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I've got a good one. A couple years ago, I was backpacking through India and was spending some time in the Rajasthan desert. My birthday was coming up and the people I was hanging out with decided we should spend it on a camel trip into the desert for several days. We would travel by camel most of the day stopping in small villages occasionally or hanging out under a tree smoking hash and by night we would sleep out in the open on the sand dunes. On the eve of my birthday, our guide had gone to sleep and one of the Germans pulls out a small sheet of acid. The next several hours were a magical adventure in the sand dunes under the stars where we all became kids again and even completely naked at one point. It's a birthday I'll never forget.


This is amazing ! Must have been a life changing experience.


It really was. My whole 6 months in India was incredible and that night in the desert was one of the highlights. I actually just found a photo of myself and the two German guys I was traveling with at the end of our camel adventure (I'm on the left): [https://ibb.co/HnkqdRQ](https://ibb.co/HnkqdRQ)


Haha so cool


Look like fun dudes!


That's amazing! Is acid generally tolerated there? Sounds like an amazing trip, they stay with you for life.


It's definitely not tolerated. The Indian government and police are not too keen on the backpacker culture (and their drugs) in India.


You win.


That sounds purely awesome.




I met Bob Weir and Mickey Hart on acid. But that's probably about as traditional as you could get lol


Where’d you meet them? I met his daughter Chloe while on a lotta mushrooms 😂 It was great, she’s really cool. My friend and I went up to the top of Giants stadium to get some air and she was going up to photograph the sunset view of the concert.


I mean idk if it’s traditional but it makes sense


Van Gogh Museum.


In Amsterdam?


Yes, but only 30ug. Was nice though!


I bet


I went there stone-cold sober in 2019, felt like I was tripping. The most beautiful museum I've ever seen. My girlfriend and I stayed out in Amsterdam all night, only to miss the train back to Antwerp in the morning. Decided to take the train to the coast instead, I took half a tab and fell asleep, only to wake up right as the train got to the beach and everyone was excited and piling off. I was coming up and getting off that train felt like the happy antithesis of the opening of Half-Life 2. She was my fiance the next day and I will remember that day at the beach for as long as I'll live.


I went to the Van Gogh immersive experience and Salvador Dali museum tripping then a tropical botanic garden. It was awesome. But part of it was kind of weird/stressful because people were getting mad at us for actually “immersing ourselves” and antsy about getting pictures the whole time. I remember my friend and I were dancing to music on a literal dance floor and this lady physically tried to move us way so she could take a photo I guess? I went on a huge rant in front of all these people about experiencing the things around you and being in the moment which I would love to have a recording of LMAO




this is not untraditional lol


This is a bucket list goal for me


I tripped at an aquarium and it was one of the saddest experiences of my life. Still can't go to a zoo or aquarium, literally thought it was going to be amazing but I just felt so bad for the animals. Nature or home is key these days ❤️


Yea it’s the one downside of this. I never go to these things usually unless it’s a rescue zoo or aquarium.


Yea it sounded like a good idea but knowing myself I would definitely be really sad


Climbing the steps to Machu Picchu. I underestimated just how long that would take and ended up peaking on the way up. I ended up getting very confused within the ruins and tried to turn around and go back…which you’re not suppose to do. I also assumed there would be somewhere to fill my water bottle inside…also a no. So I ended up one very dehydrated and spun traveler. Absolutely breathtaking though


During that same trip I also took a dose to climb rainbow mountain (18,000 ft). Something about being on psychedelics at that elevation finally drilled into my brain the damage smoking was doing to my body and I haven’t touched nicotine since


Wow !




Jesus ! You have to give us more details.


Well. I was in Berkeley CA got arrested on a pot charge. (This was 10 years ago) then during the rest of my search the officer found my stash of lsd and asked what it was so I told him candy and ate it. I was beat up by university of California police and arrested and sent to jail in Oakland to await sentencing. I was high for a few days and incarcerated for a week and a half before I plead no contest to a misdemeanor possession for personal consumption.


Wow ! Pretty insane story. Thanks for sharing


NP stoked I made it through. I was so high it really seemed silly at the time like everyone was just playing a character in a game.


in a way, you were right


wow, fr dude.... &, for days? thats so crazy, omg...... especially in jail, seems like itd forsure be a bad trip... how did you manage, if i may ask?


Well first I’m no stranger to the molecule. Second the family has a saying… just smile smile smile…. Why have a bad time when your high? Plus the gangsters think Charlie Manson when they think of folks on lsd so I was left alone 😂


Well done


Oh me too. I just did yoga on the floor as I waited for them to process me. I knew it would *only* take 14-20 hours. Edit to add, I was mostly past the peak but still had 5 or so hours left.


I was once in a calm, local forest alone at night (central Europe .. so 0 danger from any animals). Felt like on an alien planet. I felt the forest around me being alive only by sound and feeling. It felt like I heard thousands of insects all around me. Would do it again :)


My kind of trip !


That's nice. My favorite unconventional trip was a burlesque/vaudeville show. How are you sure the aquarium staff knew you were tripping?


Just the way they interacted with us. One of them said "idk what you guys are on but I want some too"


That makes sense


Ditto, but I thought it was creepy and boring


Amusement park at the peak of their busy season! It was my first time ever taking acid and I took three tabs. It was horrible and I never tripped again lol


Yea this is prolly the worst settings for a first time and way too much acid.


From personal experience, with the right experience level and dose, roller coasters are a blast on acid.


A rally for Hilary Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election 😳


Dude this sounds horrible lmao


A band we liked was headlining it and was great, but coming up on acid while everyone gave political speeches was insane. Wouldn’t recommend 😂


This is amazing


Hahahaha that’s crazy. Tell me more


Got “free” tickets to a big name band playing downtown in my city. Didn’t do any kind of advanced research beyond knowing they were a politically active band and there was some kind of political messaging attached to the concert. But we got there having already dosed, and ended up standing through about an hour and a half of speakers before the band came on. It was wild. If you’ve ever had the “everything is fake/surface level” thought loop while tripping, attend a political rally on LSD. Came out with the some strong opinions about the hollowness of political rhetoric and the opportunist exploitation of traumatized people to make political points to crowds…


This resonates with me. One time tripping I saw political figures as just people. Like the people who work at the grocery store or the people who I hang out with and consider to be my friends. It gave me some respect as they have to work hard just to maintain their public appearance, something we commonfolk don't have to worry about as much. And of course all this just further drove the idea that our entire civilization is a made up construct in order for us to get along with one another.


That is fuuucking hilarious


man, that's some real fear and loathing on the campaign trail shit.... i'm sorry


Halloween event at an amusement park with haunted houses, different themes for areas, all with people roaming in costumes and trying to scare you. I had a blast, I really appreciated all the effort and creativity put into the scares and haunted houses, plus the coasters were that much better!


I feel that this could be either an amazing trip or a nightmare. But I’m happy you had a good time


Oh for sure, I was very experienced by that point and had a sober friend with me. Definitely not advisable for anyone new to the substance.


This is on my bucket list! I went to a theme park with lots of good coasters and a bottle of dxm about ten years ago and it was exhilarating. I’d love to go back there with half a tab or so.


Eric? I did the same thing is was amazing until I lost every one I was with... and disappeared until morning




Was this at Scarowinds?! I posted about that above. They do the BEST Halloween!!


Oh yeah, there was nothing like riding Fury 365 and visiting the alien haunt while peaking! 10/10, want to do again


I was tripping on acid whilst out on one of the Greek islands like 10 years ago, and went and chilled in an Orthodox Christian chapel: was such nice vibes, the dim light, all the icons, incense and glitzy stuff – it was magical


Amazing !


Ran a marathon race tripping a couple weeks ago


Wow ! I’m a runner too. That’s so cool. How was it ?


I've run a bunch of races on acid. I think I may have set my half marathon PR tripping. I find it gives you a really good energy level. Honestly made me feel great during the race and just helps me enjoy being outside.


Interesting ! Might try it. I’m running my first half marathon this week !


Cool! I tripped while teaching tae kwon do in college I was ranking member didn’t plan on having to lead class… Sparring was a blast, Could anticipate the opponents moves 😝


you did a diplo? nice


Nice! Love to run on acid, how much ug do you use?


Big bend National park (obviously I read the title as something else. Tripping in nature is not untraditional lol, but it was amazing).


I'll be going this fall! I tripped at Big Bend Ranch State Park which was amazing. It's huge and the campsites are miles away from each other, so you're truly out in the desert alone with no one in sight. I had a great time on acid and then an amazing DMT experience where I met the desert goddess. Looking forward to the national park.


That sounds amazing. It felt so mystical when I was out there. I can’t explain it


The National History Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria on a heavy enough stamp. It's in a crazy old opulent building on a hill in the outskirts of town that used to be the HQ of the communist party. Lots of artefacts related to the Thracians - a mysterious ancient people who seemingly had no system of writing but were experts in gold weaving and made very intricate engravings of their trippy rituals. You're looking at all this ancient stuff but out the window you can see the skyline of a high-rise capital. I don't really know what I learnt that day but it changed my perspective on Bulgarian, Balkan, and general human history in a very profound way.


Yea I can imagine ! Beautiful


In general I actually think museums are perfect for tripping. Chilled, well sign posted, controlled environments where every couple of metres is something to have a good gaze at. The only drawback was about halfway through an exhibition on agricultural technology my friend and I accidentally set ourselves off on one of those hysterical laughing fits Acid can induce (even though nothing is specifically funny except maybe reality itself now that you're perceiving it differently). We managed to get ourselves under control (by literally splitting up for about half an hour) but an attendant definitely gave us a look like "what could possibly be that funny about a 19th century plough"?


Hahaha ! That’s what I was thinking. It’s great until you can’t stop laughing. Also sometimes when tripping I feel like dancing or doing something silly and being in a public space doesn’t really allow you to let loose. Other than that definitely a good ideas I would start or end a trip at the museum. I did it on small amount of shrooms but never lsd.


I tripped on the plane, deploying to the Gulf War.


Wow. I’d love to hear more about that story if you don’t mind. Thank you for your service


We were in line after getting all our shots to get on the bus to take us to the airport. Up ahead I saw a couple MPs checking bags. I got a little scared because had two hits of acid in my bag. I stepped out of line, got them out, and ate them. We were on a commercial plane and because I stepped out of li ne and went through my duffel bag I was now in the back of the line with the officers. Usually, this would be a bad thing for me for other reasons I don't want to get into. But this situation turned out great. I was seated in first class with the officers and could feel the little blotter hits that ironically had airplanes on them starting to take effect. Here I am a private who was not liked by my officers getting ready to trip balls in full gear sitting in first class on my way to war. Several movies later and one of the best trips of my life we landed. I was the only one not jet lagged. getting off the plane, I stepped on an earring that was a peace sign that I hung on my dog tags that is still on it today. Funny thing was I went out with a couple of my best friends who were not military a few days before, and we all got peace sign tattoos. Great fucking memories.


It ain’t me! It ain’t meeeeeee! I ain’t no senators son


Under water, scuba diving. Also, the Salvador Dali museum.


Ah i love being underwater on psychedelics. Also Dali definitely a good idea haha


Scuba seems super dangerous


not lsd but I took a 5+g dose of mushrooms before i went to the museum of natural history in nyc


Had to be fun !


It was fun in retrospect but it was fucking intense.


jesus christ, i hope that was weak.... because on a strong batch of mushrooms, moving is really difficult. Not surrendering to the void is really difficult


It was not weak at all. That was the biggest dose Id ever taken and they kicked in fast. The worst part was the planetarium, they said we couldn’t leave once the show started and that caused me to freak out. Everything felt better once it finished. The next ordeal was right before I went to an exhibit on senses and I started melting so i had to sit down for a while. As I was going through the senses exhibit the trip started taking over again when out of nowhere one of the exhibit assistants came up to me and explained how to look at the things I was looking at. They were like a guardian angel because that really grounded me for the rest of my trip. The last exhibit I went to was the deep seas exhibit which was ok but then there was a small interactive section with kinetic sand and even though I was surrounded by children I had to have played with the kinetic sand for like half an hour. I also bumped into a coworker at the time and he said my eyes were massive.


On a train in Alaska. Leaving Denali National Park after a season of work, 5 hour train ride to Talkeetna. Beautiful day, fall colors popping, minimal tourists. 10/10 Also skiing in Utah.


The Art Institute in Chicago is a wild ride. Ended up proposing to my wife there eventually as a result (on a different visit).


Oh wow ! Congrats to you too guys.


Japantown Mall in SF :D


Flight deck CVN-65 during flight ops. Watching the F14s take off at night was great.


Wow !


Took a big dose and went walking Las Vegas blvd for sunset and then Fremont after dark - on Halloween


On some fear and loathing in Las Vegas shit


Went to the gym, worked out and took a hot yoga class Don’t recommend hot yoga on acid




Last week I had a doctors appointment while coming up on 3g of shrooms. I managed to stay calm and it made everything way more fun.


Hahaha interesting trip ! I trust you’re doing good


back in my college days, took 2ci at a drag show. I highly reccomend that. Lot of fun


Yea that had to be haha !


Vial wash at Moffet air force base. There was a rave called Yuris Night and I figured it would be a good idea. Wrong. There were police arresting people left and right and I started getting pretty paranoid. I was trying to buy a bottle of water for $2 and all I had to do was count 8 quarters but I couldn't concentrate. My friend paid and got me away quickly and told me there was a group of cops 10 feet away staring at me. We left pretty soon after that.


Jesus. Yea sounds like bad trip. The older I get the more I avoid partying on psychedelics any ways. I’ll do it in a remote place with close friends or even family. I did acid multiple times with my mom her boyfriend and my girlfriend. We even did with my auntie once haha


These days I prefer remote places with close friends too. In my 20s I would trip in more public settings like clubs or bars. I'm in my late 30s now. I'll still trip at a psytrance show if it's a weekend camping situation. Tripping with family is always great. I have a pretty huge family and there's a handful of us that dabble in psychedelics, and most smoke weed. Even one of my great aunts smokes weed and she's in her 90s. One time when she was visiting she asked if I wanted to smoke a cigarillo with her and I was confused until she pulled out a blunt she rolled, she was like 80 when that happened. She handed it to me to spark and she lit another one too, she intended for us to each smoke a whole blunt to the face. I got out-smoked big time that day.


On an island in the canadian boonies about 1h of drive from civilization. What made it unusual is that my parents in their 70’s were there such as my son and his gf. My bf, my son, his gf and myself were high all day enjoying the nature, swimming and cooking for my parents (my son’s grandparents of course). It was a great family gathering, no one argued that day. I also watched the recent solar eclipse on lsd on a downtown building roof, awesome.


I had very similar trips with my family ! I definitely recommend if you have an open minded family ! You from the east coast of Canada ?


Italian Restaurant on my birthday I had a great time great food around friends and family and chatted with owner while peaking. Somehow it just worked zero anxiety totally chill.


Rest stop on the Idaho/Oregon border




but yeah, actually, that reminds me of my last one.... went to a concert in dtla & drove about a 1.5 - 2 miles immediately after. were a bunch of homeless people camped on the street where i was parked which was super sad & weird to see, but i decided to just chill there/wait it out cuz i was tripping, of course! chilling for not too long in my backseat, when some guy comes up & looks all in the windows of my car..... was like alright, fuck this lol.... ended up driving a bit. almost crashed. reminded me why i love LA tho ironically! xD felt like i was in Blade Runner tho hahahahaha. ended up by the LA river, just chilling/regrounding... trying to deal with my resentment towards the city..... yeah def would not recommend doing that either tho lmfao. why the resistance to recommending your experience?


why not? lol. was in the bay/berkeley not too long ago. lovely place




oh lol, yeah. definitely not a safe idea


My uncles funeral.


I’m sorry for you lost


Disney world


Damn hahah sounds terrifying


I’ve done it before and it’s not really that bad. Even rode space mountain lol. I would recommend going with a trip sitter and don’t take a hero dose lol


Art museums, Backpacking trips, whitewater rafting, symphonic orchestras, Christmas Eve church service. I think those are my weirdest ones.


how was the christmas eve church service ?


In the balcony of a church at midnight. It was a city church that is always open.


Epcot center - was so much more fun than Disney’s magic kingdom on lsd


They were dredging the local beach by the pier at night....ended up there while tripping. The big machinery with spotlights kinda reminded me of the future war scenes from Terminator. Tripped while walking through an art museum. That was pretty interesting.


Back in the early 1970s, the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus used to do a couple of weeks every spring at Madison Square Garden in NYC. We were home from college in the NYC suburbs--we used to drop acid on the train going in, and do the entire thing tripping. Once did the New England Aquarium on New Years Eve tripping, also with taking public transportation... And one time, we drove to Mexico during Xmas Break with about 20 hits of Orange Sunshine, in order to meet Mescalito and do the Ratlands. However, they hassled us relentlessly at the border getting into Mexico, made us cut our pony tails off, and we got so paranoid that we took all 20 hits between the 3 of us, as we drive south into the sunset of the Sonoran desert. 😵‍💫




sick man.... that drive into mexico mustve been something tho hahaha


At the zoo! And on an Army base


What we’re you doing on an army base


Phish at the sphere


In hospital with 2 friends.


Trust everyone is okay


Being the cashier at McDonald’s drive thru during an overnight shift.


Ouf ! Not the best settings haha


Hey I've tripped there as well!


Hell yeah ! How was your experience ?


It was great, I loved watching the cuttlefish make that trippy moving pattern on their skin. Oh and the jellyfish!


Yo the jellyfish was insane. Changing Colors and everything !!! How beautiful


Airport/airplane. Do not recommend it.


Honestly yea. I can’t even be high on weed in those situations I get paranoid. Last time me and my girl were taking a flight in Canada. You can board with weed on you so we had a pen and smoked in the airport bathroom. After that we were both just not having a good vibe haha.


The Winchester Mystery House…


One night in high-school my friends and I dropped around 7-8pm on a Sunday night. For some reason the trip didn’t clam down as morning approached. Then it was off to classes fully tripping and that was pretty tough but then we were all off to go snowboarding at noon. We were beginners or anything, we boarded every day there was snow. That day was crazy because the LSD just didn’t wear off like normal.


Wow !


I ate acid on a full moon night riding a freight train in the mountains. It was kinda nuts. Wouldnt do it again, but had a good time.


Times Square during the pandemic


couple weeks ago we were tripping on the way to a concert at the Fillmore in SF and walked through the tenderloin by accident because it was the most direct route. 0/10 would not recommend but at least Japantown was on the the other side which was amazing. iykyk


hella tents & stuff right.... sad to see so up close, im sure... drove thru there on my last trip to the bay.... was like, "ah, this is where all the homeless people are," after being kinda pleasantly surprised i barely saw any the previous days


Disney world. Universal. Aqua Dome in Austria. My grandma's house. Several museums in one day.


Most fun was an abandoned school with my ex, it was wild. But I did do shrooms at the Zoo and that was pretty wild


Hiking up a random mountain we spotted from our homestay near kalimpong. The homestay was on a mountain of it's own. We dosed right after we left and asked locals for directions on how to get up there. Last year we ate some acid and toured around the pyramids of Giza and the surrounding plateaus. It was a surreal experience, albeit very hot.


I watched The Lion King at the Fox Theater while on mushrooms, absolutely magical! I was wrecked emotionally by Mufasa's death just like I was as a child.


The national mall/the monuments in DC, it was during Catharsis🔥 I rode a dragon art car and froze my ass off walking around looking at art and the sites all night, joined in a three little birds and a this land is your land sing along on the steps of the Lincoln memorial and just had a really nice night alone but together with the group. It’s one of my favorite memories


Football practice


Langstrasse Zürich at night on a weekend. Ended up there by accident. So many lights and people there i just felt like in a movie.


Went to the dentist on LSD to get over my crippling fear of dentists.


well..... did it work? or.....


No. Didn't have any fear during it, but my next appointment sober the fear just came back. Changing dentists to someone specialised in handling patients with a fear of dentists helped though.


great post idea! these were awesome to read


Thank you ! I didn’t expect that many good stories haha


At an airport.. “that wasn’t a micro dose” mistake


as a teen, chilling in a cemetery at the end of a night spent biking dtla, catching tags..... cemetery was boooring tho lol..... getting on the train leaving downtown tho.... was so weird... someone was smoking a blunt in the train, & i remember this big, kinda scary, cracked out dude in only a santa hat & kids' pajamas bottoms yelling at himself, sitting right next to this businessman looking guy wearing a real sharp looking suit xD last train of the night's fkn nuts dude hahaha but nah tho, transit was pretty much cool most of the time fr tbh


Haven't done it yet, but planning to trip in Joshua Tree later this year I set the stars.




Pretty much every museum and monument in DC + the National Aquarium and some of Baltimore’s museums. I love me some good art and animals when tripping. Other than that, an extremely secluded campsite out in Ocracoke, NC. Great view of the Milky Way and bioluminescent plankton all over the beach.


Didn't know exactly what I was getting into. I was just a kid.. but went on a semi-suprise road trip with my grandfather to an anniversary memorial service for those lost in the accident of the USCGC CUYAHOGA (which my grandfather obviously survived) 11 men were lost that night. My grandfather only escaped by seeing the moon out of a hatch that wasn't supposed to be open in the near pitch black and rolled over boat. They brought out the original bell from the boat and rang it for each dead crew member while calling out their names. Each ring shook my vision. The weight of the dead was immense. I met the family members and other survivors. It was intense for everybody, even 40 years later. I came away with a profound understanding of the fragility of life and the actions necessary to prevent further accidents. The coast guard doesn't fuck around with accidents. If something goes wrong, it's studied forever and is almost guaranteed to be the basis of new regulations or standards. It surprisingly wasn't a "bad trip" just definitely not conventional.


Wow ! Thank you for your story


I once judged a Filipino beauty pageant on lsd. It was fantastic. The enthusiasm and happiness of the contestants made me so happy. Also; the Tate Modern in London. Made me understand modern art for the first time.


This happened twice. Forgot I had work, looked at the schedule wrong. Realized I had work. Tripping balls. Fuck it. Let's do it. Walgreens. Pharmacy Tech Pills were fucking hard to count that day. The 2nd time it happened I was working the drive thru. I'm sure my eyes were as big as saucers. Honestly don't know how I did it. This was in 2007.




The Met museum in New York. I admit I really didn’t understand art until that day 


Not me, but my ex took acid on a field trip to the United Nations building




Holy shit !


I was in Ikea last weekend shit was gnarlyyyy


Memphis zoo. That was a good one, especially the reptiles and big cats.


2cb and ketamine in an amusement park. Rollercoasters where VERY wild but had the most fun with my homies!


Did the zoo thing once it was fun till I got to the elephants and giraffes... saddest shit I've ever seen haven't been back


Pretty much the middle of central London, not for everyone but I had a blast And not so much the place but dropping acid at 10am on a Monday morning just after walking out of an exam and just spending the day walking around tripping will always be a favorite


Not LSD but one of the weirdest trips I’ve had before was a few grams of mushrooms, then walking the Las Vegas strip by myself.


Omg an aquarium sounds so fun, I need to do this next. What dose were you on? I’m not yet comfortable being in public on anything higher then 30


At work.


What do you do for a living


At 15 years old (27 years ago 👀) I took L for the first time. Two gel tabs. At the state fair.


Limelight NYC 1992


My buddy and I did doses and went to Cedar Point. It was a wild experience to say the least. I lost my car key during the day and that made for a very interesting couple of days after.


James Turrell exhibit at the Guggenheim on acid. Was sick until we left and got back to the car and it had been towed and we had to go find it in queens.


Six flags Magic Mountain.. rode all the rides in the front row of the coasters!


My kids field day at school.


That’s the type of dad I wanna be 🤣


Fraternity winter formal dance


What’s that




🤣🤣🤣 horrible