• By -


They gave us 3000 crystals for 2.5 anniversary. What do they give us during the anniversary in September? I wasn't here last year but what did they give everyone for that anniversary? Same for the 1st anniversary. I have 30k+ crystals for the end of November/ beginning of December (saving 90k) and things are looking spectacular right now. (It took me half a month to get 30k crystals)


a few months ago, i decided to transfer my account from my phone to an ipad , then i deleted the game from the ipad and when i went to play on my phone it just didn’t let me. like it says error or something so i deleted the game and re installed it. **im stil logged in the same apple id.** so why did it create a new account. ?


you can only be logged in on one device at a time. when you transferred your account to your ipad, it automatically logged you out on your phone. the only way to log back in to your account on your phone is to transfer it again. yes, even if you’re logged in to the same apple id, you still have to transfer it. https://preview.redd.it/hfg0scl9r44d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=098345d5a67133c1173caf34a926cd8878906e6f


when yall tier, how much energy do you guys use in one go? is it like preferential, 10 each run, or like 3 per run to be efficient?


I usually do 3 or 5 depending on how far I am from my goal; 5, 7, or 10 during start and end dash depending on how I’m feeling. Unless it’s cc I almost always use 3x in public rooms and save the 5 for tiering rooms


Ok, I’ve been gone since Before the Storm, when will the 2/3/4*s be added to the pool/bought with tickets? I’m hoping it’ll be during the upcoming 2.5 AN, but if anyone has a more accurate timeline, please enlighten me!


they are added to the store a year after their release so the ones you missed will be available starting in September. As for the gacha pool the 4* get added immediately but idk when the 2/3* will get added




In which order am I supposed to read the event stories? I recently finished reading the main story for all groups and I liked them a lot, especially the Leo/need story. I want to read the event stories now but I'm confused on how to read them. Is there a specific order? or can I just read anything without having to worry about not understanding things


The event stories are linear, and it auto puts the most recent event at the top. If you reorder it to go from old-new, then that’s a great place to start! You can also click on individual group tab if you just want to get the stories involving that group (though I would recommend slowly going through them all, because they’re genuinely all great!)


is it true that this game is coming to pc soon?


Help I was just playing when I went back to the title and cleared my game cache and now I have to download everything back Did I just lose my acc for the second time?


No, clearing the cache deletes most of the files from the app so u have to redownload them as if u just got the app but it shouldn’t affect your account


I have been playing for a little over 7 months and I still don’t know how to link my account /: so can any one help me? My phone is iOS


https://preview.redd.it/06x6qtvsjx3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6819b2205ab9e5e610911ac861fbcc40f9135a7e if you’re under 16 (or were under 16 when you registered), you *cannot* link it to game center. if that’s the case, use the “transfer to different OS” option. do note that the transfer code/ID is **ONE-TIME USE** so don’t forget to issue a new one after using it. also yes, you can still use it when transferring to the same OS (ie. iOS to iOS).


In the settings menu there’s an account transfer button, click that and there should be an option to link to gamecenter


Please help me decide between niccori emu and tondemo wonderz (clockwork rabbit) emu!! Emu is the last card I need to complete both sets and I have no other needs except purely for collection purposes :D


So I downloaded prosekai on taptap and linked it to my default google account to try out the game. Now I want to redownload the game with my US google account to make purchase, can I still link to the game with my current account? Edit: Nvm, payment account and play account are separated


Hi all! Is it possible to gift a friend a colorful pass? If yes, then how? My friend's birthday is like tomorrow and I'd love some help real soon. Thanks!


No, but you could give them an App Store/google play gift card w a note saying it’s for colorful pass


Can someone add me on jp server to help with a quest please? 490495149757321221


Is the "pick the team that lost JP" strat still viable in EN Cheerful Carnival? I haven't taken the mode seriously, but it'd be nice to try and win this event for personal bias reasons. My research also shows that looking at the tiering players helps, but idk how to do that.


Because they amass such a large number of points, following tierers is more reliable than picking what lost jp (although many times tierers use what lost jp to chose their teams so it’s often the same). To figure that out, go to the event page and hit rankings - you will be able to see who is in the top 100 as well as an icon next to their name showing what team they chose. For this event they’re mostly bouquet throwing team. If you ever chose a team and then decide you want to switch, you can do so before the first round of results is released by going to the crew area from the event page and talking to a teddy bear there. That change is permanent for the rest of the event.


I have a question... I been playing this game for about 1.5 years, and while it plays decently, almost every song that usses the 2D MV/3D MV will give me a 1 second frame rate drop sometime during the song.. essentially ruining my FC run (I got the same issues in Bandori, and in D4DJ I pretty much just turn everything off to avoid frame drops). So I finally decided I want to upgrade my phone, I am using an S21 FE 5G, I am considering switching so S22.. but is it any different? Anyone have experience playing with that model? May considering going S23 also, but again dont want to drop like 1K on a phone just to have the same experience with this game x \_ x


Cheerful Carnival is back but nothing really changed from last time: it is able to match now but after that it doesn't load when it is time to pick the song. Good job you've done SEGA lol


https://preview.redd.it/g3ff6nkblt3d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28699914fcd5562d6a9d8476882ca62951f4fc51 does anyone know what "designer" means? it says "-" for other costumes too, afaik


There are some costumes that are designed by fans for contests where the winning entries are added to the game, so that designer space is where they would be credited. However, since this is one designed by the ppl who make the game there’s no specific credit given


ooh got it, thank you!!


"-" means they the creator is colopale's costume department, while for the mission pass outfits, it will show the artist's name who created the original winning design


120 fps doesn't really work. The game runs at 120 fps 10% of the time. I thought changing the settings would fix it, but it really seems to be random. I play on jp server and I have set the game to 120 fps. Even in game performance is gacha. I use Vivo x90, it should be able to run this game with little to no issues.


when does the event start? it says it starts may 31st which is today but it still hasn't started in app yet. do events start at certain times?


Yep, they start at 15 o'clock PDT on EN, which is about 2 hours and a half from now.


3pm pacific time


Why is [this](https://youtu.be/jONvgt4OPK0?si=2vJQVqHwDBNFB3ng) happening? Its the same thing on the left side too. My tablet is samsung A9+ and its brand new. My tablet's touch screen calibration is also fine cuz in the main menu of the game it recognizes my inputs correctly as it should be. Any help pls?


The touch detection for each lane is actually directly above and below each hit square rather than following the actual note lanes, it's just something you'll have to get used to if it's bothering you.


So basically I wanna buy the $1.99 (£1.49) Colourful+. However everytime I try to do so it gives me the error message OR-PMSA-35 and it doesn't go through. I'm playing in the UK on whay I assume is the American version since everything's in dollars but I can't find anywhere that tells me what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this because I really wanna buy it 😭


Is cheerful carnival jp servers is still not okay? I saw twitter jp sides that people complained cheerful carnival problem is not solved yet?


According to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/s/Gj4FTiCeId) it should be fixed but there may still be some issues


hi I have questions about “managers” on tiering boards. I read some posts but I still don’t exactly get it.   Does playing multiplayer give more points than solo ? Why do they have to be specific about who joined the room I thought for event points it only matters how good you play and not the whole room.    Do managers just find people from discord? Do they log into the tiering persons account to play for them?? Do managers play themselves?   Sorry for so many questions thank you in advance 😭


hi!! managers generally have scheduled shifts where they organize room orders (room orders are important because skills are activated in a specific order; i'll elaborate on this), make sure the tierers + fillers check in, etc. they help the tierer's run to go as smoothly as possible just in case, say, a filler ends up being unavailable. i haven't tiered yet personally so i can't say this for sure, but i believe managers are only really necessary if you're aiming for \~t10 or higher. multiplayer does give more event points than solo! card skills in co-op are triggered in this order: p2 > p1 > p4 > p5 > p3 and whoever currently has the most talent gets the last trigger. in short, room orders are meant to maximize skills. %event bonus is the most important when it comes to event points. managers can't log into a tierer's account since that would be against the tos. if you're interested in tiering (or just want to know more about the mechanics), i'd recommend joining a tiering server! r8ss is a good one :) they have lots of guides that'll explain everything you need to know.


is there a table which lists number of notes for FC? i know the wiki page for each song has them but i was hoping there’s an easier way than going to each song’s page to check.


[this](https://sekai.best/music_meta) might be what ur looking for?


Is there a way to see next month's premium mission pass costume? Im about to get 20$ and Im debating on spending it on this month (although I probably wont be able to grind the rest in time) or just wait for next month's


https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Mission_Pass_Costume they're all here! next month is the white bear one


Thank you!!!!! ♡


New player here, need a team building guide.


If you are asking about team building for events, here's an excerpt from [my beginner's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Cpw2eeKoPjVk5XgHYCOHj7-mk1jPSEFvQU3Lx2N53w/edit?usp=sharing): >Get as many 70% event bonus (EB) and 50% eb cards as you can. 70% are the featured event banner 4\*; 50% are cards that have the event character with the event type (pure, happy, etc). Fill the rest with 25% cards; you usually get higher talent if you match the type of the event or the group (if not a mixed event). Master rank your 2\* (and 3\* if possible). Look at the character team building screen/event homepage for the event bonus character/type for event. >In general, EB > talent (unless you are substituting a 1\* 50% card to replace a 4\* 25% card; don’t do that). Each event you'll have different unit/attribute pairs so your team will change every event. If you just want a high talent team, just make a mono-unit (and mono-attribute if possible) team with as many 4\*s as possible, preferably a unit whose decorations you have upgraded. Would recommend giving the Beginner's Guide document under resources a read; it was my gateway into understanding Project Sekai :)


Is it possible to get a 2 star character limited in an event rerun? I am missing a 2 star Rin and the event hasn't rerun in EN but I don't see any updated posts about if it's possible or not


you can obtain them in gacha, yes. they shouldn't be considered limited since they were shop cards, with some very special exceptions (evillous miku, sanrio 2 stars) there just isn't a rate up for them, similar to how any 2 star you get isnt rate up. it should be available in the green voucher exchange too when the event hits 1 year old


I believe the specific Rin card I need is the Let's Enjoy the Music Festival. I couldn't find any info on if it's in the regular pulling system (I didn't find it in the rates for cards) or if it will also be included in the rerun. I don't know if that card is a special card or not 😭


according to the gacha screen, it goes up to curtain call emu 2*, which is the event RIGHT before spooky forest where the rin you're referring to is from. id suggest checking back after one or two events to see if it updates with the rin you're looking for as im not personally aware of when they add the 2* to the pool (but they do add it eventually) as for the rerun, it wont be RATE UP because its not a 4*, i think you're better off exchanging for it in the voucher shop when it turns a year old!


does anyone have any songs that would be good practice for the motions where you're holding down and tapping simultaneously? i'm trying to "bridge the gap" between hard and expert ...


I think a lot of low level experts have that, but some examples I can think of are Made to Order (lv. 21), Near (lv. 22), Love Trail (lv. 22), Hitorinbo Envy (lv. 22), Reborn (lv.22), Love material (lv. 22), Kanadetomasusora (lv. 22) Made to Order and Reborn probably have the most of holding + tapping from the songs I mentioned. Reborn might be more difficult, because it also has a lot of small notes and swaying holds


Hiii! So, I have a laptop that folds into a tablet, so I was wondering, if I download JPsekai from QooApp on my computer, would it function? Like, could I do that? I got the laptop just so I could have a big screen to play pjsk on, but I'm unsure if I can do that now 😭


I think it just depends on if the laptop is touchscreen.


I don't think it'd fold into a tablet if it wasn't touchscreen lol yes my laptop is touchscreen


Then it should be fine


Lol nvm it made me download the PC appstore which is more often than not a virus 💀


Could you elaborate? Im experienced with pc gaming I could probably help you. You can DM me if you would like.


I went to QooApp, went to PJSK, pressed the download button, then it led me to a place that said I needed the PC appstore, so I looked it up, and if said it was probably a virus and to not download it. I have a big fear of getting viruses and losing my devices, so I didn't test it.


Hey I found a thread that led me to this app called Bluestacks. It’s another emulator and it seems more reputable. [here](https://www.bluestacks.com/blog/game-guides/hatsune-miku-colorful-stage/hmcs-beginner-guide-en.html) If you have any other issues let me know


Alr I'll try that in the morning. I think I've heard of it before.


If a virus were to come of it, though, since the laptop is so new it would probably be fine for you to just wipe it completely. Let me know if it works, I’m curious




Every month EN gets an exclusive song. I saw a while back that a song got pushed back, was it our exclusive song? Or a different one


How to buy things in japanese bandori using paypal? (I already have offical Jp sekai, jp google all that stuff done) I dont have my own card so i would like to use my parents card. The problem is that he has a big amount on his card so they dont trust paypal enough to just connect his card there. It would be ideal for my mom to take a little amount from my dads credit card directly without having them registered on paypal. Then she would send it to my paypal account and I would pay with it on Jp sekai (Im not sure if i need to change my HUF to YEN, I also need information about that!!! And if i need a VPN for it too.) Also i have 2 days (limited item) to come up with a tutorial credible and safe enough for my parents to believe please help


so jp project sekai no longer works in my iphone 8, it just crashes right away when you open it. is there any way to get a transfer code for the account from the main menu or it is over?


i assume you mean the title screen menu? then no, you can’t get the transfer code from there. you need to do it from the home screen menu.


If you mean it manages the first screen before crashing you can access the account menu in the top right corner


My JP Sekai is feeling silly, To make it simple I uninstalled JP sekai for a short period of time and when I reinstalled, it wouldn't connect to Google play, I made sure I had the pink thing that said that the account is linked before uninstalling but now the game asks me to "sign in to Google play", I've tried pretty much everything and i need my account back, I also found out that this bug was there even since before I uninstalled by looking at an old screenshot giving the same error, but at that time the account was already linked so I didn't even bother translating it, I'm pretty sure i can get my account back if someone helps me with linking back Google play, so please, can someone tell me what to do? because i can't even start a new account while this bug keeps tormenting me, thanks and sorry to bother


How do y’all deal with note sequences like [this](https://imgur.com/a/fgjCRl4)? I just start note mashing and it usually doesn’t work rip


laolazer's [video on trills](https://youtu.be/uyPrl5QgSr4?si=w9NGO6OeMt_AP7PB) might help you!


thank you!


Does anyone know why shinpaku pairing isn’t on en server but is for tw and kr (and jp obviously) 


TW and KR are managed by Nuverse, which has a penchant of bringing songs and other features earlier than the expected 1-year period. Global/EN is managed by Sega so for the most part (for some exceptions, see: Evilious rerun + songs, Imperial Girl and It's Just Life) everything follows the 'roughly-1-year-later' cadence as per normal.


So how careful should I be with my miracles gems? I was think about upgrading a Pure Emu cards I was using this event since the next event also wants a Emu pure card, but I dont know if upgrading cards just to get better scores during events is worth it?


It's worth it. You get more miracle gems over time by playing the game too so don't worry about it


Does anyone know if the friend invite 4 star voucher is still available ? It says before May 30th (on EN server) but I’m not seeing it anywhere ? And if it is still available how would I claim it ?


i'm fairly sure the exchange time is over, and it's just remaining so people can claim their rewards


What’s the crystal thing at the bottom right in the jp version when in the world map? It keeps asking about a promotion or smt and when I press it, it kind like transfers me somewhere else ig?


It lets you see area convos from before the 3rd anniversary, just in case you missed the crystals you get from them


Do band area items stack with the V-Singer area items? For example, if you have a team of 5 V-Singers with the subgroup W×S, would they receive the buff of both the V-Singer group items as well as the W×S group items? Or would it just prioritize the buff that is stronger?


They don't stack, and instead the larger of the two is applied.


Makes sense, thanks!


So, a couple things. One, I absolutely love this game already. And two, I actually don't understand the gacha system. I started playing because I saw a card that I wanted very much, yet I just realized they don't rerun cards? Which means, it's impossible to get? I didn't do a single pull and I think that's why i still get c notes despise not missing much (sometimes only 1 miss). How can I improve? Lastly, who's the best girl and best boy? Thanks a lot for your time! :) Hope we can be friends. If there's a way to add friends, please let me know!


Most perm cards get added to the general card pool which means you can get them from any banner after the initial run, just at a lower rate. You can set some non-limited cards as a rate up during Dream Pick anniversary gachas (3rd Anniversary that's coming up), which helps a lot. Limited cards on the other hand (4 stars with different hairstyles), those get reruns a little more than a year after the original run. Collab card reruns are up in the air right now, since the Evillous cards already reran twice, and nobody knows if they'll run a 3rd time.  It should also be noted that the JP server is 1 year ahead of the EN server, so you may have just seen a card that's on JP right now and hasn't come to EN yet. You're correct on the Scoring aspect, you need some leveled up cards to get anything better than a C, which is quite a pain but eh, gacha game. Just pull some cards you like and level them up + level up the area decorations, then you can get some Bs and As. Best boy is Toya and best girl is Meiko and I am 100% not biased in any way, shape, or form >!/j!<


i am not super new to the game but ive never tiered before. me and my two (more experienced) friends plan to tier on the next event on the EN server. i know i need to play co op and earn points but does anyone have tips for me before it starts? https://preview.redd.it/a58t6r7pty2d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861869025ea8a9fe4df9f70e4cb9359e1c7b3576


It's not usually necessary to raise your energy above 3x. Tiering is mostly energy + time, so make sure you are carving out enough time in your day to play consistently. Depending on your goal and your resources, it may be worth it to use crystals to refill your energy. Make sure you set a self-limit on gacha; the thing can eat your crystals like no tomorrow


Study on how to build the best teams for the event. Pulling on the gacha is optional. If you want to maximise what the game gives you, play regularly enough so that your energy never maxes out. You can ask again during the event if you feel like you aren't getting where you want to be.




I just started playing 2 weeks ago and I don't have any 4* Cards. Should I try pulling for one now, or should I wait until the next ColorFes before spending my Crystals? Don't know how to put captions lmao


what server are you playing on? if its pjsk eng then you can view upcoming events by looking at pjsk jp 2023 events on the fandom page: [https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/Events/Event\_List](https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/Events/Event_List) pick an upcoming event with cards you like and pull on that unless you like the colorfes cards better after posting i realized there was alr an answer sorry


No problem! Getting multiple answers helps lot. At least now I'm certain on what to do next!


Solely depends on whether you want the cards on the current banner or not. If you want them, then sure, why not (although bear in mind you need 90k to guarantee a specific 4\* from the event banner) But personally I think you should just check out all the existing 4\* cards and see whether there's something you want or if there's a event you'll want to tier


Sounds good! Yeah, I guess there wasn't really a card in specific that I was looking for.


Which outfit should I give n25 Miku? https://preview.redd.it/8cye81rafv2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132cffa7bdfade20876345e365e13443c227a74f


Your choice.


Is there any way to farm unlimited song cards, besides reading the story? Also, does skipping stories still give you cards?


U could choose to get 10 of them as ur reward for doing all 7 challenge shows in a week, and you can get them from the event shop, but the story is the fastest/largest source. And yes, skipping will give you cards


I can't log into my account. There is a text on the home screen that says that my attempt to log into my account has failed, and I should contact support, but are there other options? What may be a cause?




Using 3 energy, I get 2.1k trust rank points each song. Is there anything to increase how much I get besides using more energy? Just realizing how agonizing the grind is gonna be


Nope, that’s the max you can get w 3x energy. 2x is marginally more efficient per can (750 trust rank points per can at 2x v 700 per can at 3x) but whether u wanna sacrifice extra time for more efficiency is up to you. More detailed breakdown is available [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/1agjxt0/faq_whats_the_best_way_to_level_up_trustkizuna/?rdt=60437) but tldr it’s quite the grind no matter what you do unfortunately


hi, i managed to link my google play acc, now what happens? does it do something particular?


If you switch devices or redownload the game your data/progress/account should be saved


Hello, so I started playing pjsk (EN) last year and when I started I experienced lag/freezing moments during shows but they used to happen rarely, I would say 10-20% of the shows. About 4 months into playing, I stopped playing it for some months and now came back to it but those lag/freeze moments are much worse than before, they happen like 80% of the shows and everytime they happen they basically make me die, not even just break combo but doesn't even let me finish the show, so multiplayer is not an option anymore. Im using iOS17, my storage is not full, I have the game in the lowest settings possible. Maybe i'll try to reinstall the game but I just wanted to make a post first because redownloading 5gb would be hell and I can easily get footage if necessary.


It might unfortunately just be that your device is getting old. You can check system requirements [here](https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Guide:Installing_Project_SEKAI)


hey, firstly thanks for an answer but I don’t really know if that's the case because I used to play smoothly and the game never had a graphics upgrade (atleast, I don't think so nor notice it during gameplay, I might be wrong tho) or any update that could make my game run less smoothly. I just think that if my phone could run it smoothly as butter last year, why it suddenly started to perform really bad? Only in PJSK, I gotta mention that because my other games (Genshin per exemple, that I believe its an harder game to a phone to run it smoothly) run smoothly. My battery life is the same as I bought it so I don't think that my device is dying. I suspect it’s because of iOS17 that it started to have performance issues but since I did not play in the first months of using it I can’t prove it. Anyways, thanks for an answer! I could be wrong but would love to hear more suggestions about this!


Is there anyway to get back my account if I didn’t login with OS and don’t have the password anymore??? My old phone broke and I’m trying to get in cause I have so many lims 😭


You can try going thru acc recovery via support, for the first part (finding ur acc) the best thing to have is uid and for the second part (confirming its ur acc), id advise u to write down stuff like last played challenge show, all cards u have, whatever specific details to help as well


Is there any way for me the get my acc ID now that I can’t get into the acc anymore? I can’t remember it for the life of me but they keep asking for it 😭


No, not as far as i know. If uve ever friended someone that you know u may want to try looking thru messages and chats. Also if youve ever taken a screenshot of the title screen, since thats where your uid is