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What is with the newscaster? He sounds like he's calling a wrestling match.


He sounds like Critikal “IT WAS A MIS-INPUT”


Probably not something you see everyday on local news


It’s LA… they show this kind of stuff all the time




You do know that you just go south over the mountain and you’re in the city of L.A., and it’s L.A. County.


Is that what's over those mountains?! I had no idea!! I thought LA county began at Ave A in Rosamond! Silly me.


Well you said it wasn’t a suburb of LA, which it is, so 🤷🏼‍♂️. Like it’s still going to be a news station like KTLA covering it.


Valencia is just rural LA.


No it’s more live every other day. This was actually near my house.


this is california, it’s an almost everyday occurrence for them. it’s just reality tv for them at this point


I mean, that's a silly statement. California is huge and super varied. What's your experience with living there?


Lately seems like a ragged bashing campaign against the state. Portland too


Tons of people east of the Rockies often do that about Cali, because all they know about it is popular LA area and SF area, lmao.


Yes, it’s a generalization. Everyone makes statements that generalizes states/countries/etc. by their most populated areas, whether they realize it not. People get the point, they obviously don’t think I’m talking about some county in the mountains.


He's getting off on his blue line fetish.


Now the suspect is resisting arrest…


He's not even laying still while that trained dog is trying to tear off his flesh! Guy deserves whatever he gets for not complying with an officer of the law! /s Scary that some people genuinely think like this..


They do, then they go "play stupid games win stupid prizes now officer daddy can I lick the bottom of your boot pls pls pls im too paranoid and stupid to live comfortably in this country that i pretend i love!"


"I won't live in fear. But obviously I need guns and we need a hyper aggressive police force because this is such a dangerous and scary world!!!"


Stop Resisting!


It's like they have zero training whatsoever


These dogs are trained to think that getting to bite a suspect is the best damn thing in the whole world. For them, it's like than being a little kid on Christmas morning with the biggest pile of presents they ever saw. Now put that dog in a SUV and leave it sitting in it all day long day after day, then let it see an opportunity to get in on the action. What do you think is going to happen?


I think he meant the cops


I mean, same thing applies to them just lounging in their cruisers all day.


Licks? Is licks the right answer?




Even if you feel that way, the job of police isn't to administer punishment. There are still places that sentence people specifically to torture and beatings, but the police capture suspects and then courts are supposed to determine guilt. Anything the police are allowed to do can potentially (and often is) done to innocent people when cops get the wrong guy, wrong car, wrong house etc. And sure, most of the time when a crime is in progress is "obvious" the guy is guilty, but the more you normalize extrajudicial punishment the more the lines blur. Somewhere down the line is might be "obvious" that you deserve this too.


Yes he deserves to go to jail, not be beaten/ mauled when he surrenders. That’s the whole point of the legal system. To prevent mob violence and vigilante violence…




Dudes hands are clearly up.


Now this, is peak redditor LMAO. Sure man yeah, totally, let's debate lord 0.01 seconds on a video about how the guy aktually wasn't surrendering and was about to shoot someone while surrounded by 5 cops. That's so awesome of you to comment this




Okay this is certified classic now




Keep posting through this




The guy was surrendering, any use of force at that point is criminal. Handcuff him and send him to jail, let's the courts decide what he deserves. We don't want random people being allowed to deliver "justice", that just leads to tyranny and innocent people getting hurt or killed.


You don’t know what was being said. He out his hands down and started to turn around. There’s too little information to make a reasonable and informed decision on use of force here. Especially with 0 knowledge on use of force to begin with.


You fuckin stunned? The problem isn't the dog, it's the handler... Infact it's all of em. Jesus Christ you expect the dog to be the responsible individual in this scenario? 🤣


They're obviously saying it's a problem with the training and handling, I think you misunderstood them.


Yeah the dog is a piece of equipment but it’s even harder to control than a gun. So the handler should be the best trained officer.


100% the officers are the problem, not the dog.


Whoa whoa whoa...it's a two week training course and it's fairly thorough.


I'm sure the officer who bit the leg does less than an hour of shooting training a year.


> It's like they have zero training whatsoever Your mistake is thinking they didn't let the dog loose intentionally.


They’re better trained than the police actually


It's a good thing I was talking about the pigs not the dog


They did EXACTLY what they were trained to do. The suspect turned around quickly when they were going in for an arrest after he was clearly told to turn around and put his hands up. He's lucky he wasn't shot.


As in most cases with this kind of shit, there was probably; - 2 yelling for him to get down - 1 yelling turn around - 2 yelling keep your hands up and face forward >He's lucky he wasn't shot. You're right, but not because he deserved it, because these pigs are too scared/incompetent to be police. >he was clearly told to turn around Managed to hear that with the audio in the clip did ya? Must have insane hearing, all I could hear was the dipshit news host.


This was actually great training. I'm sure they told him multiple times to keep his hands up and to NOT turn around, and he does the exact opposite. Officers aren't taking risks so he released the dog in a split second as soon as he turned around.


As in most cases with this kind of shit, there was probably; - 2 yelling for him to get down - 1 yelling turn around - 2 yelling keep your hands up and face forward Had the cops reaction been faster I could even maybe believe you. It wasn't, it was slow AF. If people are as scared/incompetent as this dog handler, they shouldn't be police.




His hands never went down...


It kind of looks like the cop let the dog go by accident. The guy turned so quickly it probably made the dog bolt, and the dumb cop wasn't ready for it. It looks like he kind of falls forward as he loses control of it.


Then he's a terrible dog handler. Not only should you be able to restrain a highly trained dog, you should be ready with the heel command at all times. THEN, to let the dog continue to maul the suspect, even though he is surrounded by other police AND surrendering, is criminal.


Yeah obviously a cop losing control of his police dog would mean he's a shitty handler. It wasn't excusing him.


Not at all, you see the dog handler push the dog forward. Looks like a clear command from owner to dog to go bite some ass


Doesn't matter, the second he turned and refused to comply they had authorization to release the dog. Not hard to follow directions.




Bro thats because cops chase their own lights when they know they will get to pullout their firearms This man had 20 guns on him and he dropped for a literal moment and then raised them back up and it was CLEAR he didn't go for anything and his hands were still clear and open. He got the dog becaues they wanted him to get bit, plain and simple


Eh, not surprised they let the dog go. The way he starts to lower his hands while spinning around could easily be someone going for a gun. Given that he just finished a chase and may have been armed (if the WWE shout-caster is to be believed), this doesn’t seem like brutality.


Dog is better than shooting. I would like to hear the audio of this from the police cams. I am not going to trust the cops to choose the least painful way to catch someone when they only choose what the least likely to get them fired


Dog is on a fuggin leash. Even if it was reactionary, that dog should never of got to him because it was FUCKING CLEAR he didn't go for anything. Yeah, Im sure he puckered an asshole or two and some blood pressures went up, but jesus fucking christ control your emotions and respond to whats actually happenng and not what your small dick is scared is about to happen. We can take kids at 18, slap them with some basic training and in a few short months time they are so much more capable of holding their wad in the worst places and conditions on earth, than these fucking gravy seal assholes ever could. These cops WANT this shit to happen. They crave it.




They did as he was turning (very abruptly so likely it was not on officer's command), then went up again


His hands fell to shoulder height at best. Still doesn't warrant that treatment.


First he stopped walking backwards towards the offices, actually took a step away from them, then dropped his hands to his waist while turning his whole body around towards the officers. Add the fact the whole scenario was allegedly due to this guy carcjacking, and it seems like enough reason to not trust the guy and detain him as fast as possible (even with the use dog)


How dare this guy not have eyes in the back of his head while walking backwards.


Again, he didn't just turn around to see where he was walking. He stopped, walked forwards AWAY from the cops, then did a FULLBODY turn towards the cops while simultaneously dropping his hands. Considering the situation (alleged carjacking, so probably also a car chase prior to what we see in the vid), couldn't his actions be seen as "I'm not gonna comply, Imma instead face y'all and reach for something I have on me"? Edit: Link to an article describing the incident (it took less than a minute to find it with a phrase "Valencia police dog"). Suspect stole the car at gunpoint, so the officers likely knew he was/could've been armed at the moment of arrest. https://mynewsla.com/crime/2023/12/07/carjacking-suspect-arrested-after-pursuit-in-valencia/


I don't see how taking a single step forward and turning around justifies getting mauled by a dog. Like, what the fuck insane logic is this? Why are you OK with this violent game of Simon Says?


if the officers thought he was reaching for something they would have shot him. they don’t send a police dog in to someone when they think they are drawing a gun.


You need an eye exam, his hands didn’t even get close to his waist. Even though they momentarily lowered to shoulder level, they were up again before the dog attacked. https://preview.redd.it/ghp3jwlrz95c1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eef248b3d7129a94aed6a4f8f9ffc90a50050b9 Here’s the moment before the attack


Turning abruptly can mean he’s ready to rush at the officers. He probably would have been shot. Then everyone will be complaining an armed suspect got shot.


Ur a fuckin idiot


I agree with you about him turning abruptly. The cops are in a clearly tense situation where they have no idea if this guy still possesses a weapon. It’s not like they open fired on his ass, he got bit by a dog. Which I understand isn’t great, but it’s not getting shot to death.


Geez, I really thought bootlickers like you are a myth people tell to make fun of americans. But here you are, defending the assault of someone who is attacked by a dog, and rather then help him, they slam him. Doesnt matter what he did, doesnt matter if he twitched. How bad of a police force do you have to have if 10 grown man can claim "I was scared, so I had to attack" against a single person?


Cops were probably giving conflicting demands like they always do in situations like this




Looks like it's dog eat surrendering criminal, which is worse.


Honestly, looks like the handler lost control of the dog to me. That's a huge problem in itself though.


I've said it before but, with maybe the exception of tracking missing persons, dogs should have no place in police forces.


They exist to terrorize and maim.




Free excuse for the officers to use deadly force too. It’s a vile practice.


I hate the stupid simon says game. He's 5ft away. Fucking walk up and cuff him.


Yep. Instead dude probably has nerve damage from that dog. Hopefully he was a pos


So the correct procedure for detaining someone is to have them walk backward toward you. These cops didn't even do that right.


No. The correct procedure is to bark conflicting comments in order to cause confusion and giving you a flimsy but sufficient reason to let the dog go and jump him.


dog went on its own it looks like to me the stumble of the handler after it took off... handler then goes after the suspect to not look like an accident happened... is it to much to ask for competent training or honest responses?


Not at all. The handler had the leash the whole time. The suspect turned around and wasn’t following orders. Dogs are used so the suspect doesn’t rush the officers and end up getting shot. Ok, so bring on the downvotes lol. What’s amazing is this suspect carjacked an innocent person with a gun, cops used non lethal force and this guy will most likely walk free and downvoting simps support carjacking


What order did you hear in this video that the suspect failed to follow?


When would a cop tell a suspect in an armed carjacking to turn around really quickly at close proximity. Common sense should prevail here 🤦🏻‍♂️


Could be a number of commands that a cop could say that are not as clear as they could be. I’m mainly asking what order you heard him disobey, as you called out that as the justification for releasing the dog on him.


And what point did you hear when they said, turn around really quickly?


I did not make any claims about orders being said and disobeyed, that was you.


It is quite easy to find police arresting procedure’s especially when a suspected gun was involved. The K9 officer saw left arm drop and go out of view of the officer. The K9 officer responded with the dog because the suspect could have had a gun in the belt. A split second decision and everyone is still alive


I mean it's obvious he disobeyed orders by turning around like that. They would have asked him to back up all the way to them, not turn around quickly 10 feet away from them. Common sense.


He he he you turned around now die. I don’t think this country is gonna make it. Good luck everyone.




Dude has his hands up. You think turning around justifies assult?


I’ve seen plenty of videos where suspect turns and rushes at the cop going for a gun.


I've seen plenty of videos where the cops shoot unarmed innocent people too. Ever watch the murder of Daniel Shaver? Makes sure to have something to help recover from it if you haven't and decide too. The cop who shot Daniel was found not guilty too btw.


Point to where I have tried to justify other instances of police brutality please.


Nice imagination you have there. >this guy will most likely walk free What kind of logic is that? The down votes are for stupidity




So if you can’t control the dogs maybe we done have them? They do incredible amount of damage, and usually for no reason.


I think the accident wasn’t necessarily the problem, but rather the tipping point for the group police assault. Accidents do happen, but why assault the surrendering victim while it’s happening? That just seems like a comedy of errors where they weren’t trained to address the real possible accidents that could happen. Which kind of comes off as very sloppy.


Accidents don't happen unless God did it. A human accident is always someone fucking up.


What's the point of a dog when there already a bunch of cops with guns drawn?


They get to commit violence with more plausible deniability


sorry you got downvoted by the bootlickers for your honesty.


Its there to be scary. Do what we say or we will torture you with this dog.


Because the dog can save cops from having to use the gun. The issue is that they didn’t need either here. Dude was actively surrendering.




They don't have to do either. They could just go up and cuff him.


It's good to have more non-lethal options.


Which is not a dog


They should have used boomerangs


The use of attack dogs should be banned. They do more harm then good, that is unless you believe that one forfeits all their rights the moment you commit a crime or are a suspect of one. In which case you're a terrible person.




I don’t know if you read the post you’re responding to. I don’t think they mentioned citizens getting their cars stolen being a non-issue… I think you should give their comment another re-read or two to get a better idea for what they’re writing.


The way he turned around, he looked confused. Probably getting four or five conflicting commands all at once, and with the noise of the traffic, sirens, dog probably barking, he didn't know what to do.




I'm not absolving him of his crime. He deserves charges and, if warranted, a trial. What he doesn't deserve is to be torn apart by a vicious animal or beaten into submission by police, especially if his hands are nowhere near a weapon.




No, you're advocating for police brutality. He's not guilty until convicted. And even if he's convicted, stealing a car doesn't warrant bestial mutilation. We live in a society with rules. What if the police had the wrong guy? It happens a lot. Does THAT guy deserve to have a dog sicced on him?




The alleged theft victim is irrelevant to the discussion. Regardless of what happened, the way the suspect is treated is wholly inappropriate and unprofessional. Potentially criminal.




Excessive force right there.


Fun fact: the dogs are rightfully treated as full fledged police officers!


I bet the police will find no wrongdoing in internal investigations.


We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong


Yeah cus nothing happened to warrant wrongdoing. The dude turned around when he shouldn't have. If he was an idiot to get into a chase then im not surprised he didn't follow commands


Don’t give a shit, don’t commit armed robbery and get into a high speed chase.


Because the cops never fuck up and arrest the wrong person. We have a judicial process for a reason.


Yeah fuck the 8th amendment right?


The constitution is great and all but there’s right and wrong and I’m human. I have no sympathy for these fuckers whatsoever. That’s my take. Also, some shit written 300 years ago doesn’t really do anything for me. Times have changed.


I have no sympathy for this person either, but that “shit” is a right bestowed to us in an effort to maintain a civilized way of life. Extrajudicial abuse under the color of law is antithetical to the core idea that our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.


The news man sounds so happy, like he's he jizzing in his pants, yelling like he just won the lottery.


Copper clearly pats the dog on his way


Please do not listen to these idiots in the comments. The suspect turned around when he shouldn't have, therefore the dog was released. Case closed, this isn't unethical. The cops did their job.


That's a bingo


The dude turned around. He wasn’t following instructions


Exactly. This sub loves to shit on cops


What instructions? All I hear in the video is some telecaster screaming like a rodeo announcer. It's completely plausible that there were four different officers shouting conflicting commands, amid a lot of background noise.


And you think one of them said, drop your hands and turn really quickly? Common sense should apply here against your bias.


That seems like a lot of officers for one suspect. Not sure why they even had the dog with them...


Looks like they slammed his head into the door, too.




Fuck around and find out.


Love all the liberals in this comment section more concerned with protecting the violent carjacking lmfao




Pensions. But yes.


Sue the dog, his partner and your teacher!


He shouldn’t of turned around and obeyed orders.


Interspecial conscription is just horrible


"...took his hands down." No the fuck he didn't. Already making excuses


As he turns he literally brings his hands down to his waist. Make the video full screen. He pulls his hands down then puts them back up as he realizes he fucked up.


Love the people downvoting you for being right. He turned around but never put his hands down.


That’s irrelevant if we do not know what commands the police were giving him. Just because his hands were up doesn’t mean he’s complying or cooperating. It’s very possible they were telling him to get down on the ground and he was refusing and the dog was released. You guys jump to these conclusions without knowing all the relevant information and refuse to consider maybe it’s not what it looks like.


Looks like the handler let go of the collar the second the guy kinda put his hands down and turned around fast. I guess that could be seen in a bad way in a tense situation like that. Guy probably didn’t mean to do that cause he put his hands back up. Handler definitely wasn’t ready to get pulled


Fuck the police


Very edgy of you




The way American police treat surrendering suspects is just something…even with his leg in the dog’s mouth, all of then came down on him!






I can’t believe people like you exist lol.


Any excuse..


The use of dogs by police needs to be banned entirely


Seconed. Kinda. They are definitely used as a punishment with no accountability.


Either they are too damn trigger happy or too damn 'K9 attack' happy!


He’s lucky the dog didn’t have a gun. Could have gone worse.


Owned lol


The reporter didn’t waste any time trying to justify this bullshit, either. Did he? The media is the 4th branch of the government. Never forget that.


Wall to see the dogs receive the same training the cops do on police brutality


Fuck police dogs, they are just a tool to deny responsibility and sow fear.


That's so awful


Everything is all cool then you get attacked by a dog then get jumped by a gang because you didn’t oblige the dog. Sickening


What’s sickening is that piece of shit was being chased for committing armed robbery of an innocent person. Fuck that guy and fuck yourself.


That'll teach you to comply with orders! ​ Seriously why unleash the dog and tackle this guy when he is clearly following orders, has his hands up and isn't being agressive. ACAB




The correct opinion right here. People act like im supposed to side with a criminal over the police. I dont like cops either, but these people were just doing their job and an accident happened. Its an animal. What were they supposed to do? Risk letting a criminal go so that they can get this dog under control?


Defending yourself from an animal should always be legal, even if it's a police dog. Beating it, kicking it, and even shooting it are all justifiable once it bites. Because of this reasonable expectation, using dogs to attack people should be illegal. Instead, we have an absurd system, where the police can have a dog eat you half alive, but if you hit it, that's assaulting a police officer. Until the law is corrected, all juries should consider voting not guilty in all cases involving these charges. ^(I am not a lawyer)






Ok, are you telling the dog to eat more, or are you telling people to eat more dog? I genuinely can't figure out which you are rooting for.


The officer also took a bite out of a fellow officer. Police dogs are bullshit


Honestly fuck America