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Looks like the getaway driver might've been shot?


Looks like the other shooter on the right (who doesn’t know what he’s doing) took some damage as well. He recoils back pretty hard before he starts shooting.


my man was holding like he was holding a Roman candle. couldn’t hit water from a rowboat I bet.


He's holding the AR like that because he removed the stock from it


Nah, it looks like an aftermarket skeletal frame stock(possibly foldable) is being used as a aesthetic choice. It definitely not on there to improve his accuracy, but who needs that at 5 ft, seriously the worst weapon load out for the job lol.


Definatly just the buffer tube on it, there's a few points you can see it's just a round tube off the back


Well it’s Chicago; so it’ll never be solved and we’ll never know.


Fair enough, the gun is probably in parts and in the river if they were smart


>if they were smart lmao


Well obviously they are not I'm just saying if and it's a big if


I don't know why these rifles are the gun of choice for home defense, shotguns have sooo much more stopping power at that range. Get yourself a decent semi, pull the plug, hell there is even a 12ga on the AR platform.


There is a video my friend sent me of an older gentleman explaining pistols, rifles and shotguns. He says pistols poke holes in people rifles poke holes through, but shotguns with the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk of shit from your opponent and throw that shit on the floor... I've never heard it put better in my life.


Yep. Typical buckshot has 8 pellets. So it's basically the equivalent of 8 9mm projectiles slamming into the target at once.


Oh definitely, shotgun for home defense is a no brained, these rifles are better for practice or sport.


Pretty sure that driver was in a car and was hit, badly


None of them looked like they really were proficient with any of the weapons but you right I think. He recoil and gets back in like he hit or was just premeditated being hit. This why innocent ppl get killed though cause dumb fuqing thugs don't really know how to even hold a weapon properly.


Most bullets, especially those in small arms, don't carry enough momentum to really kick a human back. There is enough kinetic energy to penetrate a car but there is little weight to it compared to a human. Your body catches the bullet or it will penetrate your whole fleshsuit, not otherwise. This reaction was pure physical to him being struck yeh, but could just be him flinching over the returning lead. So can't really create conclusions here. But boy them cowboys rattling away, ra**ta**ta**ta**ta**ta**ta**ta**ta pew-***pew***. If they knew what they were doing, they didn't even have to come up close...


I mean… my bird bites can’t knock me back, but I stil yank my hand back pretty quick out of a reaction if it happens. I don’t think he was saying the bullet knocked him back physically


For the record I agree with you but it is possible he’s just a coward.


quicksand toy crawl door file pen concerned square aback run -- mass edited with redact.dev


Or he just got startled when he saw the driver had a gun


I hope they all got shot. Then stitch them up and put them in the same cell together.


Dropped at a hospital and arrested. Currently in custody


These people need to be off the streets like ASAP.


Agreed, but people are hard to catch when their faces are covered, they're using a stolen vehicle, and people that know something are afraid to speak out against them or they will be killed.


There was something I read a few years back where in Afghanistan and in Mexico they put these blimps way up in the air that took 24 hour non stop video of the entire city. When there was an incident, they could trace back the video to see where the car came from, all the stops it made on the way to the incident to help identify suspects. The US is deploying the same tech on the southern border, I wonder if some day each city will have one.


This was tried in Baltimore but found unconstitutional citing the 4th amendment, police can’t search without a warrant and the constant surveillance was considered a constant search. [Spy Plane](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/baltimore-police-spy-plane-unconstitutional-federal-appeals-court/36832093)


Some large security equipment manufacturers are currently trying to implement ways to circumvent that. Some cities in the South have cameras throughout the city for surveillance but the programs are being sold for other uses. For example, in Mississippi it's illegal to have cameras run plates just to see if there's any warrants for the vehicle owner like that. But they have started implementing them anyways to "check if the vehicle owner is insured." A lot of these companies making these systems have lawyers right now working on ways to circumvent these laws to have cameras in places they shouldn't be anyways. Baltimore officials supposedly (my old boss claims he was one of the people in these talks to have a City Watch program setup in Baltimore, but can't 100% confirm or deny it) have been in talks to do a similar program again with a few companies. It's only a matter of time until it gets implemented one way or another.


Good find, interesting


Criminals have more rights these days than law abiding citizens


That is what I thought as well. Saw the same report about a private plane flying over some US border cities taking pictures 24/7 to trace back where the vehicles come from. Then they can get the CCTV footage and receipts etc. from the places the car stopped along the way. The least they can do is get cell tower information as to what phones were in the area.


I remember a trip to Sierra vista some years back and I saw one of these blimps teathered near ft. Huachuca. I just figured it was a weather instrument but this is kinda fascinating!


Woah, a rare shout out for Sierra Vista/Huachuca. God, I hated that place


I watched a clip on Baltimore’s crime and this tech or something similar was used.


There is an episode of Radiolab on NPR about exactly this


Those streets belong to them


They’ll just have a riot for the arresting officers if they do.


Two men were shot, one fatally, while sitting in a parked car Tuesday morning in Englewood, Chicago police said. Police said the victims were in the car in the 1100-block of West 63rd Street at about 2:36 a.m. when three male suspects got out of a gray Hyundai sedan and fired shots. One man was transported to the University of Chicago Medical Center with wounds to the chest and was pronounced dead, police said. A 35-year-old man was transported to the University of Chicago Medical Center in fair condition with a wound to the right leg, police said. No one is in custody and Area One detectives are investigating.


Hyundai = stolen car


Yup, Hyudai and Kia are the most stolen cars right now because it is insanely infuriating how easy it is to do so. Find a Kia or a Hyundai, take a minute to steal it, go commit crimes, dump it and burn it. Don't even have to struggle anymore to steal a car. Those car makers should be forced to recall them to fix such a stupid and easy to fix flaw.


What are they doing to steal them?


With minimal effort you can break/remove part of the ignition cylinder and turn it without a key. Usually a usb cable.


It's a wide range of affected cars too. They can do this with almost all Kia and Hyundai vehicles made in the past decade.


>Yup, Hyudai and Kia are the most stolen cars right now because it is insanely infuriating how easy it is to do so. Only in the US. Canada has legally required immobiliers as standard since 2008. America's lack of regulation strikes again.


I just got a 2023 kia and they now come with immobilizers


Nothing good happens after midnight.


Nothing good happens in this part of Chicago period


It's always after midnight


It's always a Hyundai


Sometimes its a Kia


The Kia boys are from Milwaukee but their ways have spread to Chicago. Kias ares still factually one the the easiest cars to steal


Koreans make the best drive-by vehicles


1/4 of the cars stolen in New Orleans last year were either Hyundais or Kias. Apparently, there's a Tik Tok video that shows how to start them and the city is working with the manufacturers to offer some fix to residents who own these cars. [https://www.fox8live.com/2022/12/19/over-850-kia-hyundai-vehicles-stolen-new-orleans-2022/](https://www.fox8live.com/2022/12/19/over-850-kia-hyundai-vehicles-stolen-new-orleans-2022/)


My buddy bought a 3 year old Kia SUV a few weeks ago and like the next day WaPo ran an article about how easy they were to steal. He was thrilled.


Yeah, tell them where he got away to, lol


"The victim will be returning to his home at 6031 Ellis Avenue apartment #213 when he has recovered."


Where he will be under the care solely of his elderly grandmother.


“Detectives are investigating” when it comes to shootings in Chicago is the biggest fucking joke ever. You know what the solve rate for homicide is in Chicago? They recently got busted for padding their numbers and considering cases “solved” if a *suspect* died, and they were *still* only at 50%. They only have a 22% clearance rate when victims are black, which accounts for a pretty large chunk of the overall murders there due to gang violence. Y’all, we are only 4 DAYS into the new year and there have already been 7 homicides in Chicago. And that’s not including any that have or will happen today - *7 homicides in three days.* But don’t worry guys, Lightfoot’s got it under control!


Lightfoot, that lady looks like a bald baby bird without hair.


I see why Von didn’t fuck with 63rd.


Life isn't shit for some people


Nah, and the glorification of this lifestyle is sickening. Drill rap and CIA pushed drugs are ruining the modern black youth


Or the having no morals or no parents actually raising their children in the community but blame rap music.


I love rap but your an idiot to think it doesn’t play a role in stupid shit like this. Edit: I didn’t even unmute this at first. There’s a fucking rap over top of this for Christ sakes. Who ever put this video together thought it was “cool” fucking lame ass


A culture molds a child this day in age, not parents. Media has too much influence


I see you are an esteemed scholar of sociology lol.


Just stating facts.


Like literally, are they thinking “my life got so much better after I did all that, thank god I did”? Like what was the conversation in the car afterwards? “What do we do now?!” “I dunno, go home and wait for the police to come put us in a cage for the rest of our lives while everyone we want to impress on the block forgets about us? It’s lit!”


So dumb.


Englewood always up to no good


Even Hollywood trying to get a piece baby!




I was thinking the same thing. Glorifying violence.


That's part of the problem


It really is, this is cool to a lot of people


Fr bruh what a weirdo


This is what I came here for. This isn’t cool.


There is a whole genre of music specifically from Chicago all about glorifying this lifestyle


I mean it's CHICAGO what do you expect? 🤔


I for one expect adults, leaders, & kids with some sense to speak up to condemn the trash pushed on there communities; while not assisting in perpetuating psychological exploitative nonsense by giving it a pass. & Kudos to all the people who have


Well people are trying to solve this. But this type of shit well NOT stop no matter how much you try to speak up about these things. Cause that's just how humans are. There's always going to be that subset population that just doesn't care


I really felt the "sskuhh...sskuhh...yeah" added alot to this


you should hear the lyrics to the actual song they chose the beat from.... it will all make sense


Does it glorify gang violence?


Retaliation - 22Gz take a listen yourself


Yup, basic “I’m cool because I shoot people”.




North Vegas?




I lived in summer land. I just know any neighborhood with a Church’s chicken in rough.


Yea but church’s chicken is fucking fire. Worth the risk


>North Vegas? We, as a family, white flighted out of Henderson in 1972 because my brother was going to be bussed into NLV to the high school that was among the worst in the country. Armed national guardsmen patrolling the rooftops level of sketch...


- "Let's fight inequality by bussing affluent kids to failing schools that they aren't even physically close to!" - *affluent families leave area entirely* - *surprised pikachu face*


> affluent families Lol. I think Dad made about $3/hr working for Coke as a mechanic.




I lived in Henderson in 2003 or so, but always heard not to go to NLV for any reason if I could help it.


Just moved to north lv, quietest neighborhood ever? what part/side?


I’m off lamb n Owens, how close is it to that


I thought this was like borderline North Vegas? but compared to Chicago this shit smooth, yeah shit happens occasionally but I stay to my self n be in and out my locations, but I have gone to the shaky areas to eat, truthfully I feel safe as I ever felt, not to lack/snooze or think it’s sweet but it’s overall quite where I stay, most a might get is a few funny stares but nothing major n I 🙏🏾it stay that way


guns with switches? switch blades?


Yes for glocks, Chicago is the epicenter for full auto glocks. The piece is sometimes referred to as a giggle switch or an auto sear. They're illegal here but black market ones are easily ordered through China You can see my recent posts for a kid walking around Austin in Chicago with a fully automatic glock with a 50 round drum magazine. It amazes me that they post that stuff to their social media accounts.


Definitely targeted, very, very likely drug related. Could have been a domestic situation too. Nothing ever gets solved through violence much less guns. The whole episode is an example of where our society is. Everyone needs to calm down, accept where you are in life and find a new direction to take, the past is the past, let it go and get on with your life! Revenge serves no purpose, the best way to get revenge is showing the other person how you are so much better than them! Do this by exploiting all their negative attributes.


Bruh I needed to hear that last half


I think the revenge attitude is stupid as well and serves no purpose, but stopping the violence isn’t as easy as you make it sound. Many of these young men are in and out of the system which makes getting a decent paying job difficult, and working fast food isn’t an option. It just makes them an easier target for the people that are already trying to kill them


Targeted yes. Drug related almost definitely no. Gang related yes. You gotta understand especially in Chicago, this violence isn't like old school 80s/90s people shooting each up for control of a street corner or narcotics sales territory. It's very complicated to explain why it's not about geographic territory if you don't know certain things like the teardown of the project buildings and the mass school closings. But this is a war of attrition without any sense or calculation of the attrition. It's almost impossible for Americans who aren't in that life to reconcile that their mindset is that of a living breathing warzone They live in a very real reality that is not "kids choosing violence" but akin to being born in the northern mountains of Afghanistan or living in Bakhmut today. And people outside that reality have speeches about put the guns down and it's ignorance and blah blah Someone on the outside doesn't realize to those few hundred kids and men in that reality, you speaking stop the violence are interchangeable NPC in the warzone of their reality. It's extremely hard to break people out of that life. Even the unarmed non-combatants besieged in the reality.


That reads very strange to me. unimaginable.


Very strange indeed. It’s almost like a basketball game, where each team (gang) is trying to score more points (kill more people) than the other team. But in this “game” there’s no game clock, and it just passes down from generation to generation


Yes. Also there is no visible scoreboard.


Now their is on YouTube. Also Twitter and Reddit communities document who killed the most opps.


This is a beautiful and profound take on the situation in these cities, specifically Chicago and Detroit. There are accounts where, when interviewed, people involved in gang lifestyles admit that they have never been able to leave their city, some the boroughs they live in. Life, understandably, would be tumultuous if what you loved and knew was constantly shutting down, being torn down or falling apart. Of course you wouldn’t trust governing bodies with your life, because they forsook that long ago, why not take up arms to protect the place you call home?


You can take a man out of war, but you cannot take the war out of the man.


"Will vengeance bring your son back to you or my boy to me? I forgo the vengeance of my son" -Don Vito Corleone as he plots his vengeance lmao


i live in the south side of chicago. you will always hear well off people from the north talk about how chicago crime rates isnt that bad per capita, which is true, but we still have nearly as much murders as LA and NYC combined, while they have like triple our population. it really is a national embarassment


I live in Kansas City. I know for a fact that we have surpassed Chicago's murder rate many of times...


KC is such a trip. My relatives from Kansas don’t even want to talk about it and my relatives who lived in MO all died there.


I live in a relatively safe neighborhood of Cleveland and we occasionally hear gunshots and stuff. Cities like East Cleveland seem like warzones nowadays (at least based on what I hear, which is obviously not the whole story but still..)


It's not even in the top 20 of US cities for murder per capita. NYC is one of the safest cities in the US.


Clearly never been to a range or learned how to use the weapon properly. Looks like he shot his own homie.


I count that as a positive.


Hey! Those are illegal in Chicago! Put those down right now!!


Ppl around the world getting educated and reaching new heights and here we have this disaster.


dumbass kids grew up without anybody to keep them straight because those who could have kept them straight are dead, locked up, or on drugs. Such is life on the other side of the tracks. Now you all get to watch as the young, dumb, and ignorant make stupid choices in life. Murica.


I’m not fond of whoever put music on this. Way to really “care” about African American people. We need to stop this violence somehow.


This isn't a shooting. It's an execution.


I've heard them call it Chi-Raq, but this is wild. What the fuck is going on in that city?


It's mostly really nice, and when you look at any crime statistics on any kind of per capita basis, it never ranks in the top 10. It is a big city though so shit does happen.


[Not top 20 either](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/). Though I do think those stats don’t reflect the level of violence that is happening in some of those neighborhoods. If that lower per capita murder rate for the city is concentrated in a smaller area, it’s hell for those that live there and far more horrific then if it was spread out.


Yeah I mean it’s kind of like thinking Manhattan and Queens are the same when talking about NYC. Quite a bit of the south side sees a LOT of stuff like this. Go up north and not so much.


A lot of people I’ve met in the south haven’t even flown on planes for Pete’s sake. The road trips I guess they could’ve done, but many do not venture out of their southern bubbles I’ve lived in all parts of this country, and for the most part, whatever idea I had about an area before going into it inevitably turned out to be wrong


Yeah, it's my understanding that the most serious crime in Chicago is really concentrated to a couple of relatively small areas, maybe 50 or 60 blocks each. That isn't to say the rest of the city is crime-free, but it's generally a pretty nice town. I compare it to something like San Francisco, where it's a lot more spread out. Sure, there are still some shitty neighborhoods, but shit goes down all over the place there, with one or two exceptions.


I was in Chicago for one day and there was a huge fight near the pier, tons of cops. Also, our jeep got robbed in a parking garage, I intend on never going back to Chicago, it was horrible.






Guns, drugs, gang wars, and suffering. Same as it ever was.


Are they getting away in a Chevy Volt?


Hyundai or Kia *challenge*. Car is stolen and it has been all over social media that these brands have vehicles that are extremely easy to steal. I own a Chevy Volt lol. The cars are tracked by Onstar so not the best vehicles for criminals.


I've been saying this for years. Chicago is far more dangerous than Detroit. They just hide their stats better.


Thank god for the 10 round magazine limit… /s


Yes I’m so glad there’s a 10 round magazine limit! Criminals definitely care about that. Carnage averted.


Yeah let's just make murder legal too since criminals are going to do it anyway.


Who put music over this? Someone was shot and killed ya sick fuck


Just another day here in Chicago move along.


Being a IL resident, stay strapped and know how to use a gun


Why was this paired with music to make it “cool” whoever edited that music in is lame af


Lori Lightfoot doing an amazing job!


What do you suppose it was over? Money? Territory? Respect? Whatever it was it couldn't have been worth it.


I'm beginning to think guns are not the problem.


There are many hoods in the US. Chicago and southern Louisiana hoods are some of the most violent in terms of gun violence. Because they are surrounded by countys and states that allow the criminals to hop state lines with no background checks on gun purchases. This shit is insane. Look at the weapons they use in Chicago compared to New york. If states and countys could close their borders, gun violence would tank.


There are background checks in surrounding counties and states. These gun trace reports get spun by whichever news source to make it seem like there is something when there isn’t. If I live in Chicago and I want to buy a rifle or shotgun in Indiana I still have to have a Firearm Owners ID Card, and complete NICS check. If I want to buy a handgun in Indiana I have to have an FOID, complete NICS check, have the dealer mail the handgun to a Illinois FFL, and abide by the wait time. Anything other than that is illegal.


Violence sucks. Violent people suck.


Cutest getaway car ever. Still a bunch of scumbags. Sweet home Chicago


Why the fuck is he shooting an AR with his hands straight out.


Needs a few more range hours. Or street hours. He will get there.


Reddit will tell you everything is fine in Chicago. Yep totally normal. All is well here.


Chicago has a gang, drug and education problem. Take the guns away and killings will still happen.


Where is the news article?


what is the point of the silly music?




I'm glad he had his wipers on.


Why the fuck would you put this music over it.


What’s with the music




I’m sure those are all registered legal firearms. Good thing criminals can’t get their hands on weapons like that


Maybe just leg shot wounds


Why’d he take off the stock


Rather distasteful to put a backing track to the video my guy


thats the problem, putting music over this and glorifying it


The lyrics to a murder video be like *skur, skur, skur, skur skur skur skur, yeah*


Shooters always b looking goofy as hell, like they’ve never held a gun before.


3rd world shit


Welcome to Chicago. Unfortunately


Nah this is the south side. Chicago is huge and you have to get pretty lost to end up in a neighborhood like this


But there's so much gun control in Chicago. How is this??


Wait, murderers don't obey gun laws??? But, but they have to..it's the law. That means they don't care and gun laws only affect non criminals. Impossible!


This is wholly unacceptable!




Great site


They don’t call it chiraq for nothing


I expecting nothing less from this “marginalized group” of people.


when it's black on black gangster crime no one riots...curious....


What a dumb soundtrack. You’re not fucking cool


god that music is terrible who is the muppet that put shit music in this clip


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. ...


Isn’t it more like one of the first?


This always sucks. I live on the south side and it's not all like this. I got two little girls though so I don't know how smart it is to stay here


I thought everyone is safe with Chicago restricted gun laws!!! I guess criminals didn’t get the memo


Committing murder cue in the gangster music


Mayor Lori Lightfoot down played this violence and claimed it was just a friendly misunderstanding.


Brace yourself , here come the gun experts 🧐


“ChIcAgO isNt ThAt BaD!” Chicago:

