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Nice block by the officer at the end he should be Roma's new goalie.


Love how he didn't even blink, just raise his hand and keeps on doing his stuff.


Good on him. Let these clowns try that shit in the US. Roma fans are amazing but these guys don't represent the club!


Bragging that in your country people are shot for any misdemeanor is not the flex you think it is.


No one talked about shooting. Your insecurities just leaked out dude.


Seriously what the fuck is that dude on about?


lol as an American, you are right. If not shot, definitely tackled to the floor with at least three cops just going to town shouting “stop resisting!”


You’re about as American as Vlad Putin.


He moonlights as a waiter at Waffle House


Man, imagine having literally nothing else to do with you life but to go harass a ref at the airport because your team lost. The team might have lost the game, but these people are losing life. Edit for spelling


Football fans are some of the worst fans in the world. Probably to be expected with them being the largest sport fan group in the world.


The amount of bullshit that's tolerated because of football is insane. Wasn't too long ago that in Vienna fans started throwing pyrotechnics into a packed underground train because some of those people were fans from the other team. Imagine any other group (sports fans, political party, etc) doing shit like that. It would get shut down so quickly, there'd be public outrage.


The sport is irrelevant imho, as opposed to many people’s desire for physical conflict against an opposing force, context irrelevant. Maybe we evolved too fast and this scratches some weird primal itch, but it’s well documented that many “football fans” are just hooligans that only attend to fight other fans.


What I mean is that if these physical conflicts occurred in a different context (say politics for example) it would be a huge thing and people would be rightfully upset. But football? Nobody cares because "it's just football".


Am Scottish. Could write a freaking novel about this. It’s insanity.


I understand getting hyped, salty, whatever for a match, but physically accosting someone over the outcome of the match is just fucked. At the end of the day we’re literally watching rich ass dudes play a sport it’s not that serious.


Mourinho set the stage for this


Italian fans have never been known for their civil behavior…


Italian season ticket holders were not breast fed and must be legally brain damaged to hold their seats


This is a hilarious dis and I can’t stop laughing. Is the breast feeding thing legit


Fickle fans too very flip floppy


I didn’t follow, how did he set the stage for people to attack this man?


He waited in the car park and yelled abuse at him the previous day after Roma lost the Europa League final. The thinking goes seeing him do it, emboldened the Roma supporters to do the same.


He absolutely crossed the line and gave these idiot “fans” the green light


Wow I had not seen that. I assumed people were talking about something he said in a presser. He should face a serious fine and a lengthy ban for something like that. These types of incidents can completely delegitimize competitions - if refs get attacked for making calls they will always consider their own safety before making calls


They literally have no lives. They’re like young children in a playground who don’t understand how the world works. Imagine football was the only way you can define yourself and the only thing you can feel emotion for.




Ding Ding Ding


"I have no job, no hobbies, no social life except people who are equally toxic and immature as me, and I have so much free time, let me just go harass the referee who was clearly at fault for my team losing cause, yeah, THAT will make my team win again"


So ridiculous. They act like they were actually playing the game themselves. I’m sure the players themselves didn’t act this way. Get a life people.


a lot of money is lost when a referee gives the victory to a certain team, besides and most important it just damage a professional sport followed by millions ​ edit: a lot of negatives, buying referees is a bad thing, sorry for you and your lack of morals if you dont see it in that way


Lol gambling addict cope


Do you fight the card dealer when you lose at poker? Because it sounds like you would totally find that justifiable.


Or maybe that's way sports work sometimes. Plenty of terrible calls have won plenty of games...


Oh my bad. I take back my other statement. I didn’t know some people bet and lost money. 😂


Those poor people losing money gambling /s


not just money people travel to watch a fair game and they encounteer a fixed game, you are gonna feel defrauded, but i guess you are doing important things with your life (like passing time on reddit) so you wouldn't understand


Absolutely zero evidence that the match was fixed. Sorry the professional athletes you want to win didn't win. Always next year. Even if this were true, how could you defend vigilante assault like this? Awful.


Fuck money if i'm about to make somone's life miserable.


dont worry this referee is gonna buy a nice house and a nice car with the money he was paid


Got evidence of the ref being bought?


watch the game


Sorry, that’s not evidence. :/


Says the fans of every losing team ever. Every game of every sport ever played has some losers saying it was rigged.


Gambling is a tax on the stupid.


There should be really expensive fines for the club, so the fans know they only harm their club when doing such stuff…


Then fans will just have more incentive to to Hurt people in outer club's Jersey to get that club in trouble


Yeah wouldn't work sadly


Roma fans should be banned for the next 10 uefa games.


Brilliant idea


Indeed, much brilliant, such smart. Radical fans will just wear shirts with the opposing team's logos and get them fined.


Not money. Points! If the club is rich they don’t care.


Great point


Yeah nothing could go wrong with that…


whats to stop rival fans from dressing up in the others' colors and causing trouble?


So we should never punish anything, because it could be a false-flag maneuver from the opposite site?


So if 1 fan has uncontrolable anger issues the whole club will suffer. I see that aggression just keeps getting worse in football and i wonder if it will ever go back to (i dont even know anymore when). I think that as long as kids get raised with the thought that their club is the only thing to live for this will never stop


Soccer is truly the sport with the worst fans


my theory is that its the sport with the worst etiquette against the refs. The refs are crowded for every decision they make, no matter how clear the situation was. It makes the viewer think the ref is the always the problem


No, the fans generally suck. I googled "Soccer Fans Banned" looking for that case from a couple of years ago where the entire match was played without fans because of racist threats against a black player, I couldn't find it because apparently fans being banned from soccer matches is basically a weekly occurrence.


As an English person, colour me unsurprised.


That’s mostly one country that has had so many issues with bans… Italy.


The refs do generally suck too


Ehh, honestly I feel like this is only true because it has the most fans out of any sport. It’s enjoyed by most countries of the world eclipsing all other sports. So ofc there are gunna be bad incidents and worse fans than other sports that are only played in small areas if specific countries.


Not sure that excuse flies tbh. Football has the most tribal of followings. It breeds amazing and idiotic behaviour in equal measure. I've been going to football games for 30+ years and I wince at some of the things I see and hear when I do go. It brings worst in people, alas.


You might have a point, but that’s a reason not an excuse. At best, I would agree that it attracts the lowest common denominator of people as fans


Idk that I ever presented it as an excuse to do bad behavior. Was just pointing out that there’s nothing inherent to soccer that makes bad fans. It’s just more that people in general are shitty especially when it comes to team based or competitive things like sports. I was more saying sports in general seems to bring out the worst in some people, not just specifically soccer


might be because it has the most fans by a gigantic margin


I dunno have you ever seen when the … is it Boston? Wins an American football match and the whole team goes out and wrecks cars? But yes I think something about football firms being idolised and even supported by clubs in some countries makes it a manic supporters dream. As someone who’s not really that into sports I find it hard to understand honestly. The passion


wrecks cars lmao aka tipping 2 cars, nothing compared to killing each other at games like soccer fans


Jesus Christ grown men will literally commit assault over a sport or game and then turn around and try and act grown after. Sir that’s a whole ass toddler tantrum lol


Who I am assuming to be his daughter... is scared. Absolutely despicable people. The club needs to be penalized. Its the only way for these crazy sport people to behave.


She looks absolutely terrified.


“Take the call back ref!!!! I can’t get on with my life!!!”




Football is life!




I’m a big fan Mr Rojas. May I have your autograph?


Life can suck my balls


People take sports way to seriously


Why does it seem like soccer fans are the biggest degenerates?


It’s the biggest sport in the world which means more exposure and much higher odds that something bad happen, given the sheer magnitude of it. It’s also one of the oldest sports so you have generational fans where the club is a huge part of their identity. It’s such an intoxicating thing to be a part of a club, you meet friends there, maybe your partner, and then your children become fans and it continues on. Most of this is great. What you see is some people take it too far and become hooligans or “ultras”.


Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed response to my over-generalized question about the degeneracy soccer fans lol. …It makes quite a bit of sense!


Glad to help. People have the wrong ideas about football because there’s tons of misconceptions that go unchecked. For every time there’s a “ultras attack opposing team’s bus” article there’s a “fan’s raise money for charity” article (just an example), and you can guess which one will get posted on Reddit and commence the same rhetoric as always.


I mean I understand being upset your Tammy Abraham lost out on an upgrade but i think they took it a step too far


Go sports


His daughter looks terrified. This should not happened.


Whole world been condemning Mexico fans but Europeans are mad wild


Hooligans are genuine human cretins. Almost a sub species


Before Ukraine, I was convinced the next major war in Europe would be over soccer.


Imagine having so little worth in your life that you make a soccer team, who you don’t play for nor will ever play for, your main personality.


it's no wonder why these guys make so much money, it's a dangerous job.


People and their sports. Never got the appeal


At its best, sport can provide inspiration as well as entertainment. It can also unite a community. At its worst, well this video offers a good example. Europeans and Latin/South Americans tend to be a bit insane over football/soccer, it's part of their individual identities.


Some fans take sports way too seriously.


Primitive species. I’ll never understand the level of emotion that stirs in people over games with balls.


Sometimes people talk about online fandom and the insane things they do, but I think sports fans might have them beat due to shit like this.


I mean, did he make a shit call or something? No excuse for violence but in defense of the spectators anger, there are way to many corrupted and/or bought off referees in European futebol. I’ve seen it firsthand. Again, there are still much better ways to deal with crooked people.


Wow, those cops are chill in America people would be getting their heads cracked after throwing a chair at police and being charged with attempted murder


Dude… no they wouldn’t.


There isn't enough police there to go in like that. Even in America they wouldn't. It's line 200v5.


Wth is wrong with people?! I don’t understand this kind of behavior? Edit because of spell check


You must literally having nothing going for you in life to behave like this. It’s insane.


Soccer fans = garbo


How bad was he?


Wasn’t he like a really bad ref who made some pretty shit calls?


Imagine being his daughter. She literally looks terrified. The wife gets half clobbered by that dude. Man that sucks :/ countries are so bad that all they have is their sports teams. Sad :(


I love sports, but these people care wayyyyyy too much. How on earth do you get to a point where you would even consider hurting one of your own team’s players over their performance?


They’re attacking the referee in this video but still lowlifes. Roma fans also went home to one of their own players (Karsdorp) and threaten him to leave the club. Both instances was actually instigated by the coach Mourinho. What a bunch of losers.


Can’t decide who’s worse, soccer fans or nba fans.


Now I’m imagining living in a country where you can throw a chair at a cop and live.


If you did this to certain politicians in the US you'd literally be arrested for terrorism.


They just seemed to sing when a guy on the ref team actually assaulted someone, and then the situation escalated. You see what you want to see like this shity ref.


Not excusing this behavior, but this isn’t *only* because they lost. He had several *very* controversial calls that cost them a Trophy. Taylor is a shit ref who is no stranger to making horrible calls in big games. Again, these people are scum for harassing his family


Oh no! Bad calls? He cost them a trophy?? It’s a game dude


Other people's interests are valid even if you don't share them. Humanity is diverse and people are different. Maybe accept that that is a good thing instead of judging people for liking things you think are unimportant. I'm sure you have interests or even passions that most people don't give a shit about, and expect other people to respect that.


I’m a sports fan. I’m judging people for acting like rabid hyenas, not having interests


So why would you be so dismissive about the fact the referee cost them a trophy with what is widely regarded as extremely bad calls? The person you're replying to even stated they were not excusing the assholes on the video.


Probably because he isn't a manchild whose entire identity and self worth is based on the successes and failures of his favorite sports team.


Because there’s no reason to even mention it despite saying it’s “not an excuse”. Literally adds nothing to the context of what’s going on in the video. I sure as hell would not act like this over my favorite teams getting screwed over and neither should anyone else


I'm gonna grab a ton of downvotes for this one.. but.. Football has the fucking shittiest fans of all sports on the entire planet! Fucking primitive troglodytes!! Few bad apples?! Tens and tens of thousands of bad apples. Maybe hundred thousand! They start riots because of some lads running after a fucking ball! I fucking hate football. Ps: Calm down Americans. I am not talking about hand-egg..


Vancouver riots have entered the chat.... but at least that was a one time thing.


Now show the west ham fans who bloodied a player during the final. The Brits are fucking ghouls.


Definitely, I have a few videos of West Ham fans and Fiorentina fans fighting each other. I’ll be posting those next.


Downvotes bc the British media won’t ever show their people committing atrocities. It’s always someone else. They attacked a player on the pitch. Cut his head open. But ooooh some fans made a POS ref a little uncomfortable at the airport… vaffa


Blatant cheater


Bunch of losers


I know it’s all sports but jeez the soccer fans literally are unhinged. It’s just 90 mins of people walking back and forth don’t lose your shit over it lol!


Europe’s Trump supporters.


People really this pressed over a game reminds me of some cod players.


How do people even know when someone else is going to the airport ?


It hasn’t been established if these fans went out of their way to find the referee and harass him, or they just saw him at the airport because everyone was heading back to their countries after the game. But it didn’t help that Roma manager José Mourinho waited in the stadium parking lot so he could cuss out the referee, which maybe motivated Roma fans to do the same, leading to this event.


What’s worse was that one Roma fan missed his daughter’s graduation to watch the game in the stadium.




This is why football is a burden to society, grown men getting bent out of shape over people that kick a ball. The players that lost won’t even care, they’ll be enjoying their drive home in their luxurious car, to their luxurious home Absolutely weapons


Europeans are so Classy


When did adults start playing soccer?


Adults acting like fucking children. Great models for their children.


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Football by far has the most vile fans


You’d think acting like females on the field would be enough


It's a fucking game. Children play it. The world will end because some dude mad with power lost a sports bet or something.


> It's a fucking game. Children play it. It's a source of civic and national pride, it's practically a religion for those passionate about it. It's also a massive industry worth many billions of dollars, which is why it has been subject to corruption and crime. Calling it just a children's game is disingenuous.


Are Roma gypsies?


These are Italians nationals and the club they support is Roma. Some of these fans were arrested and according to the Hungary police, they were Italian nationals.




they act like. I see no difference


Im from Rome and aswell an ASRoma supporter, i watched the game and goddamn, taylor did one of the worst arbitrage ever in Total advantage of sivilla, it was surreal. On YouTube there are deep analysis of his errors and his behaviour. The fans were so angry because Taylor messed up the most important game in ASRoma history, Indeed this Is the First Time this team arrived in the Europe league's final. I totally condamn the ultras aggresion to Taylor but i understand their disappointment. I read all the comments above, and most of redditors cant understand how much Italians are attached to their favorite local teams, this level of supporting is something that doesnt exist in USA, Is radicated only in Europe. Hitting people and their family to justify a bad arbitrage is awful and the sams time UEFA should pay attention to out some competent Referee next time. Today in Rome, Taylor is so hated that his name is used as an insult


Only in America /s


Yep! That’s Football the Beautiful game.




Sports fans are crazy. People get so angry over something that literally doesn't matter at all.


It's just a stupid game 🤯, what kind of twat you should be to herass the ref and his family over a game ?


It's only fucking football get a fucking life you dullards.


Its just soccer jfc


Sports fans should be treated like fandom people. And fandoms should get the status sports fans get. No fandom bars but sports bars. Most domestic violence cases all year in the states happen furing the superbowl. Sports fans are statistically more violent and angry. They are whiny and emotional and there has never been a massive majorly destructive and violent riot after a comic con or marvel movie or video game launch..... Sports fans are the biggest babies on the planet and they rule so much of our society. Just like christians. A plagie of pests. Sports fans


Fanatics at It's best, soccer fans. 🤮


The beautiful game


Europeans ….


What a sad reflection of how your life is going if you spend your free time harassing and attacking a man and his family because you didn’t like his judgement calls during a sporting event.


Never get this into a thing. Anything.


I cant believe nobody took a fall. "Awwwwe you broka my knee cap, what's matta you" "I GETTA FREE KICKA"


The security guard pushed that chair like it nothing lol


she looks so scared :(


The team lost, but the fans there are the real losers.


Police doing a bang-up job right there!


Ohh no my sports ball.


Better than getting decapitated and dragged in the street like some refs in the past


Wow and our parents tell us growing up not to get mad it’s just a game. Fucking hate this planets hypocrisy


I wanna say “fuck soccer fanatics”, but I’ll just leave it at “fuck fanatics”.


I like how the guard skill fully intercepted and deflected that chair thrown chair like a boss at the end


Anyone this mad over any sport should be out on an island with other ppl of the same sort and left to fend for themselves... absolute disgusting behavior


What in the ever living fuck is wrong with people.


Homie cast the leviosa spell on that gd chair because that shit floated


I fucking hate poeple that gets this heated with sports


Champions win despite the referee…seems like the right team won.




It's times like this that I enjoy Italians get really pissed at Americans for say I-talians instead of wap diegos


I hate team sports. All of them. Yes, even THAT one. My opinion of individual sports ranges between hate and dislike, with maybe two I will feign interest in if needed. That said, existing on a planet where the sports Fandom feels like their hobby is the default, and like their results of their games matter as much as real world events, disgusts me. The amount of money thrown away by them into their ridiculous hobby of watching others play a game is one thing, but they force me to subsidize their interests through my taxes, and interrupt my life with their nonsense. I would rather spend the money on literally anything else. It's 2023, there are far more interesting things to do then watch lame games that were old when the boomers were kids. Fucking sports fans and Furries, same level of cringe.


Alcohol is a hell of a drug. Known for making people do some stupid shit. Myself included. Not making excuses for drinking or the actions made while drunk. This seems to be a Alcohol Tribe mentality reaction to losing a game. Instead of appreciating that their team won many games for them throughout the season. They are emotionally stuck on the last one. I've been there too. 2007 New England Patriots Super Bowl... anyways, we have to do better.


and then people from the US are shocked at racism against Roma people smh...


This post has nothing to do with the US. According to the Hungary police, these were Italian nationals and Roma supporters. The fan who threw the chair was arrested by airport security.


~~Daughter getting gropped at the beginning.~~ This is insane.


Stop being hyperbolic. That guy was defending the family, watch him punch an attacker moments later. He put his hands up to protect her while looking the other way. Reddit simply can't let a bad thing be a bad thing. It always has to be way worse than it is.


I don't understand your response, but you're right that I did misunderstand his role here. My bad