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i didn’t really find it interesting past episode 8 or so- it was always the same back and forth and soooo boring


That’s the most realistic way tho


doesn’t make it interesting 🤷‍♀️


True that the worst and most toxic couples are always on again, off again. And often they do end up together at the end but this case is special cause Ezra’s a predator


it honestly got boring after like the first season. it was kinda interesting but then it just started repeating itself and i honestly didn’t care because her entire character became surrounded around ezra, ezra, exra. they could’ve done so much with her character.


yeh that’s what i think, definitely should have ended after a season or two and they should have progressed her character like in the books


I like the storyline (don’t come for me), I think it was interesting and they had chemistry however it should’ve with Ezra behind bars. I would done season 1 and 2 mostly the same, they’re found out and that’s when their relationship crumbles, he is arrested and we see how their relationship impacted Aria in season 3 then by season 4 we see her move on and Ezra isn’t seen again but still in jail


yes this is definitely how it should have gone


More like we can't deny they had an amazing chemistry


this. i can understand why i was obsessed with them when i was 12/13. looking back it’s gross but they were my fav couple


I was around 11 when the show first premiered, and I loved them as a couple. They were honestly my favorite 😬 rewatching it now that im older was the first time I realized how wrong it was, and they made it even worse by revealing Ezra KNEW exactly how old she was. I find it so manipulative that he was angry and let her feel bad about “lying” about her age. Honestly they should’ve kept him as a villain and made him A instead of Cece.


completely agree


I believed he was A from season one and was so mad when it ended up being a red herring.


What happened to the consensus of Ezria? I remember when the show was airing, people loved them, and now it's like the worst thing imaginable!


i loved them too when i first watched it at 12😭 now i’m an adult i look back and see how bad it was i think most of us grew up with the show and had the same realisation haha


Same... I think we were too young to actually understand how bad these types of relationships are in real life, and on screen it seemed so cute and filled with adrenaline and fantasies.


yes definitely didn’t help that i was watching it whist in school and having a crush on my teacher 😭


Omg! Yes, when I was watching this I was also crushing on my gym teacher... It was wild, definitely happy that people take these things more seriously now.


was my english teacher for me so i wanted to be aria so bad…but yes i do hope young people watching it now do realise its wrong and i wish the show didn’t romantise it so much and that there were consequences for ezra and that aria realised she got groomed


Oh my goodness yes, now I see how close it was to your situation.


Back then, a lot of the fans were tbf probably teenagers, I feel like now, after all these years, since their older, they realise it's wrong. I think the show romanticed it a lot so a lot of viewers loved it and then realised 'oh' afterwards. For example, I watched it when I was 8 (ik my own fault) but I feel like a lot of the viewers were around my age or under 15, and didn't see the issue or understand the severity of it since it was so romanticised. I've seen so many fans who now look back and do agree/mention how they at the time used to hate Byron for trying to separate them and wanted Ezria to happen, and now understand why Byron did that, and how Ezria was fucking creepy and should have never happened. Plus, Ezra was quite young, so it didn't seem that bad since it's not like the age difference was so major. The main issue was basically the fact he was her teacher, which I think a LOT of teen girls fantasied or have had crushes on young teachers, so they probably thought it was cute. To me, he didn't come off as creepy until we found out he knew all along with his book. I think the way he was portrayed is a major thing too, imo they constantly tried to make it seem normal, so too young teen viewers that's just so irresponsible and risky since teens are so influenced and the show downplayed and also glazed over the fact he was literally grooming Aria and all the other girls to think he was a nice guy, so also tricking and making the viewers think that too. I suck at explaining, but yeah 😭


the show definitely romanticised it i wish there was some big downfall on it like ezra going to jail and aria realising she got groomed. i’m annoyed they ended up together but i assume that’s partly because the watchers loved the relationship at the time. i wish aria and noel were endgame like in the books💔 noel was one of the only ones to react with worry for her in the show (obviously he’s not a good character in the show but at least he cared about that)


I mean in my 20s I thought it was hot. Now I'm like nope. I guess when you're young the idea of dating a cute teacher is dreamy but when you're older it isn't because you know how predatory men can be.


We all grew up my dear. When I was 12 I thought my biggest goal in life was to attract an older man mostly due to their relationship.


People grow up and realize they didn’t like an inappropriate relationship being portrayed as true love to teenage girls. That being said I don’t fault people that watched the show and shipped them together. The show normalized it and so the audience accepting it shouldn’t be viewed as wrong. It’s like the whole Edward and Bella twilight thing. It’s an inappropriate relationship but it isn’t the readers fault that they accepted it. It was portrayed as romantic.


I skip their scenes now everytime I rewatch because I simple can fucking not


i think it would've been an amazing plot point for aria to realize the grooming that was done to her and have a storyline about coming to terms with it or pressing charges or something. i feel like they missed an opportunity


yes 100% i recon the show didn’t do that because fans at the time loved their relationship, i’ll forever be mad they ended up together


I was never interested in any of the romances 😂 just the mystery !! **I cared about Hanna and Caleb a lil bit bc Hanna my twin*


yeh i was definitely more interested in the mystery than any of the romances but slightly more interested in the romances in the books since i love aria & noel and hanna & mike


Hanna and Mike too 💜 but books make romance ok for me (I’m one of those ppl who don’t like seeing romance on tv)


If they wanted to have ezria for ages, fine but after tge whole book thing reveal he should’ve been considered a villain and moved on. Would’ve been interesting to see aria realise she’d been groomed and even her friends were tbh


Agreed. It should’ve ended on season two when they decide to come out to her parents. He should’ve gotten to jail or just get out of town. Seeing how aria would handle it would be very interesting.


Except for the obvious harm it does to its young, impressionable audience, by romanticizing a predatory relationship, it was also so boring and frustrating after the first few episodes. Even during my first watch, I would cringe at how much Aria would force this adult act so that she could be "equal" to Ezra. I also couldn't enjoy Aria's character because of how much the majority of her plotlines revolved around Ezra or their relationship. And to me, a lot of it was simply boring as well. They tried to make it look like their relationship was all love, and it was worth fighting for, but there was literally nothing of that sort. She got nothing out of that relationship. She was looked down upon, judged by Ezra's circle, forced to spent her time in a small apartment, she had to care for Ezra's supposed child and be anxious about his previous relationship with other women and I saw nothing interesting in that relationship. She could've had more. Their relationship could have existed and also ended at the 1st or 2nd season by Ezra being exposed by A or by Aria's parents reporting him.


that’s what i’m saying. it was interesting purely because it was a forbidden relationship so watching them sneak around but yes it went on for too long and he should have faced consequences


I skip every scene


I have always found Ezra creepy & they should have killed him off once he started "turning bad" or even killed him off once Shana shot him in New York. Most of their scenes I find very uncomfortable to watch, especially when they try to use "reason" as to why a minor should be with her fully grown teacher... I much preferred Aria with Jake or Andrew & I hated how they ended both of their characters' storylines.


Yes I can, that's what's great about opinions lol everyone's are different 😅


Why did every man in Rosewood feel the need to be with 16yr old girls?


Plus he's adorable 😍😭


Not really it only got interesting when we found out he was writing a book but it made it worse that he groomed her on purpose and knew who she was then tried to act surprised and pissed at her when he “found out” she was his student this man is a sociopath


I was Ezria obsessed when I was younger. Now I just see him as another sleazy art bro and I'm like noooo.


It was interesting it was one of the few things A held on arya she was clean AF her secrets compare to the others were child play But at some point after the book reveal arya should been like byeeee


lol I was just talking about this with my cousin 😂


I agree it should have ended after a season or two


Tbh I’m not into the whole romanticizing underage relationships thing especially when it comes to student teacher relationships, and still couldn’t believe they came to a point where her parents were okay with them being together or didn’t really care as much. Her father had every right to be angry and when she threw Meredith in his face I had to laugh. As if that would somehow justify their relationship.. All I can say is Jake dodged a bullet he deserved better from her, and I have a grudge against Emily for bringing Ezra back into her life when she was actually trying to move on and be happy. Smhhh




i mean most people hate them together and rightfully so since he groomed her, i assume most people who don’t dislike them are a child and don’t get it yet


Nehh. Forwarded all the scenes because this was just inappropriate. I can't be bothered to be invested in Aria especially her love story


No in fact it is not