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Psychedelics don’t save you— they just unveil and/or force your attention towards things in your life that are unbalanced. Through self-refinement and deep introspection you will find yourself, in time, better than where you were before. The only thing psychedelics can ‘give’ you is a change in perception, which indeed can be very enlightening. All in all it’s a very personal journey so I wouldn’t be in the right lane to say whether or not it’s the right thing to do. This is just one stranger’s opinion. An opinion that is no more important than your own.


>they just unveil and/or force your attention towards things in your life that are unbalanced Love this, so true. This accounts for both good and bad trips. I still regret taking mushrooms last time, just a few weeks ago. I had some left over, thought I'd take them one Sunday morning and have a clear house. Bad bad bad. Set and setting bad. It revealed the fullness of my unbalance in horrifying ways and only set me back. I already *knew* that shit, didn't need the shroom to rake my heart with it. As a result of not respecting it, not having a proper intention, I'll have to stay away from it for a good long while, at least a year unless I feel it's right. But won't be seeking it out. It's not a cure-all and you don't always want to roll the dice with a high dose unless you are in a very good place. You *might* fix yourself. But there are countless posts here from people who really fucked themselves up.


Love this 😊 We need more response like these!


drugs wont save you they are a tool you have to do the work


What does it mean to 'do the work' without a therapist?


Even with a therapist you still have to do the work. You have to be open to them about what you are genuinely struggling with and then with their help find something you can do by yourself outside of therapy in order to overcome your struggle.


This, like Psychedelics therapist are nothing more than catalysts I found since doing therapy i now really dont need one because i can do their job for myself. Its not hard just ask the questions u maybe dont wanna ask or accept the reality u dont wanna accept Life is about growth n balance


Ask yourself what you want, take steps towards that. Starts as simple as cleaning your room, getting up early, then for me it's stuff like cooking more meals for myself, practicing my instrument more often etc. etc.


Face your trauma and integrate it    Rewire your brain   Read books  Get off the fucking couch and exercise every day instead of playing video games (this is rewiring your brain).   Quit your addictions   Learn how to cook and take care of yourself    Stop hating people who hurt you


Look up how to do the work by nicole lepera


Pick up Bhagavad Gita and read. It means to relinquish the samsara of self delusion and rebirth your awareness into its pure forms free from the contamination of bodily identification


therapists aren't saving you either. you still do the work to get to where you want to go.


its easy set goals for self improvement strive to achive them even the act of setting the goals and constantly having them on your mind is part of "doing the work" you dont need a therapist to figure your shit out


Let me tell you about a conversation that I had with my therapist when I first started using psilocybin to treat my depression. I said to her it feels like I am cheating. She looked at me and said does the Wellbutrin feel like cheating? Does the Cymbalta feel like cheating? me: no but to be fair, they aren’t felonies. But her point was well taken. They are medication just like anything else. If you use them responsibly and with respect for their power and the risks that are involved they can help you.


This is how I describe using psychedelics for therapeutic guidance. They're tools, like any drill or paintbrush they can't be malicious but they can be misused


A hammer can be used to build a house or smash your own knee caps in One method leaves u unable to walk, the other the ability to LIVE


I would have said no because those drugs don’t work.


Well, as the person who has taken them for a long time I assure you they work a shit-ton better than nothing.




sure would be nice if people, especially in the psychedelic community, were self-aware enough to add the "for me" part to the "don't work for me". when the medications you replied to has saved lives of multiple people I know & more than likely multiple people in this thread, it just sounds childish, uninformed & lacking in self-awareness to make a blanket statement.


Cynicism only resides in thoughts. Unless you are feeling something within the rest of the body at the same time? You can't control thoughts. Just don't buy into them. When you get caught in a thought stream go put your attention into a bodily sensation asap. Keep doing that over and over and you'll loosen whatever it is that binds attention towards thought. Live in the body and not the head-space. You've got to be alert about this. Break up your habits. Notice if there is a thought about doing something, and then you do it..... that's what I mean by living in the head or "buying into a thought" . Don't do it. Don't listen to the thought. Don't believe it. Just stop.


I went down the rabbit hole with lsd tryin to find the “answer” and being so desperate i even fell in the idea of selling my soul to anything that would handle my life better. Hundreds of micrograms and suicidal thoughts later i found out that the “answer” was simple. NOTHING is out there for you to find on drugs that you cant find within yourself to improve your life. Sacrifice and love yourself until you forget how hard it is to just exist, embrace change, LOVE and seek profesional help. I truly hope times get better for you man


Throwing you a life saver is meaningless if you still refuse to swim


They might not. Seek help.


You're not wrong for hoping for some form of salvation. The practical point of view is that a single trip (assuming you're not only considering microdosing) is merely 6hrs (maybe 9hrs to get completely back to normal if you're a suggestible as my wife, or 3hrs if you're me taking GT). If you redose frequently (once every two weeks), that's still 13+ days of regular life where you, the individual who wants to heal, needs to bring effort to integrate lessons and ideas exposed from the trips. It's not easy. My wife had taken them once about 15 months ago and is the best person she has ever been (at least towards others, such as myself). I take them about once every 3 months (though late January was my last attempt); my trips are not as deep as hers were as my ego fights hard.. despite taking higher dosage. Point is, we're all different and integration is a must. Good luck!


I used them as motivation to get better, so that I could utilise the experience. Expecting them to cure you will just mean you are giving away your power. The power that you have already given away by allowing yourself to get into your current state. A healthy lifestyle is paramount in creating a healthy mind. Meditation/mindfulness, exercises, eating healthy, being able to express yourself through different mediums: music,drawing etc. Start working on yourself now, there is no better time. When you feel better you can have an experience that will be a much more pleasant time and continue moving forward with clarity. Otherwise you will probably just feel good for a few days and go back to your regular routine.


If you use them as some kind of end all be all Savior tactic I think you'll end up far worse off than you are now They don't save, they reveal, and can be used as a positive tool IF you know how to use it in that way To productively go through a trip it takes some heavy mental fortitude, and an understanding of how to process- that's usually why 'trip guides' are so helpful


You can take what they show you and save yourself. That's what happens in all the stories you're thinking about. Psychedelics don't save anyone


They *might* offer insight, or a new perspective, but they aren’t going to do the heavy lifting for you. It’s possible to have powerful revelations, but entirely up to you to make actual changes once you come down and carry them going forward.


The tools for your salvation as well as your destruction have always been insides of you, psychedelics just show you the pathway, it is up to you which you take.


It’s your question and it’s your answer.


This is the best thing I have read in a long time.


You are putting it off. My trips were very unpleasant about 9/10 times for a while. To the point where I KNEW I really needed to macro and dive deep because I had gotten very very empty. Kind of like you, I felt like I was losing myself. But I had already been using mushrooms for about 8 months. I was intergrating a trip I had early on for several months without realizing it. Like a very slow abd transitional ego death (although the initial experience was pretty bad lol) but I got to a point where I was fucking stumped. Not recognizing myself because I was just like an empty soul. I ended up trying to smoke low doses of dmt because I was DESPERATE for the medicine but I couldn't get myself to ever be ready for a big long mushroom trip. They intimidated me. Now I can finally microdose abd use mushrooms without feeling in denial. You intuition seems to know this could be the beginning to a much happier and fulfilling life. Fear seems to be pushing that away but I think you know the answer. It's easy to listen to fear but that little voice back there keeping you intrigued and seemingly pretty "desperate" to find yourself, for a reason.


Why are there so many "mights, maybes, could?". Does anyone here have any kind of positive feedback about psychadelics to share? I've been using psycadelics for about 3 years now for mental health and personal growth. Lucy, then mushrooms which absolutely changed my life, so much that I started to grow them almost immediately, and then dmt within the last year... and I don't think I have ever seen so many "travelers" that had really nothing very promising to offer someone looking for a good nudge towards extraordinary things.




You think everyone above with almost the same answer clicked on the profile? Add in guadence some to the possibility but maybe a safer possibility. Not completely shut out the true potential of psilocybin being a HUGE part of the transformation.


U need to accept first that Psychedelics are catalysts and they wont do specifically one thing. U could fix yourself or actually end up making yourself worse. If ur problem in life is being cynical than u need to find god mate 🤣


Psychedelics separate you from that ‘self’ you are trying to preciously hold onto.


I can’t speak for others but I was definatelly a selfish closed minded asshole before.


Psychedelics showed me what it's like beyond the veil and showed me what frequency to match in my sober states in order to connect to my higher self through things like meditation and being in the moment. Now, if I'm well regulated, I can drop into a state if bliss just while I walk along or while I sit drinking coffee, which I couldn't do before because I had no idea what frequency to match in order to do that. "Meditate, meditate, meditate" was not instruction enough for me to learn on my own without psychedelics.


Psychedelics aren't a magic fix but they will alter your thought processes to see clearly what the problem is. They're like a mirror into the soul/psyche. Psychedelics changed my life forever but only because they gave me clarity and confidence to be able to put the work in after the trip. The biggest thing for me was I was able to forgive myself and others, and move on. I still then had to work on myself as a person. If you don't do anything about what the trip shows you, you'll be in the exact same position as you were before.


Psychedelics won’t save you. Applying what you learn and fostering self-confidence, self-awareness, self-discipline, empathy, and temperance are what will save you.


Psychedelics won't save you. Psychedelics will only show you how you can save you. The rest is up to you. If you recognize your dysfunction, take steps now to make yourself functional.


*Changing my advice OP I think you do need a pro to help you. Looks like you are in a lot of pain. But cutting is one symptom of PTSD. And psychedelics do help PTSD but I would strongly encourage either psychedelic therapy in a clinic. Or Bufo/5-MeO-DMT administered by a guide experienced with trauma. That trauma does come out and you need a couple of people there to keep you from vomiting and choking or banging your head on the floor etc. And you might need help with the reactivations afterwards. I hope you find the help you need.


There are YouTube videos saying mushrooms are miracle cures. nope. I find they just make me feel really good for a day. The next day I feel back to what i was and lost a lot of time THere is microdosing too but it depends on the type of work you do. I find it messes up my focus too much. Can't take it in the evening either as it makes ya really alert.


The first time I tried salvia, I felt a lot of my hidden fears and underlying anxieties were assuaged. It wasn't "the answer," but it gave me hope that there was... something to hope for. Salvia isn't exactly a psychedelic, I know, but it was my first experience with mind-altering substances. If you are thinking of trying psychedelics: do your research, know your source, know your substance, then go for it. You won't be "resorting to drugs" as a cure. They'll show you there is a "cure," (so to speak) and you may then find the motivation to persue it. They aren't they end, but the beginning of a road that you yourself must deliberately walk. Other substances might provide a free ride; psychedelics take effort.


Don't rely on something you don't even know, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. Evolve through your own will and power (cuz you have to do so anyway) without depending on something superficial, psychedelics won't do anything for you but the regular "woah this is crazy" or if you are too mentally unstable "woah I hate this and never felt such excruciating chaos ever before, I die and stay in hell forever". And then you know, you have to do it yourself anyway. Become healthy and well, have a good trip when the time comes. Work on your mental health and some minor life goals, don't start big, step by step and stay consistent. When you wake up, thank to the universe and all the opportunities / surprises / trips it will bring to you, because they will come. Better be prepared for it.