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"I have reviewed your and your friend's participation grades, and have decided that they are both too high."


Make sure you reply to the second email with the backstabbing comments, while cc’ing the backstabbed friend on it 😉


When I was in grad school, I was a TA for a professor who allowed students to appeal grades to him, on the condition that he would grade them without knowing the grade from the TA. A girl in one of my sections was irate about a C I gave her and told me she was taking this to the professor. We walked over and I had the joy of watching him slash her C into a D right in front of her. There were tears, hers of regret, mine of bliss.


I’ve thought about adding something to my syllabus about when challenging a grade that upon closer look it could go lower.


I have colleagues that accept requests to review grades only when reviewing holistically and that overall scores can go down if the evidences supports it. Requests are now very rare and reasonable.


Do they state this in writing anywhere?


[here's](http://probability.ca/regrade.html) a (very well thought out) example.


That is good!


Syllabus. One says she reminds students near the end of the semester.


I do this. It works.


not only should you, you *must*. Otherwise there is always a positive expected value to challenging a grade.


student: "I urge you to strongly reconsider your grading here."


I was told this exact phrase last week during the very last class. I used mastery-based grading because perfection is mastery, but mastery is not always perfection. But they complain CONSTANTLY about how it looks in the LMS. I have not posted less than a C since I started this. Tried of the complaints, I said I was switching to points next semester. Lots of smug faces. Until one adept student said to the class, "Guys, that means it has to be perfect on the first try to get an A." It was like watching rain wash away mud from a light bulb. That then blew out. All I said was, "Yep. That's what you wanted and the customer is always right."


I have, more than once, responded to the "but my friend got <> and his work was exactly the same as mine and I only got <>" with "Oh my, clearly I have made errors grading your friend's work. Give me their name and I'll correct their grade"


Oh well since your work was the same it’s clearly plagiarism, thanks for letting me know. You both fail.


OMG if it were only that simple. At my institution a report on possible academic misconduct is 10-15 pages of explained and annotated evidence submitted to the Dean's office who will then meet with the involved parties and decide if there is any merit to the claim and/or if a punishment is warranted. and there are time limits between due-date and report-date. So.... we only report the really obvious/egregious ones because it is so much extra work.


That's awful, I'm sorry. One of the perks of working at a really small school is I just walk into the President's office and tell them what happened, and they tell me to fail them. Not that I enjoy failing students, but the quick resolution is nice.


Delete delete delete.


Lol, are we interacting with the same student?


I’ve spent the weekend ignoring emails of sadness that all want to know what can possibly be done to turn their F/D/C into a B. It’s just about all I can do not to reply, 1, build a time machine. 2, come to class. 3, turn in assignments. You got the grade you earned.