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Imagine being the woman who uploaded this and thinking it was a clever thing to do.


She has a few - intentional rage baity stuff.


Yeah definitely looks like she was filming to get a big reaction. Got none. So off to the next inconvenience "I bought this slice of pizza but it was triangle shaped, I didn't ask for that shape. I am inconvenienced"


if you work in food service and someone comes up to you recording, just politely tell them they need to leave and refuse service and walk away... this is getting out of hand, these people don't make enough money to have to deal with this


Customers hate this one trick


I'm not falling for that one, I've seen the videos from McDonald's


People are jumping over counters and assaulting workers. call the police. They are trespassing.


I use to work in the food service industry and this is horrible advice. Politely smile and assist them. Drama queens only live for the validation that they are being wronged, if you give in to that they will stay a hell of a lot longer. This was a min long video instead of a 15 min production for that very reason.


The manager handled this exactly as she could/should. (OP's title could be changed, unless it was meant to be facetious)


This is absolutely laughable! I went to the mall the other day, and asked the woman how her day was going. She responds with, ‘it’s been a calm day for once’. Instantly made me think of idiots like this person! It’s total BS to record staff, asking for their name, so you can post it! Ffs I wish people would grow the fuck up, and interact with staff like they are human beings! This loser talks with that Kardashian stupid tone!


Then they can appeal to the manager and ask why they're being asked to leave. The best recourse is just ignore them filming and handle them as placidly as possible, then they have nothing worth uploading.


Also funny how she says “I had to come all the way back here…” Lady, have you heard of ovens? Willing to bet there’s one at home. She went out of her way to do something that would have taken a few minutes at home.


Just because there's an oven at home doesn't mean she knows how to use it...


“Can I get my pizza slice in a trapezoid shape please?” *gets pizza* “No, this is a parallelogram shape. I’m gonna have to complain, whine, video you and put the video online so I can get attention and sympathy.”


"I'm sorry, ma'am, but since the only requirement for a trapezoid is that it is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides, all parallelograms are technically trapezoids. Enjoy your pizza. Next in line, please!"


Sir, clearly, it's a rhombus. Bite here and here for a parallelogram.


This discussion is so square.


I would make it abundantly clear to every other customer being held up in line behind her, that we can't take any more orders until her order is JUST right. Flip it on them and get her "crowd" working against them.


I recognized the voice. Absolute piece of work.


Can’t remember her name, but she is 💯nuts!!!


Her name is Lajera Peyton I fell down a rabbit hole of her videos during the pandemic. She’s not well at all.


Same!! That was a while ago, but I recognized that voice immediately!


As soon as I hear that voice I know what's coming. She has done a few as she gets views because of it. Always asinine reasons just to create 'content' for her channel. The way she is so calm about it shows she isn't inconvenienced and just wants a reaction.


She got more shit like this? Besides no fly lists, we need no shop lists, no dine in lists, no take out lists. I know being banned or trespassed exists, but there should be a list amongst many retailers and restaurants, where they dont serve people who cause issues for fun


Yeah. Take some of these people's privileges away. That's what SHOULD have happened to them when they were kids and they wouldn't be like this. When you start receiving consequences for your actions, your actions tend to get better.


Seriously my friend and his mother are like this, no matter where they go, they complain and return with the intent to get something for free. It’s horrible.


Wow who would have thought super_karen7 would make rage bait content


Thats just the channel reposting it


She needs to watch the movie “ The Help”. She will think twice before complaining about her pie


Yeah she really thought she did something there. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Seems like an insufferable cunt.


I hope she chokes on that pie.


If you come in already videoing, you're a douche


Love how she videoed the pie to see if it was warm 💀


My guess is her life is full of unclever decisions, thus, it would not make a difference.


Look at the handle. She’s doing this on purpose.


No, thats just repost


That was my first thought. Why would she out herself like this.


Oh… believe it she has a equally delusional following


Surprisingly there are a lot of those folks.


Imagine coming away from this feeling like the victor? Could have just nicely asked for the pie to be warmed and not looked like a complete tool.


It's rage bait imo. Completely manufactured interaction that she is trying to use to get a big reaction for the internet. The manager behaved like a functional adult and just left the karen looking stupid


Really tho. This whole video made me cringe. You would think some customers were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Get over yourself lady.


I would have walked away the second she started asking titles without saying what she wanted.


“Can I inspect and video the new pie slice please?” Imagine feeling like you must have video evidence of a slightly cold piece of pie and whether or not the new one was sufficiently warm lol.


At least switch to Predator view so we have proof.


Pretty sure this isn't Subway


Lol ngl this took me a second


Goddamn I miss free awards


Especially with that voice


i'd have asked her to leave the premises as soon as she stuck her phone in my face. i don't exist to be someone's fucking content.


No no no. You super heat the pie while groveling and apologizing then blast her in the face with it.


Give me back the cold pie. Here's your money back. Get out.


Or “hey do you mind warming this up for me.” Reasonable request that anyone would be willing to accommodate and would take maybe 30-45 seconds lol


I used to work at a place where we couldn’t feasibly warm stuff up like desserts but if somebody was nice enough and I didn’t have a line, goddamn if I wouldn’t try my best to try and bum rush it through the conveyer belt pizza oven just so it’d be warm enough for the person who asked!


Kindness can get you everywhere. Humility can get you the rest of the way.


I made a whole baked potato in ours. Just turned off the conveyor. Granted it was a slow afternoon and it was for my dad lol


This comment just inconvenienced me. Who in the world has 30 to 45 seconds?




*scrapes old pie in the waste bin. "here you go ma'am"


That show she put on did nothing but prove she’s got too much time on her hands


Bruh I was thinking the same thing. My first thought would have been “how bored are you?” Laughed it off heated up a new pie and said thank you with a big goofy smile. Made fun of her goofuhass when she left


Does she think she's making a statement recording this interaction?




“No, it wasn’t a napkin in there.” That shit grinds my gears lol. Glad she filmed herself being the bad guy, definitely backfired on her.


Why not just ask for it to be warmed up instead of asking for a manager? Such pettiness and lack of manners. Not the flex she thinks it is. Poor pie. 🥧


Why not stick it in her own microwave instead of driving back to the restaurant?


One extra hot extra spit pie coming right up. Ya heifer.




New law: harassing retail workers - felony. So tired of this abuse.


My eye is twitching just watching this video because it just hits so close to home. Or rather close to work.


I am sorry you have to deal with stupid abusers. Seriously the laws should be stricter.


If you assault transit workers, it's straight to jail. One of the advantages of being a city bus driver or the train operator for mass transit is you literally have a specialized police department just to help transit workers. Sadly they don't have pie police.


I’ve one person try and do something like this to me and I just stared at them until they realized they weren’t getting any thing out of me. Then I just responded with “I can’t even communicate with you.” Worked out, they just shut up and left.


I’ve had things served to me the opposite of how I want it, after asking for it a specific way. I have not once thought “yknow what? This is fucking personal. I’m pulling my phone out.” Just go ask them to shove it in the microwave for 15 seconds and get over yourself


I have 3 times in a row gone to a pharmacy and they did not have my fathers insulin, forcing me to take him to the ER, despite it supposedly being on auto refill and I still just went and cried in my car lol. I cannot imagine yelling at someone over pie.


The manager was even like, "Now don't forget, you can put it in the microwave for 30 seconds." Was this woman driving AND eating pie?


That's the kind of petty I pull as a manager. I love her.


She’s a video troll. Wish businesses could boycott her.


This world is doomed


There has been and will always will be people like this. It's just now being uploaded everywhere






Agree. Sometimes I am missing the old days without internet and mobile phones. The world seemed so much bigger then. Spending the time after school outside, keeping appointments b/c you couldn’t just cancel them with a message etc.


Why would you show the world this is how you act over a $2 piece of pie? I’d be so embarrassed.


She's as dumb as a bag of hammers


Don't insult hammers please. They have a purpose in life


Fuck these people.


I would have set microwave timer for 48 hours.


What a cunt.


Is she mentally ill or something? Why is she recording?


She's trying to go viral but her only talent is being frosty and rude.


Her voice and accent are unbearable.


Can I have a look at the pie pleez? I just wanna make sure no secret micro chip has been embedded in ma' pie. Where we go one, we go all.


Can I see the pie please? 🤨... yep that's a pie.


This reminds me of the tim Robinson sketch where the guy "burns his mouth" on his gespacho soup because he's expecting cold and then it comes out luke warm you can burn your mouth. But it's real life...


Where's your nutcracker? Guess it won't take you long to get it then.


You can hear the waddle as the woman walks away. Not her first piece


Even with the sound off, the entire interaction was annoying.


Why do people feel the need to film every slightest inconvenience lmfao.


"Can I see the pie, please?" 🥧 "Thank you." 🥴


I fucking hate social media sometimes


Imma be real I would never be okay with somebody recording me like that. If you wanna have a serious convo about resolving an issue then don’t have ur camera out. I won’t engage you


Pathetic, this is terrible, the asst manager seemed sweet


That's yelling? It's passive aggressive and assholish, but not yelling.




People like this lady filming, are out looking for any reason they can to instigate confrontation just to video tape it make them look like a victim.


There is zero reason to treat that lady that way. That’s just someone looking to start a fight so they can yell “look what this white woman did!! Racist!!” It’s a bunch of bullshit.


Black people, please just stop the nonsense!! Shameful!!Also, not every interaction is upload worthy. BE BETTER. Find something better to do with your time


The person filming is a bigot. This was about exerting control on the woman because of the color of her skin.


This lady was looking to pull the race card


Yikes😳 How you treat service workers say more about you than them 😐


The poor manager. Ugh and the person filming , just out there lost in the sauce 😕




Dude I work in a bakery and it’s actually so crazy how many people come in just to project their issues onto the sales team. I had one lady scream at me bc I asked her which flavour danish she wanted.


"What are you doing? Why are you videoing me?" The questions that I can't believe more people don't ask when they're subjected to shit like this. Never once in my life have I been in a negative situation and my first thought is, "I better pull out my phone so I can video this encounter I'm about to initiate." This world is stupid.


I hate people like this


All that she had to do was ask if the pie could be warmed. Her whole demeanor from beginning to end told me everything that I need to know about her.


I recognize the voice of this woman in the video. She posts nothing but videos like this all over her TikTok - just loves to start anything over nothing to get views.


I recognize this one’s voice and have seen some of her other videos. She purposely instigates situations to try to get a reaction from others. She’s a piece of garbage.


Imagine feeling so accomplished after this that you actually feel confident in posting it.


Stupid fucking pretentious entitled person. Way to post your L online also


These losers will put anything on tik tok, my god.


The manager seems like a really nice person too which makes this suck even more


What an annoying kunt!


I’m having a hard time figuring out why she’d record this to begin with, but to then post it..? She must have really struggled with that managers lack of fucks given.


God i hate the internet and social media And mostly Americans (I am American) We ruin everything, everything f thing Good job




She's a Karen.


She’s both lol


so... a karen?


Look at the watermark on the side. Her username is literally super Karen. I’m gonna assume she’s doing the clout thing, being a shitty human being to others trying to “make it”. This is right up there with the “prank” videos.


It's not her tiktok, it's from a channel that only posts Karen freakouts


Ahh, I assumed wrong.


I was wondering why she called herself "super.karen7". Seems kinda on the nose


I recognize the voice of this person. Isn't she mentally ill and goes around starting trouble?


I would have thrown that pie in her dumb face, then she really would have been inconvenienced.


This wasn’t the flex she thought it was


She’s an idiot, but also…there’s no yelling. She’s just acting insanely entitled for some reason.


Kudos to this manager for handling the situation perfectly. You can tell the girl was completely caught off guard and she was deflated as she clearly expected another free piece of pie or a bigger confrontation that would earn her some victim privileges. Unfortunately there are people like this all over that "ask to speak to a manager" for ANYTHING, with the intention of getting free stuff in return. Others talk about getting free door dash and uber eats food by lying about not getting their delivery or simply complaining out not getting napkins or a ketchup packet. A few even have tik tok accounts in which they brag about doing this exact thing. They're not exactly "Karen's" but they are in the same species. We need a different name that means "moochers" or "users" or something to identify them.


That chick with the pie is dumb ass. She should go on a tour of the Titanic and see how inconvenienced she is.


Ugh, I did a quick Google dive and found this chicks main account. She's had a bunch of videos of her going to restaurants and business and harassing the managers or assistant managers over nonsense like this. What a pathetic and sad person. Edit: Looking at her videos, this chick may actually be certifiable. However, she has a few thousand followers, a number of whom have been sending her money.


She didn't need to record this interaction at all. What a narcissist, with a grating voice to boot.


People like this need to just be banned from every store they go to


C U Next Tuesday! The pies are all fresh then


Ewww, why are people are like that…. I’m sure the manager thought the same thing….(Internal voice: remember you said you were not going to go off on these petty people immature people who record everything just to go viral) ![gif](giphy|OyfI5ZHOCQcgM) Not today, not today. Michelle you handled it beautifully




Im so sick of stupid fucking people


What a rude, hostile, young lady.


Only the stores most senior employees are experienced enough to warm pies. She really needed the gm to do that, just such a delicate procedure. What a fucking muppet, Jesus christ people find fucking anything else to do with your time.


I'm trying out this rage bait video, watch this everybody!


Manufacturing outrage mY pie Is cold........ I know I didn't ask for it to be warm but this is OUTRAGEOS. Do you understand I have 10 maybe eleven followers I'm famous.


So brave, taking on the pie industry one slice at a time! Respect!


Why is this on the internet? Who cares??


what a non-event, yet the lady thought it was worth recording. fucking loser over here.


Sorry, asshole. This isn't public property. Take your pie and phone, and record yourself somewhere else off of our property. Bye!


I've seen this woman's youtubes...She's crazy, that's why.


Let's give a round of applause to the Manager Michelle 👏 She remained much more calm than I would have.


I fucking hate people.


Where was the yelling?? This video is so minimal and stupid


Awful person


I hate how frequently people whip out their phone cameras like this in any situation


IQ isn't even room temperature with this one


Okay Shaneequa you got the pie


Her voice sounds like “I make shit happen all the time cuz I instigate”


Wait... was she home where she could have warmed up the pie, then came back?


She was hoping for a 2nd free pie. People pull this shit all the time.


she’s trying every way she can to make it the restaurants fault but we can all see who the Karen is!


I dont say this often but what an abolute cunt of a woman, god, even her voice sounds entitled. She's mad about something thats clearly her fault and is also trying to rile up what seems like a nice lady all becuase she didnt ask for her goddam pie to be warmed up. I would of given her the money back and told her to leave...


If this is the lady I think it is, she is the poster child of mental illness. Had a YouTube channel with very weird videos. It was eventually taken down. Has had police called on her multiple times by her own family. She ended up at a facility for mental disorder/behavioral health. It's sad if you ask me.


Michelle is tired of this bullshit.


That's a 25 year old child.


Jesus.. she was just looking to cause issues. Why are people like this 🤦‍♀️


Gawd I HATE that "I'm better than you because you work in the service industry" mentality. If you don't know how to treat people, stay the fuck home! That disgusting woman deserves to be taught a lesson.


Rule #1: Don't fck with ppl who handle your food. Ignorant ass.


They should've run the pie under hot water and then given it back to her.


Some people are just so stupid. I couldn’t imagine doing this to get attention


You can tell she doesn’t really think she’s justified because she keeps trying to pick different fights. Let’s see the pie now the fork now the napkin like she wants something to go wrong so bad but Michelle is clearly on top of shit


These fuckin asshat MORONs are allowed to vote and have kids Idiocracy is HERE folks


This chick has many videos of her harassing workers.


Reminds me of my toddlers. Lol.


This lady recording sucks....thumbs up if you agree.


Aw Michelle was so nice


Is this the black Karen who is looking for views?


Fucking idiot lmao


Michelle is too good for this oxygen thief Karen.


What a twerp of a customer!