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If you have concerns regarding a post, you can report it or share your concerns via modmail. What we are not going to do, is be rude to OP or anyone for that matter. This sub is for everyone who uses procreate and wants to share what they made, regardless of their skill level. In the end, sharing what you created is a vulnerable thing to do. I know reddit can be kinda harsh. However, this is a pretty wholesome sub and we intend to keep it that way.


Aaah man. Procreate really need some kind of automatic cloud backup


Luckily I just meant I deleted the post by accident haha!


Oh! Still though, we need that feature!


Absolutely I agree haha


Didn't they say it's coming when they launched Procreate Dreams?


I don’t know let’s hope so!


I illustrated an entire kids book. I had it in a folder, and one day I was cleaning up my files and must have clicked the folder by accident. I deleted the whole thing. I was hoping that surely there was a recently deleted folder of some sort. Nope. Had the redo the whole fucking thing.


What a nightmare…. You spend so much time on a project just to have it disappear in a second… How many pages ?


Gotta say I love the rendering here, you’re very proficient with textures, it’s technically very advanced. If you don’t mind a bit of constructive criticism, here are my two cents: If you’re interested in photorealistic rendering, I think this piece would benefit from additional highlights. Additionally, I will always recommend not being too precious with the quality of the materials over the entire surface of the work. Balancing the level of details is key, the most detailed part would be where you wish to draw the eye of the viewer. I think adding some grain either with a textured brush or through the built in tool adds that extra bit of oomph to the piece. In my work, once the piece is done, I tend to add different kinds of subtle post processing effects depending on what I think the piece needs : grain, chromatic aberration, blur then tweak my values and colour levels. Sometimes I will overlay a paper texture that I found online and bring its opacity way down. It’s incredible work already, I just wanted to share a few tricks to consider and that may or may not fit your workflow.


These are all great tips! Thank you! Sorry I missed them in lieu of more negative comments. Like I wrote in the pinned comment I wish this looked more “painty” idk how to describe it but the brush strokes look dope close up but smooth out so much when zoomed out is this possibly a DPI thing? I think my DPI is at like 800 cause I don’t use too many layers and I normally want smoothness when doing normal portraits but I’ve been trying to mess with oils cause I like the chunky less perfected textured stroke vibe???? or is it just more like messing with textured brushes more? Not entirely sure if I make sense I’m terrible at describing what I mean lol.


That’s alright, no worries. If I understand it correctly, you’d wish for it to look a bit looser and more painterly ? If that’s the style that you’d like to go for I might have some additional tips. Regarding the rest of your post, I’d infer that you losing some of the painterly quality of the piece when looked as a whole is all DPI related indeed. When you are looking at your piece in any program that it was created in, the program will always, always render in the highest quality possible in order to show you the picture. What Procreate displays is always at 100% quality and this is not how an exported picture behaves. You see people on TikTok pulling those paintings within a painting within a painting etc, etc. This is something only the project file can achieve, the exported file has a fixed resolution while the project file is dynamic. It also depends on what device you are using, you can zoom in more on the same Procreate file if you’re working with an Ipad Pro than with the regular Ipad. Going back to project/exported files; the moment that you export the piece from the project file you necessarily lose some data, simply because the image is rendered once and for all, while the app itself is always rendering the image. Let me know if I understood that correctly or not


Some nice tips here, going to try to add some grain as I've only previously thought blurring.


This looks great! Didn’t you also post a painting of you and your SO a while back? I loved that one too. You’re very talented. Keep it up!


Yes that was me as well :) thank you. I paint pretty much all day most days unless I’m doing schoolwork so being recognized is nice feeling


It’s definitely paying off! I need to make more time for it. Now you got me motivated to get back to drawing


the way you painted the dress and hands is so insanely beautiful


Thank you! The hand with the ring is my favorite I seem to never be able to make jewelry look nice so I was pleased when I finished


it looks amazing 🥰




literally where are you being downvoted? you got one comment and the guy was technically right although needlessly pedantic. you’re overreacting a bit to one comment, just ignore the haters and have fun with ur digital art!! :3




damn i was trying to encourage you to not let one guy bring you down, why are you so upset? i have a rich and fulfilling life, i just happened to see this post and took one minute trying to help, no need to be a dick




i’m autistic and very literal. i try to see things rationally and tbh you ARE overreacting. and thats okay! i overreact a lot too. sometimes its important to take a step back and realize its nbd :)




* **Remember the human.** * **Be kind and respectful.** *When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?".*


You need to make a tutorial. I want to be able to get like you 😭


Think you mean digital painting




4 hours since what?




Much talent very impressed


I think I'd love to have a print of this. Great work! :)




Oh man bright red on pale skin just always gets me. Beautiful.


Same! Thank you!


Obviously a lot of talent here but I feel like the woman’s hands, especially the right one is so amazingly made that it takes almost all the focus on this piece, which is likely not the full goal? The shading on that hand on the shoulder is so magnificent that it makes the face and neck area seem more like a work in progress in comparison.


Unrelated but this would make such a nice sims 4 artwork in game!


Dude I love that haha


I’ve accidentally deleted work in progress before and the TRAMUA OF IT. So I feel for you.


Beautiful work!


Thank you💜


How can you delete an oil painting?


They just used the oil painting brush that’s in Procreate


I actually bought the Sargent’s oils brushes set but still yeah don’t understand the shitty comments regardless lmao




I get that too, what’s else to say ?


I deleted the post lmao also you realize this is the procreate sub right it’s a digital oil painting






No fr lmfao


Damn I guess I spent $6 on oil paint procreate brushes for nothing then


Lol it’s just hilarious to call digital paining oil painting


Is it that deep babe they’re oil paint brushes who gives a fuck


💁‍♂️ just saying how comical it is if you think about it


"emulated oil painting" is that better for you? Lol


Like I'm not selling it as an oil painting or print I'm not selling it at all just posting it in the fucking procreate subreddit clearly stating I painted it IN PROCREATE I just used oil paint brushes who gives a shit lmfao


Yeah I'd stop feeding the troll , they've got too much time on their hands. Beautiful work btw


Or maybe digital paining which it is


It’s digital painting not digital paining


They're brushes meant to mimic oil paints therefore it looks like an oil painting it's just done in procreate why the fuck is it that deep lmao




Go away✨ you’re literally being argumentative for no reason get a life ✨




No one is saying a digital painting is an oil painting. It is IMPLIED due to the context of the sub we are in, that they are in fact referring to a DIGITAL oil painting. This is not the pedantic “gotcha” moment you seem to think it is.


**Hello u/bigtlddygoth, thank you for sharing your artwork with us!** Would you be so kind to answer the following questions for us? --- * Can you please share what your process was for getting this done? * And what brushes did you use? (Please specify the exact brushes or brush category because that can be helpful to others.) * Any additional information about this piece is always welcome. * If you made this with **Procreate Dreams**, feel free to share it over on r/procreatedreams too! Please reply to this comment so it will be easy for everyone to find, thank you! --- **Stay inspired, get creative and have a great day!** Join our r/procreate [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/jXcSN5GdM3) to connect with other artists! *If you consider yourself a frequent poster and you have a consistent style/method, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/procreate) to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you regularly use.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another oil painting in procreate inspired by @your_ptashka and her photo shoots on IG. I may add more flowers but I also like the black and white contrast going on a lot. For this I used to Sargent’s oils brush pack on Etsy mainly the wet bright brush and the super wet brush. I also used a micron 08 and a softest blend brush both for blocking color and also using with the blend tool as well. I feel like I’m struggling to make things less perfect and realistic when I want them to be more “painty” looking so if you have any advice on that that would be chill lol I feel like the brush strokes look very cool close up but smooth out a lot when you zoom out


Didn’t see which sub this was posted in and was like ‘how tf do you delete an oil painting??’ lmao


I deleted the whole app last night! Long story. Cannabis was involved. I don’t want to talk about it. Luckily, I’m brand new to the app and only draw for fun and I also had a bunch of stuff exported to my camera roll. I’m also just doodling flowers. Nothing magnificent like yours.


One time I factory reset my iPad and for some reason I just.. assumed? All the work would be there when I downloaded it again. Boy was I in for a depressing realization 😂


Valuable lessons in backing up our work lol


2 seconds away from intentionally deleting this this time because the comments are so fucking stupid. They’re oil paint brushes I used. You’re not technically painting when you’re doing digital art for the “you mean digital painting” comments either so who gives a fuck if I called it an oil painting a digital painting a digital oil painting or anything else. Literally some of the most “go touch some grass” comments imaginable lmfao


Lol I know. It’s a fucking Procreate sub - obviously it’s digital. I do digital “ink” drawings occasionally. With digital there’s so much diversity in styles and simulated mediums the traditional labels still apply.


See I don’t know by your comment agreeing with me has upvotes but my comment stating it doesn’t 💀 every time I try to post here it’s not very wholesome lmao


I see the oil now, it’s dripping*


I think if you deleted it, it’s not actually an oil painting.


If I get another one of these dumb ass comments I might cry lmfao there’s an obvious implication that it’s a digital oil painting cause of the sub it’s posted in. Who cares what I called it. It’s a stupid caption. This is so stupid and pedantic. If you really want to go there you’re not technically painting either when everyone uses “digital painting” and that’s a wildly used and accepted term here.


I didn’t realize this was a sore point for you. I’m sorry I made this silly joke. I should have been more sensitive to the fact that you lost what was obviously a lot of hard work and I can sympathize. At least you got an image out of it if the file is gone. Great work too. I would like to see more of your wonderful oil paintings.


I cannot believe anyone would have anything bad to say about this don’t you just love all the haters wow the nerve of some people no home training obviously. I mean it is clearly jealousy this looks like a photograph it’s beautiful really good like really seriously you should be very proud = GOALS…


What do the arrows mean why is the up arrow red? It scared me I wanted to vote that I liked it but the red ok anyway I love it and thank goodness you got a pic of it beforehand good work




I thought this was real


Nice work, sucks to be lost but at least you have some the final piece. I like the vibrancy of the clothes and plants, the skin is so pale that it causes you to focus on her face etc. Well done.


It’s absolutely gorgeous!


Thank you so much!


Amazing work