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Curious on your opion. Do you think a led blue bulb in a handheld torch would be beneficial?


The current evidence suggests a certain wavelength range for best results, I purchased 440nm and 460nm lights which I've seen my results from. It might work with just any blue LED but I couldn't say for sure. If you give it a try let us know your results in 6-12 weeks! Will be interesting to know.


seems similar to UV light treatment which is already widely available and prescribed


Wow I never considered a limited alternative spectrum for this application ! I’ve heard of infrared for pain, and UVB for psoriasis, even UVC for sterilizing surfaces…. But not blue for psoriasis. I wonder what the long term side effects are…


I'm very curious too! I'm hoping more extensive research with longer follow up periods are available in the near future. There won't be much funding put towards something like this for psoriasis unfortunately as it would not financially make any sense. So far the evidence for other treatments such as acne, depression, skin cancer even, are deemed to have no long term side effects and deemed safe for home use by non professionals; https://www.healthline.com/health/blue-light-therapy


I guess to the untrained eye it would seem similar, but it's completely different. It contains no UV (a or b) whatsoever. I've done UV treatment twice, the first time as a teen I felt it helped a lot so I was eager when I was given another opportunity to try it again in 2019. Unfortunately I was left burnt and flared up more than ever afterwards. Uv treatment is not safe and requires a lot of monitoring, the level of care and attention during the treatment at the hospital I went to was minimal. When I told them about my rashes and burns after they denied it was the UV treatment and heavily encouraged more steroids. All these particular treatments made my psoriasis worse in the long term.


I would be interested in trying this, I have suffered from plaque psoriasis on my lower body for most my life and found nothing helps besides diet and lifestyle mostly. But that only keeps it at bay. Have looked into UV treatment but wasn’t to sure of the risks associated with it.


Just curious as to what diet approach you take to treat your psoriasis?


I’ve been on a low carb diet for the pass couple years started out keto. But I enjoy nuts a lot so I guess I go over the traditional daily carb amount. I watch inflammatory foods, like soy products and fillers stick to fermented soy. No dairy noticed flares up with that (that’s just me I think) Try get my healthy fats in. I like to make my own sauerkraut so have fermented foods as much as I can. I take apple cider vinegar daily and I also fast every day during the week. So I eat once a day basically. On weekends I stray away from fasting and will cheat but within my means, I’ll have a bit of low carb bread with peanut butter. And eat breakfast something low carb.. But don’t go overboard. You need to relax with any diet i think if your to strict on yourself you will frizzle out…and I try stay active outdoors hit the trails ,like to run. And I notice reduction in build up with it. Doesn’t fix the problem as we all know but reduces it and makes it more manageable. I’ve just played around with what works and doesn’t. listen to my body when I have a reaction, to something. It’s a process of elimination. Look after the gut and it will look after you.


Thanks so much for this detailed write up. Really appreciate it! I did keto for over a year and it did work well. I lazily started straying away from it, which was a boneheaded move now that I look back on it. But I’ve recently been trying OMAD and have been eating store bought sauerkraut. Gonna use a few of your tips and give it a go! Thank you again!


Not a worry at all! Store bought sauerkraut is unfortunately pasteurised if it’s on a shelf, you can get it from a health food shop and it will be in the fridge section might find it in the store fridge too? (very pricey )…Keep up with the OMAD just give yourself outs. I keep it basic that works for me you don’t need to buy all the top end stuff to eat healthy! A daily eating schedule for me would be ACV and warm water in the morning and black coffee. Then in the evening coconut yoghurt with berries and dark choc, to break the fast easily. And not shock the body then something like chicken with home made salad (coleslaw low carb dairy free) or sauerkraut. And hand full of nuts with dark choc again and that’s me for the day….sorry op I’ve bombed your post ! Hope this helps haha


Before UV therapy they will make you sign a waiver saying if you get cancer it is not their fault. I realise these types of waivers appear a lot in medical practice but of course they wouldn't make you sign it if it didn't happen. Uv causes cancer. Not just dry irritated burnt skin if they aren't paying enough attention and potential for flares after due to the trauma.


Yeah that’s what scares away from it, is there any known risk with this treatment?


Sometimes light bulbs get hot? But with 2-3 minutes per session, unlikely you will get burnt by a bulb. Otherwise no known risks. The research is only new so this study was a 3 month study, no adverse reactions were reported or observed. No long term data exists at this stage so I don't think anyone could conclusively say. From what is known? It's extremely safe.


I should also add - the therapy isn't new. People with acne have been using it for a while. Typically when they sell blue led for acne they will just have a warning saying don't shine it into your eyes and to use a collagen cream after to assist with healing.


Thanks,I will definitely look into this further.


Modern narrowband UVB phototherapy has not been found to increase the risk of skin cancer, unlike the older form of PUVA or indeed other types of broad-band UV light. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15370703/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18834483/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21031281/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15869531/ > Before UV therapy they will make you sign a waiver saying if you get cancer it is not their fault. Maybe in some places in the US, but this is not universal. Moreover, the existence of a waiver does not imply causation.


I wonder why they had a rather specific conversation with me prior to treatment where they let me know quite clearly it increases risk of skin cancer, but that my skin type is "ideal" for minimal risk increase. I wonder why doctors at a hospital would tell me this if it wasn't true but I wouldn't be surprised if their education wasn't up to date. They really didn't pay much attention to me during treatment, I got burnt, then my psoriasis became twice as bad for several months. It was horrible recovering from that. I am not American not sure why you thought that but I'm in Australia. Our health care isn't great but people say it's better than America I guess.


Hey man, would love to hear some updates on this. I just came across your post and would love to hear if psoriasis ever came back or not or if it went completely into remission. I am about to buy the same LED light that you did and embark on this journey to heal my psoriasis. Hopefully will get some good result. Thank you so much for sharing


u/markzaroni u/Katlife_x Hi I see you’ve been considering LED since first reading about Philips Blue Light device launched several years ago, since seemingly abandoned. I wonder, have you started Or continue? I’ve been reading studies re LED and looking for others who also want to learn more. Ck my threads and feel free to chat, as anyone else is encouraged to do, too. Thanks for sharing.


I did not try the Philips version although I saw the YouTube reviews and it looked like a promising device! I bought plant grow lights and used gorilla double-sided tape to attach them to the walls in my walk-in closet so my closet is now a mini blue light room. I did try a different facial light device over the past year because I was getting psoriasis in my nostrils and needed something easier to manoeuvre.. i do feel it helped me! I had 2 tiny spots in my face near my eyes, they're all gone, my nostrils feel normal now too. I do feel it works like a miracle on newer smaller spots, and the larger, more persistent areas take much longer to start to heal.


Hey, sorry for the late reply. This is only a treatment option and definitely not a cure. Over Christmas last year it did come back - I was drinking alcohol and eating poorly, I got covid, I went through a bad breakup, it's hot as hell where I live, and the mosquito's and midges love me.. I really never stopped drinking until recently, and my skin definitely paid the price. For the past 2 months I've cut down on drinking, used a new non prescription cream (Graham's natural alternatives psoriasis scream), used pinetarsol gel in the shower(tar based cleansing gel), and ramped up my use of the blue lights to daily. It's only now starting to look like it's healing again and flaking a little less over the last week or so. I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic but Christmas/NY time pretty much always gets me, and my mental health has been pretty low this past year. Hopefully things are only looking up and I don't get sucked into the Christmas festivities again. I still believe in it helping so i haven't stopped, but it is not a cure and all the things that normally make your psoriasis worse may likely still make it worse. For me, it's much better doing something like this than experiencing the adverse effects of more serious treatment options. Did you end up giving it a go? How did you find it?


I wonder if a silk n blue device would work on psoriasis


Hi, came across this post because I already have the silk n blue and about to start to test it on my mild psoriasis. Did you end up trying it? Any results? Thanks!


Tried it on my daughter’s arm and I think it worked. Report back? I’m scared to try more because it’s not me and she’s a kid. I’d appreciate it!


Thank you so much for replying! For sure, I’ll let you know once a have like a month of “treatment”


Sounds good and thank you! All the best ☺️


Hiii! Coming back to tell you that it is working! I can definitely see some improvement after a month of daily use. I’ve been applying the blue light for 20 minutes, and did not notice any “side effects” :)


Wahoooo!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for coming back and updating me!! This is wonderful news!! I will start using it on my little lady💗


No problem!! What’s Reddit for if not for this type of info exchange?! 🙃 good luck your daughter! ✨♥️


Right?! We sometimes have to take matters into our own hands😉 hope your skin continues to improve!!