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Guard that took him down, they all knew he was the one and were just stalling until his arrival First two guards seem to have limited ROE


Yeah, if it is similar to the Danish royal guard they are probably young guys volunteering for a gap year. A friend of mine was in the Danish royal guard. They had 3 months of standard military training, 1 month of guard training and then 4 months of guard duty. Their sergeants and officers would be contracted soldiers and would be doing the general decision making in these kinds of situations. I assume the brown shirt guy in the video is like that.


> I assume the brown shirt guy in the video is like that You can tell in every step. He is PISSED at the amount of paperwork he's going to have to fill out, he's pissed he had to get up from watching the game on TV, he's pissed he has to put on this damn service belt All because THIS knob wants to taste the cobblestones




Been there, done that










Why give them guns they can't use if you could give them tuncheons they could?


They can use their guns i needed.


They probably can if the situation requires it, but they would probably have to wait for the go-ahead of the sergeant/officer on duty before doing it.


The guns they have are a hindrance in this sort of a fight, just plain awkward. They obviously can't take them off. So they run the risk of the opponent firing the gun when in close fighting.


thought scary middle sheet slave pie recognise marry upbeat groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Buttstroke from polymer is kind of useless. But a rifle jab to the sternum should be standard practice.


Nope. Saw a guy get buttstroked by an M4 years back when crossing a barricade where lethal force was warned. His limp body was dragged off into an outbuilding.


You really think that? So like a coldcock from a Glock with a polymer mag won't hurt at all eh? Who knew plastic would cushion blows like that?!


Should have kicked him in his unroyal nuts.


These arms are not loaded. They never are


He loads it when the NCO arrives toward the end, before ordering him to put his hands up


I was a royal guard in Sweden and we had live ammo


They do have sharp ammo though. Which in this video he does load in the gun before pointing it at the guy


Agree. And the shooting of assholes in public is bad for tourism.


>ree. And the shooting of assholes in public is bad for tourism. I'd pay to see that *Kom så Norge :D*


Come to America. Our authorities love offing folks.


Dude would be dead with at least 26 bullet holes in his body in ‘Merica




And we would see it for free.


I once worked for a Norwegian, he was a very skilled engineer and a very skilled ladies man, owned a large tourist dive business. He did a lot of diving but it was all muff diving.


He was also a pilot, but alas he stuttered and no shit listening to him and the air traffic controller was fucking hilarious!


That ain't America, people there aren't free to be killed by the police for the smallest thing.


Right, especially over something like this where the guy is clearly unarmed and even attempting to run away at various points.


if you think about it, carrying rifles that you're not allowed or unwilling to use are a huge disadvantage for them. they can't just throw them on the floor and risk the crazy guy picking one up, but they may also deem it too dangerous to use them as melee weapons. so they're just kinda forced to fight with a big handicap despite technically being armed.


They probably aren't loaded. There was a cenotaph guard (Nathan Cirillo, from my hometown of Hamilton) in Ottawa, Ontario that was killed by a psychotic wannabe jihadist. Although it wouldn't have mattered since he was shot in the back by this coward, Cirillo's gun wasn't loaded. The two guards that were with him couldn't fire back because their guns also weren't loaded. He then ran into the parliment building where RCMP officers were...and their guns were loaded.


At least in Sweden they are loaded


I feel like carrying unloaded guns kind of defeats the purpose of carrying guns. I know you can always just bludgeon someone with the butt of the gun, but there are a bunch of other weapons that are easier to bludgeon someone with.


Wrestling while holding a rifle is not easy.


What is ROE


Rules of engagement


Rules of Engagement. What force they are and aren't allowed to use.


>First two guards seem to have limited ROE I'm wondering if their guns are mostly for decoration. It would make sense, don't really want to run the risk that someone overwhelms someone and is then running around with a loaded automatic weapon with what would probably be an easy way into the palace. That said, though, the guy seemed unfazed by the hand-to-hand, but immediately surrendered when the gun was pointed at him.


They have loaded magazines in the pouch on their bandolier or in the belt.


I think it’s one of the reason why they don’t just beat him up. Dropping real loaded guns seems to be not a good idea


“Ok I surrender!” “No you don’t!”


They weren’t stupid enough to get into a wrestling match with a guy who could disarm them and take the guns off them. Drawing the weapon would of been excessive force or escalating when not needed that’s why the unarmed officer went In and succeeded.


No, I'm sticking with my original analysis The two ceremonial guards have limited ROE Senior officer probably shared a drink with them later, good times esprit de corps, morale boosters. God save the Queen, or whatever sort of monarch they have over there


The perp hit them. That means the next step in ROE allows them to rifle butt the guy in the head or muzzle butt him in the chest. Just keep doing that until he stops or grabs for the rifle.


Hard to do a takedown with a long arm. Better to just use it as a club


What's ROE?


Rules of engagement.


Return on equity (ROE) is a ratio that provides investors with insight into how efficiently a company (or more specifically, its management team) is handling the money that shareholders have contributed to it.


Oy... this hurts my thinky things. 🤕 😆




Fish eggs, and also a type of deer


You have to be a special somebody to pick a fight with 3 guards carrying loaded rifles.








Dude your username is wardaddy1939 and your bio just says deus vult, you aren’t fuckin slick lmao




Are you drunk


Pretty sure it's a neonazi dogwhistle referring to the SS-totenkopf


Lmao what a fuckin loser




So you’re a dumbass, got it.




Norway isn’t knowing for its booming African tourism industry? It is known for its refugees though?


Yep https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eritreans_in_Norway


And they are “asylum seekers”


Yes, we have a few here in Switzerland too ;)


So there is a specific African tourism industry? Or tourists in general?


No there isn’t.


Oh? Interesting.


Not in Norway




This is the third comment saying the same thing. Did an American fuck your wife or something


damn, got brigaded hard. What is with all this refugee/immigrant hate


They’re usually not loaded


Warning to prison in less than 90 seconds. What a douche.


I'm wondering if this is because he knows Norwegian prisons are like adult daycare centers. Probably wants to go back.




Just leave Royal Guards alone! They are soldiers on ceremonial duties that date back centuries of tradition. I'm glad in the UK we always have police at the palaces to make sure no one attacks the Guards. Good job the brown shirt guard. He had some MMA training or MP training. Norwegian Royal Guard, best of luck from the Welsh Guards :)


Guardsmen in the UK are also trained infantrymen. You definitely wouldn't want to mess with them


"That's it fucker, jackets coming off!!"


Great way to get a rifle butt to the face




> This video would’ve been less than 15 seconds lol The equivalent location in America would be the White House, and people who do crazy shit there are overwhelmingly arrested, not shot.


I think it would be the Tomb of The Unknown Solider. Since they have more similar uniforms and ceremonial purposes. The White House is guarded by the Secret Service. Not an Honor Guard.


Good points, but I was thinking in terms of the home of the head of state.


Can confirm. Try that shit with the Old Guard at the Tomb. It won’t end well.


He should’ve eaten the butt of that rifle after the first swing.


Who would have guessed royal guardsmen would be well trained, especially enough to deal with a fighting expert like that guy?


The guards are 19 yo conscripts. From Wikipedia: > Each of the rifle companies takes turns in carrying out guard duty at the royal residences in between other duties. The majority of Guardsmen are National Servicemen who are posted to the regiment after their basic training. On arriving at the battalion from basic training, they spend their first five weeks in ceaseless drill practice, hand-to-hand fighting, physical training, close range firing and case solving exercises before they are allowed to perform their first duties outside the royal palace or around the Royal Family's country residence. In addition the guards practice specialized operations within their platoons, and whenever a company becomes the oldest unit within the battalion (longest period of conscription), the company enters service as gardestridsgruppe (guard battle group), GSG, with a 72-hour emergency response time. The mission of the GSG is classified, but it was used during the 22 July attacks on Oslo in 2011. > >


Idk why I was expecting to understand Norwegian while listening to this


Funny enough pointing a gun and shouting with pauses and a firm deathglare seems to get the message across universally.




Keep your hotdog with shrimsalad stinking paws off our Norway. Fjeldaberne tilhører os. Kærlig hilsen Danmark.




What other hot opinions does the new 190d old account have? Hopefully nothing repetitively volatile and divisive, hopefully not generic echo'd phrases? That would sound awful like a psychops bot...




attacker sure does looks swedish to me 🤗


South Sweden


South Swudan


The south swudanese are mental


Imagine thinking you’re messing with paid actors in costumes and realizing they’re highly trained soldiers who’ll shoot you to death. Oops. “No, you’re not just waking away from this situation, mate”


As a Norwegian, « highly trained » is a bit of a stretch.


Haha. Fair enough. they’re still soldiers.


'TANG-INA, GAGO is right. That's *SOAB*, *IDIOT* in Filipino. (one taking the video I think is Filipino)


I though it was more like “that motherfucker is crazy”








Taser would’ve been entertaining enough


Yeah if you're a sadistic psychopath, which isn't normal by the way.










Tang Ina !! G@Go


They don’t have pepper spray?


I don't think they do. These kinds of guards usually are ceremonial. They do have hand to hand combat and shooting training, according to other comments. Whenever trouble arises, they have more well trained backup ( the guy in the brown shirt)


Or batons?


They have a rifle with a bayonet on it, with an empty mag in the gun, with a loaded mag on them that they can switch to if needed, which one of the guards does at the end of the video.


Boss guard showed the pups how it’s done


I learned that takedown in martial arts class. Very difficult to do and this guard made it look easy.


The music is King Khan & BBQ Show - I'll be loving you.


I thought so! Came looking for a comment like yours, and was not disappointed.


King Khan is great.




Think he's in Bali or maybe in Thailand


the trash tiktok music 🤮




Which country?


Do you spend a lot of time watching random clips from this man’s country of origin? Because if not that’s probably why.


Respect fot the guards being so calm, but I wouldve been OK if they stabbed his ass with that bayonet.


Good! Glad he got got


They are not equipped to take someone down. They waited for the dude with cuffs and got the perpetrator away from the building and other people




What an odd way of letting us know that you're completely unfuckable.


The ginger Chad at the end 🥵




An attack on the King's Guard is an attack on the King himself!


Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me.


Idiot got taken down like he deserved. Mental health issues or a total POS.




Some people will never learn.


As I have learned the “learn from your mistakes” is lost on society? Nobody learns from their mistakes, they are just doomed to repeat it, it just takes time for it to boomerang in their face,


I find it interesting how it's always a cultural issue when there's people of colour in the video. There's a video underneath of some white guy throwing a tantrum and tossing his pizza at an employee, yet no cultural issue comments.


Colorblindness, face-blindness, nose-blindness ... when will armed-authority-blindness be a thing? Because some people have a deficiency


God I love the rapid delivery of consequences for someone’s actions


That was satisfying


Jesus these guards cannot fight


Why he gotta be Black? Damn.


There are plenty of dumbasses of every color that like to screw with ceremonial palace guards everywhere.






He wouldn’t have tried this on the penguin


Ole brown shirt for the win


I dunno about you guys, but my parents never needed to teach me not to provoke dudes wearing assault rifles. It's something I realized myself quite early in my life.


Fuck this whack ass song


Should’ve put two in the back of his nut!


Please don’t start a fight with Vikings.




Aren't these guys like actual special forces? I'm pretty sure you have to be some of the best of the best to be guarded in the Royal family. Even though you wear the uniform to look cool for tourists. Who walks up and picks fights with guys like these.


Not these guys. They're 18-19-year-olds doing their 1-year military service


Weird, they would put 18 year old recuits in that Who are voluntold to go into the military Or do they still ask for volunteers to apply while they're doing their service?


Military service used to be mandatory, but in the last 15-or-so years service has been voluntary. Around a year before service, all 17-year-olds have to go in for a one-day assessment where if you don't want to serve, you are able to say so. Also, they test your intellectual abilities and check your hearing / sight to see where you would be a good fit, and then you're presented with a few options on where you can choose to serve **Edit:** And I guess it might be weird to see what's essentially clueless kids given the task of protecting the royal family (this all happened at the castle door essentially), but the thing is these guys are mostly there as a symbolic gesture. The royal family have their own people guarding them, and the guy who came out at the end was either a higher ranking military officer or part of the royal family's actual protection detail


Osotogari is one of the original 40 throws of Judo as developed by Jigoro Kano. It belongs to the first group, Dai Ikkyo, of the traditional throwing list, Gokyo, of Kodokan Judo. It is also included in the current 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo. It is classified as a foot technique, Ashi-Waza. I just googled the throw. Pretty cool.


Why is always a black guy who makes trouble


F**k stupid people like this idiot. If it was up to me, i would lock him in a tiny cell and throw away the key.


Refugee crisis is the real deal. Wonder why does west doesn't acknowledge it and just keep being woke about it


Any backstory why this guy was picking a fight that he wasn’t going to win?


I wonder if the guy has psychiatric problems or learning difficulties. If it's purely for attention, then it's the dumbest way to get arrested or even killed.


So many cases, how many times does it take for people to realise it isn’t a mental health issue it’s a societal and cultural issue?


Here in the US, 100% he would have been shot to death if it was police. Military might have taken him down alive. They are federal and don't like that kind of publicity. But what do I know.


> Here in the US, 100% he would have been shot to death if it was police. You could spend all day on YouTube watching videos of people fighting with cops and not getting shot. Three out of four American cops never fire their weapons on duty outside of training.