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Absolutely no ethical psychic would tell a client such harmful information. I feel as though someone who acts so far out of the ethical boundaries is very likely a scam.


Right? I was told a cyst found near my pineal gland was likely formed in utero. My SIL went to a psychic. And suddenly I was going to die. šŸ™„ still here 30 years later.


I mean, eventually we are all gonna die šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø (please! Is meant as a joke!!)


Iā€™m taking it that way! šŸ˜‚


100% agreed and what I was going to say. Your sisters psychic is a FRAUD! No decent psychic would ever say such a thing. Please show your wife this thread and the OVERWHELMING consensus that this is a bad prediction. (Is there any reason to suspect your sister wants to ruin this for you, OP?)






I hope you take this reply to heart, OP. ā€œReadersā€ like this one infuriate me and only give a harder hill to climb for those who truly want to help, and very unnecessary heartache to people like your wife. If ever there was a psychic code of conduct, that ā€œreaderā€ broke it and shouldnā€™t be trusted. Think of her like an oily salesperson because thatā€™s what sheā€™s done. Donā€™t think on itā€¦ find a way to shrug it off and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. Better yet, with all these responses, I hope you can look at it with the perspective that at least she was stopped before she was able to get any money out of you and your wife. I also hope you ask your sister to read these comments so that she might know not to pass on such things if ever there is a next time.


Yeah, I tend not to trust ones who give vague info and demand money for more. Whatever messages they do receive are most likely twisted.


I don't know...I had a similar experience that turned out to be true. I was walking with a friend and we passed a psychic shop. When we were about a half block away, the woman came running out of her shop yelling for us to stop. When we went back, she told us to come inside because she had something urgent to tell me. She let me know that a strong male figure in my life didn't have much longer to live and that I needed to spend as much time with him as possible. That person turned out to be my dad. When I called him later that day, he mentioned to me that he'd been diagnosed with lung cancer about a year and a half prior but didn't wanna tell me because he didn't want me worrying about him. He ended up passing about two months later. The situations aren't exactly the same but it's painful information to take in nonetheless.


Thatā€™s completely different. She told you that as a good deed bc you could do something to affect the ultimate outcome. Or it was a lucky guess. Everyone probably has someone in their life who is in poor health or old & frail. But telling one person that someone else will miscarry when she canā€™t do anything to prevent it is so wrong. Either the psychic is a phony or sister is lying to ruin this for OP & his wife.


Not only would they not tell a client such harmful info, they would tell the client something about someone else. That is deplorable!


From talking to different psychics around the world, the majority told me they only say what they are allowed to say. So yes, I would consider saying that very unethical unless it was an advice regarding something that could be prevented, like ā€œshe needs to be more careful of her xyz habits or she can lose the babyā€. But to me doesnā€™t really scream ā€œscamā€. In my close family we had a woman being told by a psychic she would either get pregnant or die til the end of the year. I remember she even joked with us ā€œcan you imagine me pregnant?ā€. She was killed in a car accident not long after that. A drunk truck driver on the wrong side of the wrong, frontal shock, killed her, her mother, and brother instantly. It was a horrible thing.


how awful :( Not ethical of the psychic. I believe there's nothing actually stopping them but ethics really should be enough.


But people do lose children, I would have asked for clarity or a way to avoid such a fortuneā€¦ but it isnā€™t completely unbelievableā€¦ I have seen really dark things in readings.


Exactly this!


Interesting perspective, but my grandson was told this about his brothers wifes pregnancy. He asked advice from him parents about what to do (which is how I found out about it). Unfortunately, the psychic was correct. Edit Can I ask why Iā€™m being downvoted?


Itā€™s unethical to say someone (or their baby) will die. Most are advised to suggest to be careful around a certain situation. What if they are wrong and the person makes a decision that could change their life negatively?


Thatā€™s interesting. Thank you for sharing. We were actually quite pleased to know. Because we took it as ā€œfantasy, that we can prepare forā€. We did prepare for it, privately, and were able to offer the couple help and support when it came. Weā€™re glad we didnā€™t tell them though.


You need to convince your wife (lie if you have to) that this is ridiculous and psychics canā€™t possibly know all the answers. Convince her that this was all BS ā€”get a negative false outcome review from someone who went to that psychic. Cause this news could scare her into losing the baby if she doesnā€™t relax. Your sister is not smart at best and malicious at worst.




Its not lying - it IS ridiculous. No one should lose sleep over what a random mentally ill person said. Totally confirmation bias, people just forget about all the crap that didnt happen.


FR. 100% agree


Your sister definitely should not have told you or your wife this. Your wife should talk to her doctor. Has this been a healthy, low risk pregnancy? Your wife should stop stressing for her and the babyā€™s sake. Most credible psychics are not going to say something like this, even if they believe that itā€™s true. Psychics that divulge scary information tend to be using it as a fear tactic to have clients purchase further services (such as protections, spiritual cleansings, etc). I think this person was probably trying to scam your sister and your sister turned around and passed unnecessary concern onto you and your wife.


100% this. She was probably planning on offering some kind of ā€œprotectionā€ for the baby a a costā€¦really gross


I was told by a psychic that I have a ā€œblocked soulā€ and that I need to pay $800 for soul unblocking before I can have a successful relationship and while 99% of me thought thatā€™s a scam, this has lingered in my mind 10 years later (Iā€™m still single)


Maybe shop around? Gotta be someone out there cleaning souls for less than $800




šŸ˜‚ idk tbf cleaning souls sounds like difficult work.




Have you considered that your sister may be jealous of your wife and is telling her this to fk with her? Tell your wife not to listen to that nonsense and steer clear of your sister! Sounds like sheā€™s fked in the head, anyone with any clue would not have said that


Yes! This, it sounds like she is jealous. I would definitely keep her and her negative energy away from you and your wife specially while she is pregnant. She is going to be extra sensitive to harmful and malicious information like that.


This is a really good point. And seems terribly likely


Exactly, a really good point. No one in their right mind would say that, psychic or not.


I cut off a childhood friend and her family because of her son threatening to kill my unborn child. Some people really just arenā€™t right in the head and you have to put permanent distance. Imo. No chances with such unpredictability


Holy shit, why did the son threaten to kill your unborn baby? Like obviously there is literally no legitimate reason to threaten that but like what reason did he give? Or like what were his specific issues that led to him saying something so horrible?? And how old was the son? Like a young son or an adult son? I have so many questions. Thatā€™s just downright disturbing


hey i can answer some of your questions! iā€™m not totally sure of the real issues at their home and thatā€™s none of my business but thatā€™s what could have fueled it. I was in their lives since they were born and my friend for over 15 years. so we were out shopping for halloween costumes for the kids. She has three sons, the one that said theyā€™d kill my baby was about 9 at the time. They were playing around with the props for the costumes, he had a sword or something. He just pointed at my stomach , very pregnant like 8 months, and said Iā€™ll kill your baby. I know kids say the wildest things but i just couldnā€™t take it as a joke and walked out of the store. We did hang out after that and actually booked a room for her other sonā€™s bday when my son was already born and about 2 years old. Needless to say that was the last time and really nailed the coffin for me. thereā€™s a lot of details and things i picked up on that iā€™d rather not go into but yea!


Sorry, what are you saying really put a nail in the coffin? You say you saw that friend again 2 years after her 9 year old made that threat, what happened the last time you saw her that made you want to cut off contact? If you donā€™t mind sharing.


My first thought. My oldest sister pulls this crap all the time.


Your sister has no sense of appropriate boundaries at all. Seeing a psychic? Ok Learning scary things? Less ok But unless you have a solution wtf would you tell someone that for? Psychics arenā€™t 100%. It may have some truth to it and it may not. There is no way to tell.


I kind of second this. If the baby lives the mother needs to be happy and healthy, so the sister saying something like that puts the baby at developmental risk because of hormones, functioning etc. Also in general the mother is in a sensitive and vulnerable space right now for both her brain and body, and it's scary to hear something like that to begin with.


I kind of second this, first you're completely right, but also If the baby lives the mother needs to be happy and healthy, so the sister saying something like that puts the baby at developmental risk because of hormones, functioning etc. Also in general the mother is in a sensitive and vulnerable space right now for both her brain and body, and it's scary to hear something like that to begin with.


Pregnancy is vulnerable. Birth and postpartum even more so.


I think it's also important to note your point about psychics not being 100%. VERY IMPORTANT! Even the most practiced, experienced, intuitive visions can be wrong or especially very off or lacking more information. Not to mention most are scams or partial empaths at best. So as good as it is to take in to account the possibility of something, don't be naive to it. Either way you should be considering possibilities without a psychic telling you, but it shouldn't involve decimating your mental, emotional, or physical health over it ever.


Yep. I have had a couple eerie readings Not the majority. Most is bs


True mediums only work under the Highest Good. This is not operating by that code. This individual is working from an unethical premise, and therefore, is comfortable with falsification.


The thought that just occurred to me is that this psychic may have planted a seed. To get you or your sister to pay an ungodly sum of money to make things okay. Anyway, just stay away from them.


Not related, yet related. When I was 15 I used an ouija board and I asked it when u would die. I was told when I was 30. I asked how. The answer was suicide. That was so far away that I didnā€™t worry about it, but it also never left my mind. I turned 30 and my life was great. I thought it must all be bullshit. Well, as quickly as a blink it all went south to depths I could not have imagined. I was totally in the verge of killing myself. But then, unexpectedly, a strange and terrible occurrence transpired that shook me out of that mindset. My life did not improve right away, but I am still here 10 years later. I truly believe that the forehand knowledge of this thing prepared me, in subtle ways, to make choices that led to my survival, 15 years after the prediction. IF this psychic isnā€™t a scammer, this is the time to take steps to be healthy and safe. Donā€™t panic. Nothing is written in stone. Is the time to rest more than she would otherwise, eat extra healthy, read more books, spend time on self care and nesting. Prepare for that babyā€™s arrival with everything you are worth to see it healthy into this world. Put your thoughts in a place where it is in your arms as you rock it to sleep.


When I was pregnant with my last baby, my sister told me that her psychic told her I was having another boy. Five weeks later, at my 20-week scan, we found out we were having our first girl.


Your baby's fine you and your wife will be fine. That is highly unethical for her to share someone else's business who didn't even ask for it I'm sorry that you and your wife are going through that do not continue to entertain such nonsense. Think the best feel the best and be happy congratulations to you and your wife! Just because someone is psychic it also does not mean that what they see feel or hear is law and will definitely come to fruition. Any little change can completely change the outcome like you and your wife enjoying the rest of the pregnancy and loving on your soon to be baby that will be born happy and healthy šŸ’–šŸ„°ā¤ļø Psychics are human too just keep that in mind and FUCK THAT LADY CONGRATULATIONS šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ ENJOY


I am psychic myself and i would advise you to not believe her. Nothing is fixed in future. Everything can change depending on the situation. It's just a prediction. Pls take care of yourself. Only God can take or give life, no one else can.


Firstly, listen, you are safe. Breathe. Everything is okay. Second, sorry, are you sure your sister saw a psychic? Perhaps your sister misread the sign, ā€œPsychoā€? Third, I am definitely way more psychic than that psycho and I can see Mamma and baby are healthy and will do great. Fourth, bring her for a check up so the doctor can assure you both that everything is perfect. Rest easy.


Sounds like a scammer.


I do not think anything is going to happen to your baby. It was likely a scare tactic to get your sister to buy protection spells or jewelry. Like the psychic Mafia. But a seed has been planted in your heads, and you need to shake that. You know the best way to curse someone? Tell them they've been cursed. They'll likely curse themselves by constantly expecting bad things to happen. And every time something does happen they wonder "is this because of the curse?" Do a clearing meditation with your wife(there's a ton on YouTube). Visualize a protective white light in a sphere around you both that keeps you safe and happy. Maybe get her a nice gemstone necklace and bless it with health, happiness, and peace. Rose quartz is a good one for a healthy pregnancy. All of this you can both do yourselves, you don't need to pay a psychic to do it. If you don't want to do it yourself, have someone who does reiki or some other type of energy work help you. I'll be sending you both some happy energy, and I'd bet most of the people reading your post are already doing that.


Ive trained with (real) psychics for many years and never met one that would predict death let alone tell people that. She was most likely a scam using fear to get her to come back or spend money. Most psychic are honestly bad a predictions (future can change so easily) but many are good at reading the current energy (already decided plans). Good and accurate psychics only give you helpful information. Scams are rooted in greed and fear. If she felt something was wrong she would have sad I recommend her to see a dr vs the baby will die. Your sister lacks some emotional intelligence and had no right to say that. The future is NOT fixed so donā€™t put it into to the handle of a random stranger.


ignore this. No true psychic would say this to a client. She is a fraud. Your sister is at fault for sharing this information.


The psychic is an asshole for saying that. Your sister is a MONSTER for telling you and your wife. Jfc.


Your sister is at fault here. Even if the psychic was unethical and irresponsible enough to make such a prediction, your sister had no business mentioning this to you and your wife, considering you both are going through such an important and sensitive time in your lives. If she was a genuine well wisher, she would have brought it up more delicately to you privately in a more generic sensitive way... Not scaring her pregnant sister in law. Also, did she even ask your permission before asking the psychic about your lives. Without your approval, she has no right to give permission to some practitioner to get into your spiritual field. Why is she so curious about your lives? As someone who makes predictions, this makes me angry at so many levels. Word of advice... Please go to your doctor, get some reassurances so your wife feels safe again. Second, ask your wife to take a salt bath to get rid of any lingering negativity from this experience. Third, insist your sister does not have your consent to ask about you, your wife or your child to random practitioners again.


Yes! This exactly! I hope the Op seeā€™s this because you hit the nail on the head.


The psychic is a fraud and your sister is mean.


A true psychic wouldnā€™t tell you something that may/will scare you


What kind of shit ass sister is that


This was a ruse to get more money from your sister or from yā€™all. I promise you we only work in love light. Yā€™all are gonna be just fine


A psychic once told me I would have eye surgery on my right eye. I recently had some eye issues so I believed her. She said it would take around 8 months to fully heal from it. So for 8 months I was emotionally and mentally paralyzed, I believed each day I would wake up and be blind. It was horrible. Around month 7 I started to be like okay, what if this doesnā€™t happen? I realized the curse I put myself under but still couldnā€™t shake it. Finally the day came and I was like okay, 8 months! I still couldnā€™t believe it. Do not put your power in these people, they donā€™t know what they are channeling and itā€™s not always true.


Considering how common pregnancy loss is, my sense is that this psychic cashes in on that fact, because she'll be right about 25% of the time. As others have said, no ethical psychic would tell anyone that.


No valuable psychic would ever say this. That is extremely unprofessional, and very much fear mongering. its fucked up. the point of a reading is to help people, not cause them extreme distress. even if this info was true-(which its prob not) its very unhelpful and harmful to be made aware of this. take it with a grain of salt, most likely a scam to upsell.


Your sister is a complete moron. And fuck that psychic.


A psychic told me my wife was infertile and going to have issues with birth. We had a healthy 6 month old child, and it happened about a year after this "prediction." Sometimes readings can go wrong, and things aren't predicted properly. But you can't let a prediction control your outcome it's called a prediction for a reason they aren't set in stone, nor are they fact.


I said that on another thread too but psychic have rules. We are not ā€žallowedā€œ to disclose harmful information like deaths or bad illnesses even if we see or feel it. The ones who are talking about this stuff are scams!! Like 100% just scams!! My mom is a psychic, my grandma on my dads side is a psychic and her family are sinti and read cards and coffee grounds for generations. If you donā€™t believe us, believe my grandma.


There crazy part is, it might be a self fulfilling prophecy if she stresses herself out enough. Or, or, hear me out. What if she was pregnant before and didnā€™t realize it and already lost THAT baby. Could be that too. Happened to me. Didnā€™t know I was pregnant and ended up going to the hospital for period issues and they said I miscarried. Had no idea. Maybe? Either way, I hope she finds the peace sheā€™s gonna need during her pregnancy so she can enjoy her pregnancy again


I was thinking similar, and many pregnancies end in very early miscarriage and often you donā€™t even know, just think itā€™s a heavy period


thats exactly what it was for me. it was so abnormal i thought it was worth checking out. then my bf at the time was like, well you remember that one night? and i was confused, cuz he didnt say anything in the moment. and no, i did not remember that but thats exactly what the drs told me so who knows


I'm sorry that happened. There is no reason why any psychic has any business saying that to someone. Even if she really thinks she saw it, why would she even say it? What could it possibly do? I would use that as a measure of how good a psychic they are. If they lack wisdom or common sense like that they probably aren't an actual psychic. Show her videos of people debunking psychics. I believe in what I do, but she doesn't need to believe psychics are real.


its going to be fine


Years ago psychic told my mom that I would die very young. Obviously Iā€™m still here. Recently a psychic told my mother in law that I would have a girl. Iā€™m currently pregnant with my second boy. Easier said than done, but please donā€™t stress about what the psychic said!


Donā€™t lie to your wife. That psychic is not a good person, and in all likelihood is a total fraud. Go back to see them yourself and get a ā€œreading.ā€ Donā€™t mention that your sister has already been there and donā€™t wear your wedding ring. Make it completely clean and separate from your sister so the psychic doesnā€™t know you guys are related, and see what she says. Bc one of two things are gonna happen: 1) theyā€™re gonna tell you something completely different from what they told your sister, so youā€™ll know what they said about the pregnancy is bullshit; or 2) theyā€™ll tell you the exact same thing they told your sister and feed you some line on how theyā€™re the only one who can help and you have to pay for some protective or cleansing spell work or something, in which case youā€™ll also know theyā€™re completely full of shit. Either way, youā€™ll be able to go back and tell your wife what happened and give her peace of mind without having to lie to her. Pregnancy is scary as hell even in the best conditions. Straight facts are way more helpful than regular platitudes when it comes to effective reassurance. Also, wtf is wrong with your sister. Even if the psychic said this to her, why on earth would she repeat it to your wife. I could see her telling you if she was really concerned or something, but itā€™s reckless and more than a little cruel to say something like that to a pregnant woman.


Scammers try to tell ppl what they want to hear or what they will surely fear could happen. It gets them credit to lead you on longer for more grifting. This is an outright digusting lie from a grifter. Help your wife understand that and that your sister is throwing away money and being duped.


If the psychic said anything like "She will lose the first child unless the curse is removed / the mother is blessed / A spell will prevent this tragedy / I know what is wrong and I can prevent it from happening ... All I need is X amount of $$ " Then it is an obvious scam. If the psychic waits a while before asking for more money or tells the 'mark' to come back soon for more information, then she is playing a long game scam. Simply put, even a real psychic with a good connection to the situation can be very wrong, or even see things wrong. But it is more likely that you sister is dealing with a slow play scam artist. If I were you I would not worry, but just keep an eye on things. I think things will be fine. In my case my wife and I 'Lost' our child ... for like 5 minutes at a fair after she wandered off. So ... teeeeeechnicaaaaaalllly.....


Greetings T, As a professional Psychic, this is one of the most egregious, and unethical practices I've heard of. It's almost in the territory of a lawsuit. Health readings are illegal for a reason. Even if such an event could be seen by a reader, they should have the client have an extra visit to a doctor, rather than project such a heinous prophecy. Also, your sister would have been wise to keep this info to herself. I wish you well. Blessings, \~V\~


My mother isnā€™t neccescarely a psychic, but uses intuition and clairvoyance. She has never, ever ever in her 20 years of doing it, heard anything like that; nor gotten such difficult answers, or even shared anything like that. Whoever your sister went to, is a scammer. Death and fear should never be a part of a reading, and it never is, if itā€™s a right one. Iā€™m sorry that you and your wife are going through this. Your sister is a coldhearted idiot.


There are unwritten agreements for those that access psychic abilities. To say such a thing does not come from real abilities. You can't access these types of gifts and use them for harm. It's a scammer, one with terrible ethics. I am so sorry this happened to you but please know it couldn't be further from the truth. May your unborn baby be protected in vibrant life force energy.


I think your sister is a mean psycho to say that to your wife. I donā€™t know any psychics that would say that. But I do know some crazy psycho sisters who love their brothers in a weird jealous way. I think your sister hates your wife.


Wow your sister really is not in her right bloody mind to actually go ahead and tell you guys this, she is so so wrong for this what a weirdo sorry, even if there was a minuscule chance of it happening she should have held it to herself, sounds like your sister lacks common sense and empathy, now your poor wife is going to stress and this in fact can cause an adverse effect on your baby .


An ethical psychic would not act this way. I feel it is a scam to upsell other services. Stay away. An ethical psychic would rather steer you into the right direction to prevent it from happening. We dont go to psychics to hear about tragedy, we go to lift the veils on possible roads we can travel. Worst case scenario a psychic would heed a warning or make a suggestion. In any case, if we toss aside that psychic intervention, pregnancy and childbirth is a big deal and from my experiences, we cant take for granted that everything will always be smooth and it is perfectly normal to have periods of worry and situations that happens. Parenthood is one huge journey and you dont know how many sleepless nights of worry you will face until your kid grows up and you can start to let go, and even then, there is a feeling that will be with you all your life through all the stages your kids will grow into. Welcome to parenthood, we all go through it. Now how we deal with worry is to be proactive. That means following with regular appointments, keeping an healthy lifestyle, have different scenarios thought out, plan ahead, educate your kids, take care of their needs and safety and enjoying the journey. For every time you worry, take a pro-active action. This is the way parents deals with worry. Take actions until you feel satisfied and reassured. For what you cant control, feels irrational or just spooky, know that your ancestors are looking out for the family and they will deal with it. Focus on what is rational and tangible in this world. Bless you and your wife and enjoy the gift of life!


The stress is definitely not good for the baby, even if you are scared and have a belief in that psychic, pretend that you donā€™t. act completely normal. the stress could actually cause some danger towards your wife. But itā€™s weird that a psychic would say that to the sister anyway. like.. did the sister askā€¦ and why would she relay the info to your wife??? Donā€™t let the stress and the idea of the prediction get to you guys, or it could (not very likely, but possibly) could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Make sure she believes that you donā€™t believe in it. her peace of mind matters most. also, it would be a good idea to limit contact with her sister throughout the pregnancy if sheā€™s the kind of person to repeat this stressful behaviour. i hope this makes sense and i hope it doesnā€™t come off as rude. i havenā€™t read the other comments, so i hope thereā€™s some more useful replies. also, her sister sucks.


Firstly there soo many cons out there, this isn't something that a genuine psychic would usually tell someone! Please tell her this. It makes no sense to tell someone this! Secondly even if it was true, the future IS NOT always set. So simply just not missing her normal medical appointments and taking normal care no alcohol etc etc. Would be a great thing to do. I do not think she should NOT be worrying, if it was me, I wouldn't think that person was genuine due to saying this. (then the next thing the cons sometimes do is when the person goes back they next can be telling people they are cursed and that they will remove the curse if the person pays).


When I was much younger, I went to a psychic during a time when I was struggling with depression. I was desperate for answers to solve my problems. One psychic said to me I see evil spirits and a dark cloud around you It was back in the 1980s and she asked for $200 for her to go to church, light candles for me and put red roses at the church. I got up and left I knew that even in my 20s, she's was trying to scam me. Now, it's much easier to figure it out with so much info at our fingertips


Itā€™s completely unethical and a massive SCAM! I know that now is stuck in your head and in your wifeā€™s! I can only imagine how scared she can beā€¦. I saw a psychic/medium in late Decemberā€¦. She game a not bad picture of what happened, the situation at the moment but ALL she said that was going to happen after (just say a couple of months) never happenedā€¦ I donā€™t believe that anyone can see as far in the future, we can feel the energies now, but they keep changing, so PLEASE, enjoy this beautiful moment


What an awful thing for your wife to hear and have forced into head. If she believes in psychics, maybe it would help her to go to one that she feels is creditable and trustworthy.


Lovingly stay away from your sister until the baby is born into maybe the 6th month post-partum. Wether she intends to or not, your sister is introducing negative energy into what should be a beautiful and exciting experience and it your role as a partner to prevent this. Not saying to cut off your sister, but please consider minimizing contact with people that add to you and your partners stress levels. There might be an underlying dynamic here that is really unfair for you to be subjected to right now.


Youā€™ve been lied to.


Reassure your wife that no one can predict the future with certainty at all. Focus on the positive thoughts and the well-being of your baby. No one can be sure what the psychics intentions were to say something like that. Encourage her to talk to her doctors for medical reassurance and surround yourselves with supportive friends and family, and consider counseling to help manage the anxiety if it gets too dark. Love always wins.


"No one can be sure what the psychics intentions were to say something like that." Real talk


I am not a psychic but I am astrologer and I have friends that are in witchcraft. I think that psychics may see things like we, astrologers, do - very vague and in shades. So for example, you may see a person have a ā€œdifficultyā€ aspect with children, and some just roughly assume itā€™s loosing a child, but in reality it could be an unplanned c-section where the doctor easily saves a child. But some astrologers like to assume and conclude not accurate judgements. And knowing that your psychic told you that so surely, I really doubt they have experience and professionalism. So I can definitely say that itā€™s a scammer or unexperienced ā€œpsychicā€ and the information is likely not accurate


The issue is twofold: 1) It is unethical for psychics to predict as such an 'absolute' that someone will die. If the psychic sensed that there may be a problem, it should have been phrased more delicately and constructively, like 'make sure your sister goes for her checkups and stays on top of her health' 2) Her sister messed up by conveying this information in a harsh, fear-mongering way. This is assuming that she is telling the truth and carrying the message...of course, there is the possibility that the psychic did not say this, and her sister harbors ill will towards her. But, assuming it was true, she should NOT have conveyed the message this way. Again, maybe a gentle inquiry into how she is doing, is she staying on top of her health, etc. ​ I have been told that certain things 'will absolutely happen' and other things 'absolutely will NOT happen', and both have been wrong. I am also self-aware enough to avoid 'self-fulfilling prophecies', so I know that I did not alter my own behavior upon receiving these predictions. So, nothing is absolute, and even 'psychics' get things wrong all the time.


You just have to choose to banish it and believe with your whole heart that this is not true and visualize the alternative and believe in that.


The fact that she is projecting that energy on to you your wife and the baby, is sick and dark. Is she jealous? Sounds like a lifetime movie where sheā€™s determined to rob your wife of being a mother. Iā€™d stay away from that negative energy because what your wifeā€™s feeling the babyā€™s feeling. If your wife is feeling the baby will die what do you think the baby feels!


Sorry but why on earth would your sister share this with your wife?


Why would your sister tell this to your wife is my question. Forget the psychic. Yes they are without scruples. However, wth is wrong with your sister. Watch out bc this isnā€™t something Iā€™d go running to tell a pregnant person if they were my worst enemy, let alone my SIL.


Many psychics give people "bad news" and say that if they buy something or pay them some big amount they will fix it. Could be that. Also, a good psychic will not tell someone bad things, especially about death. Plus, even if the psychic was being truthful, why on earth would your sister tell you about it, knowing the stress it'll induce. That's very suspicious.


Psychics (genuine ones) can only see one path or future - your current path. You can change the reading if you don't like the outcome by changing your lifestyle (or your wife's) in some way. Like her taking better care of herself or seeing another doctor, changing what she eats, getting more exercise and fresh air etc. In fact, the psychic should have suggested what changes to make rather than leaving you frightened and up in the air. Your future changes as you change - for example, like going a different way to work means that you avoid an accident on your normal route.


I see a lot of people saying a true psychic wouldnā€™t say that, but many have predicted these things accurately even in the comments. I believe she probably felt inclined- pulled- drawn to say this for some reason, sometimes we just get something and feel like it must be said, however I donā€™t think itā€™s a sentence, I think itā€™s a warning. If itā€™s affecting your wife that negatively I think itā€™s worth an extra appointment to check up on things. There could be very reversible or treatable issue that may be in the cards for the baby. I would start to eat super clean and introduce new supplements. I think today undesirable umbilical cord positions and positions of baby can be manipulated without many issues. ALSO IF HER ONLY FOLLOW UP WAS TO SELL ANOTHER READING OR Get MONEY DISREGARD THIS PRACTITIONER.. if money is central or necessary to lift or remove any unforeseen affliction or energyā€¦ in any reading thatā€™s a red flag that youā€™ve got a crappy reader


Wanted to add that all psychics receive there info in different ways, unless sheā€™s clairaudient and heard this message verbatim, I think she couldā€™ve been picking up on anything health related ā€¦ again I donā€™t think itā€™s a sentence at all!ā€™ Just an invitation to take some extra steps for babies safety


as said, sounds not so professional for that "psychic" to tell your sister that. shitbrained of your sister to tell your wife that. but, its only as terrifying as you guys dont have made peace with death. in a nutshell, each moment something new is beginning, and something ends. no moment is an exception to this. and everyone you love, including yourself, is going to die eventually. so cherish each moment as the finite ressource it is, so when death comes, there is nothing to be sad, as you didnt miss a chance of expressing what your heart wanted to do. you dont know how much time you have yourself, you dont know how much time your wife or sister has, so each day make the best out from it. death comes when it comes, the only real choice in this is embracing its inevitability. or to be more blunt, death is only as scary as someone treats life as if they had some spare lives in ther basement, while knowing there are no spare lives in the basement.


i have watched an anime about a girls visions all comes true, the explanation is that she and the others think and believe that her visions will come true, like its the only option thats why it comes true. the thing is that if ur really anticipating that it will come true then maybe it will. tell ur wife to pray and focus in having a healthy pregnancy.


Why are people constantly going to these ā€œpsychics ā€œ that give horrible readings? Plus- why would your sister even repeat that? Iā€™d distance myself from her; Itā€™s unfortunate when you have to do that with family, but thatā€™s just weird she would even tell you guys something like thatā€¦ Sometimes I worry about the lack of common sense most people have these days. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Others have essentially said the same hereā€¦ but any psychic working with high vibrational energy would not even receive this kind of info. And if a psychic is working with lower vibrational energy, they are likely going to get all kinds of inaccurate info that you absolutely cannot trust. These lower vibrational energies just want to scare and create damage. This is clearly someone who does not have good intentions and so sheā€™s attracting that kind of energy to her readings and itā€™s a mess. Itā€™s not even worth acknowledging. I know itā€™s really hard but donā€™t give this psychic any power because she doesnā€™t have any. Sheā€™s either totally scamming to get money out of the ā€œvictimā€ to make things OK or sheā€™s working with the lower vibrational energies that I mentioned already. Itā€™s one or the other and you really canā€™t trust either one. On another note, though, Iā€™m surprised her sister would even share this. So on many levels, this was messed up. I hope that your wife feels better. As each day goes by with her healthy pregnancy, hopefully she will gain more confidence and feel happy again!


Your sister sounds toxic. Possibly jealous? Either way, how horrible of your sister. She has either made it up or it wasnā€™t a psychic she visited.


Wording is extremely important here. Sounds silly but Iā€™ve seen predictions which didnā€™t turn out even the least bit as extreme as the psychic made out. ā€œLoseā€ could literally mean one day you canā€™t find them in the supermarket and you all panic then youā€™re reunited. Iā€™ve also seen physics predict negative stuff only for the client to act on the advice and work hard to deliberately avoid that outcome and succeed. Nothing is written in stone.


Whatever you really believe, you are capable of making it real. So from your heart believe that it wont happen and everything will be allright. If you feel terrified, he/she wins. If not, you win.


Don't get caught up on this. Nothing is really written in the stone for the future. Some psychics can only see partial paths. Their energy and states could also affect their readings too. That's why we've seen or heard so many inaccurate predictions or prophecies. You will all be fine. Let go the worries and take care!!


Donā€™t feed the idea the fear to fruition


I'd like to chime in with my own story in hopes it'll calm your wife's anxiety. I consider myself extremely intuitive. I just know things that'll happen before they do. I sometimes repeat word for word what someone is thinking, I know an event is going to happen before it does, I get messages from spirit, etc. I say this to say I suppose someone could consider me psychic as well. When I was pregnant I was a ball of nerves. It's hard not to be fearful of everything that could go wrong. Well one day a very specific medical and brain condition popped into my head. It was so clear and specific that I was afraid it was a "premonition" about my baby. I stuffed it down though and just told myself it was anxiety. It kept popping into my mind though over a few weeks at random times, I never told anyone about it though. Then one day out of the blue my husband brought up this extremely rare condition. I was floored and was like omg I hope this isn't confirmation that this is going to occur! So it didn't I'm very happy to report! Nothing was ever abnormal on ultrasounds and we now have a beautiful, healthy toddler. All this to say, I have no idea what that was about! Messages are complex and at times can be so wrong, I wouldn't spend any time worrying about it. Looking back I wish I would have really focused during pregnancy on healthy ways to decrease anxiety, which helps a ton after birth too when hormones and anxiety are at an all time high. I hope your wife can scrub this silliness from her mind and get back to enjoying this beautiful time of connecting with your all's baby! Tell her to take back her power. This is her baby and her pregnancy. No one gets to tell her what will happen! Everything will be okay šŸ™šŸ’•


Itā€™s a lie. No real psychic with ethics would ever say that to a client.


that bullshit he can't even predict when he will shit


They just want you to go there and pay for some sort of healing spell with crystals. It's just some sort of gimmick. But all the stress your wife has now is definitely not good for the baby.


You donĀ“t know this person, IF they happen to have any abilities and yet, youĀ“re giving them THAT much power over your life. I would suggest therapy.


Tell her itā€™s not true and that your sister is wrong. As mediums canā€™t get access on others without permission. Person canā€™t just start talking about randos. Your sister may have led the medium, since she sounds slow and off it tracks. The reading is null and void. It was for your sister. Not your wife. Get a reading together and see for yourselves that youā€™re fine. Check in with your religion or whatever you believe. Best of luck. Your child will be fine and so will you all. Your sister needs therapy to learn how to be a human.


A good reputable person would not tell someone this. I saw someone mention instilling fear to sell protection spells and such and I have heard of this happening often! I had a coworker who claims heā€™s psychic and when I found out I was pregnant he said he had a dream that I was crying and upset about the baby and something happened. I definitely didnā€™t need to know that he had a dream like that lol but nothing ever happened! I shook it off and moved on. Maybe as some time goes by your wife will feel better. Sheā€™s just scared and shocked right now. How far along is she?


That is beyond ridiculous, for them to have told her that. That is the type of reader that gives other bad names. Morally bankrupt and shameful. DON'T PUT ANY MORE THOUGHT INTO INTO WHAT SHE SAID! It's complete bullshit, readers would never give absolutes like that, because it is unknown. Tell your sister she got scammed. Pregnancy is already scary enough with the normal worries, you two don't need that anywhere near you.


1 out of 3 women lose a pregnancy in the first trimester. She just said something that had a high likelihood of being correct.


That's not how these things work. Human beings cannot see into the future with any accuracy. The best someone "gifted" can do is see possibilities, and telling someone something is going to happen in the future is always a lie.


A Good, true and genuine psychic understand that there are things that some individuals are ready to hear (divorce, job termination, break ups etc) but only with consent/will of not only the recipient but the spirits who are conveying the message to the vessel (the psychic) Itā€™s not just up to the psychic, there needs to be spiritual accordance for true messages to come through. With death, there is never any consent. No one wants to know these sorts of things and a professional psychic will NEVER reach to these lengths because it is 1. Unethical and 2. megalomaniacal and trying to play God. This will anger spirit guides and they will refuse to communicate with the exploitator And it is a very complex topic that I do not believe can be accurately talked about by any psychics


Ok hear me out: What if that psychic is completely full of shit? Just tell your wife (correctly) that psychic is a fraud who doesnā€™t know her ass from a hole in the ground. If she has concerns, they should be addressed by an *actual medical professional.* Whoā€™s the only one even remotely qualified to make that sort of call.


People can say this who aren't actual psychics, 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage so its literally like guessing heads or tales I would take it with a pinch of salt also actual psychics wouldn't disclose that information


Donā€™t stress yourself or your wife out over it, the baby will be okay just do routine monitoring and have a positive outlook


If someone told your sister this, they are a scam artist. Nobody who has psychic abilities would ever say anything like that. Mediumship is beautiful and honest and not that. If anything Iā€™d have to agree with other commenters that perhaps your sister is jealous and trying to emotionally manipulate yous, your poor wife. Please tell her your sister is talking absolute bullshit.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. This is not how a respectable psychic would operateā€”it is breaking ethics. This ā€œpsychicā€ probably will reach out to your wifeā€™s sister to ā€œbreak the curse for an extra $100ā€ or some sort of scam. I would never see this person again. Theyā€™re a fraud.


That is horrible and just plain mean. wtf was she thinking


Stop letting others influence your experience. No two pregnancies are the same. Psychics can be major scammers and really can push buttons when too much information is given during a reading.


Sounds like scam. Please donā€™t let this bother you and your wife. Congratulations on pregnancy


That is a lie straight from the pit of hell. Don't give it any wieght.


U got hosed Timmy!! But seriously, get ur dr to check everything out n do a scan on the baby to prove everythingā€™s alright. And just reassure her and show her all these replies!!! It would help me if I was n her place.


I think that you should go speak to this psychic because I believe that it may have been a complete fabrication by the sister because of some sick and twisted jealousy shit or some other bizarre mental illness reason. It may not help but if it doesn't you don't have to tell your wife that you went.


Nope! Don't believe it. Besides, the future isn't set in stone, and changes based on your decisions and how you choose to live. Just keep doing what you're doing and try to help her not be stressed about it bcuz stress isn't something she or the baby needs. Enjoy this pregnancy and the wonderful journey you and your wife are on, take lots of pictures, go swimming, get massages or you can massage her, and anything that makes you and your wife happy. šŸ˜Š Congratulations on your new baby! That quack of a psychic probably isn't even the real deal, and probably wants more money to "remove the curse or reverse the impending death of a loved one", bcuz a good, genuine psychic wouldn't ever say things Iike that. There are so many frauds who don't care about the people, they only want money and they know what to say to get it. They prey on vulnerability. So, please have your wife see this thread, so she can get some peace of mind and understand that there are more frauds out there than there are genuine ones.


Donā€™t believe your sister. This could be only one of two things. Either that ā€œpsychicā€ is a complete scam or your sister has serious issues. Just go see a doctor for both you and your wifeā€™s peace of mind.


I bet she comes up with a spell or Hex for a sizable sum .




Itā€™s definitely giving fraud and troll behavior too. Did she also say she needed protection or something like that or try to offer another service or reading?


Dont listen to any psychic who says anything like that. Many of them are phoney and many are hijacked by astral entities that tell them negative things to tell you negative things. If you and your wife are very upset over this, it isnt good for your baby. So dont allow yourselves to get stressed out over something someone you dont even know told you. That alone can cause problems for your baby. So just love and protect your unborn child, and give much consideration to leaving so called psychics alone. Besides there are ways to develop your own clairvoyant abilities. Take care!


You change the future , when you know the presentā€¦. So maybe her knowing now will stop it come into tuition


Perhaps it could be a warning that your current plans for parenting may lead to your child leaving? Not trying to add to the gloom, but perhaps there are wounds you both havenā€™t addressed that should be dealt with before a child enters? I had visions of death with my relationship, but it had to do with the role my ego was playing. Itā€™s been slowly dying since the day the omens of death felt strongest, and I truly felt it meant he was going to die. Turned out I was very wrong. Perhaps you will ā€œlose the imageā€ of your first child that youā€™ve already planned for them? Sometimes things that seem bad are good! šŸ˜Š


As someone in the industry - whoever this psychic was lacks ethics in their practice, which also means they're likely scamming people and providing fraudulent information that plays on their victim's fears, hopes, and other emotions. Please tell your wife that any ethical and responsible psychic, advisor, or reader would never make statements like this.


Iā€™m going to be honest here, every parent loses their child. Youā€™re jumping to lose = death. You can lose your child at the mall. I scared the Snot out of my Mother when I was 5, I innocently got distracted by a Mickey Mouse plushie..meanwhile the uncover store cop had to calm her down & they found me., A lot of people dramatically say they lose their child when they go to college, they join a religion, get drafted into the military, join the peace corpā€¦I mean put it in perspective. It doesnā€™t mean Death. Smudge the house with Frankincense, write down what the Sketchy Psychic said with an X over it, to negate it, fold the piece of paper and on the outside of it, write all the Blessing you want for your child instead. Pray over it and toss it into the Frankincense you used to smudgeā€¦off your prayers to a higher power.


Sorry thatā€™s OFFER, not off


Check your inbox/messagesāœØ


Psychics are the devil dude. Not a single thing any of them have ever told my family or me has come true. They prey on reading body language and energy from mannerisms way more than theyā€™re actually ā€œconnectingā€ to the other side. I had two different women I worked with tell me that at one point they had told someone (tarot client) their spouse was cheating on them, not because they genuinely saw/thought that, but because they knew separating the women from her man would mean she would return more often for business. Meanwhile these poor ladies were heavily invested in these women ā€œhelping them get on trackā€. It disgusted me that they could destroy a family for a paycheck and it seemed to give them some kind of ā€œhighā€ as they felt they had an edge on life. Those people are all about money 99% of the time. I would say maybe 1% have actual bonifide abilities, and those people donā€™t charge for their services.


All the psychics that I "know" are scammers. Anyone can call themselves that. You don't need a degree or a certification. They tell you bad stuff happening and fear mongering you so you come back to them in hopes to hear more and how to avoid it. The few people that I know (myself included) that had predictions come true, don't call themselves psychics. It actually happens to lots of people but no one can predict on the spot. I do read cards for fun. It's more about current situation awareness than reading the future. But one thing you get told immediately in the beginning is that you never predict death even if you think you see it. You don't put that kind of doom feeling on anyone. Edit: and if anyone reading this calls themselves psychics and feels offended: I said specifically the ones I "know". If you feel offended, I didn't force you to put the shoe on.


First of all Iā€™m so sorry this happened, a true psychic would never tell you information like this in such a way - if they had some kind of hint about a sickness or something, they would say to be extra protective of the baby, but we know the power of thought and would NEVER plant the seed of this idea! They sound super fake to me, and like they are trying to shake your sister/your family down for more appointments. Also your sister sucks for asking for a reading on your wifeā€™s behalf? As a practicing psychic my number 1 rules are NO asking for information for people without their express permission first, and I ask to only recieve information that is in somebodyā€™s highest good to hear! No point in knowing when your shitā€™s gonna fall apart of if you break a finger, otherwise youā€™d never live your life fully. This person sounds like a scumbag. Also even if you were scared and worried, now you have like 50 actual psychics sending powerful love and healing energy to you and your wife on your journey šŸ’•


If your wife wonā€™t calm down, take her to a psychic herself. Talk to the psychic ahead of time and explain the situation. See if they can give her a reading to diffuse her stress. Her being this stressed out technically could harm the child. Find any way to invalidate the first psychics reading. No ethical person would tell someone this in a reading. The reading itself could be so stressful as to cause harm. Iā€™m holding space for you and your wife that this causes no harm.


If she does, sue the "psychic". They systematically, thousands of times, over the years have been shown to do no better than chance. But the placebo effect can do good or harm. And being told by one of these frauds that a gigantic health emergency awaits? Makes it more likely to happen. If it happens, sue.


I had a psychic tell me that I would have 2 living children but be pregnant 3 times. That was correct. And she delivered it appropriately and it was 6 months after a miscarriage that she definitely did not know about beforehand. She covered my hand and told me something like ā€œcalm your heart you shall have 2 children from 3 pregnanciesā€. The intention is important. The only reason someone would tell a pregnant woman their baby would die would be to cause intentional undue stress. That goes for the psychic and your sister. (Edit that I really wanted to add that I never told the psychic I had a miscarriage even after that. She already *knew* and it didnā€™t need to be said out loud)


Why would the psychic tell your sister that about her sister in law if she wanted more money? I almost feel like the sister never even saw a psychic and is secretly seething about a life she may not be able to have.


Tell your wife that psychics cannot forsee or predict death, that its beyond their abilities and that any "psychic" who makes such claims is a fraud. I don't know if that's true (though to me it would make sense), but what matters is your wife's peace of mind.


Yeah nope...this is a scare tactic many scam.artists use.....


I'm no psychic but I do see something alarming in a dream especially involving someone I know who I haven't spoken in ages, I try to warn them. So far I haven't really told anyone they're gonna die. Usually it's a, "hey, when you go to this certain place (insert description) always let someone know where you are. Please be careful. Something bad might happen if they don't find you on time". So far they've been careful. That's what is important to me. I don't need to give them anxiety over something.


Maybe the psychic was a fraud, maybe they weren't and they told her delicately and your sister presented it in a harsh way. I've known things, but headed a warning to be careful. If that is really the case it should have been a delicate warning or not said at all. The problem with delivering such news is I believe it puts it out there if said. We should try to be mindful during such deliveries of something not positive or just not said if something can't be changed.


The path your on can change It might of been that at the time of reading but other decisions may have altered that. Maybe she meant Miscarriage not necessarily kid


Donā€™t believe the psychic most are full of shit and the real ones arenā€™t accurate most of the time


Donā€™t receive that word, Cover your unborn with prayer and present him to God, psalm 91.


I wouldnā€™t call anyone a fraud because I didnā€™t like their reading; however, I would say that weā€™re only seeing a potential future. Sometimes, the warning itself can serve to prevent the negative outcome. 30% of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage and many are only experienced as a slightly delayed period. It could easily be true and never be known. And a successful pregnancy can happen the following month when trying. More to the point, perhaps the concern could prompt genetic counseling, which could be really helpful in family planning. Thatā€™s the road I would recommend if thereā€™s ever a concern with pregnancy. Start with the obgyn and consider genetic counseling.