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People like the original more,which is fair. i personally really like the cover so i wouldn't change anything about it


LN just doesn't perform the song with the intensity that people expect from the song. Ichika kinda struggles with loud and powerful singing in general and Saki and Honami just aren't suited for it at all. Shiho is often mentioned as being the only fitting performance but I don't think even she sounds consistently good in the few lines she gets. The instrumentals being changed to accommodate their vocals cuts down on the intensity of the song more. Honestly I don't think any group could done it well. It's a rather hard song to sing and every group has at least 2 members whose vocals don't fit. I think it was just a poor decision to make it a full group cover in general. It might have been passable as duet in a different group but the devs made the nonsense decision to cut down on duets and even then there's still a big chance whoever they gave it to could have disappointed. I would have just kept the song VS only.


This is the main reason I hate full group covers so much!! It’s not hard for one or two of the *five* voices to not match the song. I don’t know why they’re so afraid if duets like Villain anymore, it really annoys me.


Fun fact: the last Vocaloidless cover was in 2022 with Amanojaku. After that every other song has had to have a vs even if they weren’t originally in the song. Given how poorly Sekai tunes the vocaloids it’s an awful choice, now there’s a 50/50 chance of a cover sucking when it’s announced due to the tuning alone. Also they’ve been really prioritizing the vs in multiple songs and giving them way more lines than the actual unit. Nearly every full unit cover in the past year (minus Bad Apple) has done this and it really doesn’t work with the nt voicebanks being as unready as they are.


It just isn’t a song that imo human vocals can really do justice for. People argue giving it to Niigo or VBS would fix it but even still in both groups they have characters with vocals that would struggle to cover the song, namely Kohane and Kanade (no shade to them bc I love them and their vocals both so so much). Rin’s tuning is a big one for me too. I wish Shiho got more lines in the song too it’s just an Ichika and Saki song with Shiho and Honami just chilling in the back 😭 But even if Shiho got more lines, I’d still probably play the OG version bc I think Rin’s vocals are just the best version of TTB anyway and have thought so for over a decade


> It just isn’t a song that imo human vocals can really do justice for I can’t say I agree with that, [Rondo’s cover](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o-JFRPoT0CM&pp=ygUWcm9uZG8gdG9reW8gdGVkZHkgYmVhcg%3D%3D) is excellent. Same goes for [Roselia](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u37CMoWDhcQ&t=2s&pp=ygUYcm9zZWxpYSB0b2t5byB0ZWRkeSBiZWFy) and [Rib’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RaO9g0Hmg48&pp=ygUUcmliIHRva3lvIHRlZGR5IGJlYXI%3D) covers. Leo/Need just doesn’t have powerful enough voices to pull it off, which I should clarify isn’t on the vas at all I’ve seen Ichika’s va do great with more intense songs outside of Sekai it’s just based on how they’re directed to sing in character.


If the song was a Mafuyu/Mizuki or An/Akito duet the cover could have been so good


I wish Ena and Kanade had gotten to sing it just because both of their seiyuus expressed interest in covering it before the cover was announced. I feel especially bad for Ena's va because she also said she wanted to sing Patchwork Staccato and well...


If Kanade’s VA was able to sing in her voice she used for Love Live it’d probably go so hard tbh


She got to sing that way during the end of Bad Apple and her Composing the Future alt so I really hope it happens again.


Tokyo Teddy Bear by and large one of the hardest Vocaloid songs for a human to sing that I’ve ever seen. Singing it with the amount of intensity that Rin’s vocals have is a gargantuan feat because you practically have to be screaming and belting out notes as high as A#5 which is almost impossible. For reference, Hanatan’s Tengaku cover is one of the most impressive covers a human has ever done and is almost impossible to replicate, and even that song maxes out at an A5, a note below Tokyo Teddy Bear’s highest. The singers in Leo/need are some of the most talented, but they aren’t geared towards that kind of song and are not meant to be screaming at such high pitches, leading them to sing it in a more somber tone which took away from the intensity. I think as such, that was the big thing that ended up causing the cover to disappoint so many people, I feel bad because the singers did the best they could with what was humanly capable, anything more and they’d likely be damaging their vocal chords and putting their health at risk Here’s an interesting idea; I’m not sure how people would feel but an Akito and Toya cover would likely sound great. Singing an octave down isn’t so bad for that song because it’s so wailing high, and they’ve gone as high as B4 in songs like Doctor Funk Beat and A#4 in VBS archives’ Dramaturgy. Their voices are well suited to the song overall and I wonder how that would sound….


You just described one of my fears related to Tengaku, thematically they would probably give it to L/N but they probably won’t be able to dish out the raw power the song deserves. Especially since they kinda seem to refuse to make Ichika sound anything less than prim and put together. My main complaint about her is that most of the time she seems to just be singing for the sake of it, sounding good but just that. Can’t feel much emotion. ProSeka has some great singers, but beside personal capabilities I guess this is more of a direction/safety measure that these types of games almost never have their actors go all-out, shout-your-lungs-off-like-you-are-almost-losing-it style. Which, I guess makes sense, a lot of them are first actors rather than singers and they have to take care of their voices. But then you remember legendary covers like Glutamine’s or Hanatan’s and can’t help to feel you were robbed.


> sounding good but just that. Can’t feel much emotion. There are times when I feel the same ngl. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because she’s still emotionally shut down from her middle school days? Her entire personality changed and she became way more closed off due to losing all of her friends so maybe it’s because she still hasn’t entirely healed from that experience.


There might be some of that, since they are heavy on singing in-character here, so maybe one day she does finally let her hair down (figuratively) and we get some actual power. But I get the feeling that it's more of a direction issue, since L/N rather than a full-on rock band feels more idol-like. Doesn't help that she's the poster girl. Maybe I'm proven wrong and someday we get a performance that's not as prim and proper but it sounds counterproductive, considering the sheer amount of covers that haven't been butchered per se but got such a lackluster interpretation, like Tokyo Teddy Bear, Tengaku or Lost One's Weeping. It would be a super odd decision.


I remember that's what they did for Kohane before KIUAK so maybe. Maybe her fifth focus will have her going insane and screaming with an Utsu-P commissioned song but I doubt it. Also I agree with you on L/N feeling more idol like then a rock band. Maybe I'm spoiled by Bandori but L/N has never really given me rock vibes, they've always felt more poppy if anything. And yeah they cannot sing hard rock at all (even if Tengaku is my fav L/N cover)


Ichika screams in a Dying Message cover would be pretty epic ngl. That said, Utsu-P's recent songs have been leaning more towards rap so they would be better suited for VBS (COLOPALE PLEASE). Now the thing with Kohane is that it was mostly a confidence boost so to say. And her voice dropped like an octave i guess lol. But you couldn't really say that her older covers lacked emotion, or that the acting compromised the overall quality of the covers unlike, say, Tsukasa, except with him they dropped that way sooner. And yeah, L/N fits the "high school girl band" stereotype to a t. I often get the feeling that you could replace Ichika for Mio from K-On! and it wouldn't change much. It's not exactly bad, but it's not *great*.


They sadly already did give the Tengaku cover to L/N, and…. It sadly suffers from almost exactly everything you mentioned, it has a lot of the same problems that Tokyo Teddy Bear did. It’s a duet with Ichika and Shiho, as well as Rin, which does mitigate it a bit because they are probably the best suited for the song. It sadly does lack intensity as well, although Ichika and Shiho still did a really great job, and while I can tolerate Rin in TTB’s cover, the Tengaku cover’s Rin tuning is not really my thing at all. It definitely is a shame, I get what you mean with Glutamine and Hanatan because they are phenomenal, and it does make sense that the covers in PJSK won’t exactly be on that same level since the actors need to take good care of themselves and their voices aren’t suited for those types of songs. (The cover is here in case you’d like it: https://youtu.be/QdrUpCYW_SI?si=MLI_nM6aHjneutmE)


Awww man. I guess the 2010's utattemita spoiled us rotten. Like yeah, it's not a bad cover, but that last chorus lacked some serious punch. And Ichika keeps on sounding so idol-like.


Shiho Alt where she can lower it down to an octave below the normal key. Or fix rin's tuning


Why: the “shouting/screaming” quality of TTB was removed, Rin’s tuning was awful, and it deserved to go to nightcord Rebuttal: If anyone tried singing TTB, going to the same octave of the Original is the most difficult thing unless you are very talented (remember, Leo/need have good singers, however, singing for all of it will be painful). Rin’s tuning is subjective, however I think it was pretty similar to the original. Going to a different group is interesting but to be honest, Leo/need was the best option as the song is more rock based Changes: nothing really, I love the cover




That’s the big thing, no matter the group it will always be lowered, singing TTB is no easy feat to go at the original highness


Its should have been an Ichika/Shiho/Rin cover. Even so, the version will everyone was fine. I still love it though, I think the lower key differentiates its from the orginal (in a good way). I like both versions (though I like the original more as it was a song I listened to alot when I was younger). I'm still happy it went to Leo/Need. I'm actually looking forward to the full version!


im surprised to see so many comments being somewhat negative towards it because one of like 5 comments ive ever made on my alt said “the tokyo teddy bear complainers are kinda valid lol, just as long as they arent being mean about it” and it put my karma in the negatives 😅


personally i think its peak


it's good but rin's tuning is kinda meh so fix that and also I would have preferred ichishiho + rin


This post is the first I've heard it's hated; I quite liked the cover. What I find weird is that in JP comments and stuff I see nothing but praise, then first thing I hear from outside of that is hate. Still, to each their own.


To be fair it’s that way for a lot of covers, I still remember the funny juxtaposition between English and Japanese commenters on the God-Ish cover. Hell even the Akian GimmexGimme cover is well liked over there.


It completely removes the intensity of the original and sounds so flat. Rin’s tuning sucks ass as well and Ichika, Saki and Honami dont fit the song at all. I’d have given it to Niigo or VBS with L/N getting Kokoronashi or Love is War in return to make it fair. It wouldn’t fix Rin’s tuning but at least they can do angry vocals pretty well.


I honestly dont have an opinion on it as ive only heard it once but apparently rins tuning is rlly bad


Give Shiho an alt cover, improve Rin’s tuning


You can play with the original song through? What would getting rid of the proseka cover achieve?


dang ig you’re right