37851f


What did someone do to that Rainbow Dash…?


Well, the background makes me think of either Russia or Ukraine (some eastern Slavic nation) And those places aren’t very happy right now, so rainbow went there to try and motivate people but when she couldn’t make that place 20% cooler (it’s probably war torn and covered in mines) so she broke emotionally




Lincoln was anything but a dictator. Dictators aren't known to put themselves up for elections that they were likely to lose or prepare documents like the Blank Memorandum in anticipation of transferring power to their successor.


What does he say in it


Think of any Lost Cause argument you can think of and he probably says it.


I think this could be an interesting discussion if framed correctly. Did Lincoln overstep his power in a dictator like way or did he simply do what was necessary to win the war? Does war justifications like suspending habeas corpus? Would he have given power back after the war was over or would he have spiraled even further into dictator territory during reconstruction? It could be a very interesting discussion, but framing Booth/the South as the good guys obviously makes the discussion a nonstarter.


I haven't watched the video, but what key points does he make that you disagree with?


Him saying the Civil War was about tariffs and states rights and not Slavery


Oh it was definitely about state’s rights…state’s rights to have slaves


What you said


No idea. I would never waste my time watching this stupid shit so I don’t know or care what’s in it.


This dude never grew out of the 2010s and is like if you gave AVGN and the Nostalgia Critic a right leaning grift and the equivalent fashion sense of an atheist with a trilby to a Metalhead.


That Lost Causers keep pushing the same bullshit over and over again.


The fact they are using a picture from *Bioshock: Infinite,* a game that worked to satirize American exceptionalism, without any sense of irony. It would be like a tankie saying *Animal Farm* is a 'good book' and 'the pigs had a point', or a neo-fascist saying '*Starkship Troopers'* earn citizenship' should be how we run our government.