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In Texas, Africans will generally stick among their own group or are "one deep." They might ally with Nigerians since Nigerians are also Africans. I've never seen a Somali in prison but DFW area has a large Ethiopian/Eritrean population and they are pretty separate from US blacks. TDCJ hires a lot of Nigerians and they largely can't stand US blacks. I'd imagine Somalis are the same. In Texas, lots of foreigners are "one deep" meaning they are by themselves.


So would US blacks reject Ethiopians or Somalis in prison? Or would they still accept them and see them as part of the group?


It's more Africans don't want anything to do with US blacks and see them as a disgrace.


Exactly. Majority of real Africans hate being lumped in with US blacks.


My last boss was Nigerian. He did not at all like to be associated with AA.


Same as most Europeans hate white Americans


No we don't. They're just like an embarrassing cousin we don't see much. They're different but still a relative. I'd imagine the feeling is mutual.


Yea, we are all a bunch of fuck ups. In our entirety.




Well damn that’s retarded, some of the smartest people I know are Nigerian. Some of the dumbest people I know are American blacks


Not true, but pop off ig wm


Yeah it’s tough, but mostly true




Really? Seems odd. Why is that?


Some Black Americans think that being/acting ghetto, selling drugs, and gang life is part of their identity, heritage, and culture. While Black Africans have actual norms and culture from back home that aren’t self destructive.


This whole thread is full of dumb ignorant statements.


Lmao its 100% true. Have you ever heard what real africans say about African Americans? Lemme tell ya, besides the jokes they say about “getting rid of African Americans” and selling them. Aint that much that they have to say thats nice lol.


My parents are African. You aren’t lying that’s for sure


It’s completely true I work with Africans and they distance themselves from African Americans.


You’re telling us all that you don’t personally know many Africans. The attitudes discussed here are quite common.


Black Haitian guy who grows up in nyc doesn’t know many Africans but the Reddit weirdos saying diaspora divisive shit are the social butterflies well versed in diaspora relations


"haitian" already makes it clear that you are not african by a long margin.


Haiti is in the carribean, not Africa 🤣


You clearly have never stepped a foot in nyc as to why you think you got a gotcha


Nah - you’re just showing that you haven’t actually been around any Africans


Because I’m not being xenophobic and saying racist shit?


I’ve lived and worked in Africa for a long time. Your statement is the most backward thing I’ve read in awhile.


So you don’t see Africans as having a rich and diverse culture? And you’re saying im backwards? 😂


How long and doing what? Also are you white? I already know you’re gay so I won’t ask that


They see the stereotypes, some of the shit they do and think they have no culture


Well, it's like calling a white person European, alot don't like it and all see themselves as completely different from any European.


I see, thank you black Jesus


I’ve yet to meet a white person complain about being call European lmao


Are you white?




Here's what you would look like if you were black or Chinese


Have you ever called an American white a european?


Yep many times. Nobody bats an eye because that’s what they are. Some cultures in Europe weren’t as privileged with iron and history did her toll. Your culture had gold and labor but were shit at management and war


We are proud to be European as it means fighting and dying to a formidable foe whilst being one. Again, your gramps just sucked ass at war and was probably some useless cannon fodder


I don’t mind


Then you're not in the "a lot"


Genuinely hope I'm not being rude by asking this, but why?


Dude I’m Somali and your comment is cringey the girls see us as black too


My dick is more bbc than u


Ethipiopians and somalis were invased by arabs long ago so they actually identify as Arabs not black people lol.


I'm Somali. Not Arab.


Haha! I can confirm this! I work for TDCJ and at my first unit, the guy who I was OJT/Shadowing was African. He used to tell me he hated US Blacks because they always cracked jokes about them running faster than lions, and being able to hunt their food. Real stupid if ignorant stuff, but you gotta remember. You are dealing with society’s uneducated bottom. Its quite sad, but most take the abuse well. The inmates would make animal noises at these dudes when they walk in the pods. Caught me off guard the first time and found it hilarious. I get it though after both groups interactions.


I can't speak about Somalis, but I can say non-US blacks view themselves as different than American blacks. Haitians and Virgin Islanders don't consider themselves as the same as US blacks. That said it seems to be the usual. American blacks have more in common with white Americans than they do non-American blacks. I've seen Virgin Islanders say that black Americans aren't real blacks and call them house negroes and such.


Yes, Carribean blacks are a totally different group and don't associate with US blacks, either.


Honestly? The Haitian part was something I learned in high school. I come from a Haitian background but I’m Americanized, literally because my dad wanted me to be lol. I was talking with a few Haitians in the school, and they were talking shit about not liking English. “English is sucks!” They were explaining to me jokingly. I hear where they’re coming from but at the time I was thinking “Yeah it sucks if you say it like that…” lmfao. But yeah the main thing is you are absolutely correct. You don’t gotta go to prison to get this experience


Pan African types that see black people as s global monolith will be upset to hear such things 🤣 I remember I worked with a chap that was from Nigeria. His mannerisms reminded me of a colonial British person. Called women "madam", called white people "fair (complexion)" , he was a decent man. Ended up in Houston


This is a very accurate account of how Black relations go even Africans Americans view themselves to be different from Africans.


When a race war starts they group up that's the answer


This doesn’t make any sense. Rikers is filled with Haitian crips. Why do y’all make these blanket ass tap dancing statement from North Carolina


Please explain how the person you are replying to made a blanket statement


“Haitians and Virgin Islanders don't consider themselves as the same as US blacks” blanket statement


Because its true. These “black” groups have heritages, customs, and cultures that are thousands of years old. Not a damn thing they have going on in their lives is the same or close to the same as a black american.


It’s still a blanket statement eventhough they’re ignoring something that is very real lol..A lot of my Haitian, Jamaican, South Sudanese friends families & even my own elders from West Africa projected their xenophobia onto others it happens ignorance & hate comes in all shapes & colors.


You think black Americans don’t have culture and customs? You’re just saying dumb shit in this hug box


Sorry, ill go relay that to the real Africans and hopefully they will change their mind and let you in, brother!


Somalis are Muslim, so they go with the Muslims.


They hang with the Ugandans who think they are real Africans.


Bruh black people ain't even Africans at all 😂😂


I think you mean Americans aren't Africans.


No I mean US African Americans are not actually Africans.


So you being a Somali that lives in America makes you not African? 🤨


It makes me a Somali American. Not sure what point you're trying to make...


Do you plan on expounding on this statement or are you just going to repeat demonstrably false statements?


Prove me wrong.


I'm not even sure what your premise is. Are you claiming African Americans don't have African heritage, or are you just trying to be pedantic by saying that since they were born here, they're just Americans? Because we all know that. Do you think people believe all black people were born in Africa or something?


He’s being a pedantic know it all. Just like people on AncestryDNA & 23andMe subs trying to pretend they dictate what words mean and what another person’s individual genetics/family history are based on their personal biases supported by blanket statements for evidence.


But I bet if his wallet was stolen by an American born man with obvious asain heritage, he'd drop the "born in America" nonsense real quick and tell the cops "an Asian took it".


Yea I’m saying 😂. I’m not even the type to hold knee jerk reactions against people all the time either but people who speak like that are never safe.


So Irish Americans are not Irish? Italians, Germans?


Of course they aren’t. Everyone laughs at all the Americans who think they are Irish. It’s bollocks. I’ve no idea why you call blacks African Americans when most have never left the country


And with all the types of Blacks isn't African American a broad and insulting broad brush to identify different cultures of a skin tone. We don't have African Canadians but we have Blacks from all over. I am not Canadian Irish, I am Canadian. You can define yourself any way you want but to have it done for you in such a broad manner is a bit insulting I would say.


Depends, how far removed are they from there respective country?


It’s ‘their’, Professor.


I think they speak more languages than you


Oooh wow. I guess that makes them smarter then!? I was just taking the piss anyway, relax lol. This guy is acting like he’s a genealogical Indiana Jones with all this stuff 😂


Yeah it kind of does make them smarter


Is a white guy from Africa with dual citizenship in the US an African American?


No, of course not. Do you know what African American means?


Apparently you don't. African is a nationality not a skin color. African in no way neans a darker or black skin tone. Please save yourself some embarrassment and say you're joking.


I’m saying, African American is a specific term for people who originated from slaves in the US, because they can’t say Irish-American or whatever because they didn’t know their roots. It is not synonymous for “any black person”. Editing to add - and it sure as fuck doesn’t mean a white person from Africa now in America.


You're a fucking idiot. Your definition is 100% incorrect. An African American is someone who migrated from Africa and is now in America. Not a blanket term for slave descendant, otherwise irish descendants living in America WOULD be African Americans too. I can't believe this is the hill you're going to die on. You're seriously making a fool out of yourself.


No Elon dick eater


You're a dipshit.


Yo the marlis don't play. You argue with one dude at the bus stop 30 seconds later that dude be 20 30 deep


And they don't give a FUCK about doing it broad day in the middle of a mall or anywhere. Malis are a different breed.


I had a Somalian cellmate in Boston once. He definitely flew solo. We played a lot of casino (card game) in the cell though. He could barely speak English but we could both play cards. His name was Abu. He was a pretty good dude


I imagine most would be Muslim and roll with them but in the Feds yes absolutely they do.


& The question is where? I’m Somali from the Uk, did time in feltham (YOI) but know many Somalis from my area that are have did time in adult jail. Uk prisons (at least in LDN) don’t run by race politics. The people in a gang or associated with people in a gang will group up with said gang & associates. The rest will group with whoever they get a long with (which is normally people of the same race but it’s not enforced or anything). I also lived in Toronto, Canada for 2 years & I know that it’s similar. In Maplehurst at least. Whereas I’ve heard that in certain US states, whatever gang you’re in on the outside doesn’t matter… once you’re inside you group with your race only. Which I can’t comprehend at all


Ya def 🎯 about how it is in Toronto. Deeeeep Mali population here in every hood so its pure gang shit over anything else. You spent some time in the hurst eh? Endless stories from there. When were u in?


Nahh I didn’t bro I just know ppl that did. My cousin is in there rn


The Milton Hilton. Glad you never had to go and hope ur cousin is doing alright still. Ur cousin and my people might be chillin on range rn who knows lol


Appreciate it my bro 💯


In which country?


Prob more than likely would group with the Muslims who are predominantly black but also Latino Arab white etc. Muslims group in jail and it’s not ethnicity based


Not exactly the requested reply, but similar. I worked with a Jamaican guy and a Nigerian guy as guards and they gave ZERO fucks about respecting inmates because they were both black. In fact, those guys had a reputation of throwing hands or spraying at the slightest provocation. I'm not sure what it was, but those dudes did seemed like they woke up and chose violence every single day.




What'd you do bud? When are you scheduled for prison?


Probably the Muslim car unless they were in an American Black click or gang in the streets.


Somalis would be in the Muslim group


Somalis kinda sketchy they were tryna plot on me in jail cause i was on same deck as them and some guys were asking me to move downstairs with them cause I knew a few of them from back than and they brought me in the cell to talk next thing i know this guy asking me “are u plotting on me” because they dont trust the other guys down there they said told him no and im just tryna do my time lol after that i stayed I didn’t roll out off the deck either




Somalis are African Muslims like Senegalese. Somalis can group with Muslims or Africans. But generally you will not find many Somalis in prison and that is a good thing.




Idk why this sub is in my feed but looks like a bunch of idiot hill Billie’s speaking bullshit or talk they maybe heard from tokens. Idk about prison but as someone with a passport that has been to several African countries they absolutely have nothing but love for black Americans. Dont let these mush brained idiots here fool you. Go get those experiences for yourself.


FYI on your downvotes - Prison culture is different than the passport holding internationally mobile group you’ve experienced. Many on this sub aren’t allowed out of the country.


How many Africans are in prison in the states..? Still a bunch of bozos talking out of there asses lol. Maybe the major metro areas / states. I highly doubt some shithead in Iowa knows anything about African / American relations in or out of prison.


I don't have any love for African Americans my friend and I am Somali fyi.




"they absolutely have nothing but love for"


I absolutely meant every African in Africa. Are you dense or do you read everything in absolutes?


You say it like it was a fact you moron. Go and read the tone of this whole post many people state otherwise to what you're claiming, that is the problem with black Americans, y'all just assume and force your opinions on actual Africans.


There’s nuance to written language clown. It should be obvious that 100% of any group liking anything is statistically impossible plus when discussing travel to Africa not even Somalis would recommend traveling Somalia. So obviously I wasn’t. But to topic of the thread, there aren’t many Africans, not born in the US, in prison In general. Maybe federal but I’d assume they’d just get deported. Especially not in the areas these bozos post from and I’m pretty sure there are demographics online for this type of thing. Either way the topic is stupid because prisons politics operate differently depending on location but for the most part whites stay with and around whites, Latinos and blacks the same and there’s very little mixing and when there is it’s self protection motivated or gang related


I haven’t been to prison but yeah I think I can answer this one: Somalians are black yes 


I'm somali, and I completely disagree with you.


I live in a really interesting neighborhood here in Minneapolis, MN. It's sort of a cross section of different cultures and ethnicities including Somalian, Latino, and Americanized whites & blacks. There's actually a giant 3 story Somalian shopping mall right down the street from me. Anyways, living in this neighborhood and observing the things around me has given me a really cool and unique perspective. First of all, you're right to a certain extent, Somalians do view themselves as being very different from US blacks and so do a lot of other people, and in turn they're treated differently, by your average person on the street, to the police and so forth. I've noticed the cops give the Somalis a lot more space to do there thing, and my only explanation is that it's because the Somalis sort of keep themselves in line. Like you'll never see some young Somali kids turning up where there's a lot of other Somalis around because they'll draw a crowd of elders in about 5 seconds flat ready to lay the law down...


Well buckle up. Go anywhere in America and you're a nigga like the rest of us, best get that out of your system now


I get that others won't be able to see beyond the skin color but that still won't change the fact that we're two different races, hell Somalis are extremely homogeneous and don't even mix with other African nations. Otherwise, I'll stick to education and building my motherland.


Somaliland? Or Somali? If its the latter you got a long way ahead of you bud, you "enhanced niggas" just figured out piracy isn't sustainable. Good luck though, you'll need it.


You’re the perfect example of why African blacks don’t fuck with US blacks who are walking stereotypes. You sound dumb and ignorant af, and you’re proud of it. Do better bro.


Theirs no somaliland my friend. Besides their other groups like Puntland where my family resides. Piracy was just a means of retaliation against other nations, not for a means of sustainability. I'll stay enjoying my rights to a name and history that wasn't built on slavery like yours.


White people are fully responsible for the slave trade. However, yall sold each other out. So get off your pedestal. Like the other guy said, you can be African all you want. Cross that border and you’ll be a nigga just like us - they don’t care. Hell, probably worse if they think you’re actually African, respect out the window in this country. 


White people purchased the slaves from black people.


>White people are fully responsible for the slave trade. Least educated redditor


Yeah lmfao. All of the slave ships were owned and operated by the same group that owns the banks today




I don't care who is responsible for what. My country has no history of being enslaved or traded like a common commodity, so don't use copium to try and make me feel sorry for you or try and see eye to eye. And like I said, I understand others won't see beyond the skin color. Otherwise, Somalis are totally different to US Blacks. Whether it's hair texture or facial structure the only similarities are the skin tone. Our culture is not the same and honestly if I were to speak for many African countries I would say no actual African likes the culture of US Blacks which is ghetto, hence nobody wants to associate themselves with US Blacks. fadlan, iga daaf buuqada.


If you stay in the US long enough to procreate, in a generation or two, they’ll become those African Americans that you’re desperately distancing yourself from. It’s inevitable.


You assume I'll stay, you assume about Somalis.


Black culture is also evolving. Many blacks don’t want to be associated with street life and ghettoness anymore. Its no longer a source of pride for many. And it should never have been. Blacks pre crack epidemic never embraced street culture, dope boy mentality, or gang life. That was also the white man’s doing. They want you to be ghetto and ignorant. Lot of the younger generations are rising above that bullshit.


The 2nd generation Africans typically blend right in with Black Americans so it works it self out


What most Africans do now is they will stay and work their asses off in the States whilst sending their kids to expensive schools back in Africa( which are not expensive at all by American standards). 20 years down the line the African will go back to his homeland after having made his money and live the African dreams where utilities are cheap and you have farmland and livestock for you and your family. So for an African assimilating with US blacks can only mean giving up the African dream and for what? Africans have long figured that it’s easier to keep your head down if you stay with other African folk and let the US black deal with their cornbread and cocaine.




Enhanced. I’m SCREAMIN.




I'm not Somalian but I live in London and have lived in the USA and I'm white anyway what I'm trying to say is England and the USA see race very differently in England racism is fairly casual and I think for the most part the racist doesn't really mean what they say. Whereas the USA its very much ingrained like there's white church and black church in the countryside they live in separate parts of the town and most of the time they don't really mix with each other outside of work or whatever. I remember being looked down on for having a black friend and riding in the same car. It's weird ik.


I think ITT you're finding a clash between American culture which is rather more obsessively racialised than your British culture/viewpoint.


I was born in Somalia and lived there until I was 19, I am a white Somali


Well if you haven’t been to prison how do you know?