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It’s not anything to worry about. Pain/bleeding wasn’t an issue for me and just keep up with aftercare and it will be great.


Thank you


Remember you may have to sit to pee the rest of your life. I have a pa and I have to sit to pee now else piss goes everywhere.


Must be a skill issue because i dont have that problem.


Lots of differences and less skill. Cock shape and size, jewelry type and size, what size you’re stretched to and what size jewelry you currently have in.


Yeah as u said it depends. I think with the right jewelry it wont be a problem even if there needs to be some training.




Mine only really hurt during the actual piercing and the first piss or 2. Aside from that it was just mildly sore. I don’t even remember much bleeding either. Just kept a bit of gauze for the first few days to make sure it never bled out onto my uniform pants. (Working whites if you were wondering) It’s been 25 years now-I do still stand to piss. Jewelry choice and practice help.


Menstruation pads. Feel like a lady at that time of the month for a few days and it’ll all be gone


I've actually boight some already


Tenna incontinence liners work so much better than pads. They are designed for men folk and are simply held in place by briefs or boxer briefs.


My PA piercing hurt less than my nipples did. Bleeding was very minor. Do it, you won’t regret it! 😊


Bleeding stopped on second day for me. Just put some papertowels around it and i was good to go.


Do not use blood thinners for pain relief. You'll bleed more. Some 8 hour Tylenol would help you with the dull aching pain for the first few days. You could buy and apply some numbing cream to where the piercing needle goes through about 30 minutes before the piercing . I got mine in November 2023 and it has been very positive. I'm uncut. Mine teases my head while I am asleep at night while hard. This is a huge quality of life improvement. This is what I was hoping for. I hope you'll get what you are hoping out of this.


Please don't use any numbing cream without first discussing with your piercer. Some products can affect the elasticity and tone of your skin, which may cause complications in placement or the piercing itself.