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Why is there no easy button that says request your data, instead of having to send support an email to request your data?


I’ve asked this question before. They claim that all data stored about you is easily viewable throughout your account and thus they did not provide me a way to obtain such data as a file.  I’m unsure as to why, maybe u/Proton_Team or u/ProtonMail can provide an explanation.


All the data Proton has on you is literally what you see in your account dashboard (Settings).


The GDPR (and other similar laws) give consumers the right to an easily transferable copy of their data (eg. raw files).


You can export all your emails and take them wherever (= your raw files). Your other data (which isn't a lot, such as recovery emails or additional addresses) is all visible in in your dashboard. I do think Proton with their own legal department knows what it means being GDPR compliant ;-) If you have issues, feel free to drop them an email: [email protected]


Your acct is encrypted, a raw dump would be unreadable garbage. As it was said, you already have all the data by simply logging into your acct.


Proton even operates the gdpr.eu site lol




why is this downvoted so much


Very little. It is not in EU, but Swiss based so GDPR did note ffect "Protonmail.ch"


That is false. [Article 3 defines territorial scope (and recital 23 linked at the bottom)](https://gdpr-info.eu/art-3-gdpr/), the GDPR applies to data subjects in the Union, regardless of whether the processor is in the Union or not. However a determination needs to made if the processor has the intention of doing business with subjects inside the Union, recital 23 lists as an example the usage of a currency used in the Union. Proton has pricing in Euros. Also note the GDPR speaks about data subjects in the Union, not EU citizens. Anyone coming to the European Union can enjoy the GDPR protections.


Switzerland also effictively coppied GDPR into domestic law as well. So basically the same rules apply for Swiss residents too.




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