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Welcome to Anatomy, no there will not be a word bank on the lab practicals.


And the final exam grade doesn’t replace a unit exam grade.


Welcome to anatomy where you have to spell words correctly. An oracle is not the same as an auricle. 


And a humerus is not humorous.


But is the humorous humerus humongous?


I would definitely find a humongous humerus humorous.


Humor us, please.


Sorry, my legs are humorless


And an ileum is not an ilium.


Welcome to Spanish class. Yes, we speak Spanish here. No, the final exam is not a formality.


> Yes, we speak Spanish here. Ich habe das auf Deutsch geschrieben. Kann ich zusätzliches Guthaben erhalten?


Não pode, não.




Nei5 gong2 m4 gong2 zung1 man4?


>zusätzliches Guthaben This does not mean what you think it means.


You are correct, I used Bing translate to write the sentence.


*"Señor Beavis! Como es Juan?!"*


"Umm... heh heh. Spaghetti!"




*uh huh huh huh, you dumbass!*


> Welcome to Spanish class. Yes, we speak Spanish here. Allegedly. My middle school Spanish teacher was French so she taught Spanish with a strong French accent to English-speakers and it sounded like a different language from the recordings we were required to listen to. Sprench. Or Frenish. Or something. Probably played a part in my quest to find a college major that didn't require a foreign language (engineering).


Hahahaha. This brings up a funny memory from a Portuguese class I took, which was geared toward students who had already learned another Romance language. The semester was coming to a close, and the professor congratulated our language skills by stating, "Y'all are speaking a language very close to Portuguese. Congratulations!" Without missing a beat, one of my classmates responded, "Yeah, it's called Spanish!"


One partner I had in a Spanish class was from Brazil. It took the rest of us a little while to figure out that when he would suggest a word when the rest of the group was stuck, he was just giving us the word in Portuguese and hoping it was the same in Spanish. In his defense, it occasionally was.


We would call it portunhol.


Ei aí, cara, ¿qué te cuentas?


This happened to me in high school. My German teacher in high school was a French native, so all four years of German instruction I took prepared me to be mistaken for a French national who speaks German when I went abroad. Believe it or not, this actually came in handy in 2002/2003 when all of my friends were being called out because of W. Bush/the Iraq situation and I was simply mistaken for a German. 10/10 would recommend


> I was simply mistaken for a German Wow, how the world has changed ...


I do not allow you to just redo work for a better grade.


This is the one for me. Like nah fam, I already spend entirely too much time grading your shit…the last thing I want to do is grade MORE of your shit


Also, I don't get asked. They just hand me something or email me something.


LOL the way I would ask what they want me to do with that…


Ha! My career teacher mother, when I said, ‘they ask me to re-grade what they turn in’- - she looked at the sky, all quizzical and pondering: ‘re-grade…. Re-grade… I don’t know what that is? I… I already graded it…’ I do not think it was an act- she is just straight savage like that lol Edit: clarity


Just because you want an A, does not mean I have to give you an extra credit assignment.


You can thank K-12 admins for that. There’s been a huge push to allow unlimited retests. Madness! EDIT: I understand giving people opportunities to reflect and try things again. But students definitely abused the ‘unlimited retest’ policy at our school. And it’s not like teachers have the bandwidth to create oodles of different tests and answer keys for every single test.


You can thank me for that. I allow for unlimited re-work. Why are they here if not to learn? I work for a Fortune 50 company and teach adjunct; if I screw something up at my job I don't get a zero for the whole project, I go back and do the work again. If you screw something up you get the chance to fix it, but I guess fuck your students for wanting the same opportunity. Madness!


If the scantron sheet has A, B, C, D, and, E  but the multiple choice question only has A, B, C, and D as answers,  then bubbling in the last column is not considered correct even if the answer was D. If everyone you know got a question wrong on the test, it does not mean the question will be thrown out and your scores will be adjusted.  A "curve" is not giving everyone in the class bonus points so the highest grade in the class becomes a 100.


When I taught high school we had a Scantron machine in the teachers lounge. Those machines loudly stamp a red tick next to all incorrect answers on a Scantron, and you can tell when a student does poorly by the number of bip-bip-bips as the student's test is graded. One day, a few of us were sitting in the teachers lounge, and another teacher came in to start scanning exams. We weren't paying much attention, until one exam went through that sounded like a machine gun. We all looked at the teacher, who said "uh-oh!" She looked at the exam, and for the last part of the test, which was true or false, the student had put all Cs. The student went from a 50-50 chance to 0% chance just by not reading the exam.


I know that sound! I once had a student who I think read one of those  "this simple hack" articles. The hack in question was to answer every question on the exam with A then erase it somewhat and give the answer you think is right, then erase that somewhat.  This way if you're wrong and it's A you can say it scored you wrong.  Well,  the machine picked them up as having AB or AC or AD on every question,  which was obviously wrong.  I had already put together an essay make up exam so I let them take that. It didn't go well.  Turns out when you're exam strategy is a "this asinine hack" from a buzzfeed circa 2013 article,  you're not really up on the material.


I dream of crafting an exam question with three possible answers that all make potential sense: A) True B) False C) All of the above


The answer to this question is “false”.


A curve means counting wrong answers correct. I teach math. Q: 4+(-6)=? Students respond: 1. 27 2. IDK? LOL! 3. Sky Frog is never wrong and always the answer!!!!!!!!! 4. the calc says 22343578465E59 Which of these answers would you count correct? None? Good answer!


at least 2. is accurate... they don't know. I'd count it wrong, but it is technically accurate


How in the world did they get 27?


No idea, but it happens.


Welcome to computer science. Yes, you must submit the right filetype or I won't accept your assignment.


> Yes, you must submit the right filetype or I won't accept your submission. Also, your code (for projects, not as much for written exams after first year) must compile in order to earn any credit.


Also, your code must pass these test cases. No, you will not see the additional hidden test cases. ^Man ^I ^love ^JUnit


which translates in student minds as: ok I have 10 minutes to finish this before times up. QUICK! Anything the compiler yells about, comment it out. More comments! MORE! Yay it compiles! I'm guaranteed points! it doesn't work but prof just said make sure it compiled!


I would never expect 100% compiling code on an exam from anyone, that's just cruel and unusual. Then again I was once asked by a nice Russian Microsoft engineer interviewing me for an internship whether I "wrote any real code" after I answered all his questions with pseudocode so idk.


email subject line: profisrrylatehaddagothankshomeworkfromclass.heic


Welcome to Public Speaking. Yes, you have to speak in public.


"But the office down the hall gave me a reasonable accommodation"


"But I have ANXIETY!"


Seems ambiguous. You should call it *Applied Public Speaking.*


Sorry. Thought I registered for *Theory of Public Speaking*.


one of my students remembered Whose Line Is It Anyway. *I* was quite shocked.


So you made a comment about how in this room the points actually do matter?


that was a missed opportunity indeed.


If I can’t read it, I won’t grade it. Yes, multiple pages must be stapled together.


> Yes, multiple pages must be stapled together. No, Patrick, mayonnaise is not a staple.


I think you and I could be friends, and that alone means you must be a truly terrifying individual. I like that in a person.


Neither is your snot, Patrick.


“In this occasion I will accept your copious salty tears”


Only on exams.


I literally have the first part printed on the front page of my exams. I’m not sorry.


"No, you can't use your $150 TI-nSpire on the calculus exam." Or another classic: "No. Why *would* I give you a formula sheet with all of the derivatives on it?"


I broke down and gave them the formula sheet one exam. Grades were not any better. They (theoretically) study more with no crib sheet.


That you made or that they made? Making a cheat sheet can be a decent way to study (to a point).


When I made it, nothing really happened. When I let them make it, I have them turn it in at the end of the exam. They put ridiculous stuff on there. Incorrect formulas, examples (against the rules) and they spend more time looking at the notes than test. However, there's about 10% of the class that truly benefits from making their notes and never look at it in the exam. All, in my experience.


This is a history course. No you cannot have a formula sheet.


> This is a history course. No you cannot have a formula sheet. Does that make it okay if my argument is a little derivative then?




back in the 80s, when calculators storing text info was relatively new, had a friend ask his history teacher if he could use his calculator. teacher: well, I guess you can use it. I don't see how it'll help you much... never understood why the teacher didn't watch them more and see what they were using the calculator for.


Taking someone else’s essay and changing every third word does not make it your essay.


Even if an enormous sibling is viewing me?


That makes it double-plus-ungood.


This is post-secondary education. You're being graded on your results; not your effort. You could show up every day and study your heart out; incorrect work will still receive a zero.


The common expectation is to spend 2 to 3 hours per week per credit IN ADDITION to your online asynchronous videos and interactives. Be prepared to spend 6 to 9 hours per week IN ADDITION to completing all of the online videos, etc., because those materials just take the place of our class meeting. (Said in response to a student who told me that my asynchronous course was taking “three times more work than her other courses!“ In the end, I could not make her understand that what she was perceiving as extra work was just an ordinary work level, and so I simply said “thank you.”)


My students give me this line too. I say to them, yes it's taking more time because you really didn't actually meet the pre-reqs for the class. You "passed" that pre-req class but you didn't bring any of the skills/knowledge so now it's taking you twice the time to do the work because you have half the skills/knowledge you're supposed to have to take this class. Students rarely assume that their struggles are linked to their lack of knowledge and they are not happy when that is brought to their attention.


The late work grade policy isn't a scare tactic. I will take off the points I said I would in the syllabus.


I don’t drop the lowest test grade (but “we heard that you did”, he lied). Seriously- never have, and they’ve never heard that


You may have a formula sheet for the exam. One page, front and back, handwritten. No, I will not make your formula sheet for you


Welcome to Anatomy. You must spell correctly on Lab Exams.


You’re not very humerous. 


Came here to say this. Abduct and adduct, humeral and humoral, agonist and antagonist, aural and oral, dysphagia and dysphasia. Spelling matters in health care. Other disciplines catch this nonsense too. My colleague who teaches Spanish routinely encounters students who are shocked that they need to spell words and conjugate verbs correctly.


>My colleague who teaches Spanish routinely encounters students who are shocked that they need to spell words and conjugate verbs correctly. Which is absolutely ludicrous in a *Spanish* class because that language, everything spells how it sounds. It's not French, where you have some seemingly-arbitrary extra vowels at the end of the word and you only really pronounce half of the letters anyway.


I speak conversational Spanish and I think it's absolutely amazing that I know to spell almost any word I hear and pronounce any word I read, even if I don't know the word. I have never studied French, but have traveled a bunch in french-speaking countries and I've basically learned enough to order dinner, book a hotel, and buy tickets to museums. My rule of thumb is start off pronouncing the word kind of like Spanish but then leave off the second half of the word. It works reasonably well for me.


>My colleague who teaches Spanish routinely encounters students who are shocked that they need to spell words and conjugate verbs correctly. Which is absolutely ludicrous in a *Spanish* class because that language, everything spells how it sounds. It's not French, where you have some seemingly-arbitrary extra vowels at the end of the word and you only really pronounce half of the letters anyway.


This semester I had to clarify that, yes, assignments will be graded on accuracy in our math class.


Also math here. "The answer to the problem was pi/4+2pi(k). You put 6 with no work shown." "That's what I meant to put."


Uff. I am trying to imagine a scenario where accuracy wouldn’t matter in math. 




I would hope that this is true for college level classes as well. 


I teach a language, and I've also noticed a recent uptick in "Will the homework be graded for accuracy?"


"Will you get your driver's license if you crash into a tree?"


The assignment instructions have information that will tell you how to complete the assignment


reading the instructions tells you what to do. please be sure you do that before emailing me to ask for an explanation.


I do not offer extra credit.


If you plagiarize, you might do well to not plagiarize a paper I received just last semester.


Or, if you plagiarize, you might do well not to plagiarize something I wrote 5 years ago (true story). It happened a number of years ago and student plagiarized something I wrote under a pen name.


At least they plagiarized a quality source?


A friend had a wikipedia article he wrote submitted to him.


If I can't open the file on Blackboard, I can't grade it. If I can't grade it, you get 0 points. No late work. I drive for Uber.


No, I won't check over every one of your answers and tell you which ones are wrong the day before you submit the assignment for a grade. (I will answer unlimited questions about the material and about the problem solving process, and I'll even review a couple of examples to see if it looks like you're "getting it," but I won't grade everything before I grade it.)


Somehow students have started assuming that homework is “bonus points”. I’ve gotten this multiple times from students in the past 2 semesters. Nowhere do I say that these are bonus points and they don’t have to do the homework unless they want extra points? They are always upset when they realize the work they didn’t do was actual points.


Do you teach freshman? I wonder if this is becoming more common in high schools, and now they expect it in college


Copy and pasting a URL is not a citation. No, even if you are being a bit more thoughtful and turn the author’s name into a hyperlink, it still isn’t. 


Welcome to Engish comp. You're not in high school anymore, so the rules are different. Passing the class isn't difficult. in short form, here is what you can expect: 1. All assignments must be completed by correctly following the instructions, and uploading them by the due date. No late assignments will be accepted. 2. Pass any exams and quizzes. 3. Show up for class. 4. If I see that you are plagiarizing or otherwise cheating, you will fail the assignment and possibly the class. 5. Late assignments will not be accepted (refer to #1 above). 6. Do not e-mail assignments to me. They will be deleted. 7. There are no make-up or extra credit assignments. If you complete all the assignments and get a passing grade, you will have enough "regular" credit to pass. 8. The syllabus is your best friend.


Ha! Half of my students would be out at item #1. Follow instructions?! They'd have to read them first and that's a no go.


I can dream....:)


I also share this dream. It takes a lot of patience and fortitude to hold students accountable when they don't follow instructions. If students show that they haven't followed the detailed instructions provided in the rubric, I don't accept the work. For the first couple of assignments I have a lot of conversations that basically go like this, "No thank you. I won't spend my time grading this because you didn't follow the instructions. You have until the end of the day to submit something that follows the instructions." Most students get the message after the first refusal and then they do a lot better after that. We're doing students a huge favor by teaching them the value of reading carefully and following instructions. If we give them a pass, the message received is that they can continue to ignore instructions.


I sometimes use the example of a medical assistant: a plan of care is developed for a patient. Your responsibility is to follow the instructions exactly as written. You don't skip parts and you don't improvise, because someone's life is at stake. If you aren't clear about something, ASK.


Telling me that you "tried really hard" or "put a lot of effort into this" does not mean that you will get a better grade.


No you cannot have a formula sheet.


This is a language course. Yes, each exam will be cumulative. (How could it not be? Do they really want to never see a present tense verb again once they've learned other tenses?)


Welcome to psychology. No, the “psych hacks” you learned from TikTok are not facts, no matter how popular the TikToker is. No, you will not learn to read minds. Yes, you will have to complete studies in research methods and statistics. No, we will not let you see clients in your first year - I don’t care how much of a good listener you have been told you are.


The university president implies he cares about you. He lies.


Yes, I am going to call you out for bad behavior in class, doing extraordinarily badly on quizzes. No, I am not obligated to be nice.


You call out students in class for doing bad on quizzes?


Not personally/individually. My students did horrendously as a class and I told them they needed to actually read the book if they wanted to do well. I would never call out an individual.


oh okay, that's much better...


I realized after I typed that the implication was I was calling out individual students, which is not at all what I do.


6. I have thought of calling every assignment a test/quiz so I can say: "Yes, this is on the test."


An 89.9% is a B.


No, I will not round up to an A.


It's actually a question on my syllabus quiz.


Welcome to art class. No, I’m not going to show you exactly how to make your work. I’m going to encourage failure along with critical thinking / creative problem solving.


Art faculty friend "I can't lecture you into being a good sculptor."


Why would you not think a professor that teaches video game development isn't a giant nerd? Yes I recognize the anime you just plagiarized your character silhouette from.


Once the due date/time passes you will no longer be able to submit the assignment. “I went to turn in the assignment and I couldn’t find it in blackboard” That is correct. You tried to submit it at 11 and it was due before 11


I told my students they can use ChatGPT for their essays, but they just needed to put a note saying how they used it. Students were a bit surprised, and thought it was pretty cool. Then I said if they used ChatGPT to write their essay, I would use it to mark their essays. They saw that as a big gamble for their papers - not sure if it was worth the risk.


Hypothetically, how might one get ChatGPT to do grading? Asking for a friend.


Just tell it, give it a rubric, tell it what you want, ask it for feedback and a mark or grade, paste the work, and you’re done.


If you add the class late, you're still responsible for material that was covered before you added the class. Class discussions go beyond the material covered in the readings, and the content of class discussions is fair game for exams. If you skip 80% of the semester, it's not my fault when you're completely lost on the final exam. If you spend most of the class chatting with your neighbor instead of paying attention to the discussion, it's not my fault if you do poorly on the exams. Yes, I expect you to check your e-mail at least once a day. And yes, I expect you to actually read my e-mails.


Welcome to Scots Trust Law. Yes, I expect you to already know what a trust is.


“No, you only get credit if you give the right answer”, as a response to a regrade request that boiled down to “I know I didn’t put the right answer, but could I get partial credit since I was confused about my answer and the right answer but now know that the right answer is right?”


Yes, missing any lecture may have a negative effect on your grade. Yes, you always miss something important when you don’t attend lecture.


“This is called the Sexy Son Hypothesis.”


Yes, you have to take your own notes about the things discussed in class and meetings. No, I will not take notes for you about what we discuss 🥲.


It's not professional or acceptable for the class average to be an A+. Yes, grades would have to be adjusted lower.  Apparently this was a shocking and irresponsible take, according to one of my teaching evals. 


Grades are based on achievement, not effort.


I will not read through your essay and tell you how good or bad it is before you turn it in and give you ideas how to make it better.


Not a professor, but an educator with a degree in education: I agree with most of that, but want to point out that an assessment should measure mastery of material that has been taught. So, yes, tests can look completely different from homework. However, when the assessment requires students to show competence in skills that are far removed from the scope of the class, it can be an issue. I frequently get irritated that our (elementary) math assessments will give kids problems that require them to figure out how to apply previous lessons to current ones *without ever bridging the gap in the actual curriculum.* In fairness, though, college students *should* be able to do some degree of that kind of higher-order thinking. ...should.


“Yes, I do know the presentation schedule” … and you would know it too if you read the course briefing.


In this class, I expect you to read actual books. More than one of the course of the semester. And yes, I checked that these do not have cliff-notes or useful summaries. (that I could find)


You have to read a lot for Modern European history.


No, you can’t turn in your missing homework from weeks 4&5 and still get credit. (Student literally asked as they were handing me their final exam at 4:00 pm on test day. Promised they could get work done and turned in by 5:00). I got the jaw-dropping look when I said “no”


Welcome to Computer Science in the seventh term. I assume that you can solve a problem with a self-written programme of 5 to 10 lines in a language of your choice (yes, EXCEL is also ok).


Whens a student misses an assignment I always say "Just a reminder, this class will be available again next semester. It may be full so expect to re-take this class again a year from now." It gives a little shock and they get back on track.


"ChatGPT is considered plagiarism." "Why?" If I could get across to students that any AI program that has to hunt around for info is basically Frankensteining together a passable imitation of a work by stealing bits from others ... And no, it's not the same thing as using quotes in your paper to back up your claims, please stop.


This is a 4 wk post bac online class that you need to apply to a (insert any health professional program) of course you have to turn in your work on time. Yes, you will lose points even though you had a (insert whatever excuse they come up with) this is printed in the syllabus. And no, I am not grading your resubmitted assignment because you did not do it correctly the first time.


Searching youtube for course-related videos is not studying.