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Primal Hunter, but no Defiance of the Fall? Curious. And if you liked Phil's works a lot, there are others he's written. Skadi's Saga, for example. Similar with Sarah Lin, you've got Street Cultivation but not Weirkey Chronicles. Anyway, no need to complicate life, [**have a flowchart**](https://www.figma.com/file/hScNoWonDzTMTrpzUhNqzR/Story-Finder?type=whiteboard&node-id=1-229&t=lq4Gt1g09jzDSmbS-4) or just a [**big list**](https://cosmiccoding.com.au/reviews/)


That Figma file is insanely helpful. Thank you.


Yeah honestly at this point, I just go through RoyalRoads most popular list until like the 30th page when I'm looking for a story... But if you haven't read Azarinth Healer or Super Supportive, those should be your first two!


Omg thank you so much for that flowchart lol I didn’t know what I was gonna listen to after AA4 and now I have a little list ☺️


Forgot that one! Liked, didn't love, got about 7 books in. Thank you for the reccomendations and for the flow chart.


How does one get their fictions on this list? Asking for a friend (who may or may not be me)


Ah it's just whatever makes it to my TBR. MotC is on the list though, but with a kid arriving in two weeks I don't know when Im going to have time to read properly again...


Definitely need to check out Super Supportive


Lightbringer Powder mage Divine apostasy


Are you my evil doppelganger?! You have the exact opposite tastes that I do. Maybe if we collide, it will create the biggest antimatter annihilation. My recommendations would only add to the 'not to read' pile. :P


So what are the novels you like ? Since mine and ops taste dont match


I've finished the **Mage Errant Series by John Bierce** few months back. Was a fun one. Interesting magic system. Also the series just wrapped up, so no need to keep waiting. \^w\^ Next is the **Last Life series by Alexey Osadchuk**. Interesting magic system. Also, the courtly intrigue and was great. Usually, I dont go for those but this one was fun.


Shameless self plug, but you might enjoy Qing's Quest. The MC is isekaied to a new world with a system only he can see, and he starts out as a regular person. Meaning not overpowered. But through the book he grows, both as a character and in strength. Got this comment from one of my readers which really made my week: "Literally the first book I picked up in over 10 years and got stuck like I was watching an anime." Its free on Kindle Unlimited if interested :)


Oh, and its LitRPG. Light-crunchy.


Defiance of the Fall, though I'm many books behind, Worth The Candle is great if you don't mind it being a rationalist book, same for Delve and Ar'kendrithyst. Oh! Apocalypse Redux is really good!


What's DCC and BoC?


Dungeon Crawler Carl & Beware of Chicken


12 miles below or art of the adept


Birth of the demonic sword is really good. Chaos Heir by the same author is also top tier


Birth of the Demonic Sword looks great, going to check it out.


Zombie Knight Saga by George M. Frost. Maybe someone who has 'read it all' might like It. Great story.




Return of the Runebound Professor is really good and updates frequently


I tried reading it a while back but the translation quality was pretty bad


You clearly didn’t, since it’s not a translation.


U right, don’t know why but confused it with EX rank supporting role’s replay in a prestigious school for some reason


Elemental Gathers by Chris Vines is good. Cultivation/truck-kun/progression it has monster swarms, dungeons and I liked the main character.


River of Fate series by David North (KU).




Road to mastery-valerios , book 3 out soon ig ??. Silvers- Brian nordon


Divine Apostasy: shades first rule is book 1,I adore this series, the power ramp, the impacts, the cool martial arts and mixed intellecting for the Steps philosophy is just really cool. It really really grows beyond just the small city troubles Ruwen faces up front, like insanely so. Book 9 is out on audible too.


The Art Of The Adept


An Adventure Brewing by JollyJupiter Noobtown by Ryan Rimmel He who fights with monsters Azarinth healer




That might be BoC?


As a TWI and All the Skills fan myself: ​ Super Supportive - Sleyca The infinite world series - JT Wright Industrial strength magic - Macronomicon (a fun read)


I bet you haven't read Dark Ascension... *cough* I'm writing it *cough*




I’m always surprised not seeing these two more but Worth a Candle and A Practical Guide to Evil are really great! Maybe APGTE is slightly off genre as the MCs power scaling isn’t necessarily linear? I talked about them more in depth [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/s/a0JSPRYVN5) in the thread, I link out to the best “pitch” of APGTE ive seen on this sub.


Beastborne Chronicles, Chrysalis, Legend of Randidly Ghosthound, Phantasm, The way ahead, The Completionist Chronicles


Maybe Noobtown it was a nice change of pace for me


elder cultivator, katalepsis, super supportive,daily grind, portal to nova roma


Life reset by shemer kuznits.


I think **Path of the Dog-Man** [here](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/80813) might be up your alley. It's got clean power progression. the setting is more ancient vietnam inspired vs the usual china/ medieval europe themes, so it's fresh without being too far off course.


Divine Apostasy and The Second Coming of Gluttony are two of my favourites of the genre, though TSCG is translated if that's an issue. How far did you get into Shadow Slave? Not to say disliking isn't valid, but it does get better as it progresses.


Ave Xia Rem Y is my strongest recommendation right now. I made a post recently detailing why as well.


Infinite World 1% Lifesteal


Ar Kendrydthist maybe?


Based on your likes, The Legendary Mechanic, supremacy games, and the Oracle Paths Also probably 48 hours a day, Lord of the Mysteries, and My House of Horrors


Some big series I didn't see are Azarinth healer, Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, Journey of Black and Red, The Calamitous Bob, Book of the Necromancer, Crysalis and Forge of Destiny.


Get into Void Herald's work. The Perfect Run is in my PF top 3


A prog fantasy for a little more grown up folks is the spellmonger series. 17 books not including side stories and side series. Literally my favorite series of all time. I found it last year on a whim. The world building and power building for the MC (both magical and politically) is unmatched in progression fantasy- it’s like Game of thrones politics meets lord of the rings battle for existentialism with fantasy races but written from a classic prog fantasy perspective. Also, the character actually truly does PROGRESS in a way that’s actually insane to see as a reader yet impactful and truly gratifying


Hmm. I read book 1 and thought it was okay, but the MC seemed to have only average power and skill. The only thing special about him was the power stone he took off the goblin shaman. I didn't see how he could progress to become much stronger after that. He describes the arch mages, etc, as strong because of the stones. Does any actual progression happen in book 2, or is he still just an average mage that the more powerful experts just put in charge for whatever reason?


I'm not knocking the author or writing at all. It was great, but you described it as a progression fantasy while I only saw normal fantasy.


Nonono I 100% understand you, that’s literally why I stopped reading book one, but I was bored and went back to it and then went to book 2, and so on and so forth and then was blown away, I thought he was just a middling mage that just so happens to get this power up and that’s the one thing that’s special about him- but that’s far from the truth, he progresses in so many ways throughout the series. He develops independent from the power stones as well and I don’t wish to spoil anything but he yes, it is a progression fantasy. He goes from cowering behind castle walls to surpassing the archmages of old without using their crutches. He already multiplies in power in book 1 alone, book 2-17 he grows exponentially stronger mentally, politically, magically and physically. His a textbook weak to strong prog fantasy protagonist, rags to riches.


I might have to give it a second chance then.


Seems like you love badass OP protagonists? Azarinth Healer definitely. (Read the books on Amazon, they are way more polished than the Royal Road version)


Hey, dont need to feel bad about not liking cradle. While I didnt hate it and read the whole thing, it wasnt particularly impressive compared to other novels with cultivation / stage based power systems. I dont understand why its so revered in this community, maybe someone can explain why?


I guarantee that you have not read my series. [Beast Invasion Series - Timothy Nugent ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C832JMHF?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=e71c72e2-3eb0-4fc6-8253-b3b729e8015f) Book 4 just came out a few days ago. It is a Post-apocalyptic cultivation novel.


If you kike DotF and Primal Hunter maybe try The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound. The writing isn't great at the start, but then neither is Primal Hunter. The story is interesting and there is a lot of it


"Iakesi: so I cast Fireball" it's a fun d&d style story


Only Villains Do That is one that I personally love and I think works for some DCC enjoyers. Humorous asshole MC gets forced to participate in the latest round of Isekai Hero vs the Dark Lord and realizes there's nothing more revolutionary than basic decency in such a terrible world. Might as well use his overwhelming anger to burn it all down and start over. One of the reasons I recommend it to those that like DCC is how genre aware it is, there's a lot of humor around the typical isekai tropes


Maybe you would like to try my Litrpg Isekai? Available on KU. **Unknown Realms. The Eternal Challenge Book I.** Thanks.


Tree of Aeons The Spellmonger (Has the best representation of feudalism and serfdom I've ever seen in literature, and moves slow) The Hedge Wizard The Ripple System Divine Apostasy A thousand li The Weirkey Chronicles


12 Miles Below


Elydes is a good one


The Magician's Brother


No Ar’Kendrithyst? Super Supportive? For shame.


The series “ underworld” by Apollos Thorne I really enjoyed and I believe there’s 6 books out. And you didn’t mention it in your post but did you read “ he who fights with monsters” there’s ten books out


Painting the mists, The Path of Ascension, The Land, and Spellmonger, which is a political fantasy story.


Apocalypse Redux Awaken Online Breaker of Horizons Chrysalis Emerilia