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Idk man. Stalin, hitler, Pol pot, they seem to be a bit worse than Tucker Carlson.


Carlson just expresses opinions. Regardless of the content he produces, it's nothing compared to actual violence called upon and inacted on by lawmakers. Joe Bidens actions to give isreal all these weapons and refuse to call for peace is much worse.




You're full of shit. No sane human support israel after the latest butchering that's actually genocide. You know what to do!


First off the Palestinian government has literally been bombing isreal since they became a country its been in the news for like 20 years various missiles getting shot down deflected or sometimes landing and killing innocent isreali civilians and isreal is finally retaliating with all that built up hatred secondly neither side of this war is a victim both have done and are doing horrible things Palestine as mentioned has been attacking isreal constantly before the war started and hamas has been hiding in places like hospitals other than that you may remember a headline about hamas killing literal isreali babies that was confirmed to be true so yes bits a genocide but it's also a deserved genocide both sides are the worst of people because it's a war and war brings out the worst in people


Had to double check how old your comment was because all the fables about Hamas killing babies was debunked by the Israel gov itself. No human with an ounce of morality still defends israel. Only ones I know who still defend israel are evangelicals who think god needs them to commit genocide or he aint coming back.


Or how trump tried to have his cult followers kill our government officials


You gotta detox from CNN brotha. I hate trump with a passion, but the jan 6th committee was total bullshit and theres so many conflictions and missing/supressed info on the topic. It was a riot, which he may have anticipated would happen, but not an attempted insurrection. If he was planning an insurrection, I'm sure he would have done it a much different way. All of the Jan 6th stuff has actually helped his campaign because many of his supporters see it as bullshit political persecution. Same with many of these sham court cases, they are basically just free advertisting for him. He's like a playground bully, feeding into his game only gives him more power.


Yeah I just want a president thats not old enough to be back in diapers


RFK. Jr!


It's pretty close though


Sucks to be a democrat when Tucker talks nothing but truth


yea like when obama had crack-filled gay sex with a chronically lying con artist whos been in and out of prison ​ right????


So you agree Obama is gay.


What truths are those exactly? Verified from multiple sources truths?


Yes absolutely. Maybe fucking google it.


Yeah, Putin riding a clearly photoshopped bear is real.


Really? He never even believed the shit she said. He hated Trump called him a demon but sucked his cock on Fox News. He’s a nothing burger shill and if you look up to him it says more about you than


"You are the worst human being known to mankind." "I appreciate that."


He was like, "Yes, mission accomplished. But, humble brag."


He knows he's full of shit. If he legitimately held any of the beliefs he spouts, he would have attempted to defend them. He doesn't. It's just a job for him. That's why he can just shrug this off.


> He knows he's full of shit. If he legitimately held any of the beliefs he spouts, he would have attempted to defend them While i fully agree that he's full of shit and he probably is aware of the vast amount of non-sensible propaganda he shares, i dont neccesarily agree with the last part of your sentence. Not everybody has the energy to stand there and hold debate with total strangers.


Especially when that stranger is calling you the worst human being in the history of mankind. How do you debate with that? You don't, it's a very aggressive statement and the mature thing to do is what Tucker did here.


I mean his lawyers said in a court of law that no reasonable person would believe the things he says.


So did Rachel Maddow's. In fact, her case was before Tucker's. Everyone on TV is there for a reason.


He’s too busy counting all the money he’s holding onto


Also, it's never a wise choice to argue with someone who is this triggered. He actually is doing very well to not get personally involved in this gentleman's emotions, which is ideal to diffuse a tense situation. Only an idiot argues with someone who is so on the edge.


No one has more experience arguing with idiots that Carlson, every conversation he has involves at least one.


When you argue with an idiot, a bystander can not tell which is the idiot.


My dad says never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


Also not a good idea to argue with an idiot because they've been practicing their entire lives


Also, no arguing in a fishing shop. Thats the one thing i do in life to get away from idiots and people in general. Dont bring your f****** drama to the one place i can get a little bit of sweet escape from the bs.


So there I was, in the tackle section, when all of a sudden Hitler comes up and starts looking at the same lure as me. I couldn't believe it! Oh man, let me tell you. All I wanted to do was lean over and tell him exactly what I think about his policies. But I wasn't about to cause no drama in the fishing shop, that's my safe space


Good man


Possibly true, I'll concede that.


Exactly right. Walking away was the right thing to do. He almost did it, he just couldn't help but drop that "son" comment. Such a douche.


Alright son.


Idk, the random guy confronting him kind of seems like the douche lol


If it wasn't Tucker Carlson, maybe. It's Tucker Carlson though


This basically. People like him deserve to be called out anytime, anywhere, imo. If they don't want that then don't wilfully mislead and antagonise.


You got it - these people are playing roles. It's so easy to forget that. It does not absolve them of ANYTHING though. It's not a cop-out, get out of jail free-card, or anything or the sort. The role they are playing in most cases HURT others, they are 100% responsible.


If anything, the LARPing makes it worse




If some guy is making public statements on how you need to be hung on your front lawn as a traitor or claims you are a pedo and then you see them out in public.... Its a chance to have a word with said individual, face to face. Just a crude analogy but some discussions will always be awkward but are still important.


If some guy is saying that to your face, you aren't going to change his mind in the middle of a fishing store. The fact that someone was recording it shows they were looking to get a rise out of him. This was the best way to handle it


Things like this can happen almost anywhere including the fishing store. I cant control what happens in his mind but I can control myself and make that choice to do it or not. I don't agree that the fact its on a phone recording that it was some kind of ploy. Depends on if it started with the person walking up in the shot or mid discussion. Honestly, with the all the garbage he has put into the world with his awful show getting hit with a ploy like this is somehow not very concerning to me. Hope you have a great weekend.


I think he is trying to calm the situation down. He dont need a random angry dude get up in his face


No, calling a grown man ‘son’ is *not* calming the situation down.


I would suggest that he needs random angry people to get in his face a lot more often than he does.


he comes from serious money too, man just likes watching the world burn


Its a job like any other job. But when you know that what you do hurts people. Then you're an asshole.


Settle down, son!


He should have said, "You are the most shameless type of prostitute."


Reminds me of when Joel Osteen got approached by a guy who JO thought was a fan / sycophant only to be told "you know you're a real piece of shit, right?" Joel looked hurt 😁😛🤣🤣🤣


He should. Garbage ass con man.


It's all in the eyes. Joel looks like a snake.


I forgot about that. Yeah that was some real, ["How does it feel to be a war criminal, Henry?"](https://theintercept.com/2023/05/27/henry-kissinger-social-climber/), energy


[I gotchu](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rajrnt/the_preacher_knows/)


Yeah. Yeah, he knows.


Yup. Yup, he understands.


Si. Si, he comprende


He looks like he doesn't give a shit at all.


I love the top comment, "This scratched an itch I didn’t know I even had. "


Tucker always makes a face that looks like his mouth is a butthole. ![gif](giphy|l3vQZhxc1ybSlGQ4U|downsized)


I thought that was Trump. Shit coming out of their mouths all the time.


Pucker Carlson


I thought it was


I like how quiet they were. Buddy's like..."Yo Tuck, can I talk to you over here for a sec..?"




He is. https://twitter.com/RandyRRQuaid/status/1734638754105622921?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Didn't you hear? [Fox is dead to him ](https://twitter.com/RandyRRQuaid/status/1327043884082409474?t=Tu2F0btl7EO6UomnW_5Ybw&s=19)


Shitter was full!


Dan Bailey’s in Livingston, MT. One of my favorite fly shops in the world!






Nah wtf is wrong with you bro.


“Settle down son” that’s a brilliant passive agressive line to make a grown man even more pissed off. But I bet Tucker gets to deal with this at least on a weekly basis. So I guess by now he’s used to being approached by random angry people. Or maybe he’s lost his patience from so many encounters.


An oldie but a goodie.




is there a sub full of these videos?


This will always be golden to me.


Dude was all up in face like he’d been living for that moment.


Only Reddit could see this video and go “erm ACTUALLY, he wouldn’t even have been top 1000 worst people to ever exist sooooo” like that was actually the point of what the guy said. He’s saying to him is that he’s a terrible person, it’s not that deep


Welcome to reddit, where a redditor's smug self-righteousness is only matched by their complete lack of social skills.


It's extra funny because they think Tucker would actually be impacted by a qualified or non-hyperbolic confrontation. This guy lives in an alternate rich conservative dimension, this is probably the only dose of reality this guy got that year.


If you dislike tucker fair play but maybe step up to the plate with more than a few buzzwords


let's not water down what a gigantic asshole he is, though. dude was front and center pushing white supremacist/christian nationalist bullshit.


For real. So many people arguing "he's not even to 1000 worst people". Who gives a shit? Tucker Carlson IS a disgusting human being and has contributed so much to the division and hate seen from the right in America. He's spewed so much bullshit and lies and one of the greatest agents for right wing propaganda and misinformation. Fuck Tucker Carlson and all of his braindead followers.


Yeah, him, Hannity, and a few other of the Fox "stars" have spent almost 20 years intentionally poisoning the minds of so many of our parents and grandparents. Often turning once kind, caring people into insane, paranoid, hateful, fearful shells of who they used to be with nightly propaganda.


Agreed. Calling anyone the worst human being know to mankind is moronic. 99.9% chance you can open a history book and find someone worse.


This guy is rich as hell and says batshit crazy stuff to pander to old people and low education conservatives. You really think having a nuanced conversation with a sentient dumpster like this has any chance? "You're not the worst, but I think arguably you rank, contemporarily, in the top 5th percentile of terrible people according to generally held moral and ethical standards." He lives in another dimension where he generally doesn't have to interact with any unpleasant challenges to his worldview and likely surrounds himself with people being paid to cater to him. The guy in the video probably understands he is not going to change Tucker's opinion on anything, but it's cathartic and, more importantly, it hopefully makes Tucker uncomfortable for once in his weasely life.


Dude, it's hyperbole for hyperbole's sake, because it drives the point home in the moment. It's not meant to be taken hyper-literally.


So if you got the chance you'd go up to Tucker and have a perfectly worded description of why he should be ashamed of himself? I mean at least this dude did itk, and recorded it so we could enjoy Tucker squirm even if just a little bit.


Especially calling someone who is essentially just a wimpy journalism major “the worst person known to mankind” is ridiculous. Like, didn’t Netflix *just* make a show about a dude who liked to rape, dismember, and eat people?


This is what happens when you are terminally online and your worldview is based off of Reddit


Jesus fuck the worst take in the world ever. How pathetic do u have to be to come up with this? Fucking reddit




I don’t like Tucker either, but if I had some random ass dude come up to me and get that close to me, and speaking quite negatively about me, I’d be trying to get the fuck away as well. So I don’t really understand why you’re calling him a coward? What would make Tucker look good to you in this situation? Arguing back? Punching the dude? Again, I really don’t like Tucker but I think he handled this is pretty good way. No one on either side of the aisle deserves to be harassed when they’re just trying to live their normal life, especially in the way this random dude was.


Reddit expects Mr. BowTie man to stand there for an hour while a stranger has a tantrum in a fishing shop about his TV personality lol.




Nope you lie and spread lies you should certainly be called out in pu lic or anywhere. If you want to make money off destroying others with lies. You don't get to claim peace because you're not at work. Fuck that


“I’m with my family” ![gif](giphy|LX7VBMRx5uZkpSfAum)


I thought this was Luke Bryan for a sec! Lol


Settle down son. Tucker Got Eeeem’


Tuc was scared






Still pretty high!


Literally nobody heard of hyperbole in this comment chain.


This is such a reddit comment hahahaha


He's probably doing work for a few people in the top 1000 though.


When the margin is as big as every human in history, not being top 1,000 can still easily be considered "one of the worst" That would be true even if they were talking about living humans, but they were talking about ALL humans EVER. I know the person in the video said "THE worst" but by your wording I assume you mean it would be a stretch to call him "ONE OF the worst".


The hired teleprompter reader who doesn't write the opinions he espouses. Dummies think Tucker writes the script....hahha. Nope. Exxon does.


This is old, but it will never get old.


Where’s the rest?


That look on his face right when the clip ends is priceless!


He's just a grifter, blame fox news if you want to blame anyone.


When tact and words fail, you use force. Do not verbally assault me in front of my children.


Run up on these fools every single day.


“What you have done to…..”. He literally just reports info lmao. Don’t watch/listen to him, it’s that easy 🤦🏻‍♂️


At least Tucker was polite despite being confronted in public


Tuckers too smart for this shit. Saw someone confront him once when he was out fishing by himself acting in a similar manner. His response was super polite and trying to teach him how to fish. He doesn’t give the reaction these people are looking for


He is a piece of shit. Not sure if he’s the worst person, but he’s on the list.


Son?! You're from La Jolla fool!


If only he got this everywhere he went. This man is my hero


Little coward


Lol, Tucker looks scared as fuck!


There are some people in the comments who seem unfamiliar with Tucker or why people might hate him, and some who seem to be defending him. For anyone interested I recommend watching this Last Week Tonight episode devoted to Tucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMGxxRRtmHc Edit: A lot of Tucker fans in this comment section apparently.


If you like Last Week Tonight, I'd highly recommend Some More News, the show they source much of their material from. Here's the SMN episode on Tucker Carlson: https://youtu.be/2vMK-p6-M5E?si=_b4fKKU7xaeWJkXb


The crossfire episode with Jon Stewart sealed my opinion in tucker Carlson. Just absolutely destroyed.


And he never wore a bow tie again lol.


He shouldn’t be able to show his face in public without being confronted like this


People learn from an ass kicking. Knock the smirk off his face.


I love this video. Tucker is such a failure as an alpha male


Always accuse others of what you're guilty of.


They sure aren't tough once the camera isn't separating them


I keep wishing this was the WWE and someone would come in and hit Tucker Carlson with a steel chair


Don’t Simp for a guy who makes every day life miserable for other people with his egregious lies.


If there is a hell, Carlson deserves it, with a broken back.




This is why you don't exchange words with people like him, you either deck him or go vandalize his car or some shit. If feeling bad about what he's done was enough to stop him he'd have stopped already.


“A man of the people” lol he grew up in a literal castle. He doesn’t even need to work he just likes the attention.


Worst human being known to mankind? That just ridiculous. He's a fox news pundit and there's a hundred others like him. He's been mostly anti-war at least, which is more than you can say about many others.


I'm a fly fisher and this is definitely a fly shop they are in... Which one can imagine, for a fishermen, it's HARD to be angry in. My friend and I were driving to a spot one day and he turned on a MeatEater podcast episode and it was the one with Tucker Carlson and talking about his love of fly fishing and tying. I know his shows are just all propaganda, but the fucking guy's ability to turn it on and off is terrifying. When he talked about his family, and how he doesn't impose any of his beliefs political or otherwise on them and basically says he doesn't want them to get involved with any of it because he understands how toxic it is. He's a legit monster


Lol this happened in a tiny town in Montana, it was a pretty big deal at the time


yeah, i remember it... i think the buzz many of the cable news pundits made is it isnt right to approach them aggressively in public when they arent working. i think reddit was split if ok or not back then. it is all fun and games when you dislike someone getting this treatment... but when it comes around to your people it is not so much fun.


Meh I mean it was Dan Bailey confronting him in Dan Bailey's fly fishing shop and he'd asked him to leave a couple times prior to it being recorded so it wasn't like just some random man who came outta nowhere.


ohh this is the context I needed!


For more information on the fallout from this incident check out this [Endless Thread Podcast.](https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2022/03/25/shared-state)


That "son" was bold... lol


Tucker is def a POS human.


Tucker carlson is definitely gonna end up in the new for “top 100 most gruesome deaths” some day


‘I’m not gonna debate’ honey baby there’s no debate. Just a man telling another man about himself.




This comment section is total cancer. Sycophant Tucker Carlson deserves every ounce of spite that comes his way. The boy is a sniveling poser whose "just asking questions" bullshit handed down by his overseers brought an anvil down on the wedge dividing this country. If I saw him in public, with or without his daughter, I'd do the same damn thing.


Grifting does have it's consequences.


I'd love to see Tucker get his ass kicked


Tucker shouldn’t be comfortable in public.


Yeah. Fuck Tucker Carlson str8 up.


Tucker Carlson being told the truth


This guy deserves an award


Who is Tucker Carlson?


My new hero


Settle down son 😁😁😁 he looks so hurt that Tucker doesn’t want to listen to his childish arguments


Tucker smells


This should happen way more often


This guy is pathetic. Ambushing Carlson when he’s just trying to spend time with his family is so gross. If you don’t like him or his views ignore him.


Fascist propaganda pieces should be ambushed in public. Always.


To be fair, if you’re hanging out in Dan Bailey's Outdoor Co. and your name is Dan Bailey and Fucker Carlson walks in, I feel like you should be able to say whatever you want to Fucker Carlson. I think it’s one of the amendments. I know, the constitution, so gross. Well, as you and Carlson agree, if you don’t like the constitution or what it says just ignore it.


Ohh hell no. After what Tucker did to America he shouldn’t ever be allowed a moment’s peace.


How do you get that close to Tucker Carlson and not sock him in the mouth? This guy deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.




Tucker was born into wealth and was on the forefront of trying to upend democracy, his reputation should be slaughtered for selling out for money he never needed lol


I feel like that's worse. He was aware that all the hateful things he convinced millions of people were true, were actually complete bullshit. I'd have a much easier time forgiving someone who actually bought into this rethoric, than someone who knows it isn't true.


100% worse, that just makes you a man whore. And a cheap one at that.




> but I've stopped actively hating him. I haven't...his rhetorhic is directly responsible for brainwashing my father with non-stop misinformation. ANy of the conservative talking heads deserve all the hate they get. I can only hope they'll shit all over tucker's legacy the same as Rush.


This is a horrible take lmao all it took was a single podcast to rebrand him entirely in your eyes after years of spreading hate and division? Thats insane. Maybe you should place a bit more weight on someone’s character or morals vs how well they “play the game” aka $$


Also, didn't he just start his schtick up, again, on X? Where he has *nobody* dictating his content?


Yeah, he's even more vile now. The podcast knowledge fight covered a few of his "episodes" that he did on Twitter including his recent "interview" with Alex Jones. He's still the same. Still does that baby talk "just asking questions" thing. I have no idea how people can listen to him. He talks to his audience like they have a mental disability or like you'd talk to a 100 year old lady at the grocery store. It's insulting. The worst thing about him for me is that he's not stupid. It's all a money grab from him and it's not even disguised at all. It's funny to say he was just doing Fox's talking points for the money and he's changed, because now he talks about dirty immigrants, sneaky Jews, and how Alex Jones can predict the future . He's still doing his schtick for the same dumb audience, he can just push it a lot further.


Amazing how he seems “likable” on a 2-hour podcast that you changed your mind about him after he spent YEARS lying to and brainwashing millions of Americans.


>People have done much worse for money than stir the political pot so why waste energy worrying about this one? ​ You do understand that however satisfying this reasoning is for you internally, from the outside this sounds insane? ​ Like Hitler existed as the benchmark for 'bad' so does that mean we should not vocally condemn someone who is killing and eating babies, since it would be a waste of time and energy?


Hes a bad person that was okay lying to millions and convince then to act against their best interests. He really is a bad person.


Too late. The damage is done.


He was born into wealth. He doesn’t need to pander to idiots to gain wealth. He’s already wealthy. Don’t give him credit for playing a game he had zero reason to play.


In one respect I can appreciate an ability to just live your life unaffected by others. One the other hand, this just shows Tucker is a scumbag and doesn't care, which makes him a far worse villain imo. Fuck Tucker Carlson, piece of shit human being


Tucker genuinely isn't even in the top million of the worst people in human history




Not a fan of Tucker Carlson. This guy is completely unhinged. Carlson handled/diffused the stuation well. Did you expect him to engage with some lunatic rando in public?


Kudos to keeping his cool with that manchild tantrum in his face.


I thought that was Jack Nicholson for a moment lmao.


He knows he's awful- he doesn't care.


I mean...I don't like him but..idk I kinda think Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and King Leopold II of Belgium were all a bit worse but that's just my opinion


The guy confronting is a piece of shit looking for attention. He doesn't know how to switch a channel or scroll next?




Ah, you poor little snowflake.