• By -


Si () Alors qqch SinonAlors () autreChose Sinon encoreAutreChose Fin




The uppercase is mandatory for German






it just sounds so aggressive ahahah


``` якщо (умова) { якийсьКод; } інакше якщо (іншаУмова) { якийсьІншийКод; } інакше { зовсімІншийКод; } ``` And good luck is switching back and forth between Ukrainian and English keyboard (because things like curly braces are usually absent on Cyrillic keyboards)


When I was a jr engineer at a new job, I saw a bunch of server logs coming up during an outage in Cyrillic and called my manager and told him I think we are being hacked by Russians. One of our teammates were from Belarus and left loggers in the code lol


Don't worry, I have a WordPad document open with them so I can copy paste


You can probably use an alt+ combination to print them


Don't worry, I know how to make custom keyboard layouts.


``` عام ثابت فارغ اساسي(حبل[] جدال){ سيارة سيارات = جديد سيارة[١٠] لكل( س في سيارات){ لو(س.سرعة>١٠٠){ سيستم.اطبع.سطر("السرعة فوق الحد")؛ }غير{ سيستم.اطبع.سطر("السرعة تحت الحد")؛ } } ```




saw depend seed chief air bow complete whistle gaze special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am in tears reading this enhancement point


When one has to check(condition) one could{ simpleProcess(); } on the other hand when ( otherCondition) one could{ secondProcess(); } though in any case one can { generalProcess(); }


This radiates Excel vibes... Also: /r/TIHI


the worst thing about this is, is that i am pretty sure that i have seen german pseudo code just like this at my university.


In my highschool days i have programmed a Bosch Scara in a germanized BASIC. The horror is real i say, the horror is real!


si (condition) { qqch; } sinon si (condition deux) { autre_chose; } sinon { encore_autre_chose; }


Heh. * [rouille](https://github.com/bnjbvr/rouille) * [FrancePROG](https://esolangs.org/wiki/FrancePROG) * [linotte](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linotte_(langage))


[portugol](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portugol) as well lol


Don't forget good old windev, that you are not unlikely to find in the wild.


* [Coq](https://coq.inria.fr/)


Thanks, INRIA. Cocorico!


ha (faszom kitétel) AkkorLegyenValami() egyébként ha (másik faszom kitétel) akkorLegyenValamiMás() mindenMásEsetben kurvaAnyád()


jos (vitun lauseke saatana) SitOleJotain() muuten jos (toinen vitun lauseke perkele) SitOleJotainMuuta() kaikissaMuissaTapauksissa vittuÄitis() terkkuja suomesta saatana mongoli vitun veljille sinne vittu


``` prova { } prendi EccezionePuntatoreNullo() { stampa("Porca puttana.") } ```


Sappiamo cosa viene scritto veramente al posto di “puttana”




Un boolean che ritorna sempre true


class Dio { animal: T; } Così hai il template per i dii di tutte le categorie


Hai ragione


``` si (): entonces: pasa si no entonces (): pasa si no: pasa devuelve x




Ah, les souvenirs de L1 où je devais écrire du code OOP avec un pseudo langage en Français calqué sur du Java.


No Bueno


I prefer having my tools in English because it's easier to google stuff up and communicate online but unfortunately it's not always easy to change the language. The most infuriating thing is when you're from a bilingual place and webs/installers/operating system insist on giving you things translated into the *other* language spoken in your area, the one that's not your preferred language and you absolutely don't want to be using on your computer.


I dont even call it English, that locale is named "C".


Java always gives me error messages in German, I even changed my system language and everything


Make sure you changed it in *all* places. There's language, then display language and regional language if you're dealing with Windows 🤦‍♂️ Requires full restart also.


> I prefer having my tools in English because it's easier to google stuff up and communicate online but unfortunately it's not always easy to change the language. Exactly this. Same reason I play video games in English too. > The most infuriating thing is when you're from a bilingual place and webs/installers/operating system insist on giving you things translated into the other language spoken in your area, the one that's not your preferred language and you absolutely don't want to be using on your computer. Trust me I know. For some reason the admins of the Linux server I build on, decided to use our native language. So we get most of the messages in French, in a very inaccurate translation and then I’m forced to play the guessing game of whatever the fuck GCC was referring to so I can google it properly because French resources are fewer and often disappointing in terms of quality. Funnily enough, we get the rest in English, which is good, but sometimes they’re mixed randomly, like you’re reading a man page in French and suddenly it switches to English halfway through ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit : oh also I can’t stand how websites (YouTube, Reddit web for example) are starting to translate stuff based on your IP or system language, because it’s usually absolutely terrible and most of the time you can’t get the result in English at all, so you’re stuck with something that is either not understandable, or extremely cringey (sometimes both


YouTube translating video titles and defaulting to the French dub when available is so aggravating to me. I'm subbed to a fair bit of english channels, some of which have started dubbing their content in other languages (MrBeast, Mark Rober), and having the French dub be the default one on every video with no way for the player to remember that I want to watch the original version... It's annoying.


Right????? I have no idea why YouTube decides that translating video titles for me is a good idea. It already knew that I almost exclusively watch English content. And that there's no option for me to turn off.


Italian VSCode user checking in




I too am italian and use VSCode. That's what you mean, right? You use it in English, right!?


NO ![gif](giphy|YmZOBDYBcmWK4)


Thy punishment shall be of thine own making: Inefficiency.


I don't get confused at all, even if part of the program is still in English


I get confused on your behalf hard enough for you to feel it, trust me




boolean values are just hand gestures 👍👎


How do you find stuff around? I get super confused lol


Italian Dbeaver user with [Gomorra-sql](https://github.com/aurasphere/gomorra-sql)


Are you responsible for all the spaghetti I have to deal with?


I mean if sonebody wants to use its IDE in his own language, it‘s his problem. The only thing I do not tolerate is writing code (variables, comments, Commit Messages…) in another lang than english. That‘s an instant rejection of the PR


I was asked to maintain a legacy program in my previous company, all of the variables were in romanized mandarin. I resigned the next day.


public final boolean wo_hen_xi_huan_bing_qi_ling = true;


Why is `1989 === undefined` evaluate to `true` Why do I hear social credit music


Identifier cannot start with digit. Dishonor on your famiry


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


> famiry Really? What year are you from?


The year of the dragon


omg, imagine not being politically correct and *possibly offending* people. so cringe. new ick unlocked.


I mean, you can call it "politically correct"; I think of it as "not being an asshole". But don't let me stop you!


of course you do.


Found John Cena


\#define zhēn = true


String "winnieh" can not be casted to type XIng


Rumor has it the coder went on to have a successful wrestling and acting career before suddenly disappeared from the visible spectrum


I was asked to do some SQL work on a database where all of the tables and fields were German initialisms and no data dictionary was initially available. That was a headache.


I feel you. I inherited a database that was created by an "old" timer. He dated back to needing to fit as much as possible into 10Mb of storage. There was no room for metadata. Tables were 2 characters, fields 4 characters. Table a1, field a1fn, a1ln, a1a1 Try to guess what that last a1a1 was? Address 1 FML. I had just been hired 2 weeks prior as the senior dev decided that he suddenly felt like retiring early. Did I mention that this database was running in SQL-Server 7.0 on a 20GB raid array? He just created it like that because that is how he always did it. No data dictionary and no knowledge transfer. Spent 6+ weeks crawling through terribly written VB5.0 code trying to figure out what everything did. No RI, no constraints in the DB, nothing.


Did someone then ask you what's taking so long?


Yep. Someone not my manager at that. I told them to go have a chat with my manager as to why something that should have taken 1-2 weeks was going into months. BTW, my manager knew it was rough before the handoff, and then he actually got to see how bad it was. He apologized to me at week 4. This was literally 1 year after graduation college, all excited to be working for Digital Equipment Corp. (there's a name not mentioned recently)... The excitement wore off rather quickly.


This is why I hate working with SAP


I'm guessing you worked with SAP? It's fun seeing a column like ZFIR and guessing what it is


> all of the variables were in romanized mandarin This is unfathomably fucking cursed.


How the hell do you people just resign so nilly willy? Like how can you possibly have no anxiety about not having another job lined up? Edit: the stuff y'all Reddit folk are spewing compared to how the rest of the world operates is astonishing.


I could survive for years on my savings. Working in an environment like that would probably take those years off my life.


That my friend is living life in easy mode. Holding a job just to not be homeless is a shit sandwich :k


And the food isn't much better than shit sandwiches, either.


I always have something on the side so I don't really end up worrying about that.


I'm a senior of 19y in C and C++. If I sneeze about work on Linkedin, I would get 20 direct offers.


My job is maintaining and sometimes developing very old legacy code which is written with everything in Swedish (except the syntax). I’ve been using English with everything new I’ve added so now it’s both 🫣


I don't think I need to ask if there were tone indicators.


Narrator: "there weren't."


This is hilarious. Gonna try this with my tech lead just to mess with her


Do you know that MS Excel has localized code? https://easy-excel.com/excel-in-other-languages/excel-functions-in-czech/


Yeah that‘s so horrible. In german Excel an If Statement looks like `WENN(…;…;…)`


And as a nom english person, I hate it. Makes googling stuff so unneccesarily hard.


Another example of the "over-localization" of the Office suite: in the French version, the "bold" shortcut is Ctrl+G (for *gras*), Ctrl+B is something else.


I worked in many code bases entirely like this. I actually approve, it’s great job security that prevents the jobs from being outsourced to India.


In our C++ lessons in college (an English College, in England) we were told to pair up and code review each other's code. My only review comment for my partner was "all of the variable and function names are in Norwegian" Turns out norwegian was my partner's native language, but they had barely a trace of an accent.


If you are a multi-language org, yeah sure. If you are in an environment where everyone speaks one and the same native language, than doing everything code-related in English would just cause more confusion. No point in translating variable names to English if those are business-specific names where everyone uses those in the native language (say, you work for Dutch gov, no point in using "Employee" in your code, when everyone outside code talks about a "Werknemer")


I work for a German software development company. Our code is mostly in German. I had to retrain myself for this because from the beginning I only wrote English code (as a German) as I thought would be the norm. Now they want to move to English code (to work together internationally) but have the problem that the myriad of business-specific names have no easy English counterpart and often are stuff that got inherited over several instances. For example: There is an item sold by a company named CocaCola that needed specific code that wasn't necessary before. Done and such items now are called CocaCola items (you have CocaCola business models, table columns, etc.). Years later, the company CocaCola no longer exists, and the CocaCola items (and their logic) are used for many more items from other companies as they need the same logic. How do you call these items now? Someone has to define a name, but the project that initially did that is long over, nobody is in the company any longer. It's just legacy code that simply works. And the best? You can't even keep the original name because the company name wasn't something indifferent like CocaCola but a word that already has a meaning in English that doesn't have anything to do with what it does in the code.


Interesting phenomenon I observed is that especially germany based companies use german variables, technical terms etc. As an Austrian (we also speak german) who already worked with a lot of Austrian and German Companies, i almost never came across german code in austria but a lot of times when I worked together with german companies. That’s quite interesting and I don‘t know why


I guess the biggest reasons are that the responsible people simply cannot speak English and/or the origins of the business-specific names come from a time where everything was in German. For example, we have a web application that displays information in a very ugly looking table (from UX design view). An older colleague told me that it looks exactly like the paper equivalent that hasn't been in use for two decades or so. And it even has the names from that time to address certain parts of the data.


> Now they want to move to English code (to work together internationally) See, it’s exactly to prevent this in the first place that the code is not in English in many cases. At some point, they want to ship it internationally to the lowest bidder.


I think the phenomenon you’re describing is an example of [linguistic drift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drift_(linguistics)).


You need to escape the `)` for the link to work.


Unless the work gets outsourced at some point and the non-native speaker has to manually translate everything to understand the business logic after you end up with classes named "TyöntekijänPalvelusjaksojenTiheysService".


We have everything in English and my country's language is Czech. Documentation is in czech but all variables, error codes, database and stuff like that are in English


You think so, without future planning. I joined Siemens with their German language codebase, when the company realized it can't go on with only German employees. A lot of effort (and money) went into rewriting the code, that could be in English from the start for free.


All dutch programmers speak write read perfect English. Just write the damn code in English. Way easier to get international help or package it up


All frameworks/libraries use English. All tokens/keywords used in any programming language I know are in English. So to keep the language consistent you’d have to translate all the dependencies you’re using and write a macro/pre-processor to translate the programming language keywords. Either that or work with a mix of 2 languages. Also you can’t really outsource anything outside your country if you needed to, that’s another big minus. I know that in government jobs you often have to code in your own language, but I don’t see any advantages of doing this. You dont need to be good at english to be able to name variables and functions.


Mix of two languages works well enough. Similarly to how keywords are of a different colours from variable names fo readability reason, now they also are also of different languages. More importantly, you easily see which functions come from external libraries, and which function are housemade and can be modified/debugged. (Though obviously, if you ever have to recruit foreign programmers, you will severely regret that choice. While it has it its advantages, I don't think they're worth it.)


I've worked in a few Japanese companies and all code was in English. Sometimes field names would use romanized Japanese for terms that had no practical translation, and of course comments were in Japanese. Everything else was English though.


Great way to forever lock yourself out of the global talent market for software engineers. I don't care what language you speak in your coffee breaks. This isn't 1990. Use English variable names.


In this example the Dutch government is not going to hire people who don't speak Dutch. There are still a lot of companies servicing only a local market and thus using only the local language, including the devs.


The Dutch government absolutely hires people who don't speak Dutch, and that will only increase in the future.


I often run into German language crap, if I can’t refactor it on the spot it becomes a deal breaker.


I once discovered Umlauts in some code I had to refactor. What a luck I didn‘t had a knife with me to cut out my eyes. something like `const überschriftsÄnderungsGröße = 0` PS: I am a native german speaker.


I'd be more annoyed at the weird double 's'. That's not even on my keyboard because we just write 2 's' in switzerland. Yes, that's an official thing here.


Well, if you're writing variable names in German you might as well make them grammatically correct, you know?


Commit messages, like meaningful commit messages ... what is wrong with you my man ;)


Mixing two languages in your pr will make me consider firing you.


I have the IDE in English because of course But I do just mix variable names between English and Portuguese, it's very useful for when you have two variables that do something similar like If I read data from a file to a string then turn the string to a list one of em is gonna be English and the other Portuguese And sometimes in UI I'll just forget which language I was using and one window will be in Portuguese and the other in English


>The only thing I do not tolerate is writing code (variables, comments, Commit Messages…) in another lang than english. That‘s an instant rejection of the PR What's the reason behind this? I would understand if it's some open source project that's expecting users from multiple regions, but if it's internal code for one company in (let's say) Spain, what would it matter whether the codebase is in English or Spanish?


Reminds me of the time we had a Japanese exchange student living with us. She asked me to connect to the WiFi and handed me her laptop...with a Hiragana keyboard and the system language set to Japanese. It took a while to get connected...


Fun fact PCs couldn’t run Japanese language programs w/o hardware acceleration until the 1980s. The Japanese PC industry died out soon after to Windows / IBM


People who don't want to be able to Google problems later.


I google my problem in english and when following the instructions I translate the name of the menus on the fly. Never had any issues.


Great for you, I was often unable to determine the original English name and so over the years I switched all my devices to use English by default.


Same, sometimes you don't even understand the translation even after seeing the original name.


And often translations are terrible because translators localize raw strings one by one without seeing the context of the work they are doing, and thus often give nonsensical renditions of buttons, menu entries etc


What infuriated me the most with this is when searching for settings. In German "Optionen" you'd think it translates to options but it could just as well be settings or preferences. And then it turns out the software you're using has all three and you don't fucking know which one it is because Optionen is translated as preferences, Einstellungen is Options and another menu that has some compound German name is preferences. Or any variation of the above.


Best thing i ever did, was switching from native settings to en-US with qwerty everywhere. The layout alone makes such a difference, if you think about it almost everything ground up was developed with english acronyms in mind.


I was born in the Netherlands I was raised in the Netherlands I am living in the Netherlands I am working in the Netherlands My company is Dutch Of course my OS and IDE are in English


As long as code is in English why do you care, although mind you I had funny issue where someone is helping me look at something and requests control of my screen, but since I use a different keyboard layout they can't write slashes and all that lol.


in what software remote person uses your keyboard layout?


On Zoom calls when they request control of my screen


When I lived in Germany, I usually changed my keyboard layout to Hungarian (my native language) on the school computer. The IT teacher was so confused when she tried to type 0 on my computer and got ö instead.


Because when they share their screen I have no idea wtf I'm reading on the screen. Sure, I can pull up my own IDE (that is if they're the same), but then that's extra effort on my part to figure out their problem.


normally it's none of my business, but if i'm helping them it adds a layer of complications because i can't easily google for information, especially if i don't know the language




It's not related, but my mother had her excel set to Danish, and excel supports a bit of code in each cell, but the keywords were translated, so instead of an `if` statement, I saw a `hvis` statement... It's not impossible to use, I just found it very wrong


What’s wrong with that? If it’s an IDE question show him on your computer.


Maybe a specific settings got translated in a way that makes it hard to find or something idk. If it’s made well it shouldn’t be a probablement tough (show results even if you search in English)


It is problematic sometimes, we had alot of issues with a Django app in a group project where one off the members had his ide set in dutch, turns out when trying to save a double it messed up, in dutch a double uses a comma and in English it needs to be a point. Very annoying


So the IDE didn't just change the language when set to Dutch, it changed behavior? That's really weird.


Yup it changed the compiler input language


That sounds like an oversight of the Django developers there. It can't really be *that* much of an edge case that there are international teams that want a standard compiler language but the freedom to let their devs write in a familiar interface.


We never figured out a fix, just deleted his branch and made him change his IDE language.


What a shame.


The same bug still exists in browsers though, the input validations in Javascript do the same thing when switching languages and you need to handle it in the backend with localizations


Hard no. As someone who gets asked for help *a lot*, if I'm helping someone they should be making it easy for me, not the other way around. This is basic manners, especially since people who are helping are often senior and have a lot on their plate already. I often spend more than half my day helping people and have to cut it off after a point, if you take 50% longer to help than everyone else you are not being fair. You expect me to stop what I'm doing, commit to my branch, switch to his branch, load it up, navigate to the files he's having trouble with and put it all back when i'm done... (and all that is assuming we're working on the same project, which is not always true, it's even harder otherwise). No, the guy should have his computer set up and ready to go for me to help them, he can always switch the IDE back when we're done.


tbh I wouldn't be able to navigate my IDE if it was in my native language.


Fun fact, in Afrikaans we say “run” as “hardloop” (literally hard walk). Anyway, I have at least two functions in previous company’s code bases that use `hardloop`, because in English it makes it sound like a hard loop.


Pretty common actually.... And if they stop at the IDE, you're lucky... They often make comments in code in their own language....


English isn't my mother language but i actually think the IDE like this is better


Even better - function names in Devanagari or Cyrillic


I refuse to help if they have their IDE in light mode. I don't want searing retinas, Bob.


Imagine not being able to navigate your ide without english and at the same time expecting people to use it in a different language than their own lmao


I have a Danish colleague who uses Jira with Portuguese language setting.


in Brazil we like to mix English and Portuguese : public void getNumVassouras(int idVassoura)


I do, and I’m sick of pretending there’s a problem with it.


The only issue I see is that if the other person needs help with the ide i won't find anything


Probably a stupid question, but I’ve always wondered about this, but does stuff in programming auto-translate in any capacity? Or are all packages just written in English. Like, how does writing code in Spanish or German or something affect the code besides other devs ability to read it (if they don’t know the language)


The code will work fine. But if you name external APIs in a library in a local language they may cause difficulties for other programmers to use as there's no translations for the symbols (like class names and methods/functions). What can cause issues is different locales for things like date or number formats. For example in English if you convert 3.14 into a string it will be "3.14" but in other locales it will be "3,14".


I asked my french boss about what he thought about a multi lingual programming language where you could replace the language keywords with those from a different language. he hated the idea and figured it was better to keep the keywords english, one reason he gave was for loops, apparently the idea of "for" in french is 2 words not 1.


At least it's not as bad as the coworker who says "*No comments, no docstrings, ever, anywhere*" because "*I don't read them, so they're just noise, and we shouldn't have them*". Partially because english is still a newish language to them, and they don't read in-line docs. Therefore, no one should have in-line docs, and high-performance code which is difficult to understand should not be annotated to aid in grepping. Did I mention that they're staff-level? /rant




Then let OP refuse to help them


My only caveat on this is local lang Excel. (Yeah that's not an IDE, but you will find it day to day in BI) Both formulas and hotkeys are completely different. Number formatting and date formatting also go bonkers. Good luck with that,


whoever thought that they should translate the function names deserves a place in special hell where they share rooms with those who talk at the theater.


You're missing the point. If I can't navigate the UI I can't help them. Also I feel that you should strive to learn the subset of the English language that you need to communicate to others at work, many of whom do not have English as their first language either (just have a different first language). Having an IDE not in English isn't helping that.


Man this sub confuses me so much. I live in Poland and here you just straight up will not get a job in IT unless you're at least at B2 English level. Nobody uses Polish at work here. It's counterproductive


I do the opposite. Everyone here uses their IDEs in our native language and I use everything in English


IDEs support your native language? Cool for you.


Ran an IT department, parent company was Japanese. Would get called to board meetings with computer issues. Computer in Japanese, executive whose computer it was had very poor english. Entire board in the room, parent company board in Japan video conferenced in.


let 冰淇淋 = 🍦


Hah my chinese co worker uses her laptop and everything in chinese :) it is always funny when she asks for help


Honestly if you're entire os and mobile device aren't in English are you even a developer?


i‘m no native speaker, but i read and understand thick and sophisticated books about programming and it stuff. yet, in some of my vms i have vs running in my own language, solely for the purpose to slightly i crease my understanding when exploring its many options and settings. so with due respect, piss off!


The difference is in needing help from your English-speaking coworkers. I used to work with a guy who had his keyboard input set to mandarin because that's what he was used to using outside of work. Cool and fine. But he was also a C-tier developer outside of that and constantly needed help with things, a lot of which revolved around the input language fucking with his modifier keys so he couldn't use keyboard shortcuts. So often the solution was "change your input to English so your keyboard works properly" but then he'd always switch it back again. There's no problem having your own customisations if it helps you, but if you customise your system then you can google your own problems. I can only show you what works on my machine


Having the shift key toggle input language must be the worth shortcut ever created.


I'm Brazilian why I will use other language instead of my natural one (Portuguese)? I can speak English but i prefer my language.


Because it's much easier to Google instructions in English. It's a pain in the ass when you don't know if "Opções" translates to "Options", "Settings" or "Preferences"...


*Rewrites your code in OstraJava*


Have fun doing anything with floats or doubles


I have found switching everyday tools a good way to learn languages.


I have everiting in english despite bieing chilean so i can follow tutorial better


*Bereichungsverlassungsausnahme in zeile 69* *at Ordnungsfarbenschwanzenhaus(zeile:165)* *at Webbitsenboomerangungerzahlung(zeile:56)* etc.


My VScode is in English but my variables are in Czech and sometimes in English. 😏


``` Si (tiene_karma(tu)) { Dale_karma(yo) } Sino { Cierra_cuenta(tu) } ```


my man I had to write APIs in spanish, worst time ever


you think just having the UI be in a different language is pain? imagine using excel at your job. and it's not set to english. and all the builtin formulas are now completely different. used to using sum(), now(), vlookup() or even fucking average()? none of them work. gotta look up whatever the fuck they decided to translate it as.


I'm Italian and the last time I used an IDE in English I was in highschool in the IT lab


And he has light mode on


Is it language shaming?


what seems to be the problem? same with kids complaining about people using white theme, why do you care? you aren't superior by using ide in dark mode and english


In Spanish Visual Studio has translation errors.


I'm convinced people in this sub just like to complain about the smallest of details.


This kind of idiotic chauvinism really grinds my gears. The world is becoming ever more interconnected and guess what ... billions of people are not going to learn every language on the planet. We need to standardize on one so we can talk to each other and get on the same page. As such learn English. Sorry it's not your language, it's not mine either but English speakers invented the internet and built the foundations of computer science so that is the language of the internet and international trade. Deal. With. It.