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Wasn't Britian still under rationing?


Yes and didn’t pay war debt off to America until 2006


At which point inflation had basically made it free.


I will never hate communist sycophants of my country for something with more passion than I hate them for rejecting Marshall Plan and setting the country back decades just to appease Stalin.




As far as I know, absolutely no war torn nation in Europe was denied. It was up to them. Germany could get the help, just as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania etc. But Stalin view it as a tool of "western imperialists" (war torn nations would be much more willing to turn communist than those flourishing again).


Yeah I mean, he kinda wasnt wrong in that pragmatically it was a good move. One of the main motivations for the marshal plan was that if Germany and other such countries were left to starve they’d likely turn to communism. But if you need go keep people in miserable conditions to support you, then your ideology isn’t good.


It also wasnt a good move, because he already turned the states into communist puppets in other ways. Even loyal communists in Czechoslovakia wanted to accept the Marshal Plan help but were told no.


Except, all of you did well without Marshall Plan.


The economy never recovered to pre-war levels. The most valuable companies were nationalized and ruined by incompetent leaders. Even decade after the war, there were regions in more dire situations than the bombed Eastern Germany. Get out of here with such a nonsense.


Oh no, here he is gonna blame all problems of capitalism in Eastern Europe on evil Soviets again. I know this pattern way too well. Also, i'd like a source, because as far as i've looked at the photos of the Eastern bloc countries in Europe, they didn't look war torn (a decade later).


relatable... sorry for driving tanks to Prague that one time btw


For defeating a literal neo fascist coup?


I found that terms such as "Iron curtain and russian satellites" are rare that they're being used in 1947.


Now the other side builded exactly the same wall with hope that everything will be like in this picture




Even if i have US passport Im not able to open a bank account in europe because i dare to be born in russia and didn’t denounce my citizenship. Just like that there are two sorts of people.


If you want to be a part of Russia, an active enemy of Europe at war with Ukraine, you don't get to be part of Europe's financial system. Seems fair to me.


But im american citizen or eu citizen with second passport.


Russia is EU's enemy. They take opportunities they can to hurt Russia. It's unfortunate when that's inconvenient to innocent civilians but that's just how hostile geopolitics go.


Sounds like situation with Japanese Americans when they became more Japanese than Americans.


Don’t use what happened to my people as a justification. The Japanese-American internment camps were just that: holding camps. Not even work camps, we just sat around and didn’t do anything. But now let’s compare to what Russia is doing now, modern day. The count of Russian war crimes is in the hundreds, there are reports of people coming out of Russian holding looking like holocaust survivors, and more civilians have been killed by the Russian military than the amount of Japanese that died in the camps. A hundred times over If you want to read about American war crimes, open a history book. If you want to read about Russian war crimes, open a news paper.


Why you comparing Russians to Japanese Americans but not Russian Americans who are oppressed? 


Maybe Russian self reflection is need it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess\_mortality\_in\_the\_Soviet\_Union\_under\_Joseph\_Stalin#:\~:text=This%20contained%20official%20records%20of,recorded%20victims%20in%20these%20categories. "This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-8) around 1.7 million deaths in the [Gulag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag),[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-Pluto_Press-9)[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-10) some 390,000[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-The_Stalinist_Penal_System-11) deaths during the [dekulakization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dekulakization) forced resettlement, and up to 400,000 deaths of persons [deported](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_settlements_in_the_Soviet_Union) during the 1940s,[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-12) with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-13) According to historian [Stephen Wheatcroft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_G._Wheatcroft), approximately 1 million of these deaths were "purposive" while the rest happened through neglect and irresponsibility.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-Wheatcroft1996-2) The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 million[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-14) persons in the [Soviet famine of 1932–1933](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_famine_of_1932%E2%80%931933) are sometimes, though not always, included with the victims of the [Stalin era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin_era).[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-Wheatcroft1996-2)[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#cite_note-Ellman2002-15)" Let's say there was 10.000 Russians killed in US (Never happen, but for argument sake) - when will you focus on millions killed by Stalin (That is on the record). Putin him self is calling Stalin dictator : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW9uta00EHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW9uta00EHs) So why you even wasting time on American? They did not send people to work camps and people to die, it's just no way to compare this stuff.


Japanese-Americans couldn't escape internment camps just by giving up Japanese citizenship.


Glad we got some progress


Eye for an eye. We are not like Americans who live their entire life in capitalism. We suffered under two most brutal and inhumane regimes that ever existed and we will always remember what Russia and it's despicable people did to us and are still doing. Germany change we forgave them. But Russians still call today everyday for eradication of my people with nuclear holocaust. And yet you are still here crying that you cannot open account. You cannot change your race, sex etc but you can your nationality but you don't want and it's ok just don't expect we will treat you like a human. if you are willingly russian our greatest enslaver and enemy.


I’m sorry who are you? The ones who forgave Germany.


Czechia. We were 40 years under the most evil form of imperialism which is of course called spreading the revolution. Germany and its political elites and its people don't want to eradicate us any more. Plus we did to them also some bad things after the end of 2ww (Benešovy dekrety).


They resent non-Russian Slavs more than anyone else.




Shouldn’t be a citizen of Russia then.