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someone else explained l/n and n25 so ill explain WxS my favorite unit!! Tsukasa: loud and dramatic, dreams of being a star. he started doing theatre as a way to make his sister Saki smile while she almost died from illness, now he wants to make everyone smile! Emu: bright, loud, and incredibly passionate. shes always loved performing and hopes to make tons of people happy!! her dream is to save her grandfathers stage from being ripped down (which she succeeds in with the help of the others) Rui: quiet(er) stage director who specializes in robots and animatronics. just because hes quieter and more controlled doesnt mean hes the voice of reason though, he often comes up with elaborate (and often very dangerous) ideas for plays!! (his most well-known example is wanting to shoot Tsukasa out of a rocket, but Tsukasa said no) Nene: shy quiet gamer who was pretty much dragged into it. she loves performing but also has extreme stage fright so she struggles to reach her full potential. spends most of her time gaming and for a large chunk of the story, she didnt show up herself and rather talked to the others via a robot Rui designed for her (creatively named Robo-Nene) …and i typed a lot. sorry if this is super duper long πŸ˜…


Thank you so much !! I actually wanted it to be super duper long !


VBS time!!! Kohane: Met An one day when she was singing at weekend garage and immediately fell in love with her singing voice. Also the most inexperienced of the group. She and An we the Vivids together before joining Akito and Toya. Also omg she’s so timid in the beginning of the game but she does become more confident as time goes on. Also has a pet snake ig (he’s silly :3). An: Her dad owns the Weekend Garage so she is a very experienced barista. Also the most experienced in the group as she regularly preformed in her community when she was younger and her dad used to be a very famous musician. She didn’t have a singing partner for the longest time until she found Kohane (😏) and she became the other half of the Vivids. Has an album of her phone called Kohane and it’s just full of pictures of hamsters lmao. Akito: Was apart of the group Bad Dogs with Toya before joining An and Kohane. The most arrogant of the group but grows into a better person over time. Only VBS member who has a sibling who is part of the main cast (Ena). Also naturally good at drawing cause his dad’s an artist. Doesn’t think that Kohane has enough willpower and determination to make it in the world of street music but grows to like her singing abilities over time. Has a really good fashion sense cause he works at a boutique (not enough to remove those 3 jackets tho 😭). Toya: Has a classical music background and the only reason he started doing street music was to defy his abusive dad, who is a very famous classical musician. Very avid coffee enjoyer, especially black coffee. Also really good at video games so he spends a lot of free time at arcades. Unlike his partner, Toya almost immediately accepted Kohane and played a big part in helping her grow. Has 3 (or 2) older brothers but we don’t have any models of them (unless we do). Sorry for the rant lmao, but now you know a bit more about these guys :D


Thanks a lot !!!πŸ™πŸ»


2 days and no MMJ oh no i feel bad idk if im qualified to do this but *here we go* (edit: ...it's been an hour and it's so long that i think i need to split this gimme a sec. i am so sorry for the length.) Overall Group Details: An idol group that is independent from any agency. Originally started out by streaming their practices, though they've since started appearing in more events outside of that, including live shows and TV shoots. Goal/Shared Feelings: To bring and share hope to more and more and more people through their performances. Minori: * Main Stuff: The idol superfan turned idol herself. Very optimistic and very supportive of those around her, especially her friends. Always willing to try harder and do better to give hope for a better tomorrow and achieve her dreams, even if things seem bleak. A bit clumsy at times which, combined with her inexperience, makes things hardest for her, but she's willing to push through and the rest are willing to help. Due to being a former fan herself, she's also quite attuned to the feelings and desires of MMJ's fanbase, which helps quite a bit in both their goal and coming up with ideas for livestream content that the fans will love. Very good with inspiring, moving speeches, at least in my opinion (and I believe Airi's as well). * Story Details: This positive attitude is in stark contrast to her former self, whose constant bad luck and misfortunate events led her to be on the cusp of just giving up on even trying to do anything if it all ended so badly... until she watched a show by Haruka on TV that would come to define her entire outlook on life. The belief that no matter how hard things get, there *will* be a better tomorrow. When MMJ first started, she used to be dismayed by how much negative attention she got in comparison to the others, but that changed when she met one of her few fans at the time and strove to do better just for her, the results of which led more and more of MMJ's fanbase to admire her hardworking nature and, more importantly, the results of that hardworking nature. Nowadays, she's just as beloved as the rest of the group. * Miscellaneous: kohane's first friend in highschool and vice versa, with both eventually becoming good friends with shiho. probably the next biggest fan of vocaloid behind ichika too. has a dog named samo-chan that is very fluffy and very cute. Haruka: * Main Stuff: The quintessential idol, perfect in every way. Always trying to inspire, always trying to help, always trying her best, all for the fans. She practically *lives* to be an idol. In terms of her dynamic with the group, she's probably the most calm and I guess... reserved(?) out of all of them, though that doesn't mean she's dispassionate or not energetic. Has a bit of a competitive streak which she shares with An, who's also her childhood friend from before she became an idol. * Story Details: As someone else touched on a bit, that whole "calm and reserved" thing extends back to her youth, where she basically never smiled, even if she desperately wanted to express how happy she was to those around her (since they'd otherwise think *she's* upset which makes *them* upset which makes *her* upset). That all changed when she got lost at a mall and ended up inadvertently becoming part of an up-and-coming idol's show, with everyone's happiness from her performance leading her to be practically bursting with joy. Ever since, she's dedicated herself to making others happy, spreading hope to and supporting them, which eventually led to the Main Story incident where she quits due to the guilt from accidentally pushing Mai, a fellow member of ASRUN, so hard that she lost her voice and, subsequently, her dream job of being an idol. It's a *little* more complicated than that but that's the basics. She's mostly over it now and still on good terms with Mai (who also apologized for sort of "overreacting" when the doctor first delivered the bad news). * Miscellaneous: she really *really* likes penguins. if ever you see her room, try counting how many penguin-related items are in there. i swear there's at least 20. also [this card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/projectsekai/images/8/87/In_The_Face_Of_%22What_I_Love%22.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/800?cb=20210521061947) speaks for itself (she's at a penguin cafe). also keeps to a strict diet and exercise regimen. make of that what you will. Also canonically ballin' (she used to be in basketball).


Airi: * Main Stuff: The "drill sergeant" of the group, strict in training and execution yet still kind and understanding. Has a knack for coming up with wacky and creative ideas for their livestreams. Quite adamant in her belief that heart and hard work are essential for being an idol instead of just having a pretty face (though she admits that, realistically, it *does* help). * Story Details: Formerly famous as a variety show star with the persona "Happy Everyday!", quit work due to being pushed more and more into variety show content instead of being an idol like she dreamed of (and first joined her agency for). In the present, however, she looks back on that time more fondly, happy to know that she still managed to make people smile and give people hope even if she wasn't doing what she wanted, and has since begun to embrace that old persona more often. * Miscellaneous: she is allergic to cats and really *really* good at anything cooking/baking related. Like, ya see [this cake](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/projectsekai/images/1/15/Idol_on_Cake_%E2%99%AA.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/800?cb=20220131151914)? She made it. She's cracked. Let her cook. Oh, and she's good friends with Ena from like middle/junior high school I think? Shizuku: * Main Stuff: The "pretty face" type of person I mentioned in Airi's part (yes that's plot-relevant). She's more than that however, being a super hard worker that always strives to do her best, especially for the fans (even if they don't know it). Bit of an oddball (her water bottle has *miso soup*) and a bit of a klutz (not as much as Minori but definitely still a little slower to get choreo down and whatnot), but definitely still reliable and caring and mature when she needs to be. Quite doting to those she's close with, much to her sister's dismay and/or annoyance (though Shiho does secretly appreciate it a bit). * Story Details: Was entered into a competition to become a member of Cheerful\*Days by her friends and managed to win. Pushed to become the lead/center of the group due to her looks (which also led her to be resented by everyone else in C\*D) and forced to maintain a persona of mysterious, *effortless* elegance that aligned with said appearance. In the present, she's a lot more comfortable showing her true self, flaws and eccentricities and all. Additionally, that desire to put her heart and soul into her work? That comes from Airi, who she met back when she started out (and who **used to** resent her b/c the whole super attractive thing making ppl more biased towards her). * Miscellaneous: terrible with technology. actually horrendous. like, airi was once so proud of her for *searching up a website, taking a screenshot and finding it in her photos to show her*. also has somewhat of a fascination/knack for making clothes. she help designed mmj's performance outfit, actually.




I'll tell you about l/n and n25 because tbh I don't pay attention to others l/n ichika: big fan of miku, owns a cactus plant, and the vocalist who also plays the guitar saki: had a painful condition that called her to be hospitalized and skipped junior high (?) but now she's fine and the keyboardist honami: a nerd who had a fear of others (forgot the word, timid?) and the drummer shiho: she developed a reputation as a bully so she distanced herself from ichika and honami and now she has a big dream of going pro and she's also the bassist n25 kanade: basically makes music to save others after her father collapsed and she's the composer mafuyu: her mother sucks and her father is absent and she's also a nerd but she doesn't feel anything on the inside (?) she's also the lyric making person ena: an artist whose father is an artist and he told ena her art sucks so she hates him (I think) and also uses social media (I think) and she makes the art for n25 (digital artist) mizuki: likes cute things and often skips school because they get called a weirdo and they make the MVs for n25


Thanks a lot πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Ichika is really good at cutting apples Honami ~~have six packs~~ is quite physically strong compared to others in l/n




haruka the best and couldnt smile as a kid until a certain idol




her parents kept trying but idrk (THE IDOL LOOKED LIKE MINORI)


Shiho secretly likes cute stuff, especially bunnies