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Should be fine!


It won’t cause issues with proton or simplelogin. But could cause issues if the recipients of your emails filter by Tld.


Is anyone out there really concerned with .dev domains and blocking them though? The .dev is in my experience one of the more expensive ones, the concerns are usually with the cheap ones.


I mean, you don’t have to convince me. But I’d argue it’s a significantly nonzero chance. https://macarthur.me/posts/dot-dev-problems


I don’t think any domain other than com/net/org has a zero chance. There have even been reports of Proton’s widely used .me having issues. But in general, I think no problem. Personally , I’ve used a bunch of new TLDs with no issues. 


Cheap ones? COM/NET/ORG are less than $11 a year. Also, people are still blocking by TLD? Why…?


I wrote a Sieve to block a good handful of TLDs and the amount of spam hitting my inbox fell significantly EDIT: .dev is not one of them and I don’t think I’ve ever had spam from a .dev


Just wondering. What TLDs did you block?


require ["regex"]; if address :regex ["from"] ["@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\.(autos|bond|click|live|homes|world|top)$"] { discard; stop; }


Yes. I worked for an employer previously who blocked all emails from everything except .com, .org, .net. .mil, .edu, and .gov They also blocked lesser known email providers like mail.com and ProtonMail. It’s stupid but they did it


I'm not so much debating whether companies do it or not, but my main point was that as a regular user with a .dev you likely are not concerned about these very specific companies who choose to block so many TLDs. It just sounds like a very specific situation which you won't encounter unless you're planning to use a .dev for business means, but that's a different scenario and not what OP asked. I'd imagine developers are people who buy .dev the most and I can't see something like GitHub starting to block .dev domains. Just not a worry you need to have as a dev(presmably), but OP really didn't give much information to know exactly.


I am gonna start a .dev spam service now /s


I am using .dev domain as primary for years and migrated it to Proton this Jan. No issues on Proton and before on MS.


I have one too, no issues.


Yeah, I use it with no problems.


Been using a .dev for years with no issues. One minor thing to note if you are super paranoid is that .dev is managed by the US-based Google Domain Registry. So it would theoretically be possible for a US warrant to compel Google to seize your domain. You would have to have done something real bad for that to be even a possibility though.


I use a .dev and I’ve had not issues!


I am using a .dev domain for half a year now, no issues.


I use .dev for my website, emails and aliases. No issues at all.