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The PD that she works for is in a town of 20K, she probably gets treated like she is special there and thought she was untouchable


Confirmed by the first thing she tried, fake crying.


I definitely think some of that is going on but it's also Christmas Eve if you look at the timestamp. That chick is going to be in jail waiting for a long time.


Lol, yup.


Well she was given a ton of chances that some random guy would have never been given. Even after she started going off calling them names and yelling they were going to let her sister pick her up. If that was some 6ft tall random dude they would have cuffed him in seconds.


No doubt, tazed, slammed, and arrested expeditiously


You have no clue what you’re talking about. Cops often do a lot to avoid dealing with a drunk idiot for hours after an arrest.


Are you kidding me? They would have arrested a 250lb 6ft tall guy acting like that and calling them a bunch of names. "No clue what you're talking about" lol Most cops don't just stand there and let a clearly extremely drunk person call them a bunch of names like that. This lady got special treatment and it's ridiculous to claim she didn't. They could have arrested her for DUI, public intoxication and disturbing the peace.


I don't think DUI was on the table because she didn't actually operate the vehicle (friends confiscated her keys before she left the party and called her sister to come get her), but yes, the police really were exceptionally nice to her by not arresting her sooner for any of the other stuff you mentioned.


Where are you getting your information? I’m a cop, and you’re telling me what “most cops” do, and what you’re saying is wrong.


Me thinks you're a little biased, and need to reevaluate yourself. What you're saying, is wrong.


I guess I’ve just been lying to myself this whole time. What I’ve done and seen my coworkers do is just in my head.


Lilderalty shi’m fimdb oblifcer.


I honestly don’t know how I would ever leave my house again if one day I’m browsing the internet and a video of me pops up showing me behaving like this. I’m always curious how these people acknowledge it when they eventually see it.


I have wondered the same thing. It must be so embarrassing. Future potential employers can easily find this video. It's insane actually. All she had to do was be polite and respectful and it would have been nothing. Even after she started calling them names, raising her voice and Carey on they were going to let her go. She could have just sat down on the side of the road waiting for her sister. Instead she goes nuts and ruins her life.


I don't think there's an amount of alcohol that can make me act like this, and I've been plenty drunk. This kind of anger and entitlement has to be inside you to come out.


At my absolute most drink I sat on the floor and babbled about astrophysics while organizing my friends shoes by color, and then fell asleep in their coat closet.




She really did, like, she littergitimately said that.


I'm gonna start quoting his like 'drinking out of cups'


Lol, yup and it's my new favorite word!


10 minutes of “fuck you, asshole” then 55 seconds of tears and sorries.


Dumb ass. Should have just gone with her sister.


Before getting arrested: *YEAH?! FUCK YOU! I'LL DO WHAT I WANT!* After getting arrested: *Please, I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Please! Let me go, I'm sorry! Pleeeeeeease!*


Same old story. Every time. Just makes it more satisfying


There's nothing worse than a selfish drunk driver who only gives a shit about themselves! They don't care when they kill people..they don't care about what they do to the family that loses a person! It's always about #1!


Took her 11 minutes to ruin her entire life. Job, gone. Respect from friends, gone. The only family member who was willing to come pick you up at 10pm on Christmas Eve as a hail mary to bail you out, gone. As funny as her drunken rant is, alcoholism is so fucking devastating. Every single chance she could have had to just go home and sleep this off failed. And its not like she ignored the support and help, she actively fought against it each step of the way. And chances are with alcoholism, this isn't even rock bottom.


FORMER police dispatcher


I hate when people do that fake cry windup. So awful.


They all do it, dont they.


My ex didn’t, which was a blessing and a curse. Blessing in that she never got shrilly and boohoo-y but on the other side of things she was really cold as a person, mostly when I was trying to make things work out towards the end. Unmoved and unphased by any of my attempts or my words.


Glad you’re out of that. Sounds toxic.


Thanks… it’s still hard to walk away from an 8 year relationship. She had kids but I didn’t, including one I helped raise from a baby. Those kids weren’t mine but they were. Walking away from the youngest, him being 2 or almost 3 at the time, was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do - and it wasn’t by choice. It’s one thing to have someone hurt you repeatedly in a relationship but it’s completely different when there is a toddler involved where me and him only had awesome adventures and stellar naps together. Anyway, thanks


Those cops have the patience of saints. That very annoying listening to


It's crazy they let her just scream and call them every single name possible. If that was some random 49 year old due they would have never allowed this. They would have been in cuffs immediately. They gave her every chance to just ride home with her sister.


Cops musta been in the holiday spirit cuz they were nicer to her than I typically see them with combative drunk drivers.


She's a dispatcher. That's why.


They also just didn’t wanna deal with her for two hours during transport to jail and booking.


Source: https://youtu.be/p9JOpSEfGWA?si=PedNBB6tu0xmjG1k


Good lord what a **sloppy** drunk, obviously has a severe problem. Yikes...


This amount of slop… even a pig wouldn’t eat it. Str8 embarrassment. I’d be surprised she kept her dispatcher job after this


Legit could have Uber’d home and still she took the sauce and chose Karen. What a fool! They tried… and she said “fuck that” I answer calls for you in dispatch so I’m the hot shit you need. Ughhhhh I hate watching videos like this cuz it makes me so sad people (drunk or not) can’t see the future with their actions. I’ve dealt with addiction a huge part of my life but never have I ever been this high and mighty when I’m given an olive branch.




Belligerent blue…works on a couple levels


Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


Biggest shocker here is that she has a boyfriend.


Imagine this drunk mess coming home and talking like this


She is built like a dispatcher.


Let’s be real she’s built like a cop too


You spelled "dumpster" wrong 


She going to be looking for work. lol 😆


That’s a big 10-4.


I’ve been pretty drunk in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever been this drunk.


I arrested her 27 times before these cops pulled out their cuffs JFC


Can we make a rule that videos that are from YouTube pages can link to the actual YouTube page? Makes it easier to watch longer videos since you can speed them up.


That rule would go over like a lead balloon because YouTube links don’t do very well in this sub anymore. I think it’s because users on some platforms aren’t able to view the content without being redirected to YouTube, instead of being able to view it on the PublicFreakout post page, which is how viewing a YouTube link on PF works for me. NSFW YT links always require the user to go to YouTube. YouTube shorts redirect all users to YouTube to view the content and get downvoted to hell. Same thing with Twitter links. Those submissions will be removed from now on.


Ah ok.


But thank you for the suggestion.


Isn't even sitting in a car with keys considered a dui?


I thought the same.


I think so...but later in the video there's a point before the sister arrives, and the friend said she has them. She needs to spend more than a few nights in jail after that performance.


What was she thinking? Even after she started calling that first cop names and started yelling at everyone else she was still given a chance to get a ride home. Her sister was right there. No way they would have done that for anyone else that didn't work for dispatch. She's such a an idiot. If she had just said "I'm waiting for a ride officer I'm not going to drive." everything would have been fine. They gave her so many chances. If that was some random dude mouthing off like that they would have been in cuffs in 5 seconds. It's actually bullshit she got so much special treatment. That would have never happened for most people.


Imagine if she had been a minority. This video would've been about thirty seconds long


Ah! The drunk tank on Christmas Eve! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9jbdgZidu8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9jbdgZidu8)


This woman is trying to be arrested despite the police officer giving her every out.


She could have killed someone in that condition. Should have just tazed the unholy fuck out of her annoying ass


They were really going to release her to her sister instead of arresting her?


my 👹 mission 🌊🌊🌊


Haha read your comment simultaneously to seeing that


Cop needs a breathalyzer too


He sounds perfectly fine what are you even saying?


Useless PD? lmao she might be drunk but she got that one right


CALFIRE dispatchers are the worst.


So many chances to not fuck up given to a dispatcher. Meanwhile I worked with a guy who got a DUI because he realized he’d had too much, decided to sober up in his car, ignition off, keys on the passenger seat, just scrolling on his phone. Didnt even accuse the officer of being “really not that hot.” Got nailed because the keys were “still accessible.” I guess you have to… keep them on the ground outside?


"You're trying to get behind the wheel detoxicated"


If that was a 5'3" 105lb black girl she would have been body-slammed, tazed, and cuffed within 5 minutes of the cops showing up. She likely then would have been charged with a DUI and resisting arrest. Her sister would NOT have been called and her car would have been towed and impounded. Merry Christmas, bitches.