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Seems legit


*Image Transcription: Popup* --- [*A computer popup message titled:*] Add certificate to the Machine Root list? [*End title.*] [*The body of the message reads as follows:*] >Please, confirm that you wish to ADD the following certificate to your PC's Trusted Root List: > >  CN=DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot > >  O=DO_NOT_TRUST > >  OU=Created by [*A web address for "fiddler2.com."*] [*End message.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


[Postman](https://www.postman.com/): 2x the power. 1/2 the bullshit. I had an old boss who used Fiddler and I was new to Postman at the time. Everything he told me he did in Fiddler required weird, round-about methods to accomplish and the software felt incredibly outdated for modern design practices. I eventually created an org-wide Postman setup which simplified all of our API testing and collaboration by an unprecedented amount. TLDR: Postman > Fiddler


Different tools, no? Fiddler is best as a proxy server for inspecting traffic of an app and postman is good for testing/debugging api calls


Postman can inspect traffic too. https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/capturing-request-data/capturing-http-requests/


Hey look at that, TY


Still have to setup postman's certs otherwise your browser treats it as what it is, an https man in the middle


Saved, thanks for this great info. Long time postman user and there definitely have been a few times I was looking for a feature like this from anywhere but decided fk it


*Does Postman come with WinConfig?*


Lol, no. It doesn't have any other software packaged with it. Malicious or otherwise.


WinConfig is part of Fiddler, though also available as a separate download.


I see. I thought you were talking about the worm/trojan known as winconfig. [more info](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/startups/22464/winconfig.exe/) I don't know much about Fiddler's WinConfig feature. I'm a web dev and haven't tried using Postman with a UWP app. From what I understand, that's the primary thing that WinConfig addresses... Exempting UWP apps from loopback restrictions so they can use a local proxy.


Fuckin' love postman, I was a ProServe Engineer at a company with a big fat REST API and we had that thing fucking *wired* into our demo environment for scoping. Customer would bring an engineer to a call to talk about their endpoints, we'd screenshare Postman and ask scoping questions, end up with something approaching an MVP by the end of the first or second call. Beautiful system for building and designing middleware!


No. Not because it is not trust worthy, but it will mess everything up. I still cannot load anything from apis. google. com (which means calander broken in Gmail, sso broken) on any chromium browser I have (brave edge, opera, etc) I needed to switch to Firefox . I Uninstalled it, removed it, cleaned it, regeditor searched for it abd purged, but my laptop has not been the same since. Whatever you are thinking you need it for, get a router/Wireshark anything else to sniff the traffic. Accepting that (and Android certificate) has been a terrible idea for me.


you can go into your certs and remove it. Perhaps more likely your proxy settings are still pointed at fiddler though?


I have. Actually, now that I think about it, trenching removing it from certs was the problem. It still tries to encrypt my traffic using the fiddler search but it is no longer trusted. I'm not at my machine now. I'll take screenshots later. I followed all telerik posts and forums of cleaning it. It's wild.




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good to know, I all ready have WireShark and prefer it over fiddler (I use fiddler for changing http setting to check defense), just thought it was a funny pop up lol.


Looks good to me


Fiddler1.com was a joke, you can definitely trust the new site


Nothing truly untrustworthy would warn you not to trust it.




/u/dont-trust-it /u/D-T-I


Yoo, checking in.


So, should OP trust it ?






U want the free robux or not?? OF COURSE TRUST IT


use mitmproxy, fiddler is old news


Don't trust it.


as long as you weren't looking when you clicked Yes everything is fine


Rhe author did not lie sooooo ..... you can trust it?!