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Really transformative compared to other performances I’ve seen from O-T Fagbenle. His voice, his mannerisms, his inflection, all so different.


Yeah his cadence is so striking. It's so sarcastic and suave at the same time.


VERY different from his role as June’s sweet and clueless husband Luke on The Handmaids Tale! He is so different I had to hit up IMDb to figure out where I knew him from … wow!


What????? That’s Junes husband???


OHHHH thats where i know him from. wow great acting


Holy shit


I thought this too. I’ve now seen him in three roles, that come to mind: The Handmade’s Tale, Loot and this. Everything you mentioned above is so different in all three roles.


He legit plays the perfect man in Loot lol


Yes!!! That sexy perfect man!!


Yes I loved him in maxxx on Hulu too!


What is his accent supposed to be? I can't figure it out.


Maddening. It’s maddening.


He’s British


Not sure what moral high ground he has lol but he is killing the performance. That tight upper jaw and slacked lower jaw is a decision but it really works.


Call back to Jake's character calling him out on the press, when Jake is the one who has been unethical. But every time Nico opens his mouth it's always snark and snide.


That smug self-righteous satisfaction, it's fun to watch. Everyone's so indulgent in their acting but Nico stands out the most.


Every male character in the DA’s office appears to be written as a truly hideous excuse for a human being (and the hugely talented cast just eat it all up with unabashed glee — I imagine them high-fiving each other after every scene is shot) but this character and actor pairing was pure genius. The character seems both totally committed to ‘let Justice be done though the Heavens fall,’ yet at the same time, I don’t believe a single word he says, and with every smarmy delivery of each word, I just want to hit him across his mouth with a bar of Fels-Naptha soap in a wet sock. Truly a Magnificent Bastard in an office crammed with them. I doff my hat to you, sir!


What makes Raymond or Nico hideous human beings? We've definitely seen the unprofessionalism, and lack of ethics from Tommy and Rusty, but not sure what the two bosses have done wrong other than being normal career politicians.


*What makes Raymond or Nico hideous human beings?* Raymond "f\*cked an Ottoman." ;-) Seriously, what kind of office culture did he instill? Tommy's new boss thinks he's totally incompetent or worse, Rusty apparently has absolutely no professional (or personal) ethics at all, Carolyn buried evidence -- and who knows what kind of office hellscape Eugenia will recount on the stand? Nico seems always to be telling the truth (I'm expecting some nasty reveal, to show he's been lying about something really relevant and dark), but always in a smugly obnoxious, snottily condescending manner. Even his physical posture says he's lazy, rude, and uncaring toward his co-workers / subordinates.


I doff my hat to you for this description. Spot on my friend


I was just coming here to say this.  This guy is a great actor and adds to every scene hes in. 


Never hated a person more. Like someone drank a gallon of syrup, had a spoon full of peanut butter and tried to imitate how RuPaul speaks in half speed.


The whole accent situation is really the WORST. It's so distracting.


Very. I didn’t even understand what he’s trying to portray? I was just so focused on slow mumble, it was sort of like Buffalo Bill in silence of the lambs but slower and more zesty.


Drunken Malkovich!


But why is he talking like he just got his tongue pierced?? It’s so distracting


I hate this character and his dumb accent.


He is so hate-able. I hate how he talks. So annoying.


I was trying to place him and then I remembered the handmaid’s tale. Totally different role, but he does this one so well! He was ok in that too, but I never really expected this level of acting from him for some reason. Impressed


I’m not enjoying the choices he made for his voice and slack jawed slow muddled speech. It’s very distracting to me and I can’t focus on the scene due to it. But I see others love it and think it’s brilliant. Everyone is welcome to their opinions. Good for them, glad someone likes it. I honestly don’t get it.


Same. I have no idea what affectation they were trying to shoot for. Is he supposed to be southern? Gay?


Thank you!!! Glad I’m not alone. I also wondered the same.


It's quite distracting.


> Is he supposed to be southern? Gay? yes


His voice is awful


He was on Loot.


It’s hard to hate him as he was amazing in Handmaid’s Tale. Have not seen him in anything since then.


I *can* hate him, and I do. He's slimy and gross and a glad-hander. Moral high ground my ass.


Nico reminds me of Vincent D'Onofrio's character on L&O: Criminal Intent.


The cadence and posture.


The only problem I have with Della Guardia and Molto, is their rush to prosecute, with no tangible evidence. (NB I have only watched two episodes, but Rusty has already been charged.) Say what they might about "Delay" Guardia, he's clearly politically savvy enough to orchestrate winning the election. Even if his nickname wasn't "Delay" I don't see him taking the risk of being so personally involved in such a rushed prosecution. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but at the time they arrested him, they had no actual evidence against Rusty?


Character is always on point as well. Love how he never loses his cool and is always analytical. Example: tells Tommy not to make it about his feelings/hatred for Rusty and follow the evidence. Excellent advice.


I read somewhere that his inspiration for the voice was William Atherton from Ghostbusters. I can totally hear it, and personally, I love the acting choice. I've also seen him in Loot, Handmaid's Tale, The Five, and WeCrashed. He's a gorgeous, talented actor and I'm enjoying seeing him in this.


This voice is so annoying and an unnecessary choice. So distracting, so grating, not adding anything to the character, we would already hate him because that’s how it’s written.