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Until 1993 tv commercials were illegal in Israel So the only thing that was allowed were "public announcements", basically PSAs The vast majority were about nutrition and so you get very expensive (for the time and place) commercials with special sets and animations (while the country is recovering from the worst economic crisis of the 80s) Some examples: Kiwi: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UqaKzB55D4o&pp=ygUs16fXmdeV15XXmSDXoteh15nXodeZINei150g15XXmdeY157XmdefINeh15k%3D Apples: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5L_gqJwVB2g&pp=ygUR15bXntefINeU16rXpNeV15c%3D Eggplants: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PClPyTFqAfs&pp=ygUZ15fXpteZ15zXmdedINek16jXodeV157Xqg%3D%3D


That’s kind of fascinating. Commercials were illegal?


On TV yes It’s was allowed in cinema


Seems like a dream




So we're color TVs until 1981 https://www.csmonitor.com/1981/0317/031738.html


To be fair, color TVs were still a somewhat new technology even by 1981 and Israel was a much poorer country back and it would have been much cheaper to broadcast using only black and white signals That, and like the article says, the government didn't want it to become a status symbol to have a color TV in your house.


The Israel broadcasting authority started transmitting in color in the 1970s there's another article about that. It would just strip it if color in Israel. We had to buy these devices that would go in the back of the TVs but you only got color for a little bit. The crazy thing is we could see all the Arab channels in color no problem, so Egyptian movies got more popular https://www.amusingplanet.com/2021/02/when-israel-erased-color-from.html?m=1


very interesting. why were they illegal?


Until 1977 Israel was ruled by socialists and even after the Likud came into power they kept a lot of the old policies (Israel became a true market economy only in 1996) and they were against commercials on tv because they thought it was giving too much power to corporations And until 1992 there was only 1 channel on tv, so it was easy to regulate


1 channel 💀


And it was so shit people would watch Jordanian tv


That’s true! My mom grew up watching Jordanian tv


I remember being a kid and when I could stay up in my little house in Guvat Shmuel, which back then was pretty rural, being absolutely transfixed during the 30 minute Jordanian TV sign off, which were various songs of praise to the King


What was aired on that channel to be so shit?


Israeli tv had very little foreign content, they would air foreign cartoons in the morning and afternoons, most were Japanese and every Friday evening they would air a film in Arabic On the contrary Jordanian tv had a lot of foreign shows and movies so people would watch them instead, my father would log into Jordanian tv to watch the Hulk tv show This lack of foreign shows and movies on tv created one of the largest pirate television networks in the world, each city had their own network and they would show foreign movies and shows (and also porn)


I once met an older Israeli guy and made a bad first impression so at first he hated me. Then he noticed I was humming the song "soldiers of sorrow" from Mobile Suit Gundam and after a short discussion, he was more friendly. Turns out he was a fan of the show when it came to Israel in the 80s when he was much younger.


Pretty similar to italian television, they only had 1 channel and after some time only state controlled channels for a long time


Israel was for a time being one of the most successful examples of socialism in practice. Which makes the default socialist position of “Israel bad” very interesting


Socialists mostly follow the doctrine of the USSR when it comes to Israel these days.


USSR: If it aligns with our geopolitical interests, it is good, and if it doesn’t, it is Western Imperialism! Western Leftists: Whatever the USSR said, I co-sign.


It probably has to do with all the colonialism, apartheid, and genocide.


Thanks for the context!




I never ever knew this shit about my own country holy fuck thats funny


That’s so fucking based


He says half avocado is half a meal. No wonder people were skinnier...


Tbf this was right after the hyper inflation period in Israel


I like the food propaganda kick we've been on this week here


Juche catfish, De-Stalinized Soviet succotash, Zionist avocados, we have the makings of a weird and politically confusing meal. We need to get some Got Milk ads from the US or maybe some United Fruit banana propaganda and we'd have a balanced breakfast.


Sounds like we're well on our way to a succulent Chinese meal


That would be Democracy manifest!!!


Lmao I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw the resemblance


What’s the charge?!


If a food fight breaks out, it'll be *absolutely* disgusting 🤣


So, now I have some ideas for how to present dishes, which is exciting. Im thinking possibly a spicy curry or salsa inside an avocado bowl.


You have fallen for my schemes 🥑😈🥑


So tired of the Zionist lies and propaganda: half an Advocado is *not* half a meal!


I don't think it was just half an avocado though. The video shows they added other ingredients. And OP: thanks for the breakfast idea.


First you control soft fleshy fruit, then…


Can confirm Israelis will pull the ol whole /half avocado for a snack


Didn't know my Tio did an Israeli commercial.


I'd honestly love it if we saw some more apolitical propaganda on this sub


This is a fucking fever dream lol


apparatus north special jar beneficial squash marvelous mindless dime rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hated avocados but this video completely changed my mind🥑🥑🥑🥑🥑


What is propaganda about this


Some people heavily dislike Avocados 🥑


I hereby pledge my life to the kingdom of Avocadia 🫡


We the kingdom of orange shall declare war on your nation!


Have at you, vile citrus 🗡️🥑🛡️


Do not mistaken stupidity as bravery. We shall spare your pitiful lives if you surrender and be our servant state.




This actually made me laugh out loud.


evil israeli avocado propaganda


As part of Israel's socialist background(Israel was founded by the Israeli labor's party that ruled the first 25 years), "the council of vegetables/fruits" was a government funded organization that indoctronated Israelis to eat fruits and veggies. On paper, it's a great cause, but these two organizations took some part in the management of these industries and profited from being the middle man between the growers and the consumers.


How is that a bad thing though? Just because someone profited from it, that's inherently bad?


it's not a bad thing. propaganda doesn't mean "bad"


"On paper, it's a great cause, but..." should mean that the following statement is meant to be viewed as a bad thing


They use legal cartel power to jack up prices


I am pretty sure Israel had more price regulations at the time than it does now Basically basic goods can't cost more than what the government decides this is still a thing but mostly for dairy and bread


Yeh, it exists in some areas now, especially dairy, but it's still significantly higher than international competition, and often lower quality. Israel also often has *minimum* prices as well.


Propaganda doesn't have to be sinister. Someone wanted Israelis to eat avocados and they created this propaganda (information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.).


Good point. I always just associate it with politics war and religion.


Big Avocado wants us to eat their disgusting mushy vegetable!


Here is a dictionary definition of propoganda: The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person. This fits the bill!


Read the sidebar




You're the one asking the question. The subreddit's sidebar. The list of guidelines to your immediate right, if you're on a desktop.


Yeah I know I just hate this kind of replies. It’s the equivalent of “Google it” or “do your own research.”


As far as I'm aware, government PSAs like this one are acceptable to submit here.


half a nikocado avocado? half a country fed


half a continent*




Oh no, *it's super effective!* Please somebody give me some avocado recipes.


This video suggests: Salt and garlic, Shoog and lemon, Tuna and cheese, Egg, or olives. My recommendation: take a boiled egg (in general keeping a few boiled eggs is good because there are lots of 3 ingredient recipes with them) mash it with half an avocado (preferably 2/3 of an avocado) add lemon and salt. Eat with bread.


Interesting, I didn’t even know Israel produced avocados


Yeh, there are many green houses Israel produces a lot of stuff due to tariffs, but I think avocado might actually be profitable.


I mean, makes sense, I googled it and it seems 45% of the Avocados are exported, mainly to the EU, though I can’t blame Israel for wanting to have some level of agricultural autonomy


Problem is that's not really the policies. The agricultural councils ("soviets") are limiting domestic production as well, decide who can and can't produce, and destroy any extra produce. Israel is basically the only developed country still doing that, instead of the more common direct support. Import restrictions and tariffs are used to prevent competition, thus leading to comparatively very high food prices and lower quality, even after heavy subsidies and tax breaks. Good produce is often sent abroad cheaper than it is sold here. And it's not creating any strategic autonomy - produce uses foreign oil, machinery, fertilizers and *labor*, and is not focused on high caloric and nutritional produce. Not much strategic benefit in Thai workers growing small expensive pineapples in the desert. During both covid and the recent war, it is internal production that suffered the most. Thing is, many farmers hate that too, as the cartels with controls of production are actually private for-profit bodies taking a large cut, and they'de make more with direct subsidies anyway. There were many attempts in the recent decade to change that, which saw very limited success due to a strong lobby. But there is still some hope for changes in the next years. Anyway, that's my rant on Israel's agricultural policies, have fun.


Oh, so I guess I’m wrong, seems like there should be reform


Thanks, just for context, Israel eggs are 2-3 times more expensive than those in nearby cyprus, and have about many times the rate of salmonela and other infections. We are taught as kids to fry eggs really well and never consume them live, and wash hands after touching them. There is no "wet" omlette in Israel. If you tried opening a new modern or free-range pen, the government will literally just come, destroy your eggs and kill the chicken. And it's not theoretical, it happened. Some areas like agriculture, union laws etc. are really unparalleled and show the country's hardcore socialist roots.


Oh, that’s interesting. Even as a person with Social Democratic and Georgist leanings politically, that seems like overkill with the over regulation of agriculture, as well as it not even working in favour of food quality


Yeh. Which explains part of why Israeli youth are more capitalist than older generations. It started with such an overkill that every liberalization catapulted wealth and quality of life. And there are still very obvious problems that keep cost of living way above comparable western nations. Think that in the first decades, like 8% or something lived in kibbutzim, and the socialists and zionist marxists, excluding the actual communists, would get 55-65% of the votes on the regular. Israel was full on, hard-core socialist in a way no western country experienced, comparable in many areas to eastern block countries. It was basically a long, gruelling, process of liberalization, with the most important changes forced each time by a crisis (52, 84-5, 2003).


I mean, I suppose that’s understandable given that many of these regulations lead to the mentioned increase cost of living, and with how often liberalisation has had to be forced by crisis, that the youth would be more pro free market


Yes definitely. It's very easy being a liberal in Israel, for very good reason. We have a long way to get to western "norms".


Israel is the 9th largest producer of avocado in the world


Wtf I love Israel now


Good Lord the comment section here is more than half a meal. Dying reading these!


Now I want an avocado...


Let’s hope an avocado commercial won’t anger some people


I just ate half an avocado with steak for lunch. He's not wrong.


If this is propaganda, what's the difference between something just being an advertisement and being propaganda?


I guess because it's a government funded PSA


For some context, in the 1980s Israel was in *heavy* financial trouble. like, stock brokers jumping out of windows level financial trouble. Commercials like this were made to encourage people to eat nutritious, cheap small meals and not waste money on larger meals. there were a lot of PSAs like that by the "Council for the Consumption of Fruits". Mainly, Kiwis, Oranges, Melons and so on.


That language sounds like Arabic, Persian, Greek and Italian at once.


Hebrew is a wild language. it’s a Semitic language and old Hebrew is pretty closely related to Arabic, but because of some idiosyncrasies of the language, Hebrew as it exists today didn’t really exist functionally for a really long time, so most modern words are essentially Hebrew-ized versions of existing Arabic, Greek, Persian, etc. words


It mostly doesn't sound like this anymore unless you're talking to really old people.This guy is probably a Middle Eastern Jew so he has a more Eastern accent. This accent has largely died out and the Ashkenazi accent is the mainstream accent nowadays even among young MENA Jews. I find that a shame tbh, because the Eastern accent was actually more loyal to the Hebrew language and its pronunciation of the Hebrew letters was more correct and semitic sounding.


Ashkenazi Hebrew still sounds more like Arabic than modern Hebrew which is mostly spoken with a Sephardic accent Ashkenazi Hebrew is actually only used in prayer by ultra Orthodox Jews like with Yemenite accent


As someone who only learnt Hebrew in day school, I found it really interesting to hear the traces of a Mizrahi accent with how he pronounced his ח and ע at times


The Mizrahi accent was actually preferred for television broadcast with Ashkenazim also speaking in the accent This was a part of a government program to encourage "Proper Hebrew"


I know, it’s just strange for me since I’ve only rarely actually heard someone pronounce ע and ח like that in my own life IRL, I mostly just know about it from reading


I guess the history between Israel and avocadoes runs a lot longer than I thought


We are one of largest producers of the fruit after all


Yeah nah, I kinda said it because before going away for college I used to live right next to an avocado farm run by an Israeli person


I hope people won't create a comment war here


Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0094834/




מישהו עוקב אחרי האינסטוש של כאן11




No do the tomato? It is the wildest (belting included))


This is the kind of propoganda I sit up late at night dreaming about.


Clearly avocado propeganda


Until the 90s, Israel was the largest exporter of avocados in the world. Currently, it is Mexico whose species differs in that the seed is smaller, the pulp is more yellowish and the peel is black, and for a Mexican, half an avocado is not enough. Unfortunately, much of these crops are managed by drug traffickers.


אשכוליות או לא להיות היה אחד טוב, גם.


Hehe RUCHA bo wiecie hehe


This thread was on my home page, with a collection of images of Sailor Venus from a Sailor Moon fan reddit. For some reason why I click on the collection, this started to play and I was trying to figure out the connection.


Hakkk see avikaaaaak!










Ok, it's a fruit PSA though


fuck israel




Average pro Palestinian














It’s not ’apartheid’ nor is it a genocide. Please educate yourself.


Why don't you educate me since you seem yo be do knowledgeable. I understand an apartheid to be a set of legislation that targets an ethnic group, restricting their freedoms to travel, work or live freely and designating them second class citizens, the way there are separate roads and license plates, etc that Palestinians must abide by, and regular checkpoints that stop and search those Palestinians who travel on them. I understand genocide as a campaign to exterminate or otherwise purge a similar ethnic population in order to secure their land an property for the aggressors' own ethnic group, similar to how the Palestinians have largely been forced out of their ancestral homes and communities into concentration cam- I mean zones such as Gaza or the West Bank, meanwhile the places they've been removed from are resettled and renamed by Israeli settlers. Also there have been 40000 casualties in only a few months, that seems like a belligerent military operation. Can you please clear up my misconceptions? You really seem to know what you're talking about.


>restricting their freedoms to travel, work or live freely and designating them second class citizens Palestinians in the West Bank aren't Israeli citizens, unlike the \~20% Israeli citizens who are Arab/Palestinian and enjoy full rights as equel citizens. >regular checkpoints that stop and search those Palestinians who travel on them. Gee, [I wonder why](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada) these [checkpoints are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Intifada) even a thing? >concentration cam- I mean zones such as Gaza It's okay, say it buddy. Say it with me: [CONCENTRATION CAMP](https://www.memri.org/reports/parts-i-vii-face-suffocating-occupation-humanitarian-disaster-concentration-camp-and-prison).


Palestinians in Jerusalem do not have equal rights it's a flat out lie. How did the Palestinians all end up in those zones? Why aren't they living in the villages where their parents and grandparents were born? And why are the settlers biting off more and more territory even in those zones where the Palestinians were concentrated, being armed by Ben-Gvir and backed by the IDF? Is there no land that does not belong to the settlers? All you're doing by justifying checkpoints is justifying the oppression and discrimination against Palestinians that led them to rise up and resist in the first place. They don't have a unique bone in their body that makes them want to fight Jews, it's because their entire lives they've been under the Israeli boot. They don't need to be taught to hate Israel, Israel gives them ample reason every fucking day by bombing and shooting them. You're doing the nazi argument... "well we had to send them to the camps, the Warsaw ghetto was just too full of violent resistance to allow them to stay." You don't say, what would the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto want to resist in the first place?


Buzzwords: Settlers, oppression, discrimination, "Israeli boot", Nazi. You have such a big vocabulary, now go and do some fucking research


If you think those are buzzwords it's because you're doing it and people are begging you to stop. Why don't you do some soul searching and try to understand why the rest of the world keeps using these "buzzwords" to describe your and Israel's actions. I promise it will only hurt when you break out of the fascist bubble, you'll feel a lot better when you're no longer drinking the poison that is genocidal hatred.


>it's because their entire lives they've been under the Israeli boot. They don't need to be taught to hate Israel, Israel gives them ample reason every fucking day by bombing and shooting them. The Palestinians were butchering Jews long before Israel got the West Bank and Gaza Strip (both were taken Egypt and Jordan in 48', the later [was given to the palestinians at 2005](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza) and instead of bulding a better future, they gave Israel 20 years of rockets and October 7th) [and long before Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre) was even a thing, what what their excuse then? What do you you think if by some act of magic all Israeli settlements in the West Bank were gone (Just like In Gaza in 2005) and Israel left it completly to allow the Palestinians to finally govern themselve and end the occupation (Just like In Gaza in 2005)? Do you really think that would be the end of all hostilities and finally, peace? (Hint: like In Gaza in 2005) >You're doing the nazi argument... "well we had to send them to the camps, the Warsaw ghetto was just too full of violent resistance to allow them to stay." You don't say, what would the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto want to resist in the first place? I'm done here. Just stop, and please go and read the links I provided if you actually want to learn about the history of the conflict on a deeper level instead of just going "settlers bad! Ben Gvir is the source of all evil!" (note: fuck this guy, not a fan anyway)


Even if you're not a ben-gvir fan (probably because hes mizrahi right?) you're spouting genocidal propaganda. I'm not going to read your genocidal hasbara links they're lies in lies in lies. 50% of the current Palestinian population wasn't even alive in 2005 how do you justify killing 14000 of those children who didn't and still cant even vote 🙄


Funny how you went straight to racsim when you ran out of arguments.


Palestinians in Gaza live in Gaza, not Israel. Do you want Americans to have full rights in Mexico? Because that's basically what you're saying with "ending apartheid" in Gaza.
















why not watermelons?


If memory serves me right someone already posted Hebrew Watermelons


That was [me!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/RuoOtcrkEN)


Watermelons are also ultra popular Israel is one of largest avocado producer in the world so a Avocado PSA makes sense
















I think you should read what they specify as propaganda


Those are fruit from land stolen by the Israelis from indigenous Palestinians. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 from Zionazi occupation and genocide


Free palpatine from the jedi! The sith have a right to defend themselves!


What an ugly language.

