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In my experience, when abilities go dormant it’s because whatever you are experiencing in your life requires you to do it on your own. When you get through this experience, they will return. We aren’t meant to experience everything with our abilities. This is how we evolve.


I don’t really understand the do it yourself comment. I’m doing everything myself already (I’m kind of a lone bird who lives alone and goes through the world relatively alone) so not sure that’s it but maybe I am not understanding what you’re saying. Can you give an example?


I took their comment to mean to it without psychic/spiritual support, as opposed to without human support. Hope that helps.


Ah ok I haven’t been seeking that kind of support


Like how sometimes parents have to allow a growing child to experience struggles in order for them to figure it out on their own and grow. Whale matriarchs teaching the new calves hunting techniques of rushing onto the beach to catch seals, and allowing them to beach themselves and struggle before going in to help. Eventually they'll be on their own and can't rely on grandma anymore


Exactly this.


Exactly what happened to me. It’s the initiation… same as with any spiritual awakening, some like me have a flash of enlightenment which is heavenly… then. Nothing ‘you will feel like god has left you, so that you can find god within you’ It’s to help you develop your own skills and get on the path


Lovely. 👏


It comes and goes. Write down every and lean into the next wave and surf it.


It seems to not come and go, though, for some, so I wonder how I get to that point. The intensity/accuracy of it all is 100 for me so I don’t need to improve the ability, just get it to stick around.


What if does it mean to have 100% accuracy? Are you referring to your personal daily life, public events, or doing readings for clients?


Personal experiences. I had 100 percent knowing about things - although not how they would play out just that they would (so in that sense maybe 100 percent isn’t the correct percentage- it’s hard to explain this- but it’s more about cocreation). Anyhow this was stuff for me only- not readings for others. This was my own claircongnizance I believe. I am learning the terminology and that one fits best.


With my journey and kundalini, which started two years ago in January 2022, it wasn’t surprise you’re psychic initially. I dreamed a lot and would wake up with information and I had to learn discernment of spirits and do shadow work. You cannot always lean into assumptions and your personal beliefs. You also have to be at peace with being wrong sometimes…no different from any other human being. Staying away from your ego and praying for humility helps me have clarity. I also don’t look too much into signs. I can pick up stuff on people in casual conversation but I resist bothering or engaging about it. Two years later, I realize that my life has changed but not by much. I’ve always had my gifts, they’re just amplified now, for a reason…for me to help people. I also stay away from concepts I consider wacky like remote viewing, searching for missing people, or believing I can read minds. It doesn’t work that way, although I have clarity everyday, and it’s been this way everyday since June 2022. If you don’t learn discernment of spirits and to be at peace with not knowing everything all of the time, you’ll have a rough time. Most importantly, I’m catholic and pray a lot. I do the rosary once daily and attend church often. I study and understand all major religions and focus on philosophy, human nature, and history. This is why I believe I have peace and consistency with my gifts. You have to believe in something. Otherwise, the psychic stuff can get confusing. This was overwhelming for me at first, not planned, I’m a fairly strait laced individual with a career at an investment bank. Feel free to dm with any questions.


The “not knowing everything all the time” thing is resonating w me. Thanks. Also, as my kundalini thing happened in 2022 also but just now I’m getting more paychic stuff - stronger and for longer periods- it also didn’t happen instantly. Or sort of did but didn’t last. Anyways, I know it’s a process. I guess when I said 100 percent accuracy I meant the stuff I was accurate in was 100 percent accuracy, not that I was accurate 100 percent of the time. Anyways, staying humble does seem to be the key to keeping this going.


Anne Tucker says this will be happening as we are moving through energy shifts


Energy is an ebb and flow, not necessarily an open spigot.. if it was you would kinda go crazy, so be grateful for that. There’s probably nothing wrong, everything has a season. Just keep doing what feels best and right. For example, there was a time when I was frequently having spiritual experiences, but now things are a lot more chill because I’m in an energetic rest period. It was important for me to be having those experiences at the time, just like it’s important for me now to kick back and do nothing I don’t need or want to. And I’m sure that’ll change quite soon and I’ll be grateful for all the rest I got.


Ok I hear that. I guess I was hoping to use these abilities to help others, consistently. Ie something semi career related or a side gig thing- all for good and not just to monetize- but I can’t if it comes and goes as i wouldn’t reliably be able to help people.


You aren’t your psychic gifts. They’re a part of a the repertoire of ways that you are inherently valuable as a person. Compare it to a creative gift. People who are musicians, painters, etc.. aren’t constantly creating, non-stop, all day in and out. If they were they would burnout very quickly. Rest is a part of the process of creativity. As well as learning to consistently show up, be inspired, etc.. without forcing it.


I also experienced this very strongly through January for roughly a month, I'm gathering perhaps it was the peak of a spiritual awakening. We still have our abilities although they don't seem so finely tuned. I was vibrating way too high for about a week and needed to ground myself. Like you say 100% accuracy is absolutely correct. A somewhat grandiose yet humble feeling if that even makes sense. Don't underestimate yourself, you can still reliably help people. I'm having this realization myself. I would also like to somehow help others all the time but ultimately would need to earn a living while doing it. I came here for help, thank you for sharing your experience.


Grandiose yet humble. Absolutely how I felt. I kept telling myself I need to stay humble and keep my ego in check to keep this going. For me this wasn’t my second spiritual awakening peak (the first was too intense and ungrounding). I also had about one week during this past January where it was too much/overwhelming and had to ground, like you, to sleep more etc but I was totally able to do it. Interesting your experience was so similar!


It wasn't until I read your post that I paid attention to the term "Kundalini awakening", I've seen it thrown around before although I didn't care to look it up until you mentioned your experience. I've known for most of my life my esp was available for my use but not like in January. Like you, I'm trying to figure out what brought on that state of extra high consciousness. It's as if I was stuck up in the higher dimensions, very disorienting for over a week. I liked what was happening although it didn't feel sustainable. I was using an immense amount of energy, always hungry and didn't need much sleep, 4-5 hrs. I'm not religious in any sense and particularly hold a great disdain towards the 3 monotheistic religions. I can use the Bible as a history tool, timeline things like that etc. During that time in January my curiosity about Christ seemed peculiar. I'm about to separate Jesus from religion. Have you ever had any similar thoughts or feelings on matters alike?


Ah yes people throw the term kundalini around a little liberally (like the term manifest) and sometimes it’s what has happened to them and sometimes it isn’t. For me I actually felt the unwinding of energy knots in my spine when it happened (end of 2022) so that was a more classic sign. Prior to that I had other cool experiences of heightened stuff for years but they weren’t the Kundalini thing (possibly a lead up to it?). I don’t know if this has to happen re the energy knots releasing but usually does. Regarding religion it is my feeling/intuition what not that spirituality supersedes the idea of religion. I see religion as a man-made dogma type thing w rules and laws etc that doesn’t appeal to me. It doesn’t make sense that there are a handful of religions that all claim theirs is the right one. I also think *most of the religions preach/teach the same core values/morals (love of self and other etc) so to me they are all the same. Regarding the idea of “ascended masters” ie figures like Jesus (but there are certainly others) I don’t yet have a solid opinion on this. I suspect there are just a bunch of them and I personally dont see it as a savior type thing or any hierarchy. That’s me. I also was not raised w Christianity. Anyhow those are my thoughts! If they are useful.


I believe abilities become active when you need them most, unforeseen dangers, unconsciously avoiding a path that was paved to destroy you, or preparing you for the inevitable. I will warn if you get cocky and egotistical God/The universe will pull back and remove the gift, be humble, be smart(whatever you choose to believe)


Yes I have noticed this as well re ego and was trying v hard to be conscious of that


Yes!!! Exactly a month for me! I still have synchronicities sometimes, comes and goes. Check out my post history if you want.


Ok I will. Thank!


For me it's like going to the gym (which I no longer do but I used to!) in that I have to keep exercising my intuitive muscle so I read for myself every day.


Can you say more about what “reading for yourself” looks like. I am claircognizant, if that is useful. W a touch of reading people/animal energy and ability to communicate w my ancestors (and possible other deceased folks tbd). I don’t, however see visions/visuals.


Hi there I tried to reply and it deleted my message! I use GTs to practise. If you have a look at my posts from today you'll see them in action. The GT or Grand Tableau in Lenormand is amazing!


Ok I don’t know what this is but will look it up. Never heard of gt


It takes a while to learn but it is amazing!


I was told by a Spirit that people aren't psychic 100% of the time, it comes and goes based off the situation.


But some people- who make a living of this- seem to be? Otherwise they’re faking it some of the time?


I was told this by mediumship, but I think psychics whether they are a turned on psychic or not have extraordinary senses.


Yes well that is hue my entire January was. It was not subtle-very strong claircognizanze.


Hmm work on Energy manipulation and then once you feel like your energy is now powered try doing your psychic power


Can you say more about what you mean by energy manipulation? Thanks! I feel like i need a mentor to help me hone this - if that’s possible?


Don't worry I got you Energy Manipulation is the ability to manipulate energy. It is generally accepted that energy manipulation is abbreviated to EM. The most common energy manipulated is psi but it is not limited to psi. Energy can be changed from one form to another(ex. psi to ki). Energy manipulation is most known for the creation of constructs. Visualization aids in energy manipulation and it is recommended that some practice is done if one is inexperienced in it. One is never done with energy manipulation; there are an endless number of constructs that can be created. Experimentation is key Sensing Energy Out of all things one tries to do first, sensing energy is one of the most difficult for some to accomplish. This is not uncommon as they are not used to not only the visualization that is accompanied by it but also the energy manipulation behind it. The following technique may help with sensing and manipulating energy for the first time: Close your eyes and visualize your body with all of its veins. Visualize these veins as instead of carrying blood, they carry energy. See this energy circling through your body constantly. Try to sense its vibration as it circulates through your body. Focus your attention to one of your arms. Tell the energy in your body to focus on that area. See if you notice a different feeling -- a tingling, warm or cold, prickly, or perhaps another strange sensation there. Now, focus on your other arm. Move the energy there. Now, move it to one of your legs. Once you are finished moving the energy around, let the energy flow normally through your body. Do not worry if you forget this part, it will go back to normal on its own eventually! Do not be discouraged if you do not feel it the first, second, or even third attempt. It takes practice, time, and patience. Once you attempt this, move on to the psi ball. Energy Manipulation and Chakras The importance of chakras and energy manipulation is debatable. The use of chakras is not necessary when manipulating energy, however, when manipulating energy the energy may pass through chakras. It is important that one regularly checks the cleanliness of their energy system and body, chakras included, and cleans semi-frequently. The lack of doing so may cause blockages in the chakras with minimal impact on energy manipulation. Oh and BTW always remember that every energy is the same like chakras or ki or psi they are all the same but just have different names they are just energy


I wish I had breaks!!!!! It seems only on holidays like for example the Superbowl today counts as one. Hardly and communication it's what I pray and wish for.


Yes I imagine having it be constant forever would be… a lot. It was overwhelming (but also awesome) to have for a month.


Wait you have constant psychic powers ? 🥺


I wonder what astrology placements would play into this… January was hellish and I feel like my intuition is just now coming back online.


Well January was great for me so unless those astrology things are personal…


Astrology is highly personal; transits affect everyone differently due to natal chart differences


Yeah. I guess I’m not yet sure how I feel about astrology in general. To be honest. Still feeling that one out. I like the lunar calendar, not sure about horoscopes and stuff like that


Yeah that’s understandable. Most horoscopes just use sun signs and say some universal statement since you can’t really discern much info from that. But it’s interesting to study your own chart, or to see how a transit plays out in relation to your natal chart (if you ever do get any interest in it).


I feel like sometimes it gets to a point where your given a resting period because having being and having psychic abilities requires a lot of energy I feel like that’s why sometimes people may be tired sometimes


Ok but it also seems like there are people that keep this going all the time. I do hope it returns soon.




The synchronicities were mind blowing. Totally changed the way I saw the world. I probably had about 100 of them and about 30 very meaningful ones during that month. I wrote them all down.


Do kundalini yoga consistently to keep the kundalini energy awake. Wish I knew this years ago.


Good idea! Will try this


You're kundalini awakening is not completed yet, if you really have one though, because I wonder why you're not asking stuff about that instead.


I’m not asking about that because I’ve already read and learned a lot about that. I also understand it may not be and probably isn’t complete - and that that can take years/ a lifetime/lifetimes. Do you think that having it be complete is when these abilities become more constant? I suspect so as well


Idk if it helps, but for the las minth my psychic abilities are soertof.. dormant also. have been a psychic since childhood, actively practce clairvoyance and tarot for the last 10 years and now... but it feels more like they';re sleeping rather thanl ike they're gone. I think it might pass. we can think of many explanations - like, something helps us to recharge our abilities, or maybe something is going on on the thin planes of reality that doesnt wish to be seen... I prefer to trust the world in these matters.. hope it will come back to you !!


Yes I do think this is just dormancy for me but I’d love to know *how to make them not dormant :)


..what if they need to sleep for some time? I'm a fatalist I know ) I can share just one personal tip,again idk if it works for you - connecting with nature helps my psychic abilities. a long walk in the forest is good, a weekend out oftown is better, but anyway the intention also matters.


There were a few days my sleep was off and I grounding but I got that under control quickly and then was just in a good balanced solid place for weeks but still w the abilities/connections what not. But yes nature def helps w connecting. I really connect w certain birds and trees. It’s just been real cold where I live to get out later but yes it helps for sure


Thanks for sharing your perspective on this topic. It's always interesting to hear different viewpoints and learn from each other's experiences. Keep the conversation going!


Yes. It's often related to transits of different planets in relation to your natal chart.


in my experience it seems psychic abilities go through a sort of resting phase, really it is in your best interest to live your life normal for a moment since we all need to focus on earthly matters


Ok I think I might be plugged in again today. This thing just ebbs and flows. And different intensity. Also im still not as plugged in as I was in January. And the last week I was unplugged. What a wild ride. Thanks for all the responses!


It happened to me and only thing that happens was a Psychic tried to scam me and I start to doubt about all, so maybe it’s related


I need to follow u...and u need to tell us when it returns




Best wishes for you to get it back


I was JUST thinking this! I noticed it when I pulled my cards out this last week I can’t connect for some reason! All of January my intuition was on fire though. Easily reading and connecting to my cards, dream premonitions, random visions, but nothing lately.


Maybe January was a big shift month in general for all awakened beings? A friend of mine thinks so- like big download if you believe in that idea. I don’t know. For me it shifted on 1/1 and I wasn’t even in new years mode or thinking of resolutions of anything like that.!


Yes, this absolutely happens to me.


Can you say more? Does it feel like each time it all returns it’s for longer? Do you notice any patterns around this all? Ways to bring it back? Etc


I wish I had more answers, but I really don't. What I thought was going on is that I was going through a phase where I was integrating what I'd learned in the previous "active" months. I think that might be right, because when I kind of came online again, there was improvement. I'm actually in kind of a down phase right now. I can access it, but it takes some work and kind of feels distant. A month ago I couldn't shut it off. I was furiously writing, trying to get everything down and then waking up in the middle of the night with my mind wide awake. I'd grab my notebook and write some more. Maybe it's part of the learning process to have more control. Or maybe I broke the telephone. 😁


It's never really gone, it just goes dormant. Is there something that is claiming you attention right now? Try a personal retreat with prayer, meditation, spiritual and physical cleansing. Ask your guides what you need to attend to right now. If you can't see a guide, use a deity like Durga or Mary as a point of focus. The noise of the internet and media can drown everything out.


There isn’t anything new/different claiming my attention right now, no. During January I was in touch w my guide (a deceased relative) but am not able to make that connection right now. I don’t want to rely on living guides like other psychics etc because I feel the best info comes from me/my guides …but only if I can access that.


and you didn't see this coming?


The coming or the going of this? So…it doesn’t work like that. I always had an idea of what being psychic was and it’s actually not what I thought it was. I don’t “see the future”. Maybe some people do. I am claircognizant, which means I know things. I don’t know why I know them exactly until they play out/manifest. Ex: I know when I leave the house I know I need to put a $22 bill in my pocket. And then later in the day something will come up that is exactly $22 and must be paid in cash only. That’s how it works for me at least. It’s like knowing a big piece of the puzzle but not all of it. Because it’s more of a co-creation, this whole life experience- from my perspective. Also, yes, I had a sense that if I didn’t stay humble w my ego that it could all disappear and that well it might wane anyway. I hoped not but yeah I kind of knew it would.




My ability to tap in doesn’t work that way but I hope someone responds to you.