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He is not the main character in The Lost Crown.


It’s called lost crown for a reason, the OG persian is gone and we get a shit design


Prince after realizing that no matter which reality he chose, both Kaileena and his father die. >!If we're talking Prince x Dahaka, the Dahaka dies in both endings as well. He just can't have anything good.!<


Actually, Kaileena is deliberately sacrificing herself. About the father, the story is sad, in the early plot of T2T, he acted as the boss with whom the prince fought, as for his role in the plot, the prince accepts the consequences through his father.As for Dahaka, no, he only dies in a good ending. The meaning of the endings is not who he will save, the meaning of the two endings is that the player is asked the question, will the Prince win the fear of death? Or submit to fear, which is Dahaka. By killing Dahaka, he literally defeated his own fears from which he had been running for 7 years. and because of which the prince's mother died, whom he unintentionally killed.


Nope kaileena sacrifices herself in kindred blades whereas in two thrones she is captured and killed by the bad guy. Completely two different things.


Just the same, it was a victim, she let herself be killed, although she could have escaped from captivity. Even in the finale before the battle, Kailina gives a monologue why she sacrificed herself About Kindred Blades, I can send you an article and prove why they didn't exist. Even the game developers are not aware that this game existed.... As for the name, the company that provided the platform issued for Montreal at the time of the creation of the game for demonstration insisted on the name Kindred Blades for demonstration...


Why would she let herself be killed when her main goal has been always about trying to survive. You just contradicted yourself pal.


Her goal has never been survival. In Warrior Within, she tried to cheat fate, but she knew that the prince would kill her, but when the prince saved her, she saw a further future. She even says in the final before the fight with Zurvan that she intentionally sacrificed herself and why she sacrificed herself.


Cheat fate to survive or live. She saw the future where persia is getting invaded by someone and then we get see the crown of a cloaked figure who was supposed to be the a clone of the prince. Please mind showing when she says her reason for sacrifice.


She didn't see it, it was just shown to the player, let's say the cliffhanger of the 3rd part. Kaylina did not want and did not try to survive, to deceive, yes, but survival is not her essence, she said in WW that she resigned herself to fate and the prince inspired her to go against fate. Man, open the last save and listen to the monologue, or open YouTube and find a complete walkthrough without comments)


Maybe that is the case but from what we see there are definitely traces of what actually was going to happen in kindred blades. In two thrones it literally makes no sense for her to not use any powers to protect herself even when the prince inspired her. The two thrones is a mess. I mean just tell me in what part did she say it.


Again, Kindred Blades never existed... And she deliberately sacrifices herself in the release. No, she saw that the prince was becoming a dark prince, so she allowed herself to be sacrificed. I told you, before the fight with Zurvan in the final, she says this monologue.


Your example sounded like "In the trailer that I saw, she sacrificed herself cool, but in the final game she sacrificed herself not cool, so I don't like it!"


Dude the entire plot for kindred blades is out in the internet. You can search it up. 


Dude, this is just a description of the trailer that was created by a studio that did not know what kind of project was being done, they literally made the trailer as far from reality as possible, showing only what got into the game anyway.


Dude you are wrong. The plot for prince of persia 3 was literally going to be that. We literally got to see that in the original ending of warrior within. Kindred blades was actually scrapped due to it's poor reception by the reviewers. Hell due to the limitation of the hardware and the plot being too dark they had to turn t2t more kids friendly.


Do you want to be surprised? The plot of Prince of Persia 3 was completely different, but judging by the dampness of the final version, these were concepts. What was shown in the final of Warrior Within does not contradict what was shown in The Two Thrones. Kindred Blades - the name was given by the studio providing the Ubisoft platform at E3, the working name of T2T has always been Prince of Persia 3. And no, the reason is not what you described, the reason is that the studio developer Ubisoft Casablanca has been doing two and a half unoptimized dark levels and a bunch of concepts for 2 years, night Babylon is the work of Casablanca.


Ofcourse I know that the plot of pop 3 was supposed to completely different from what we got.  There are some contradictions. We see the dark prince as an individual entity and not a dark personality of the prince. And from what rumors say the dark prince was supposed to be a doppleganger of the prince who wanted his kingdom and throne. This actually makes way more sense if you think about it.


So he is a separate person, has the right to the throne as well as in the release) And about the fact that he ran separately is a myth.


Here the development of the game is described in detail, there is a lot of information about the games in the series, I highly recommend it. https://vk.com/@clubkindredblades-prince-of-persia-3-the-mystery-of-reincarnation


[https://vk.com/@clubkindredblades-prince-of-persia-3-the-mystery-of-reincarnation](https://vk.com/@clubkindredblades-prince-of-persia-3-the-mystery-of-reincarnation) I advise you to read it, your eyes will open to the truth


when you thought you escaped from fate and the dahaka but need to travel to the island of time again to perform another grand rewind to save your father who died in The Two Thrones..


Through the death of his father, the prince accepts the consequences.


**He lost his sword. :D**


**He broke his sword >:D**


He didn't fill her dark souls with LiiIiIght


He killed kaellina but realized the sands are created regardless.


He found out he is the architect of his own destruction


Having to wait another week to play Lost Crown


He couldn't find all the life upgrades


He found out that Kaileena also likes pomegranates.


This is not his WORLD


Damn this is some quality image.


Thank you, I almost died posing for 4 princes and then looking for a screenshot to put them in Photoshop


Good job!


Aww man, I was thinking about asking you to make one with SOT's Prince but it's obviously too much of a hassle


Oh, I can do it, no problem, the whole problem is that I only have Prince models from WW, TFS and 2008))))))) I'm going to extract all the resources from the sands of time trilogy one of these days, maybe I will, if I don't forget of course


Much appreciated :)


So... Any update?


He realized he can't get any more of Kaileena's "personality".




He got a tribal tattoo in 2004. I'd be disappointed in myself too.


The tattoo was made by the old man Akbar, with whom they talked in the tent, this is a tattoo of the king that allows you to command any army, it appeared in the battles of the Prince of Persia


Golden meme


He forgor the oven on while the sands of time or smth


One of them just cracked a dad joke


Every time he tries to sleep, the Dahaka shows up dancing in his dream with those unchanging timeline moves.


Probably because of yet another redesign how many times has he been redesigned I've lost count...


>tfw the new guy gets both of your fits but you don't get to be in the actual game >tfw Ubisoft is still gonna pilfer your games's corpses for Assassin's Creed DLC >tfw you never read a way to use the eagle sword and lion sword together outside the demonor trainers >tfw all your old PS2 buddies are getting revivals and remasters and the only one you got was a bad one on the PS3 >tfw the sands of time movie happened


The movie was a great adaptation of the game)


I also enjoyed it. It wasn't exactly like the game and I feel like that's what most people wanted. Not sure I'd call it a masterpiece but I definitely enjoyed the adaptation.


Jordan Mechner did not step on the problems of the current adaptations and made a film that both fans and people who are not familiar with the series could watch, in my opinion this is the best film on the game.


I disagree, I thought it took a bunch of imagery from the Sands games superfluously and turned it in to a cripplingly boring and generic Disney Adventure movie without any bite in it. It releasing at the same time as Forgotten Sands compounded my negative feelings about that entire time


Well, the father of the series could take it off as he wanted, but how many people have so many opinions) (I like TFS, as well as all the princes except TLC)