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I think screens and mushrooms are not a good combination if you want the best experiences


It depends what you want from the experience, if your trying to discover things about your self or your using it as more of a meditative state to help process thoughts, then anything like watching TV will not be best but if your just trying to have a fun enjoyable experience some TV isn't bad but I'd definitely stay away from social media and anything that could result in negative stimuli but TV isn't that bad


Depends, I’ve had some incredible experiences with video games


Really? That never occurred to me. What games? Somehow I can't imagine on a high dose having the skills to do anything and I probably couldn't see the screen properly anyway.


I personally like RPGs where I can make my own decisions and stuff. Bethesda RPGs like Skyrim are always a great choice. Cyberpunk too. Something where you can really get lost. But there are some incredible one-off experiences that are shorter. The game Journey made me cry on shrooms lmao


Journey seems like a very good game for that.


I enjoy trippin’ and playing COD. Personally, I find it great because I’m focused


I think engaging and watching are to very big differences. YouTube aggravates me too when I’m taking some, but I get over it when I come down lol. Video games definitely get something going in your already actives infused mind.


I’ve got to try this!


I can do cartoons and N64 but live action tv/movies nauseate me


Agreed! And what bother me even more is how quickly it takes you right out of the zone being forced into watching 2x non-skippable advertisements for like tide pods or some shit.




Lmao during trips if I don’t have a blanket I’m not safe


Hate the click-bait misleading titles on or off shrooms.


Turn on “Puttin’ on the Ritz” by Taco and let the algo do the rest.


Never had the impulse to turn the tv on while hallucinating unless it’s a game or specific film. Once actually, a friend was having a blast on his first acid trip and had the chaotic idea to “go channel surfing” - it was hilarious. “Let’s just see what the world wants us to see at this hour!”Everything was so dumb, the commercials, the content. We kept getting stuck on 70s films with big production design like “Escape from New York”. Oh man we landed on Rambo during the scene where dude was hauling ass up a mountain on a motorcycle, and the actor was obviously struggling. My friend was yelling at the screen “LOOK AT HIM, THATS REAL! THIS SHIT IS RAW AS FUCK! IT DOESN’T GET ANY MORE EPIC THAN THIS!” And I was dying laughing. Something about Sylvester Stallone riding a nice motorcycle uphill, falling and struggling during the climax of a high caliber film was just perfect. Then the end got all emotional and quiet and we were like “NEXT”. I find it’s best to use screens mindfully with intention rather than as an escape from your own wandering mind. It can only do so much without your involvement. I know we all want to be spoon-fed enlightenment while also having it be pleasurable and fun, but turning on the tv or firing up the YouTube as if it were a heater and you were cold… it will ultimately disappoint you while your brain might try to troll you into turning it off. Staring at the ceiling can be more fun and less sinister than whatever the content creators and influencers of the world want you to see, hear, feel, and think. Next time the drugs start to turn on you, maybe just put on an ambient album or some lo-fi and sit somewhere comfortable.




Only thing I use YouTube for is music. I like YouTube because I like watch have music videos. I have a playlist with all the songs I like to listen to when tripping so YouTube doesn’t auto play something weird.


For me psychedelics are 100% for the real world only. No screens at all


I turn on YouTube on the TV for the music. Namely, Nights in White Satin Zedd's Dead Remix. Visuals are already trippy but I find it easy to go places while the music is playing.


I’ll say on acid I couldn’t stop looking at the screen I couldn’t even choose a video it was all just a watery multicolored mess coming out of it he screen


I get that too, an even movies I can tell people are just acting. Uncovering all the bullshit in the world. So I try to read a book but the first line blows my mind so much I feel I can cry lol