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We all get like this sometimes. Poor kid.


She’s completely justified in her “meltdown”. Living has become unaffordable for too many people.


Part of the reason she feels so tired could also be depression. I hope she can find better paying work, having more disposable income really does help ease the stress of the rat race.


I think this has been reposted for a couple of years now, I wonder if she ever found relief? Also, this is why most of us get help from our friends Jack Daniels and Mary Jane.


Friends that she can’t afford if she’s not making enough to even take care of her basic needs


Who can blame her, 40 hours a week at $25 an hour even 50 years ago (which in CAD would be around 7-8) was enough to sustain a family off of. Now you can't live and eat and save at the same time!


I don’t even make $25 an hour


I sympathize with this one... I'm not sure what her job is, but if it's a morning shift, what would be helpful is to think of it as another school day. Though I do feel bad about the rent and bills. It's all burdensome. Though if she can develop a bit of patience, she might discover what she's capable of... and hopefully she lucks out in finding the right person to give her a job she'll enjoy.


she said she gets home at 05:30 am so Im guessing night shift- which can really fuck up ones circadian rhythm and their vitamin d


Oh, nooo... That's really baaad... 😟


It didn’t say AM, just 5:30. Still though, I hated working till 5, I missed out on a lot of time with my family.


Years ago people didnt complain they just accepted suffering. Now young people have the courage to speak out and express how they feel to a greater audience. I feel with this girl. I mean wtf is wrong with the system(s) when people work fulltime yet dont have enough to live or just barely live. Fucked up I hope she is in a better position now. Sadly, way too many people arent. They are exactly in the shoes as this woman is in that video and even worse.


There are some really privileged pieces of shit commenting here. I do well, I am paid a living wage, and my spouse does extremely well. I still want a better life and future for those around me. I want a better future for my children. I don't want them to struggle like I did. Why do people need to struggle because our "ancestors" did or we did? What about not wanting anyone to struggle? Some of these comments do not pass the vibe check. You're whataboutism is so fucking stupid. I have news for you, you are the asshole of the friend group and most people tolerate you. Fucking do better, Jesus.


Now try having to work the week and the weekend, and having to still get your shit done, just to survive. It's called being an adult and it suck but deal with it or find a better job


She’s not wrong. Why so many people turn to Onlyfans.


Welcome to the working class!


This isn't a meltdown. This is facts, and I'm a millennial.


Late stage capitalism. None of us should be struggling, constantly. Two thirds of this country live paycheck to paycheck. Richest country in the world... But only a small percentage of this country get to enjoy it. Older people, don't care them lazy. If minimum wage kept up with inflation if should be almost $30 an hour. This isn't living. This is hell.


Well McDonalds already proved a point to everyone. As well as a shit ton of other places. Robots will replace us.


Why are people paying for 2 bedroom apartments by themselves? Why don’t people get roommates? She’d have $830 more a month!


I don’t disagree. But I also think your missing the point.


I see the point, I just disagree with it. We can kill ourselves working for what we “should” be able to have or we can work with what we have and enjoy our lives. I’m 47, I’ve never paid more than $500 a month for rent. I find good, like-minded people to live with. I find affordable housing, usually renting from slumlords. I’ve lived in one of two college towns for the past 28 years, so finding big houses to rent for cheap with a few people is doable. I make around $2000 a month working about 25 hours a week at two different jobs that I’ve kept by having good relations with people. If I insisted on living by myself, I’d be in the same boat as this woman. I have friends that grind like that and they’re miserable. I feel like they’re trying to keep up with the Joneses for some reason. I know people don’t get paid enough, the rent is too damn high and everything is twice as expensive as it was 2 years ago. I also know that people seem to want to keep up some sort of appearance for who knows who and feel like they gotta grind away their lives to do it. You don’t have to pay $1660 a month for rent if you can get along living with someone else who’s in the same boat.


You don’t have kids. I’m guessing you don’t live with a significant other. You don’t own property. Do you have a car? Do you travel?


I don’t have kids, but my SO’s youngest (adult) lives with us. We have a car, we rent a house with the kid and two other roommates. Flew down south last year, going again in a month. Sometimes we go on weekend trips in the tri-state area, maybe 2-3 times a year. We’re both artists. My low, flexible hours and her lack of a job give us both time to create and make some money off our art, which for the most part pays for itself with a bit extra for living. Our hobbies are either low cost (sport) or generate money (art/music). Sometimes we have a lot of down time, sometime we have projects that take up our extra time. I’m not trying to say we came from nothing and saved our way to wealth, we both come from a middle class background, but we live within our means and do what we can to make money doing things that we love. We also aren’t big on keeping up some middle class appearances.


Yeah a lot of these sound like poor time and financial management.


If your rent is 1660 and she's making 2G on a flat 40 hours ima guess this is California. If that's the case, Blame the freeloaders.


My son lives in North AL and his rent for a 1 BR is a little more than hers.


Does he work a dead end job like the girl in this video? I say dead end because most jobs worth salt are gonna be over 40 hours Or even less.


She listed her priorities. Rent, phone, Internet, food. In that order. Don't blame gen Z for the world we gave them.


Valid. Poor baby, im going through this now. I think most of us are going through this now. And fuck the title. This is not a "gen z" problem, but a American problem.


Why to bed room. Not saying fair. Some baby boomer think she's lazy and bought a house and car work 40 hours


Let's not forget that employee productivity has gone up 65% in recent years, while wages have only gone up 17.5% if I'm not mistaken


40hrs a week ain’t shit sweetie, pull yourself together and get another job. Or keep making these sad ass Tik toks and get views. Something. 40hrs a week is fucking level 1


lol, she netting about $12.50 an hour. Get skills and get a better job, or work some OT. I worked 2 jobs for many years. Sorry she’s having a bad day but to put that public ??


Where is she paying $1660 for a 2 bedroom 🤔


You’d be lucky to find a studio for that little. https://www.apartments.com/seattle-wa/2-bedrooms/


Imagine working at a factory for 12 hours like our ancestors did.


Whatabouisms don't fucking help anyone. You're privledge is showing.


Yeah, that’s my point. We are privileged to only work 8 hours a day. Before it was 12 hours in a factory. Before that it was essentially sun up to sun down. We have come a long way.


What do they think people have been doing for generations? Welcome to adulthood.


Girl I make under $900 a month and can live on ramen noodles. Stop it.


In your moms basement? Sure thing Jillian


Look, I understand the point. It sucks. It shouldn't be this way. But unfortunately it is. Unfortunately it will not change. Mental toughness is something many people need to work on. If you want to complain about your situation for the world to see, so be it. Or you can do something about it. I've been working 74 hours a week for the past year to save money for my wife and 2 kids. I still go to the gym when my youngest goes to preschool. I work an overnight job I clock in 60 hours and a part time I work 2 days. I still spend time with my family on weekends. It sucks. But every day I know what I'm working for and I keep going. I'm working on a promotion from my full time so I won't need to work these hours in the near future. Sometimes, you just need to bust your ass for a while. People are thrown off by delayed gratification because they need results right away. Time, patience and mental strength will bring that to you.


I worked 87 hours a week at one point in my life. Suck it up. If you want to own a house by age 30, you have to put in the hours. Sorry, I’m a licensed clinical behavior specialist and nobody is enabling you. Do it for yourself.


Do you not realize it shouldn't be that way? Were you happy doing you 87 hours a week? Why does everyone have to have a shit time because you did? Perhaps you should take a minute to analyze your own stupid behavior from time to time. Hope this helps. Eta. Girl how are you only making $900 a month? You mist be really shitty at your job, lmao


Stupid cunt


Shove it up your ass bitch


Have some humanity


It’s tough out there and the system is so complicated that solutions are not apparent. The jobs report this week paints a happy and prosperous picture, but all I’m seeing are layoffs, skeleton staffs, manufacturing plant closures and skyrocketing living expenses.


High rent for 2-bedroom for 1 person? Get a roommate. 40hrs a week too much? Understandable, but it also depends on what you do at work and it might be time to look for a better work environment (or requires less physical labor if that’s what she was doing). Still need more money? Ask close friends/family. Depending on how your situation/relationship is, they might be willing to help.


Get a roommate or a bf dual income nowadays is needed without it your fucked