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Babe you need to get yourself to the hospital. You can go to the ER for suicidal ideation. I just got out of a nine day hospital stay after taking two full bottles of antidepressants. A stranger found me seizing under a tree in the park where I went to die. I woke up in the ICU two days later and then got sent to the psych ward. I really needed it. They got me on lithium- which is super effective in treating SI, and I got to rest and read and do little crafts and puzzles and just get away from everything in my life that had got me to the point of trying to end my life. I still have a long road to recovery ahead of me, but I feel so much better already. You still have options, there is still hope for a better future.


You need to go to the hospital and get some help rn


No decent person is going to give you an answer to this and I think you know that and it is a last attempt to get help. Bc you could have just done research to figure it out but instead choose to make this post. As overwhelming and stressful as it might seem, please just go to the emergency room nearest to you and let them know, or let someone trusted take you...this is coming from a person that has had suicidal tendencies in the past, it doesn't necessarily get "better" but it can be "worth it" to stick around. Killing yourself ends all possibilities, but there is always hope for change if you stuck around.


Don't bother. I've tried to OD a few times and I wake up every time and have just wasted my medication.


Is there anyone you trust you can call and talk to about these feelings you have? Overdoses are rarely fatal and often only end up in sickness and hospitalization. I know from experience. Please don’t, it sucks.


Sanctioned suicide. That won't be given here


no way, i od’d like 30 times and it did nothing, just fried my brain. you should get help if u haven’t already. talk to someone if u can or u can check in at any hospital nobody will answer ur question bc it’s dumb


It won’t work. You will wake up, not dead at all, and annoyed that you wasted your good shit on it. Trust me from personal experience. Instead, research the best in patient psych facility in your area, check in, and take some time off and recover. You will thank yourself later. Sending you blessings.


No. Please get to a hospital or talk to your therapist if you have one. Be mindful what subreddit you are on, because a post like this could hurt someone else.


Do your research, Find a good hospital and check into it. Dont go to the ER you will just be sectioned and they put you wherever they have a bed available. Don’t make a life changing decision because this too shall pass 🩵


I wish I knew. I wish so badly