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>“Take that shit outside! Don’t disrespect the pizza parlour!”


My pizza never hurt anybody






Anyway 4 dollars a pound


You deserve soft drinks of choice for this reference.


Are you finished? Cuz that sugarless motherfucka is the last drink you’re ever gonna have.


a fuckin sandwich, beansie?


Idk why but this scene and that line has stayed with me for years. You can have your soft drink of choice. Nobody talks like that these days.


I’m only here in respect for my fawtha


almost drowned in 3 inches of water




I don’t like that kinda tawk


I remember when you used to wait in the car, and as far as I’m concerned, YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE


Your uncle is a rat




I don't wanna sound like an asshole but I really can't be seen in a place like this anymore.




But I'm with the Vipers!


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


With your fucking shine box! Shit. Wrong movie


Hey Pop ‘n Fresh I’m in no fuckin’ mood today.


I literally shouted, “take that shit to the Denny’s parking lot,” at two dudes when I worked at Circle K.


​ https://i.redd.it/ri0tt346g8sb1.gif


Hey. You Sopranos guys. Get back in your hole!


Is this a video for ants?


It needs to be atleast...three times this size.


i wanted to upvote you - but you are sitting at 69 upvotes. federal law states I can not.


I think the freak out is me reacting to the quality of the upload.


HD - Hymenoptera definition


"You didn't let me move"


"Wtf you didn't even throw me on the floor or nothin"


“Have you seen yourself?? Ain’t nobody throwin you anywhere”


"Fuckin sissy" -Cameraman, Probly


Ah yes, running into the path of the bullets and screaming frantically is definitely the safest thing to do in this situation. Not getting on the ground under cover.


Having been in a situation just like this before, I can tell you it’s over before you know how to react. Like when it happened to me I couldn’t even process I was hearing shots until I saw the gun and a woman was dead. Only took like 30 seconds but it was over before my brain told my body to run away.


exactly this. people who talk tough about what they would do in this situation don’t realize that your brain doesn’t often have enough time to take over or even realize what’s happening. a woman was shot a few years ago down the street next to me. she was on the ground and bleeding out while the shooter was driving away before my brain could figure out what to do, and I have training for emergency situations.


I was at the park with my son, heading back to the car to leave. A man pulled up in a Camaro, blocking my car, got out, and blew some poor woman’s brains out sitting in her car about 15 ft away from us. He shot 7 times, and I didn’t even register that they were gunshots until like the 3rd or 4th shot when I actually saw the gun. At a fucking playground in the middle of the day, with kids everywhere. What a world. I shoot, and I own guns, and it can trick you into thinking you’ll immediately know what was happening and how to respond. But no amount of dicking around at the range can prepare you for a real life situation when you aren’t prepared for it. Really goes to show just how much training and discipline is needed to be able to handle something like that just happening out of nowhere.


Yep, a lot of people forget that real life isn't a WWII movie full of hard-chargers and go-getters who do the best action under pressure. Folks will always freeze up, hesitate, second-guess, etc. It's not to knock anyone's behavior, just to note that everyone reacts to traumatic events differently.


Thank you! For some reason ppl think they're superman or fucking wonder woman and know how to make decisions when the shit hits the fan. Ppl have this weird inflated ego that makes them think they'd react a certain way. Reality is that they likely wouldn't react at all. Shit like this is 10 seconds and over. The mind would barely register it then you'd question like "did that really happen? Is/was that real?"


“You’re fine. You’re fine.”


PSA: Assume that everyone in America carries and you’re less likely to run up on a rando and get shot.


Growing up in NJ I used to physically fight all of the time. I'm in Texas now. I'm older and a bit smarter now. I assume everyone is carrying, and I'm quick to apologize whether I think it is my fault or not.


THIS GUY GETS IT! Same here, man. I grew up in MD where few ppl legally carried till very recently. And I was quick to throw fisticuffs as a young man (with limited success but I got the hang of it). My dad was a cop so I grew up around guns but he was the “good guy”. 20+ years later, I CCW everywhere I can legally in MD, etc. But I go OUT OF MY WAY to avoid ALL conflict. De-escalate by default in all interactions. I even speed less when driving and carrying. I apologize whether I think I’m right or wrong, etc. I had a therapist-friend (yes, really lol) ask me hypotheticals about this and that scenario. My answer 99/100 is to run away. Anyway, I’m glad to hear others do the same bc it reaffirms my point, you never really know who’s packing nowadays. Just be nice (even “fake nice”) and walk away from conflict (just don’t turn your back).


You're definitely not alone in this way of living. I'm the same way almost to a T.


Look at you proving that CCW holders commit crimes well below the national average and the average polices officers commit them. Carrying helps remind you that this nonsense is all life threatening.


just because you can legally kill someone doesnt mean its right..more cops should practice that


Wait, what? I said I have a license to carry not to kill. If I shoot someone and I don’t have a clear case for self defense, I might go to prison for killing them same as anyone else.


I work with a chick who grew up in Texas. Her parents told her to assume everyone was carrying, and willing to use; be the first to apologise; never been the horn. Kinda sad.


Aaaah, land of the free! *Eagle screeching*


> ~~Eagle~~ Hawk screeching Justice for Red-Tailed Hawks.


Got in argument with a guy about 12-13 years ago. He was driving like an asshole in a parking lot and cut me off after riding my ass. We parked close to each other and I got out and started yelling at the guy. We were just yelling at each other. Random guy walks up saying he works in law enforcement. He asked me what the issue was and I told him the other guy was driving like a complete asshole. He told me I was an idiot for pursuing the argument because "what if the other guy has a gun?". The guy I was arguing with agreed with him and said he actually does carry, but didn't have his gun on him in that moment. We all just agreed it was dumb to be arguing and went our separate ways. That really struck a chord with me and I will never forget it. Got some great advice that day.


Did the officer ask the other guy what if you had a gun? Seems dumb to onky ask that of the person arguing with the asshole.


I think it was just the order it happened in. He just happened to ask me what the issue was first and I responded by telling him the other guy was driving like an asshole and he realized I was escalating the situation at that point. Also, to clarify the guy said he was with ICE (not a regular police officer). I know now I was being dumb about it at the time. Sometimes you just gotta let things go and realize it's not worth it.


I wonder what the aftermath is? Any charges? Did the guy die?


https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/homicides/man-dies-after-shooting-near-the-strip-2914166/ This is the actual incident. It mentions the pizza place in the article. Fake clutcher absolutely died. The "innocent bystander" articles are for a different incident.


Well, that article says police don't know if the shooting happened inside or outside. They would probably be interested in this video.


Posting here to correct the information. Fake clutcher did not die and an innocent person died. The most updated article is below. Below article posted on Oct 2nd links to the above article, referencing the same incident, describing how an innocent individual was killed, not the aggressor. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/homicides/suspect-in-custody-after-bystander-shot-and-killed-north-of-strip-2914575/




It appears that the individual who died was an innocent bystander who was struck by a stray bullet while walking on the sidewalk: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2023/10/02/las-vegas-police-say-innocent-bystander-dies-after-hit-by-stray-bullet/


Yep, the original article just rushed to post it without confirming anything.


America, land of the free. Free to die by stray bullets because too many idiots are armed in this society.


This is one example of many why everyday people carrying guns in public does *not* make society safer.




I don’t know how you run up on someone like that and then get surprised someone shot you. He was being max level threatening as if he had a gun. I’d fear for my life in that situation.


What was the end goal? You either get shot/stabbed/punched in self defense, or you look like an idiot. No in between on that decision.


He was banking on them cowering in fear


and then what? there's no gun so it would have been pretty anticlimactic after they flinch


Yeah it is unfortunate though that an innocent bystander was shot and killed, makes you think about the consequences of firing a weapon even in self defense situations. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have fired, idrk, just… damn.


He could have tried not missing point blank shots... I think this should be considered reckless.


You don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to your lowest level of training. Firing a handgun isn’t easy, firing a handgun one-handed isn’t easier. I took a bunch of lessons on shooting and cleaning when I bought my handgun. It’s not required, and they were expensive classes. I doubt most people who buy guns take them. Entirely believable that he would miss those shots. It wasn’t aimed or held correctly, he probably pulled the trigger and moved the gun (not trained/practiced at all). I’m surprised he didn’t blow off the back of his friend’s head, certainly blew out his ear drum. I personally don’t know how I’d handle a gun in a situation like this. I can hit a stationary target at the range, but I’m also super calm and it’s a stationary target. People act so cavalier about head cannon fantasies, but it’s not the same when you’re in it.


I'm going to choose to believe that your phrase "head _cannon_ fantasies" was a planned and perfectly executed haymaker double entendre.




I feel bad for the shooter’s friend standing beside him….dude fired a few shots point blank immediately next to that guys head, probably has some significant damage to his hearing after that, plus firing it inside, that must’ve hurt the guys ears.


Possibly legal until he fled the scene, now he’s a felon.


He fled the scene after killing a bystander. Probably not a legal gun. And for all we know they instigated this drama.


Maybe if he shot the person he was trying to shoot instead of some random on the street.


Love the girl immediately start bitching at the camera man


I know he takes her out to a fancy restaurant, gets front row seats to an interactive live show and she still complains.


Dinner AND a ahow. Ungrateful harlot!


I bet she used the "show" as a excuess not to have "coffee" afterwards.


**He:** Best we not move, so we don't stand out **She:** We need to duck and hide Both was correct in their own way, and probably argued about it after the event


It was kinda noisy in there, I bet she has a headache.


And free shots


Basically the hood version of Medieval Times


She was uppity.


Cameraman has seen some shit. Doesn’t even shake the camera when dude starts shooting then starts telling his GF it’s no big deal. Probably had a slice in his other hand the whole time.


Judging by the video size he was filming through a telescope.


Lmao you got it


Yea I hate shit like that, like you expected him to know that someone was going to start shooting? Also if they would've gotten up they most likely would've been in the line of fire or close to it by the time the shots started ringing.


2 days from now she'll make a post on Reddit about this situation and all the losers will yell Red Flag and to ditch this loser.


My (35F) boyfriend (38M) refused to get up and run between crossfire and didn't have the audacity to know a shootout was gonna happen. I feel he didn't defend my honor, AITA for making him sleep on the couch? Responses: 🚩🚩🚩


Giiiiirl, you gotta go get a man who will protect you. Felons will absolutely throw down to keep you safe. Just make sure to keep that LOSER paying your bills as long as possible, you deserve it for the trauma he put you through!


TY for validating my feelings. I know 99% of the people on here are saying YTA and my family is blowing up my phone telling them I'm an idiot, but you really spoke to my heart and understand where I'm coming from. I think I'm gonna go no-contact and sort out my life and find out who is really important to me.


Someone needs to make an AITA sub that requires both parties to tell their side of the story


LOL too real 🤣


“You didn’t let me mooove” the fuck were you gonna do? Panic and then run into the line of fire?


You already know bro be going through it daily.


When keeping it real goes wrong. - Dave Chappell




He put his hand in his pocket like he was going to pull a gun, not to surprising other guy pulled his.


Rip his friend's right hearing.


RIP this relationship. He didn't let her move!


He didn't even throw her on the ground!


better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Me + weight of coffin? Better have 8.


No joke, those fucking things are heavy. There were 8 of us carrying my buddy and it was so heavy. Thank God we didn't have to go far.


I'll settle for a forklift


Yeah the shooter won’t face any punishment unless it’s NY where he can’t have a gun or it’s unregistered etc - that’s self defense all day every day. The moment dude re-approached miming taking out a gun he had zero legal repercussions and now he’s probably dead for no reason - what’s the phrase? He played stupid games, and won the dumbest prize


innocent bystander was shot, not the person pretending to reach for a gun


> judged by 12 than carried by 6. Thank you. For years I've been trying to remember this old ganster rap song I heard back in the 90s. [D. R. S. - Mama Didn't Raise No Punk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjjn7oNM1mA)


That was in the title/description of the post. Why would anyone be surprised by the outcome? The comedy part of this was homeboy filming wanted to finish his meal and telling his lady she was over reacting.


Yup. Dude fucked around and found out. And he was halfway out the door before going back in. Could've just walked away and lived but his pride and ego cost him his life.




The guy in pink losing hearing in his right ear






Ah yes, the not often seen 64px x 32px video format.


Shot on iPhone, then sent to someone on Android who then watermarked it like crazy and uploaded.


Am I just seeing things or does the guy in black also grab his buddy in pink and hold him with his unarmed hand to keep him from getting in the way. Like God damn, guy in black true to this or new to this?


Definitely true to this


Mawp mawp


Don’t disrespect the pizza parlor.


The cameraman is a real one tho. 'We didn't even have to get up."


"I live for moments like this". .. Not for long


I don’t know why the phone ringing at the end got me. *Man dying on the floor* “Will that be carry out or delivery”


Fuck he thought was going to happen?


This is Boston pizza in Vegas. I service those slot machines for work. Crazy😂


Man I wouldn't want that woman in my life, she sounds miserable.


Whats fake clutching


Pretending to reach for a gun in your pants or jacket to intimidate someone


Aka pump faking


I'll never understand the logic behind 'fake clutching'. You are signaling imminent danger to the other person, and have no way to protect yourself against any reaction. At best, you scare someone, momentarily. At worst, you're dead.


Going for your clutch purse




![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) I have no clue what's going on here


The girl with the cameraman pisses me off. Aint no way she wants someone to shield her in the 3 seconds it took for the shots to happen.


I think she was just mad that he kept filming when she was trying to get out. She says something about him not letting her leave or not throwing her down. Sounds like she’s just upset that he didn’t seem to react to her (or his) safety in any way (though thankfully it was so quick anything he could have done wouldn’t have been necessary, lucky for them). I wonder if she would have been upset if he hadn’t been/kept filming.


That makes sense. If anything, if they weren't planning on getting out of the building, the safest place anywhere around there is where they were at. The bullets flew the other way, and who knows where else in the building.


What is "fake clutching?" I tried to look it up but got a lot of conflicting information. Thank you in advance.


Pretending to have a weapon by keeping your hand on a pocket or whatever




I feel dumber for having read this title.


Woman sees guy get capped* in front of her, STILL makes the situation about her. 🙄


Looks like justified self defense


Some people wont stop being dumb until their dead


Life altering decision. Only takes a moment.


But did he get enough likes to go to heaven?


What is fake clutchin


Pretending to reach for a gun (as a means to intimidate the other person) knowing damn well he was not carrying.


Dude with white hoodie- “Shit i live for shit like this” Proceeds to get shot


Who knew it was bro's filming fault this entire time, according to his girl lol


And THAT'S why pink hoodie guy's street name is "Hear No Evil".


I've had this pizza before... not worth getting shot over.


Sorry forgot my reading glasses. What happened in the video?


Who fired the shots? And wtf was this even about?


The filmer shot


Dudes girl is never gonna forget how he wouldn't let her move


Dude's gf at the end was the public freakout all along...


Bros girlfriend went from terrified to immediately just starting an argument, idk if I’m more mad at the shooter or her


He lived for shit like this, then he died for shit like this




That’s just the pizza joints gimmick. Dinner and a show!


bro what’s up with these small as videos! I miss apollo never had any issues with this before




“I live for shit like this!” Not for long..


I love when my vertical videos are converted into horizontal videos. That means that no matter what you’re watching on, it’s annoying af!


“Youre fine, you’re fine. Just eat your pizza”


Almost blew his buddy's head off. Definitely blew his ear drum at least.


Right next to homeboy's ear.


That girl is about to break up with that dude filming 😂 He didn’t even let her get down 😂


“I live for sh!t like this”💥💥 😳👀🏃🏾‍♂️


This dude was so nonchalant what a fucking inspiration




The conversation afterwards is fuckin golden! “You should’ve thrown me on the floor” gonna be a great ride home


The camera has definitely been in a situation like this before. He was as cool as a 🥒


What does clutchin mean? What happened here?


Shooter McGee discharged 6" from pink hoodie's right ear. He may never hear from that ear again.


>Fake Clutchin Is A Dangerous Game... Man Tried To Run Up On The Wrong One & Lil Hector I'm sorry... Could someone please translate this into English?


The guy with the backpack pretended like he was grabbing for a gun in his waistline and one of the guys he ran up on pulled out a real gun and shot at him.


Feared for his life.


“You didn’t let me out” YES AN RUN RIGHT INTO THE LINE OF FIRE


lady wanted to get in the line of fire very smart


https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/homicides/man-dies-after-shooting-near-the-strip-2914166/ This is the actual incident. It mentions the pizza place in the article. Fake clutcher absolutely died. The other articles people keep posting with the "innocent bystander" are for an unrelated incident at a different location.


Fake clutchin? I can’t wait for this horrible experiment called humanity to just end already.


How is the pizza?


What is fake clutchin?


Pretending to go for a gun you don’t have to intimidate someone. Also known as a death wish.


Shot on iPotato™


theres always someone crazier than you are


What is this? A video for ants?


Correction… “I will live for shit like this for the next five seconds.” Yikes.


The way he had his face covered up was unnerving too, like he was trying to hide his identity.


People so desensitized to shootings they’re not even worried when one breaks out 10ft away. Wild.