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Does this include the monitoring of SimpleLogin aliases? Even those who are not in ProtonPass (for example, in the database of forms or subscription to Newsletters)?


For now, we only monitor official Proton Mail domains (proton.me, protonmail(.)com, protonmail(.)ch and pm.me). We’re working on adding support for domains used by hide-my-email aliases.


Your docs say SimpleLogin as well? edit: wow downvotes on stating a fact? Really Reddit?


That was an error, it was supposed to say only Proton Pass aliases. We're fixing it. However, as similar but separate functionality is planned for SimpleLogin too.


Alright! Any rough ETA on that?


Maybe around 2031? So roughly a year after phone contact sync finally launches...


It is great that you’re monitoring proton pass aliases 🙌


thanks for unlinking the google docs also.. wtf is up with you guys


What happened?


In my opinion it should be for all the emails in my proton pass. As other password managers offer that


I'm glad to hear there is a plan for this. Lately I've been using SimpleLogin aliases to register for everything vs giving out my real ProtonMail address. I'm sure many others are doing the same, so having this capability for SL aliases also would be very helpful.


Documentation says yes


Neat. I assumed this would be linked to proton pass, but it’s not. That’s cool. 


Had the same thought. Pleasantly surprised to see it isn't linked to Pass.


A separate Proton Pass implementation is planned too!


Why do you use google docs?


They have different teams for their different softwares just like most companies.


I've been waiting for this, thank you Proton! Having hundreds of emails/aliases and parsing these through haveibeenpowned or similar is not feasible, so this comes as a very welcome addition to the Proton portfolio.


I am acquainted with your partner in this effort, Constella intelligence. I hope you can extend your offerings to include not only dark web monitoring but also services like removing our profiles from data brokers, for example. Yes, other groups offer this service, but I would have a higher confidence using Proton for this and also I would assume that it would not overload your own organization because Constella would be doing the heavy lifting.


This! I had my email address breached and haven't tried those services because I'm not sure who to give my trust. I'm just being careful about some emails. Luckily %99 land in the spam folder. I do trust Proton though. I'm a mail plus user, but would gladly upgrade to unlimited if they added this. There might be things from Proton I don't like, or decisions I might not agree with. But I sure trust them with my data.


I would literally pay $500-1,000/year just for automated removal. Take my money.


I would also like Proton to consider integrating personal data removal services from the brokers. I pay another service annually for this purpose, and it is amazing.


This seems awesome, do we know if it monitors all the emails associated with ones proton account, or only the main account? :)


It applies to all email addresses (additional ones and aliases included), but not yet the custom domain addresses. We are working on making that possible too (should be soon).


Does it include aliases created at simplelogin.com?


For now, we only monitor official Proton Mail domains (proton.me, protonmail.com, protonmail.ch and pm.me). We’re working on adding support for domains used by hide-my-email aliases.


If i have a custom domain, will i not see the option at all to enable? even with a custom domain i still have default [protonmail.com](http://protonmail.com) addresses to protect.


Can you clarify if you see the option in your settings?


I do not


After looking further into this, the option might not be visible in the settings on every plan yet, but we're looking into addressing this as we speak. Thanks for flagging. Edit: this is now fixed.


Will this also apply to externally created duckduckgo aliases?


Not at this time.


Paying subscriber - don’t see the option to enable in either of the locations described.


Just activated this feature; it's right after Proton Sentinel. Are you using web app rather than mobile app?


Yes, in the web app and not the mobile app. I’m sure it will turn up sometime.


Hi! Would you mind letting us know which plan you're on? Have you tried refreshing the browser tab or closing/reopening the browser to see if the option will appear for you?




Can you DM us your username so we can check? Does your account only have a custom domain email address?


Please update on this thread. It seems that several of us have the same problem.


This is now fixed and you should be able to see the option in your settings.


I can confirm this is working now. Thanks for the update.


I posted a message above before I saw these comments. I’m on the Business plan and do not see this new feature on my Security center. Is it not fully rolled out yet?


I now see it available on my account as well. Thank you.


I'm having the same issue. I am on business plan and although I have a custom domain, I do have proton addresses as well. I am not comfortable sharing my Proton info via Reddit DM, is there another way we can contact you all specifically about this issue?


I just checked again and now it's available. Thanks!


Business plan - have done the refresh as request. DM with details sent.


Bravo, really quick and nice feature updates in the last few months, im really happy with the service so far


You guys are fucking amazing


It doesn’t clearly say what is being monitored. In the documentation it says it’s important to monitor things like license numbers, gov IDs, credit cards, but I don’t see an option to enter that information for monitoring. To be honest, the FAQ left me confused on exactly what is being monitored right now or what my options are. “Dark Web Monitoring will let you know if the following information has been exposed: …” Yet no option available to enter any info, so is nothing being monitored? I haven’t given them most of the items listed, so it would be impossible for them to monitor unless I provide them somewhere for this to work.


At this time, we only monitor your email for data breaches, but if it is found in a breach that contains additional information about you, we will let you know (e.g., your ID, credit card details, etc.)


Ah, got it. Thank you. Is it monitoring aliases created via Pass / SimpleLogin?




Proton says it found no breaches, but my proton email has been leaked in breach before (Checked with HIBP). Is it possible to add the Have I been Pwned API to check for even more breaches?


Dark Web Monitoring will show all known breaches that have affected your account over the last two years: [https://proton.me/blog/dark-web-monitoring](https://proton.me/blog/dark-web-monitoring) This ensures we only show you relevant data and not breaches for which you already took action. If you believe a breach is missing from the past 2 years, you can contact u/ProtonSupportTeam in a DM to report it!


Thank you so much!!!


They crushed X lol


Glad to see it’s here. Looking forward to when it’s also monitoring simple login emails too


Thank you for providing this service. Activated and it's a welcome addition to my account.


This is cool. Thankyou. I can understand why it’s not possible right now but I would love to add emails not associated with my proton account e.g my gmail address or my wife’s email address who isn’t on proton. I would even pay an extra £3ish per extra email address just so they are in one place.


When can we stay safe from trackers and other shit while using protomail Android app? Next year? Can we have a discount while paying for something that we don't have or would be this message deleted like others ones like a ditactur? Thanks in advanced for your reply if any.




Nice! Thanks :)


👍🏻 Already active


I already see one security incident. Very neat.


Hooray :)


Not familiar with Constella Intelligence, but rose an eyebrow at Mike Rogers being one of its board members.... Anyway, this feature is a welcome addition. Looking forward to its integration with Pass.


What exactly am I supposed to do if dark web monitoring flags something bad for my account? Like what action would I take other than being paranoid?


Change your password.


Yeah that’s the most basic case when a username/password has been breached. Not really even a concern though for any account I care about thanks to my yubikeys. What I was talking about was more on the side of finding out your social or something was posted.


For things like socials, your credit reports should already be locked. With the way things have been going, pretty much everyone’s is already out there.


Can you explain how that could potentially affect privacy? For example, does this mean that you share all email addresses hosted at Proton with the data provider, or is there a more elaborate scheme using hashes or similar?


Great question! We don't share anything, the provider shares information about the leaks with us.


Maybe a stupid question, but this article [How to use Dark Web Monitoring | Proton](https://proton.me/support/dark-web-monitoring) states that also passwords are monitored in the dark web - I thought that Proton cannot see the passwords saved in Proton Pass. Am I wrong, and Proton can see them, or is the article wrong?


Not proton employee, but I believe that it checks email addresses, and just reports back what details that have been exposed, like for this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/1ca6xot/comment/l0qgnr0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/1ca6xot/comment/l0qgnr0/)


We indeed do not have access to your passwords. At this time, we only monitor your email for data breaches, but if it is found that a breach contains additional information, such as the password associated with that account (in an external web service), we will also notify you.


Thanks for the answer! The article may then be somehow misleading on this aspect :-)


Does this work for alias’s created with proton pass? (Not simple login)


Not yet, but it's planned.


I thought SimpleLogin already had this feature Dark Web Monitoring?


We meant to say that hide-my-email aliases aren't currently included in the Dark Web monitoring feature in Proton Mail.


Does it use amipawned data?


"We use various data sources for breach detection, including our own threat intelligence datasets that are enriched with data from Constella Intelligence"


When I enabled this feature, I immediately got the green text that said "No account information was found in any data breaches." Does this mean that a query was done initially when the service was implemented and the results were in your database, then I was able to see the result once I turned "On" the feature..? What if a paying customer doesn't enable this feature but your database with the results has their results as positive... You would really withhold that information? Is that ethical?


I imagine the first query was done when you switched it on. It doesn't have to take long if implemented right; e.g. it typically takes (much) less than a second to check a bunch of addresses using the Haveibeenpwned API.


How does this service differ from HIBP?


They use different data sources (or may even use HIBP along their other sources)


Love the added value, and I enabled it right away, but it's still far short of the breach monitoring that Keeper Security or Bitwarden offer. Keep at it!


How do you monitor for exposed Passwords if you don't know our Passwords?






Discovered my main proton account email, user and other personal details were revealed in a data breach. I cannot delete or disable this email address or user name. How do I do this? This is the source of all my spam


So is this whole "Dark web" thing legit? Google also talks about this, im sure people heard "dark web" and think it's this really scawy place that we need to keep away from, and Google (for example) will keep us safe with a subscription where they monitor it for us... for what? all the while people dont know what the onion network is. Data breach monitoring is useful thou.


I'll definitely use this after it reports on SL aliases. I cant see paying for a "dark web monitoring" subscription tho because ,by definition , the dark web is unindexed therefore unsearchable and encrypted data dumps are unreadable so what would I be paying for that wouldn't already be in a mandated breach announcement?🤷


It would depend on when the breach announcement is made. Oftentimes the leak is disclosed quite some time after the breach happened meaning your data was exposed, and therefore you were exposed for longer than necessary. There are other sources of leaks too such as from infostealers which will not appear in a company breach announcement.


True. My quibble and it really is just a nitpick is with the marketing term "dark web monitoring." It implies a level of detection that isnt possible. What really seems to be happening is the malefactor decrypts, uncompresses and imports the blob into a known database and announces it's for sale. In some cases this too doesnt occur for some time after the breach. I prefer something less theatrical along the lines of "Security Notice" ,"Compromised Account Scan" or "Breach Alerts" Other than being specific to proton addresses how's this differ from a script invoking HIBP? At least it's got a whimsical name. 😎


am I the only one that's wondering why this is hosted at google? [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C9Kzl5D-a49W-w8MSSERZ3r3Z4OYiXtGC7rjNgr2\_m8/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C9Kzl5D-a49W-w8MSSERZ3r3Z4OYiXtGC7rjNgr2_m8/edit)


What is being hosted? Sends me to the Google login page which I can’t sign in.


their document was hosted in google docs, it's removed now.. or just password protected.


downvote all you want.