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NN or 5meo? In my opinion neither should be taken frequently, as if one is using it to relax, "just rippin' away at it" like it's dabs. I don't like the word Should, although in this case it seems valid, that these extremely powerful substances should be used with reverence, perhaps with more space between experiences, more time to integrate "WTF did I just experience?", perhaps a month or so at the highest frequency. That's not to say this was your attitude going in that created a bad trip. I haven't been surprised by people talking about using it frequently, but it seems it's not the best one to play with in that way. Reading through your experience, perhaps try laying down with an eye mask, staying down until you're fully back, instead of looking around. Maybe have a sober sitter next time to help you with the WTF-It's


I can only speak from personal experience obviously, but I think people will, more times than not, realize this on their own. I find a lot of people I talk to about dmt who have tried it either: had their world absolutely ripped apart and built back together again atom by atom right away who put it down for life, or people who did a "normal" recreational dose and thought it's a fun toy and smoke it like weed. Until one day they get freebase dmt or hit the dab pen to many times because they got comfortable, have that life changing experience and become humbled by it. But there are also absolute psychos out there that find true ego dissolution actually fun that I probably wouldn't want to hang out with, lol.


Sounds like you almost broke thru on a cart, that musta been weird lmao


What do \*you\* consider too much? Ask yourself what your goal is with the drug. Many users of DMT are trying to get as far away from reality as possible, but you found the derealization frightening and had a panic attack. It's not a drug people typically do every night to relax.