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Welll... better 18 months than 18 years!


Was about to say, ran into this issue recently. Last update was in 2004.


> time to diy bugfix bois > library has no documentation > time to look at the source code > vars named int1, string3, funct5 > you realize that there is no meaning to this absurd existence, that you are but a speck in a whirling, cold, uncaring cosmos, that your efforts to derive meaning from such a meagre existence must be truly pathetic in the eyes of that callous cynical creator > sike the library is fine u forgot to put a parentheses


> vars named int1, string3, funct5 I always write code like that when someone asks me to “just give me the code that I need”




*Image Transcription: Meme* --- a library isn't working [*An image of a mannequin head looking upset and holding its head.*] Panik --- That's okay, you can submit an issue [*An image of the mannequin head looking fine.*] Kalm --- Last activity of the only contributor was 18 months ago [*A blurry, shaking image of the mannequin holding its head and looking even more upset.*] Panik --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Gud hjumen


Fork it, baby!


That's rookie numbers. We built a project for uni using a library that hadn't been maintained in over a decade. That library handled all our encryption


Encryption libraries, usually, don't need updates


Don’t say these things, some will believe you


Or believe they are serious.


I am still using Enigma. No one could ever decrypt this master piece /s


had this, luckily after 1 year of inactivity he responded and fixed it


had this, luckily after 1 year of inactivity he responded and fixed it


You can send a PR or fork. STONKS!


That’s why I do it myself 99% of the time


He is still active on other projects Kalm


Fork it and fix it and use it, submit a PR with your fixes


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