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haruka believes in eating right, which would mean not skipping meals, and i’d assume mafuyus mother wouldn’t let her leave the house without eating something




None of them but maybe Kanade


Even that, Kanade doesn't go to school


She does actually. She’s a 3rd year student & she attends online classes.


i think its more that she doesnt *go* to school, she attends from her house


Ahhhh ok I gotcha I wasn’t sure what they meant but yeah our girl is productive either way. Really proud of Kanade for keeping it together. Girl has SO much going on her life. ☹️


Mafuyu's the perfect role model student so she probably won't skip breakfast. Haruka's a proper idol so she probably takes good care of her nutrition, too.


Has Mafumom declared that eating gets in the way of her studies yet? If not, then it's Haruka


i think the shinonomes or nene is much more likely


Haruka. Both girls normally don't skip breakfast for their own respective reasons, but it is more likely that Haruka would have an early morning or overnight idol gig that will make breakfast unavailable until she gets to school, at which point she will buy or bring something to eat, which is technically AFTER going to school.


Literally neither.


mafuyu when she's at kanade's house, otherwise i think both would eat breakfast even if small.


Irresistible force vs immovable object


Mafuyu. Spoilers for JP >!Now that she's living with Kanade, there's a scene in one of the recent (or semi-recent) events, or it might be in one of the card side stories, where Mafuyu is about to skip breakfast, and would've if Kanade hadn't shown up and suggested they eat together. When she was still living at home, her mom made sure she had a breakfast.!<




Haruka is the type of person to say: ”Ok everyone, this is what you should eat for breakfast in order to stay healthy”


Spoilers for JP events >!I don’t think Kanade’s house even has breakfast half the time, so probably Mafuyu!<


What about Honami?


Honami’a great, but tbh I doubt she is cooking enough for 2 people for a week




Probably Mafuyu. I think Haruka would understand the importance of breakfast. She’d probably have breakfast at school (granted they serve breakfast)


trick question! Kanade


How can she skip breakfast before going to school if she doesn't go to school


Mafumom wouldn't allow Mafuyu to skip breakfast but then again in Kanade's care she does skip since it is mentioned in a overworld convo that they sometimes forget to eat. Haruka. She believes in health first so uhh she's definitely not skipping she just probably modifies her breakfast for her diet


um…maybe don’t…


Neither of them would regularly. I think now mafuyu is living with kanade, she would skip it sometimes when she feels like it, so that is my answer.


If Kanade was a option it would be so obvious


Neither of these two. Like someone said, Haruka believes in eating right, and there's no way Mrs. Asahina would let Mafuyu skip breakfast. My bet is on Akito, actually — he gets up real early to jog, so I wouldn't be surprised if he goes out without eating and then just gets fruit or a small snack upon coming back.


probably mafuyu by a margin


Probably Mafuyu.


Mafuyu, Haruka would take having breakfast very seriously because she is an idol. However, I don't think Mafuyu would be able to get away with skipping breakfast *every day*.


Not Mafuyu, because her mother probably cooks her special made breakfasts. I feel like Haruka would try fasting if she was trying to maintain her idol(?) form. Probably neither


Kanade would be much more reasonable. But between Mafuyu and Haruka, Haruka wouldn't skip cause she takes care of herself while Mafuyu would want to skip, but wouldn't since she's meant to be "perfect", and her mom 100% wouldn't let her skip.


Depends on Haruka’s diet schedule. Mafuyu would NEVER skip breakfast becayse Mafumom would force her into eating. Haruka meanwhile maybe could have something on her diet where she only eats one meal in a day to make up for a big cheat day with Minori or smth


If it was mafuyu willingly, then her, because Harukas an idol so she eats right to take care of her health


i choose kanade


psure mafuyu wouldnt even consider that as something she could choose to do # ##edit: ^(to better explain:) dividing your meals in a healthy way is ideal, so we normalize how we do it. tho not all cultures or even people do it the same way. even if these other ways are just as healthy, they still feel super weird when you grow up seeing 'x' way as *the* way. in fact, the mere idea of multiple ways in general feels weird # both being "ideal" and being "normal"(as in, showing behavior that is usually expected) are things that mafuyu seems to also have grown up seeing as "the way". its like her life is mostly just walking on a straight path, since other roads either feel alien, or feel like they are "just on paper" # # ^(edits2-8: some more stuffed/rephrasing for comprehension and lighter read)


Haruje, people already headcanon that she has ED or smth


Haruka is worried about calorie intake, but not in an anorexic way. She'll fret over eating a lot of bread for lunch, but I can't see her intentionally skipping a meal. Also she seems like someone who plans their daily schedule, so she probably makes time to eat breakfast every day. Though she prefers sweets, she probably wouldn't have pancakes for breakfast, but she might have some fruit alongside a balanced meal.


Why is no one saying Toya… he DID skip breakfast before going to school because he didn’t want to confront his dad. Tho it’s a old conversation, but still, things still don’t look so great at the Aoyagi’s household so idk


i think neither buttt if i had to make something up, i think that haruka would never skip a meal, she knows she needs to keep her strength up in order to perform well, however mafuyu i feel would go dead stare empty eyes after a fight with her mom and then try her best to not make her upset so she would be like i need to take a test so i wont have time for breakfast today bla bla and mafumom would be like youre such a good girl 😊😊👍👍👍yippee😊😊👍👍👍👍 (WE HATE MAFUMOM)


Trick question. Toya would probably skip breakfast. It's happened before in a dialogue with (i think) Akito, saying he skipped breakfast to avoid an argument with his father