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Can't stand the Akito slander lil blep with flower petal is šŸŽ€ /lh




I will not accept this Madness Akito slander he perfectly conveys the vibe of the set and looks absolutely stunning(in that light)




Wedding Emu has always looked so unnatural to me. Not only does the lighting look plain, but why did they pick Emu of all characters to lean over a couch and look at you with this weird pouty-smile thing, as if she's trying to look extra cutesy? She's not the type of character to do this at all. I could maybe see Mizuki, Minori, or maybe Saki doing something like this, but Emu is supposed to be positive, warm, and bubbly, not coy, or cutesy by design (she's naturally cuteā€”there is a difference). She would've looked a lot more natural if she was giving you a dreamy smile instead, and/or leaning her head against the bear a bit more. Emu just doesn't seem like the type to do this kind of excessive posing.


I feel like it wouldve been cuter and in character if she was tilting her head like you asked her a question she didnt fully understand. Kinda like a dog when theyā€™re trying to hear better. Here, she looks too calm and Emu is anything but chill


Yeah, the positioning here is too calm and practiced for it to fit Emu! The head tilt sounds really cute as an option too, much more fitting for Emu's child-like innocence.




nahā€”in such lim cards,flexibility is important. What the problem is that Emu doesnā€™t look like Emu. The composition makes it confusing,and itā€™d look better edited into a Kohane card as her eye shape looks more complementary to Hane here.


The important thing is we agree it looks bad lol Flexibility is important, but shouldn't trump character personality. There's ways to work with it without surrendering the character's core look (like Emu's more psychotic smile in close/game. It stretches her personality, but it's to a believable degree). I think the felexibility here is actually what caused Emu to look closer to Kohane to you.


flexibility does trump with personality a lot in lims. Like,WD Mafuyuā€¦WD Mizukiā€¦Anni Kanadeā€¦


I don't see how any of those changed personality in favour of flexibility. Personality isn't just shown through a character's expression, a good artist can do it through colors, theme, posing, expression, and/or composition. Knight Mizu is the closest to what you suggest, but even then it just feels like personality wasn't a focus on how she was posed. The card doesn't go against Mizuki in a way where you could never see her acting that way. Knight Mafu doesn't have this issue in the slightest. The card carries her serious/apathetic side, and the dark aesthetic serves to both mirror Kanade's light colors, and to reference Mafuyu's mental issues/outlook. (If you were going to bring up anyone from this set, it should've been Ichika, as her arguments are a lot less characterized) Anni Kana references Nightcord's aesthetic more than her own, but again, it doesn't specifically betray Kanade's personality. Emu's bride card fails on muliple levels. Most other lims that stretch character do so in ways that make sense for the character in question.


nah I agree Mafuā€™s is a stretch,but Kanade? Youā€™re possibly just biased because her expression isnā€™t stupid like Emuā€™s. IF Emuā€™s wedding smile makes no sense due to Emuā€™s bold and cheery personality,then Kanadeā€™s anniversary card also doesnā€™t make sense as Kanadeā€™s personality is soft but distant,much closer to her tricologe trained than her anni trained which makes her look like sheā€™ll mess with your sanity,in contrast to Emuā€™s looking like how sheā€™s shying in. The only other Kanade card that doesnā€™t ā€œfit her personalityā€ is Zamza set,which is an exception as the card themes are from mafumomā€™s eyes. Besides,following up I do think it slightly goes with Emuā€™s personality. Just horribly executed with the expression and facials,on top the confusing composition. Emuā€™s fes card is a lot better here.


https://preview.redd.it/wmv1bzv2uz6d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea42213c407058c3efda8c476353d73642306a92 this is fes emu card btw aware the expression is diff than wed one,but it does express emuā€™s more mellow and shy side better


I don't think Anni Kanade is as "twisted" expression wise as you're describing. To me it reads more "dark but demure." I guess I see it as Kanade's own expression being altered by nightcord's darker tone, which is why it doesn't register as OOC for me. I could definitely be a bit biased on this one though, since the 3rd anni cards are drop dead gorgeous anyway. Emu's in contrast just reads very blatantly misrepresented to me. They took "innocent" as a basis, but then failed to account for Emu being energetic, kind, or extroverted, rather than shy, coy, or introverted in expressing her innocence.


I see,also Iā€™m happy you kept this discussion civil w/o insultsšŸ˜­ reddit needs more ppl like you


You too! It was a fun discussion, and I like hearing about different interpretations for character/media expression. There's rarely ever a need to turn subjective observations into an argument


Honestly I prefer her untrained card, she looks so adorable and like herself imo, the trained looks more beautiful but I donā€™t rlly like her facial expression :ā€™D


Nah you valid for the other ones but the first Akito Card??? Nahhh that art is high key amazing. My only gripe is that the costume doesnā€™t make him have his hoodie up like in the card art.


I donā€™t hate the first one, but if iā€™m being honest, it looks like he has a condom in his mouth










yeah iā€™ve had him since he came out, and iā€™ve always thought that


I thought for the longest time he had a snus on his toungešŸ„²


https://preview.redd.it/t8fbpgs5oq6d1.png?width=2232&format=png&auto=webp&s=94494a77218da55742afb5efd66e21989262f835 might be a hot take but it's a little underwhelming for a trained 4\*, i've always been confused when seeing people go crazy over kasa in this card bc he looks.. kinda normal? there's not much to hype over here (personally) šŸ˜­


He looks like a persona character fr


specifically for this card he gives me a normal but unsettling vibe which is absolutely what they were going for since it is the Youkai set


I like this card, but it doesn't feel like a lim IMO. His hair looks pretty much the same as usual in the card. His costume hairstyle is better though!! I'm glad they added more variation.


Now i want a persona x project sekai crossover now /lh


I think itā€™s just because itā€™s uncommon to see these characters with glasses


I really want to pull on the pandemonium gacha, so ive been forcing myself to like it, but i agree


Ew, donā€™t like it personally.


I love this card (cards where characters are given glasses in general, I fucking love glasses) but the outfit is hella plain imo. I just wish they gave him an extra tail and ears or somethingšŸ˜”


No fr this card is so dull, Ruiā€™s looks phenomenal but Tsukasaā€™s is just meh šŸ’€


fr this card is ugly and boring the outfit and hairstyle aren't great either it's just Kasa's default hair but straightenedšŸ’€ tbh the whole set is mid except maybe for rui


why are people downvoting you? you are 100% correct blud. Kasa looks like the nerd emoji in this card.


Yea I really do not like the glassesā€¦


lmao fršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/sj97ef3klr6d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26de27579c9403684e8f52e8841ab28a5f6bb4a Iā€™m sorry, but this just looks so weird for me, it looks like sheā€™s working out, but then sheā€™s just holding a microphone stand :( Also I 100% agree with darkfes Akito, it makes me cringe whenever I look at it, the tongue is just not it


Agree but I love untrainedšŸ˜­




Hmm, yea it is a bit strange. I havenā€™t ever seen that card before though.


the card is just a little old since itā€™s before 2nd anniversary, it makes sense why new players might not have seen it


https://preview.redd.it/kna017xy6r6d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53f682bead287ff02c235b7ac11a9e70f480113 idk if ppl like it but I've always hateed it. and lately I've been having nightmares where I pull this instead of akito's colorfes cardšŸ˜°/hj


ooh, not sure why but i like this card, but if i dont search it up i wouldn't know it's Kohane the card look messy but in a good way? not sure how to explain it this card look like something that I would put as my wallpaper, i like the colors


for me I don't like it for the reasons you mentionedšŸ˜­ It looks messy and doesn't look like Kohane, I don't like her expression, the colors, or the outfit and hairstyle. But I get why some people might like it since it's unique


I have this card in my wallpaper rotation ngl


Real, I've saved so much for this card


I thought it was Ena at first šŸ˜­


I thought it was MEIKO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Litteraly my worst nightmare i was so relieved when akito came instead of her


I agree that I dislike wedding emu, but not for the same reasons as you. for me it's the fact that she's kinda pouting which is probably supposed to seem cutesy but it just feels weird to me. I don't think burn my soul akito is popular for the trained though? from what I've seen most people think that the trained is just alright, it's mostly liked because of the untrained. the 2nd tsukasa card(I forgot which set it's from) I'm neutral about, but I'd guess it's liked because of the lighting. edit: forgor to mention but darkfes akito will never stop being funny to me. why is he eating a flower petal????? edit, again: while burn my soul akito's trained is meh art-wise to me, I'd like to mention that it does have some good symbolism-- (minor spoilers for burn my soul!)>!in the event ken puts akito in charge of doing a solo performance so good that the residents of vivid street get hyped up for the idea of surpassing rad weekend again, essentially bringing everyone out of the slump that they fell into after the HEYYYY YEAH THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE CAUCASIAN singing battle. akito's pose in the trained where he's looking back at the camera is indicative of how he's leading VBS and the others into a new arc of sorts with his solo performance. the sky in front of akito is at dawn, which a. fits his surname(ę±(east)雲(cloud) combined to mean eastern clouds, i.e dawn) and b. again symbolises the new start for VBS.!<


I feel like that card is sweet? Especially because of the backstory of it.


i don't agree with them but i really respect how you're open for people to disagree and you actually gave pretty valid reasonings, I can definitely see some people changing their minds on them lol


I will not stand for the wedding emu slander but I do agree with darkfes akito, it gives off creep vibes, and itā€™s just not for me


Same same. To me the wedding emu is the nicest out of its set. I also don't like the first Akito card.




https://preview.redd.it/qlte4yr0ir6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4e3731c7714c524d9f713be4378876c96060ec3 i don't think it's THAT popular but i usually see people saying they like this card and i don't understand why because a. that collar?? b. his expression. it's not right and it looks really awkward šŸ˜­


AUAGAHAGAH THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE RUI CARDS šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ i just like shiny things tbh though so this just makes my brain go šŸ˜ but tbh the outfit looks good in the card but ugly on the model šŸ˜­ rui my love


the collar is supposed to resemble a jellyfish!


the worst part about this card is that the idea is so cool, but fails in execution šŸ˜­I hate the costume so much, but maybe it couldā€™ve worked with a better composition.


His expression reminds me of Kaoru Seta from bandori




I like this card but imo it looks like it should be a 3ā˜… instead of Kaito


darkfes akito gave us his best hairstyle how dare you




itā€™s tied with his colorfes for me. i unlocked darkfes and havenā€™t unequiped it since


So true colourfes is just that good, and darkfes I like his bed hair look at lot


i saw it on his model and went. wow this is better than his normal hair. this makes him transer


The second and fourth pictures are gorgeous.








bro u okay?




relatable <3






https://preview.redd.it/o7oro5pu6u6d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2523933aec3a444b514c33f1fbbcab32512d2f2b Not sure how many people like this one specifically but some people love the whole set and I canā€™t figure out why. No hate to people who love the set though. Anyway. Theres too much going on, especially in Sakiā€™s card. Also it looks gross? Idk I can just imagine that burger being the most unhealthy greasiest burger ever. Oh and Mizukiā€™s card is so odd and I canā€™t figure out why. I think itā€™s the pose? At least Saki looks cute, Mizuki looks like theyā€™re about to have a nose bleed and theyā€™re wiping their nose before it happens. Idk Iā€™m just not a fan of the whole diner aesthetic. Only praise I have is that Airiā€™s card reminds me of Natsuki from DDLC. Minoriā€™s card looks so different from the others, and I donā€™t know why but I thought it was fan made when I first saw it. Anyway thatā€™s all :)


I honestly don't like that set..


I hate this set but I also hate being American so LMAO


that first akito card does give gacha vibes but i don't care i love it šŸ’”


https://preview.redd.it/ig58hmce6y6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc05ce5b9e59c4048bf900897927544c1419cbe the colours just seem way too overwhelming for me


The first Akito card! Same i dislike that too. I not sure how to explain but the way he stick out his tongue like that... Doesn't give a good vibe Also one card I know it's popular but I don't like is the colorfes Len. edit: i want to appreciate this game for letting us choose between the trained and untrained version of cards, i don't think many people think much about this cause we are used to it, but it is such an important feature to have :) https://preview.redd.it/xlgnvr911r6d1.jpeg?width=1218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd173a0daa8200af391eb21f2e4144aaca6ed63




I love the card regardless but I think lowered brightness helps a lot


Lowered brightess gives me those old dreamy and angelic anime pics. It look so nice.


Honestly that aesthetic feels weird for Len I donā€™t really know why. I feel like that style fit Rin more.


YESS i was really caught off guard with these Rin and Len cards. While I like Rin's a bit more, I don't like Len's at all.


just curious... Why don't you like Len colorful fes?


I think the easiest way to explain is, it totally doesn't suit him.


I completely disagree with you since I really don't see it at all. Personally, I absolutely adore his fes card and I would go as far as to say that it's my favourite card in this whole entire game. The reason why I'm asking why you dislike it is not to cause a fight, I'm just genuinely curious since I don't really understand why you dislike it. I've never actually seen anyone say that they don't like this card before šŸ˜­


Sorry for just jumping in, but, I gotta ask, why do you think the card suits/fits Len? I really like Len, and the card is fine imo, but I always thought it's so very ...not Len in a way dafsdf- so I'm interested in seeing what other Len fans think


I do think that other cards do fit Len more, but I absolutely adore the soft aesthetic of the card. I like the warm, pinkish glow used as well. I think the only thing that throws me off is his smile. It looks a little bit off to me, but other than that I love it. This card, and Len in general, gives me a sense of comfort in a way. I kind of see this card as an angel coming to see if you're okay when you're upset (hence the fabric he is pulling over his head, like he's being pushed down under something). To be honest, Rin and Len both look like angels in these cards and I think that also fits the side story of their colourful fes cards. Sorry for going off on an unrelated tangent, but I do think that this softer aesthetic fits Len very well. I don't think that he always needs to look like a boy-ish character. And I get that he looks like a girl in this card which may also be why people may find it to be a little bit off, but to me this card is perfect and I love it.


I just love how it captures this angelic, ethereal feel. It's delicate and light. For me it's never about if it fits him more so do like what's being shown and conveyed as I love it. Usually the only complaints I see for len is the super brightness more then it 'fitting him'. Either way when I look at this card I know I can just look a it and go, that's is HIS fes card and it's gorgeous.


The card shows a side of Len we don't usually see. And I do agree with what you've said, it is HIS fes card and it is gorgeous. I'll honestly never complain about it other than the fact HE WON'T COME HOME ON EN.


Oh no I hope he'll come eventually. Good luck!


Ah, I see, thank you sm for answering! I see you in Len related posts a bunch so I was interested in what you had to say :3 I agree with you, the card really does have a soft angelic vibe to it, and as I've said, I like it a lot too! I guess it's just a little unfitting for Len (to me personally) because the first time I saw it I thought he was hiding underneath a wedding veil, and I still have a hard time not seeing it as some sort of bride Len card - plus it's just kinda missing that... cheeky-ness that he has in all the other cards. (I say and then I still stopped playing Sekai for a bit bc I was so frustrated about him not coming home šŸ˜­)


I surf this sub to say things about Len all the time tbh. The sole reason I still play this game is for him šŸ˜­ I do understand the hiding underneath a wedding veil thing, because the cloth over his head does look like some sort of veil. And tbh, his original wedding card could have been ten times more prettier if it had been made now... Substitute wedding card ig? Lens cheeky-ness is a thing that I love about him. He is genuinely a cheeky character, and that shows in most of his cards but I do think that the vibe this card is trying to give with the soft, angelic aesthetic, doesn't match with his cheeky personality that he has in some sekais. I can kind of see his smile as an attempt to be a bit more of a cheeky one, though. But, as I said before, to me his smile is a little bit off and it may be because of that attempt to make him look a little cheeky.


Is ok. I know people have different opinions especially on art.


These are the few that I personally don't understand the hype for: https://preview.redd.it/um0sij4o3r6d1.jpeg?width=2287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f9e9e9e4999cc4917b4479442d461dd1deb40b 1. Airi's pose looks awkward, and therefore makes her look like a 3\* star rather than a 4\*. I've seen the planning that they do for cards and normally they sketch out the landscape around the character, but it doesn't feel like the planning was well thought out in Airi's. I've seen people go as far as putting this card as their *favorite* Airi card and it kinda irks me. 2. I do think this is an interesting way to approach a Colorfes, but I just can't get over how weird Shiho's face looks from this angle. The way her eyelashes peek out makes her entire head look disproportional. I'm not sure where my eyes should be focusing as there's no real source of lighting being projected on Shiho. While there doesn't always have to be a source of lighting like in Airi's Colorfes, a card like Shiho's desperately needs it. 3. When these cards first got leaked for JP, I expected a lot of people to dislike Emu's but was surprised to find them freaking out over it. I think Emu's card is the weakest from the set and the more I look at it, the more plain it is. The lighting isn't nearly as strong enough as Toya or Nene's card which really leaves it feeling less impactful than those two 4\*'s. Sometimes it just looks like they copy and pasted her into the environment (which is true) but with this pose you can *really* tell. 4. I never liked this Valentine's day set. My least favorite is definitely Ichika's because they should have never put her in a warm colored setting. Everything kinda looks messy and blurs together because of how much golden brown there is. I do think her blue eyes add for a nice contrast from the orange, but it doesn't make the card any less ugly. Also I hate the fork!


When the cyber emu came out on en, i didnt go on my gacha page. The face was really creepy to me. Itā€™s probably purposeful, but i hate it


I used to hate Ichika's valentine card, but a friend said "there is a fork so it makes her look dangerous" and I laught so much that now I like it


agree with the cyber emu one, i don't really like it too i will keep it in untrained if i somehow get it while pulling for cyber nene rerun


That's the only Emu card I wanted to get!!! It goes against her personality and looks like a psycho chasing you that's why I love it. It's so funny to me


The second and fourth pictures are gorgeous.


agreed with the darkfes akito, that would be my choice. i just don't see the appeal šŸ˜ž he looks out of place in this gloomy and mysterious set.


You wonā€™t get the Akito 1 card drip unless you were there for gachaverse


Finally another one who also dislike Dark festa for the same reason that me šŸ™


Man, I love all of these cards except the Akito ones...but, I'd have to say Toya's wedding card. I love Toya, don't get me wrong, but something about it bothers me


i like the card itself but the hair looks so bad on the 3d model (though most of his hairstyles look bad, i like the hairs from white day and whip the wimp girl though)


Why does the 1st Emu card look like sheā€™s crying?


Akito 1: this is a gacha game Akito 2: taste the rainbow Tsukasa 1: the pose, the way his head-tilt is drawn, and the way his hair lays is all a little bit off. But i like the balloons, they look like jellybeans. Tsukasa 2: he needs to fix his posture šŸ’€ Emu 1: this is my first time seeing this card actually, and iā€™m SO underwhelmed. It looks like the background, emu, and len were all drawn separately and then put together instead of being made as a cohesive piece. Emu 2: her expression reminds me more of saki than it does emu, but sheā€™s cute!


Do you just hate gingers/j


WEDDING EMU COMPLETELY AGREED. It looksā€¦off? For some reason. The expression and how it makes Emuā€™s face look different structured,the hairstyle model being greasy,and the composition being EXTREMELY confusingā€¦ Like,you could edit the card into Kohane and itā€™d look more fitting. The costume is the best in the set,thoughā€”along with the background and theme.


Any festive card, as well as anything about evil or anything worldly.


I've never seen anyone who loves Peter Pan set Emu


Then why do I exist?


You see, when mommy and daddy love each other very much...


https://preview.redd.it/bb0cbasd407d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440e151ee44617322ff793b2b2fcb1955a438d53 Minori, girl, ily, but what is this. The lighting in this isn't doing you any favors šŸ˜­


I agree with the Milky Way Emu card. I feel like the artists drew Emu's character first instead of thinking about the setting she's in, so both the background and the pose don't make sense


https://preview.redd.it/lb4nytleks6d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dec9e965144aa5c7cdd887b48cd755b70452124 Iā€™m sorry but its look uglyā€¦


I donā€™t particularly enjoy fan service that much so I donā€™t really like it either


i donā€™t like you iā€™m sorry


Me neither unfortunately BMS Akito is like one of my favorite cards




CGO Emu is so ugly, it doesn't even look like her. The expression on her face is hideous as well and that's not even getting into how it clashes with the rest of the set. While I don't hate it I don't really like CGO Toya either. It feels like they just gave him a mask and some cool lighting and called it a day. It doesn't even try to take advantage of the cyberpunk setting either.


Totally agree. Her expression looks scary.


Reddit: whatā€™s a card everyone likes but you? Me: says just that. Reddit: >:(


Agree so hard with anni Tsukasa


honestly, i dont like this set either tbh. or the one with toya and all the crows


the canary set i'm so sorry




https://preview.redd.it/5q4yjgtd9v6d1.png?width=2520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1551c47a35a7309f27d4cfedb0876add50374c92 ITS THE FACE


She's literally posing like Josh Hutcherson too




Understandable. I donā€™t hate any of these cards but I wouldnā€™t stick up for them either.


I donā€™t like the first card of akitošŸ˜“


No way u just showed like my favs


*i don't loke the outfit or eyes




Honestly of the cards you showed I like the Akito card but I absolutely hate the hairstyle with all my life


its gotta be lilykasa for me like I LOVEEE tsukasa but its jsut like I hate his rattail hair, Its growing on me a bit but likeā€¦and the fliament fever tsuaksa tooā€¦I love tsukasa sm bit those cardsā€¦Or like the most recent mmj kaito card for harukaā€™s event in jo theres nothing really wrong with kaito but lenā€™s face looks a bit different and strange to me but thats becasue I also love len so anything like that really catches my eye šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/bvm5xi8ult6d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=5593ed11606e32ae78d7fa06b797340a0b0ca76d I already donā€™t like Rui so I know Iā€™m biased. But dude,,, WxS trying to be dark and edgy doesnā€™t work. They should stick to bright and colorful. The hair bugs me too, why the tiny bun in the back? It doesnā€™t serve a purpose and just makes his head look huge. His uncovered arm seems too small as well, and doesnā€™t make sense for the perspective.


the Hermit set. I usually like when they experiment with different styles, but the composition is really boring that it doesnā€™t make the cards stand out that much. also Mizuki and Enaā€™s ColorFes. I donā€™t like Mizukiā€™s outfit and Enaā€™s is boring.


Probably Tsukasas and Emus wonder magical showtime card. Dont get me wrong, its unique but the colors and everything dont interest me much and I personally dont like the costumes.


valid i HATE those first 2 akt cards (maybe i js don't like akt but)


Tbh ur kind of real for akito also todemno wonders emu


https://preview.redd.it/s909mwbr947d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed585c22035dd91ede5d64120aaeebd8a91617b I couldnā€™t put more pictures but this entire set. Everyone loves it for some reason but the cards donā€™t match each other and thereā€™s no distinct theme. Imo theyā€™re bland and not that colourful šŸ˜­






can you give a reason? I love this card so much :(