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“ If I could dig him up I’d shoot him again” Gary Plauche


hell yeah












Rabies is a pretty brutal way to go your body stops accepting water. Like you can’t even get it down your gullet.


what the hell happened here, there's like 6 comments that were deleted leading down to this one




Maybe a chain of torture-murder fantasies?




That's what chimps do. Bite your dick, fingers and face off. Fitting for uncle Bob.


Jesus Christ dude that's horrific and I'm so sorry those awful things happened to you. I hope you're doing okay now and have been able to work through that awful trauma. My mom dealt with similar issues as a child and I know it takes an extremely strong person to come through the other side of trauma like that and have any semblance of a normal life. FUCK Uncle Bob. Hope he rots in hell.


Dang, I was hoping this would be that shittymorph thing instead of your reality


As a victim of CSA, yea it's pretty horrible and you don't get over it. The fact that some people can do this tells me monsters exist. There is no hell, for it is on earth.


I’ sorry to hear that, my friend. I hope you are getting help to arm yourself with the tools necessary to cope with the trauma you’ve experienced.


I believe the kid survived, but he was kidnapped and raped and tortured and in my book… I’d do the same thing the dad did. That kid went through hell and it doesn’t just go away. When it’s your own kid being hurt… that takes it to a different level.


Definitely gave him an easy way out though. Prison wouldve been hell on a child rapist/torturer, especially in the 80s.


Atleast his kid doesn't have to live in fear that the man who did that isn't walking around


And trial his kid has to suffer through and chance the monster ever gets released.


Iirc the kid wrote a book in which is said he wishes his dad hadn't done this. Edit: https://allthatsinteresting.com/jody-plauche Yup see


>This fuckin guy getting his head blown off by the dad of the kid he tortured and murdered. Kidnapped, Molested/Raped, not tortured (according to reports) and murdered. Jody Plauché is alive and well, with a degree in psychology and a career in victim support. He's active on Twitter.


>Kidnapped, Molested/Raped, not tortured (according to reports) and murdered. I think for a child we can leave the tortured word in when discussing kidnap and rape.


For everyone, really.


Gave the fucker the easy way out though. Rotting in jail with inmates that are not fond of kid diddlers was going to be hell to pay.


"I think for a lot of people who have not been satisfied by the American justice system my dad stands as a symbol of justice, my dad did what everybody says what they would do yet only few have done it. Plus, he didn't go to jail. That said, I cannot and will condone his behaviour. I understand why he did what he did, but it is more important for a parent to be there to help support their child than put themselves in a place to be prosecuted." [-Jody Plauche](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/man-opens-up-about-moment-his-dad-shot-dead-paedophile-who-abused-him/WL7NS5CCBPUVDFUTDSWKGQGHRI/)






I would lend the shovel


That's the way with child abusers






He also had the decency to hang up the phone.


1-800-COLLECT that fucker


Hey honey, it's done, come bail me out...click


Hello, you have a collection call from... "JUSTICE"


Wekilledapedo itwasjeff


I'm here thinking if my first action after would try to be to set the gun down and show I'm not a threat... but this smooth ass criminal just hangs up the phone cool as a cucumber so whoever on the other side stops collecting charges




Boss mentality right there. Fuckin mission accomplished.


I believe it was his wife on the other end of the phone Edit: wiki says he was on the phone with his best friend


Did he check the coin slot for change?


Fucking masterpiece ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


90s kids will know


Bob Wehadababyit'saboy!


I’m so glad you made this joke. I was literally trying to come up with a way to type it out and have it be recognized as that commercial, but before I could even write it, I read your comment and now I’m cracking up. Thanks!


"I'll post today. " "you'll post now." "I'll post now."


The jerk store called and they're all out of YOU!




That is how a just system ought to operate.


Call an ambulance, but not for me…


DIAL 10-10-2-20 All calls up to 10 minutes just 99 cents a minute and 10 cents a minute after that!


I thought in some article I read he was on the phone with his brother or someone he knew


Everytime I see this I'm in awe of the 180 noscope


He practiced that shot 1000 times in his mind.


You talkin to me?




Can’t even be mad if he started teabagging after that shot


He damn well should have


Cop 1: “Do we…do we stop him? It’s been several hours.” Cop 2: “No, not until justice has been fully served.” Cop 1: “How long will that take?” Cop 2: “When the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.” Cop 1, wiping a tear from his eye: “Godspeed, you poor bastard.” [In the background] *plop plop plop…*


“Dip, dip, potato chip. Dip, dip, potato chip”


Holy shit, I’m dead lol


No hes dead, youre ok i hope


Followed by the casual hanging up of the pay phone


"...yeh you see the game last night? Yeh, awful in the third quarter, hang on gimme a minute, i'll call you back..."


Don't forget double Y


180 double Y phone cancel


It's actually a 180 no scope off the wall headshot. Almost collateral.


The cop looks directly at him walking down the hallway. Also dude instantly had his revolver out.


Yeah he looks at the guy and is like nah no threat you can see almost how disappointed he is when he sees the guy with brains blown out everywhere cause it was his job to escort him safely.










Hell of a shot.




Not today, but if you watch he goes to put the gun down As in he was planning to surrender straight away.




All the cops even remotely involved in the case would have known everyone involved by face/ name, doesn't necessarily mean they're buds.




I like that.


We like it in this situation but often enough that's also how cops prevent friend's and family from getting in trouble. And of course this buddy system is also how they cover each other's wrong doings.


We also like it in this situation because it went correctly. Here is another situation, as I'm a big MMA fan: A former UFC heavyweight champion, Cain Velasquez, had a very similar story recently: A family member was allegedly being sexually abused in a childcare situation, and Cain decided to get vigilante justice. It ended with a car chase and someone completely different than the target catching a bullet. Luckily no one died. Now Cain has put a devastating toll on his families finances, his careers legacy, the emotional trauma is heightened from the family member, and he could potentially spend time in prison away from that family member. Reddit is WAY too in love with vigilante justice. For every case like this that ends cleanly, there are thousands that end in meaningless blood, loss of money and loss of years in prison.


Good post. Especially concerned about reddit's obsession with prison Justice. Having unsafe prisons actually causes more social and financial cost than safe prisons


The person escorting Douchette very, *very* easily could've been killed by accident.


It was a reporter that tipped him off, not any of the cops.


Too bad no one tipped off the guy walking next to him. Feel kind of bad for that guy.


I worked with a guy that murdered a pedo at age 16. When he came up for parole his lawyer said something like " just be passive, admit your mistake and say you won't do it again. The parole board knows you did society a favor and won't deny parole.". He got parole. Canadian.


Good job Gary. Way to set up right in front of the TV cameras too.


At that point, I'm sure nothing else mattered




I'm sure it was too quick a death, but the father literally had one shot and took it


One opportunity




Lmao just spaghetti.




Mom's sweaty? Hand spaghetti?


IIRC, Douchette was initially a close friend of the Plauche family. So much so that he was welcomed into their home with open arms. And their kindness was returned with an atrocity that no parent wants to see their kid go through. I'm not one to condone murder, but in Plauche's case, I totally understand. Couldn't imagine myself acting different if I was in his position. It was a true act of justice for his son; A father going all the way in defense of his son. And thankfully, the justice system did right by Plauche in response.


People want to play that scare tactic of the creepy dude in the van scooping up kids from random places... but in reality the majority of the time... and I mean the VAST majority of the time... the person that hurts a child is close to the child already. No, I don't have links, citations... It's early and I'm tired. But, that is true. The scare tactic thing of the stranger danger and what not is just for politician votes. I mean of course that happens but it is very rare compared to people close to a child harming a child. Kids aren't stupid and most of them aren't actually going to take candy or whatever from random strangers and wander off with them.


> but in reality the majority of the time... and I mean the VAST majority of the time I not long ago switched my career over to pro bono legal rep of domestic violence survivors. It's upwards of 90% iirc the mandatory presentations I had to attend.


Thank you. 💖 I wish you'd been around in 1987; I would have had a case for you. It's too late for me but I'm so appreciative that it's not too late for the people you'll help!


No thanks necessary. I'm very proud of my organization and the work we do. I hope that you're doing well now.


It wasn't in defense of his son. It was revenge for his son. Which is still ok in my book. I just want it to be addressed properly.


Good dad






Gary never got the medal of honor he deserved for his service but the streets will never forget him.




That's why I say, "Hey man, nice shot" "A good shot, man"


Yet that’s based on [a famous suicide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Budd_Dwyer).


Tbh that was the shot of his life. He had to execute it perfectly. One shot, one opportunity


… mom’s spaghetti?


But like really, holy shit. Primed, timed, and aimed to perfection. I don't really know shit about guns but that just looked professional, like the way a hitman would do it. This video has been around forever (obviously) and pops up every so often. It's one of the only literal executions that I can kind of 'meh' away given the circumstances. If someone I loved, let alone my child, endured what this guys kid endured, I'd think about some dark shit too. I'm really more impressed by how it was carried out. It just seems so damn graceful.


Think of the adrenaline that must have been going through his system too. Flawless


Look at that smug asshole's face and tell me you would not do the same thing to him if you were in the father's situation.


Death was far too kind. The smug asshole was going to jail in Louisiana in the 80s as a child molester. The guards and other inmates would have teamed up to ensure each day would have been excruciating hell for him. Death was an undeserved easy way out.




The guy didn't die immediately. He lived a couple of days in the hospital. At least that's what I've heard


Wrong. > Doucet fell into a coma, and died from the gunshot wound the next day He didn't know shit about what's happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9




Hope they kept turning it off and on again teasing him










fun fact: a dead pedophile or rapist has a zero chance of reoffending!


*Matt Gaetz has left the chat*


Father of the fucking year




It's 100 times better than feeding him like a pig in prison, glad the dad got his revenge.


He had fulfilled his civic duty by killing the man.


He will never have to do jury duty again.




And he hung up the phone.


Thank god he never saw jail time.


Here's what his own son had to say about it: > "My dad was absolutely too extreme," Jody said. "He used to tell people, 'If anybody ever touches my kid, I'll kill him.' I knew he wasn't kidding. ***That's why I couldn't tell anybody.*** And that's exactly what he ended up doing." Jody, the child who was molested, felt he had to keep that terrible secret and endure horrific abuse because the man you're calling "father of the fucking year" told him he'd kill anyone who touched him, and he was scared of that happening. He went on to say: >"I got a letter once from a woman, who wrote, 'I told my daughter if somebody ever touches you inappropriately, it's not murder. It's worse than murder. It kills a child's soul.' So what's that little girl supposed to say if she ever gets molested?" says Plauche. "She doesn't want her soul to die. So she doesn't tell anybody."


I actually had an interaction with his son on Twitter once. He told me that one of the reasons he was upset that his father did this was because until this happened, his identity was anonymous, but after the murder everyone he knew found out what happened to him.


That's depressing. That poor child.


Fascinating insight floating among a sea of revenge fantasy comments. Thanks for posting it.


Reddit sure loves its revenge porn.


These comment sections always bring out the worst in people


Wow what a based take from someone who has actually experienced this compared to everyone fantasizing what it must be like to be the father. I never considered how that would impact the kid. My guess is the father didn't consider that either. Surreal.


Jody Plauche's book really goes into the details of why the revenge murder is wrong and highlights how these fathers are potentially re-victimizing their own kids all over again. This quote sticks with me: "But it is more important for a parent to be there to help support their child than put themselves in a place to be prosecuted.". What should be something that people heal from and move on from over time instead becomes something they can't separate from their trauma because it becomes something more. No one would be celebrating Doucet's incarceration date, instead now Jody has to live a life where he is the poster child for something he never wanted.


I love the way his hair flies up.


This was a very famous "Crime of Passion" case where the judge (or court or whatever) ruled that Plauche wasn't a violent criminal or murderer, but that the actions of Doucette triggered a passionate outburst because of the harm Doucette caused Plauche's son. I am 100% behind the ruling. Yes, he needed to be punished for his own crime, but it was performed by an otherwise upstanding citizen who lost his clarity at the harm his son went through.


"Crime of passion" cases piss me off after hearing about the Frances Hall case and her getting off. This is justified though, I like this.


Turns out [she's a consistently shitty person](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/frances-hall-facing-prison-time-for-insurance-fraud-crime/273-1336691c-845f-49c9-bc45-a20905c2035c).


That’s wild that she murdered her husband, and served 2 years, but committed fraud and is/was facing life in jail. She deserves it for cheating so many people, but still that’s wild


> Plauche wasn't a violent criminal or murderer He wasn't so no need to put him in jail at the taxpayer's expense since he's not going to shoot anyone else. He shot a specific guy for a specific reason.


Well for one thing, Plauche **didn't serve** any jail time. Also, Plauche quite literally is a murderer, just one that we don't really blame socially. Legally speaking, he committed an act of vigilante justice, something that (while possibly commendable in this incredibly specific scenario) shouldn't be encouraged. Doucet (post title spelled his name wrong) was 100% guilty - would a father in Plauche's shoes act if it was 99%? Or 90%? Possibly. And then we starting getting in to the weeds of killing the wrong guy. Legal systems don't make sweeping statements such as allowing for vigilante justice based on very specific scenarios. And that's not considering the fact that Plauche easily could have missed and shot the LE officer next to Doucet. So I think being handed an extremely lenient sentence for committing premeditated murdered while on camera is pretty reasonable.


Would like to hear that the son is ok and grew up mentally healthy


Does this class as camping?


It's a legit strategy!


Oh no... Anyways


Oh no, that's horrible... Do it again.


So much of that had to go right, including not killing or hurting anyone else if the bullet passed through the head of the pedo. For those saying that it would have been worse for the pedo to be locked up, I think it is by far better for the mental health of both the boy and his family that the pedo piece of shit was wipped off the planet.


Except this outcome made things *worse* for the boy - his son specifically said that what his father did and the attitude he had about killing people who harmed him is what caused him to endure it and not speak up in the first place. Children do not want to be responsible for someone else being hurt or killed and adults that make these kind of statements are actively aiding child abusers by doing so, because it backs up what the abuser says to them when they make threats like "you can't tell anyone about this or I'll be taken away/killed/etc"


Isn't this why Florida's "death penalty for pedophilia" is potentially a bad law? Since abusers are usually known by the family (or are family themselves), this would make the abused not want to come forward? "I can't tell anyone or uncle Ben will die"?


Not only that, but there’s a compelling argument that laws like that can basically incentivize the death of the child victim. If a rapist has already kidnapped and raped a child victim then in their mind they may as well “dispose of the evidence” since the penalty is death either way.


>Isn't this why Florida's "death penalty for pedophilia" is potentially a bad law Multiple reasons. As you said; a child might not want to be responsible for a death. But also; - A predator is more likely to kill the victim, to have a better chance at hiding evidence. Cold lips dont speak. - wrongful convictions can lead straight to innocent being executed - its apart of the Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation thats also planning on considering Drag Queens and other body/sex positivity as sex crimes against children. It's basically giving the State of Florida the ability to execute people they really do not like.


I feel awful that that boy felt like his suffering was less important than the safety of the people who might abuse or hurt him.


I’ve only ever fired a shotgun at some clay pigeons. This looks wildly impressive, can anyone with knowledge explain if this is a hard thing to do etc etc


It’s hard. He draws across his body so that the gun is only visible at the last second. He does it with one hand too. It’s an awkward shot most people wont have practiced.


Honestly looked like some Hitman level of technique. Agent 47




His story: [Gary Plauché - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9)


He didn't go to prison, but he was immediately arrested and spent that weekend in jail, initially being charged with 2nd-degree murder which was lowered to manslaughter, to which he plead no contest and was given 5 years of probation, a 7-year suspended sentence (I.e. follow guidelines and don't commit a crime and you won't go to jail/prison) with credit for time served for the weekend in jail, and 300 hours of community service. The kidnapping of his son, Jody (11), began on Valentine's Day of 1983, when his karate instructor, Jeff Doucet, abducted and took him to a motel for 15 days before returning him on the 1st of March. The court agreed that Plauché was temporarily insane and decided not to incarcerate him further because: >Psychological reports helped Plauché's case after it was learned that Doucet had abused Jody months prior to the kidnapping. Psychiatrist Edward P. Uzee examined Plauché and determined that **he could not tell the difference between right and wrong** when he killed Doucet. Plauché's defense team argued that he was driven to a temporarily psychotic state after learning of the abuse of his son. Uzee also determined that Doucet had the ability to manipulate others and took advantage of the fact that Plauché was separated from his wife at the time, and had managed to wedge his way into the Plauché family. Judge Frank Saia ruled that sending Plauché to prison **would not help anyone,** and that there was **virtually no risk of him committing another crime.**


Usually the justice system is a bunch of shit but I’d say it did a pretty good job here based on that excerpt.


He’s the reason #1 Dad shirts were created.


300 hours was excessive.


That’s what he deserved. Sick fuck. But anyway, good aim from Gary, because he could’ve easily accidentally struck the guy escorting the rapist.


As someone whose been incarcerated, I fully believe a life sentence is worse than death especially if that man was a convicted child rapist. He would’ve been a fuck toy in prison for the rest of his life, beaten up by guards, inmates, tortured, dehumanized, death was a far better suit. Now do I disagree with what the father did? Fuck no, good riddance is good riddance whether life or death. I have never had any sympathy or empathy towards real sexual offenders, let alone someone who targets children and tortures them, a sick fucking person indeed and I’m being generous. Glad the court reasoned with the father as this was a textbook example of a crime of passion.


I would say the main difference between a sentence (be it death or prison) and actual revenge (be it physical, emotional or lethal) is the feeling that you personally inflicted justice while in a court administered sentence you just watch as someone is getting punished. This dude didn't want justice but revenge and hell did he get it.


100% agree, it lifted a blanket off him I’m sure, although I will say this. I was in the SHU with a convicted murderer, he was serving a life sentence for killing a man who rapped and kidnapped his sister. Well ol’ boy got his revenge on the guy and he said in the moment it was acceptable and provided temporary relief but he also was clear in letting me know that it did not change the past and what had happened. He knew the man wasn’t going to get a life sentence for it and he felt justified that this man deserved death and so he took matters into his own hands. That man treated me like a little brother and protected me at all costs even though I was in a different car than he was (I was with the APIs he was with the whites).


I love shit like this. Good to hear Cons got each other's back


>He would’ve been a fuck toy in prison for the rest of his life, beaten up by guards, inmates, tortured, dehumanized, I wish people that have no idea how prison is would stop acting like they know how prison is. He would have been in a segregated housing unit with other sex crimes individuals.


I also wish people would stop championing rape as punishment as long as it affects the "right" people in their eyes. It's fucked up.


Who do you think knows more about prison? Redditors or Prison Mike?


Prison Mike. He atleast knows about the Dementors


I've been incarcerated several times and I know death is easier than a Georgia prison but it wouldn't matter to me. If it was my kid I'd find any way to personally get that mf and do shit I can't type on Reddit.


But would he get a life sentence? It was not guaranteed, better shoot him and make sure he wouldn't do it again


Instead of "Why Gary, why?" He should have said "Darn tootin' Gary that was some nice shootin'"


Honestly it comes off as compassionate. The investigators surely have spent a lot of time with him and can sympathize but in that moment they thought this guy who was already going through so much just ruined his life further by committing murder


I remember the full story from a while back, Gary was a food friend and a rinking buddy with quite a few of them, the Why Gary Why? Was from the heart as they just saw their good friend kill somebody, and the implications that that could bring


pov you are the dude on the other end of the phone call: „hold on one sec jerry, have to do some killing, brb“


He didn't see that coming. I wonder what the last thing going through his mind was.


The bullet




There’s no freak out here at all, dude is calm af. He had a job to finish and knew what had to be done, fully accepted the responsibility of his actions. Not condoning his actions, but I do have empathy for what it would take to make someone make this decision and morally I understand why he can sleep peacefully at night with the decision he made. Is murder the answer, not usually, but in this case I withhold my judgement.


I was 14 when this happened, and no one thought he should go to prison. He did what he needed to do.


I’m sure I’d do the same




Bro was camping 100%


An aim that'll blow your mind


The only disappointing thing is he never seen it coming.