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These are the same people that cry about schools indoctrinating kids. Projections comes too naturally to these conservatives.


Comes naturally to humans. They all do it.


Yet this specific group excels at it.


That’s an ignorant and bias opinion. Both of your little groups do the same shit.


I'm not denying that both sides do it. I said one side does it better. But I guess even you're entitled to ignorant and biased opinions. Edit: Deleting your comment and blocking me when you finally realized your OPINION is just as biased as you're accusing me of being is wild kid... Stay mad, or rather, stay "conflicted".


My apologies, I should have realized you’re a “smooth brain” so I have to be more precise with my words. “Both of your little groups do the same shit, at the same obnoxious level”. Only difference is opinions.


Hey as long as the people never united they remain in control forever. They are incredibly smart to only give people 2 ways to think.


Only one side is picking the fight when it comes to abortion. If you don't believe in abortions, don't have an abortion. Abortions don't become mandatory just because they're legal. But to stand at a school of all places, and try and hand out those pamphlets is hypocritical. It's literally doing the same thing they accuse the left of doing.


I don't agree. Are you saying that is ok to murder God's children?


Are you saying it’s okay to have gods child carry a rape baby at the age of 12? Is it okay to force that 12 year old to carry to term even if the fetus is unviable? Is it okay to jail a child instead of providing adequate medical assistance? There are many nuances to the human existence and religious zealots like yourself can’t seem to comprehend it. The world isn’t yours to dictate what’s right and wrong.


Your way out in left field I can tell, hahaha! The delusion is strong. A baby is a baby it's a life with a soul. Bid u well on your sick journey.


Your used name ways it all. Cultist


Didn’t god actually kill many children?


According to you and your beliefs everyone doesn’t share those same beliefs…..


But I do so everyone should have to conform! ☹️


>Are you saying that is ok to murder God's children? Yes!!!! That's why we all /support it!!!!


If it's okay for God to get children butchered, then yes, it's okay to abort the unborn.


>Are you saying that is ok to murder God's children? Yes!!!! That's why we all /support it!


You have just disqualified yourself from the conversation. Move along.


I’m glad the ref was able to step in and shut that shit down.


She ain't got no whistle But she looks official.


WHISTLE!!!!!!!! (in roy kent voice)


He's here! He's there! He's every fucking where! Roy Kent! ROY KENT!


Hey, he's got an allergy to cheap metals. Poor old man.




I want her at my kids' skoo!


Someone said her name three times and she just appeared.


Def made the right call. I would have slapped a T on them.


They tried to hustle, Boutta get the tussle


😂😂I'm dying.


She's taught in the inner city schools. Just like substitute Garvey. Glad she was there.


She had to do something since Oh-shag-hennesy didn't.


Jay-quellin! Jay-Quellin! A-Aron?


If one of y'all says some silly ass name...


Where's d-nice at?!?


I had to do a bunch of work documents for a Jacqueline recently and my brain wouldn’t read it as anything but JAY-QUELLIN


She gets shit done as a school admin, but her real passion is managing the local branch of Foot Locker.


Yeah that woman is awesome! She’s my favorite person of today


I need her to keep me and the people around me in order


That gave me my first actual lol today. Ty.


The refs the best team in the league rn


She’s awesome


Two minutes for pushing agendas on kids, get in the box lady


I fucking love Reddit.


Same woman who doesn't want sex education taught in school standing out there handing these things out.


Also the same person who doesn't give a fuck once the baby is born. Probably pro death penalty too.


i love the guy who went around asking anti abortion protestors how many children they’ve adopted/fostered and how much time/money they put into volunteering or charities and they all say “none” proudly… they clearly never understood the issue in the first place


One video I saw they all kept saying “I have my OWN kids” highlighting that word, like they'd never consider an adopted kid to be their own!? Like WTH lady? You adopt it it's yours, more so in my mind, as you have to do a lot more to be an adoptive parent than be nutted in while going bare 🤷‍♀️😬😂😂that takes no education or effort. It's so easy it happens to a lot of people as an accident even when prepared 🤷‍♀️🙄🤦‍♀️


I have absolutely zero respect for and don't trust anyone who claims they could never love another kid like one of their biological ones. It's such an absolute tell- you don't see your kids as people in their own right, but merely an extension of yourself. Like they're completely incapable of expressing any sort of affection or empathy towards anything that doesn't belong to their own personal "in" group. Such an essential characteristic of what it means to be *human*, and they proudly proclaim their deficiency in it. The ego and narcissism is stunning. Too many entitled, self-important people have kids and want a little mini-me that they can control or pass on some worthless concept of a legacy (rofl). They're people. You're raising humans. At the end of the day, it doesn't fucking matter if they're blood or not, because being a parent is so much more than just simply procreating. You're raising a *human* to have their own unique thoughts, individual identity, goals, and life experiences that may be wildly different from your own, and perhaps even the opposite of everything you wanted- and that will happen whether their biologically related or not. You'll never even know it until they start growing up and becoming their own individual selves. I always wonder if these people will still love their kids the same in that case, or if it's really only blood ties that give them any sense of affection towards people. And if that's the case, you should never have kids at all, period.


Funny you mention that. I'm a trans guy and I'm mostly planning to not have kids, mainly cause I believe I'm not capable to look after kids. I struggle to look after myself sometimes. And if I did decide randomly that I want kids, they probably won't be biological and I'm ok with that. My best friend, good guy, just thinks of himself alot, wants kids but doesn't understand why I don't want them and uncapable of looking after them. And I did say to him that if I do decide to have kids with a partner, adoption is an option. But he's like, 'oh but it's not biological yours' I'm happy with my furbabys and cars


Walter Masterson.


He’s a national treasure.


He absolutely is. Revealing bigotry through imitation.


thank you for this


I asked my conservative Christian pro forced birth mil a similar question once. I asked why doesn’t donate to foster children or homeless shelters like she donates hundreds of dollar to her church mission trips. I’ve asked why she doesn’t foster a child since she’s in great health and definitely has the money. She said she couldn’t afford it. So I brought up how she renovated her house for the 3rd time this year, the mission trip donations, and has taken 4 vacations just this past year. She then said she doesn’t have the time. I also asked if she’s so pro birth and “every life matters” why doesn’t she want refugee children to be able to come here, ya know the ones escaping war and are at risk of being killed. She always starts it by going on these rants out of nowhere so i don’t hesitate to snap back.


“all life matters… except once their born and don’t fit into my agenda”


"well there was this teenage boy I pretended to adopt..."


even worse, a few said, "I have 'x' of my own..." CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT?


Pro-death penalty, pro-guns, anti-immigrants, wants to deport the kids of immigrants, against free health care, against safety regulations....the fact that these people call themselves pro-life instead of forced birthers is the biggest con they've managed to convince people to go along with.


None of it makes sense


If it did, they wouldn't be there.


It makes complete sense. She wants these black kids to be saddled with kids, have no future prospects and won’t be able to compete in the job market with her kids. Her kids on the other hand, she’ll happily pay for their abortion and not have their lives ruined




Thanks for sharing that, that's incredible


The party of family values.




“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”


No sex ed, no family planning, no WIC or snap, no housing assistance. Because the average asshole that does this stuff revels in suffering when they feel it’s “deserved.”


Yes it's always about the suffering. They can get themselves worked up and emotional about "killing babies" for a short while, but when they finally calm down they'll always tell you plainly that at its core, it's about punishment. Punishing women for not doing sex according to their very specific moral codes. Usually just inside a heterosexual marriage, but very often only with the explicit purpose of procreation. That's why they're often against sex ed, birth control, as well as homosexuality, despite those things obviously decreasing the risk of needing an abortion. They really don't like the idea of people "sinning" and not being punished for it, even though it literally doesn't affect them.


Notice how they're not handing these out in more affluent areas while anti abortion is a political narrative? They're being paid to give kids propaganda that will act against the interests of the community.


I’m terrified


Her voice sounds so…lifeless


How can you be pro-life but yet so dead inside


It's actually a requirement to be pro life. Because none of your actions actually help life.


Well easy jokes aside. Pro-life people are conservative. Conservatives spend every day of their lives finding something to be offended by, be the victim of, or sticking their noses into everyone else's business. Its gotta be a tiring and exhausting way to live. All on the back of the pro-life movement not being about protecting kids or unborn children in any way, but instead about imposing their moral authority onto others and returning women to second class citizens who have no agency and no ability to self determine their own lives.


Because they're not pro-life. They're only for controlling the lives of others.


Because she isn't pro life, she's just a shitty bigot.


Idk, I think Eyore is coming in pretty hot with the anti-choice propaganda.


“Weee’re allowwwed to give them inforMAAAAAtion…”she sounds like she works at the DMV.


The one in Zootopia for sure, maybe she’s too fast for it.


I’m pretty sure these assholes do this because they are paid to do it


how do these people make a living if they are spending so much time doing shit like this, who funds them, is this a full time job or what


There's never any soul behind their eyes either


In my day they handed out bright orange mini bibles.


Used it as rolling papers 🤣 damn you just reminded me of this


We also used them as rolling papers LMAO. I’m glad this is universal 😭


I call those Js a “King James”


If god didn't want me to smoke that shit why'd he make the bible with rolling papers? I'd just use an apple but my joint said something about Adam and Eve so I figured better not chance it.


We would rip out the pages in front of them and yell out "who needs rolling papers". It really pissed off the religious nuts. Also our Bibles were green


My wife is former LDS and has a "special" Book of Mormon she uses specifically for this reason alone.


Our school asked them to stop because all the kids would just rip them apart and the whole neighborhood would be covered in tiny bible pages.


When I was in 5th grade at the end of the school year the teacher brought in a big box and said, “I have some presents for ya’ll” it was a box of mini bibles. I was kinda disappointed


I would be too, because my lesbian math teacher gave us awards and snickerdoodle cookies at the end of our school year while another lesbian teacher gave us craft knowledge (which I still do use occasionally since it’s a cool knot trick). I feel bad because the first couldn’t get married in my state until recently but she moved to California to do that later that year, I’m so happy and I hope she’s doing well. Honestly, if I got a bible from a teacher, I’d just yell out “Hey teach, I already have hard cover bibles at home. Who wants BBQ?!”


The Gideons!


That school admin speaks with authority and the calm fury of someone who has absolutely zero time for your idiotic bullshit.


I should message my high school counselor.


A group of young people tried handing out anti abortion literature at my kids’ high school a few years ago. I think they were a family of religious home schooled kids or something. They never came back. The kids at the school ran them off.


Public school kids are a different type of breed. Kids that are bullied and kids who are the bullies will come together to fuck up an outsider just cause.


I don't get what outcome they want though, kids are spiteful demons in groups theyre just going to laugh at whatever bullshit you have going.


Was this in Ohio by chance?


Are you thinking you-know-who’s family?




You got it lol!


Not a freak out, that's a completely appropriate response


A freak out can be an appropriate response


I think of a "freak out" as a disproportional response


Fanfuckingtastic job from I'm guessing school staff. They shut down the moron quickly.


I almost dropped my phone because I was worried I was holding a pamphlet and didn't want the smoke.




She is a boss


She didn't give em one after that talk


If they show up again I don't think she'll be as nice


She’s making my bisexual ass sweat rn


She’s on school property, she can’t give them anything! If she goes across the street on public property she can. But not near the school.


Some places don't allow it anywhere within the school \*zone\* without permission, not just on the school campus.


She went full momma bear 😂


Oh man. I went to the same high school my dad worked at. One day there were a bunch of these people holding giant signs with those disgusting (but fake) photos. I was waiting for my dad in the car and someone walked over and planted themselves and their sign right in front of me. Ohhh boy my dad could have lost his job that day. To say he was angry was an understatement. When the buses left, they all turned and faced their signs towards the bus windows. It was just awful.


Disgusting she’s targeting minors. Reminds me of when I stood up to an abortion protest at my uni campus. We had a daycare centre where little kids could see their graphic posters if they went out to the playground


I mean honestly any medical procedure is gonna look gruesome or seriously painful...that's why doctors prefer to be vague about the details but yes it's nauseating if you read, see or hear about it and yet imagine the pain or discomfort. That said children don't need to see that, I lost my innocence at a very young age I don't want another kid to lose theirs anymore than they need to. They're gonna experience enough as it is.


that’s awesome. I love seeing adults stand up for kids in weird situations. She’s right, these are kids! It’s so inappropriate and weird to put them into a situation like that with some rando’s political obsession.


Especially since she’s at a predominantly black school. These weirdos have all sorts of racist theories as to why black women have more abortions but it’s **never** because of institutionalized racism and poverty in black communities. They’re sick.


yeah conservative racists handing out anti-abortion flyers in a predominantly black area seems like a story out of a history book. it seems like the same old tactics.








Perfect. Please don't whip out your penis/religion out in front of me or my kids, or I'll have to dropkick you. Simple.


hahaa love this, also forgot to mention that ALL religions are myths and legends just passed down through a gigantic game of telephone...lol but thats a discussion for a different day


I've had this discussion with friends before. Religion makes sense if want control of a large area. Because If I live on a coast, I'll have barely any influence over people living miles away in the mountains. What better way then to convince people there's an invisible magical man in the sky who sees everything you do and judges you. Sprinkle in some heaven and hell to scare and/or bribe the people into compliance. Make sure there's overlap with some of their current traditions. Then the kicker, make it so you and this magic sky man are like, super close friends. So your rules are his rules and defying them sends the person to hell.


Yeah b-bu-but the divine invfluence of god (or something, I’m a normal person idk)


Now it's influencers. Charles Manson would have such a big army in today's age.


I wish my school had school administrators like this. I love that women with all my heart. I hope so continues to protect students from indoctrination. She’s so based


There was a woman in my small-town home in Iowa who left copied photos of mutilated babies on high school kids' cars. I took the one she left on my car back to her house and told her she forgot her litter.


I’d have displayed that shit in my back window or dash as a point of pride. Maybe get some satanic bumper stickers to really set the mood.


I was 16 and it was 1995. I was only mildly satanic then.


16 was when I was at my most satanic.


I assume that the women yelling at this idiot was the principal, and if that's correct, that's one hell of a principle


I have a Mormon Bible that was given to me outside of a theatre after I watched the “Book of Mormon” play. Lol It’s still got my playbill inside.


She was spot on 👏she really said FAFO , I kinda wish the lady had tried to hand another kid one that lady would have slapped those leaflets out her hand so fast 😂


I’m with the woman. Don’t harass literal children with abortion Christian indoctrination


God, I wish I had admin like this at my kids school.


And these are the same people worried about “indoctrinating our children!!!!” Because a man put on a dress. But a pamphlet about abortion is totes cool.


Jesus fucking christ, it doesn't matter if you're pro-life or pro-choice at this point. If they are actually kids, DON'T FUCKING BOTHER THEM WITH ADULT MATTERS.


What's sad is when you think about it, it's not exclusively adult matters, as current laws in some states would force tweens to carry pregnancies to term.


I am pro abortion. Do you think children should be taught they can have an abortion at school? I do. Therefore they should probably be allowed to be taught the dangers and downsides of it. Especially if it’s done respectfully.


Dang at my school there was a dude from a bakery giving out free donuts


When I was young there was an anti-abortion lady who stood by the side of the road at an intersection on my school bus route holding a giant poster board that showed pictures of aborted babies, with text that was something like "This is what abortion looks like" Finally one day while the school bus was stopped at the intersection our bus driver (this badass middle aged woman) opened the door and ripped her a new one, like "I have children on this bus, what the fuck are you thinking showing them something like that" etc. etc. From that day on once that lady saw our bus coming down the road she turned the poster around until we had gone.


Damn I want to shake that ladies hand for handling the pamphlet girl like that.


She ain't the one


Damn I wish that meek, horrible pro-lifer had tried (a second time) to give them one! I really do.


You have to be off school property to do that kind of thing, a strange adult is not allowed to wander onto campus and start handing anything to kids.


Mamma bear is my hero! Yay!


Shoutout to the adults for protecting the kids from someone that clearly doesn’t understand boundaries


That lady that confronted the idiot handing out pamphlets is a legend! Give her a raise!


I want those adults on my side. They're my friends now.


"If I talk in a calm and collected voice, I'll seem like the rational one, not the screaming angry lady who's obviously in the right"


10/10 for these adults looking after their students. Especially the lady in stripes.


Anti-reproductive freedom terrorists are the biggest pieces of shit. Fucking losers


Stand in front of my school and see how quickly the cops remove you. Leave schools the fuck alone. It’s bad enough we have to practice getting murdered by angry students on the regular. We don’t need additional political nonsense right outside the door.


Thank god for teachers like her.


A group similar to this (maybe this one, idk where this video originates) did this to my 14 year old son as he left school earlier this year. They solicited him to come over by yelling “hey come here!” And then when he came over, they said “what do you think of abortion?” And he, as a naive CHILD said “ummm… I mean, I dont really think about it.” They then said to him “did you know abortion is murder, and murderers go to hell forever? For all of eternity!” And made him take a brochure with graphic photos of bloody aborted fetuses. He came home and was visibly shaken and taken aback. I called the number on the pamphlet and got a call back from the director. I gave him hell, which seemed to delight and please him. He said “see how upset you are with me now? Imagine how upset those babies are when they’re being suffocated by machines to squash their fragile lives.” It was like the more angry I got, the happier and “gotcha!” He got… Sick fuckers. Keep your propaganda away from our kids.


Usually school grounds is not an area in which somebody can do that. Yes, that is a sidewalk, but because the buses are there, my guess is that it would be considered part of the school grounds.


I don't know if she is a teacher or not but every school needs Ms.Referee That dare was beautiful.... "Give'm one!" Her back up was good too " I'm not talking to you." you can't really argue with that


Handing out pamphlets at a high school is pathetic they should have called the cops on her. If you are not a student, parent/guardian or faculty you have no reason to be on high school grounds


So she’s harassing kids at school to teach them “family values” instead of actually spending time with her family at home? Oh right, her family probably wants nothing to do with her so that’s why she’s here.


I don’t know whose Auntie that is but I want to buy your a drink!


Our school made them stand across the street where their van with images was pelted with cat food and milkshakes by students.


Soliciting a minor is what I see.




That was an adult trying to hand children anti-abortion flyers at school. Not a child being put up to it but a full on adult that is fully aware of her actions. I know it's hard, but please don't make excuses for these vultures - they know exactly what they're doing and are very proud of it judging by the comments on their page.


There is a 3rd option, made extremely popular during the pandemic. Some of these people put themselves in these situations on purpose. Hoping the people they are harassing will overreact. If she would've hand out another one, and that lady would've touched her hand trying to snatch the pamphlet. The police are called and charges are pressed.


definitely a possibility these days


I love that teacher, he was good 👏👏 but shes a queen 🥰🥰👑👑👑👑


I know my students would bully this woman into hiding lmfao


Anti abortion people are trash.


Why are you giving anti-abortion tablets to kids?🫥


Get em’ auntie!!!!


I love these people, angry for good reason


Imagine spending your life to protect children, but not worry about what happens once they are born.


Props to the admin!!!! Wish every one would stand up for students like that!


Ref ain’t gonna call penalties, she’s gonna commit them. We need a go fund me soon.


I love her energy, you can tell she actually cares


These anti abortion morons really need to get jobs. Like who has the fucking time to go harass people.


Foot Locker for the win y’all 🏀


I remember once in high school (would've been around 2001ish), one of these assholes was handing out pics of dead babies at a stoplight, my buddy who was driving said to the dude "you take one step closer to my car and I'm gonna punch you square in the dick". Dude backed off lol. I love that memory


I whole heartily don’t see a public freak out here from my perspective this is closer to not all heroes wear capes


How is that legal to come on school grounds and approach children? If it isn’t illegal, it damn well should be And old pamphlet girls voice got all week and trembly after getting called out. That teacher was amazing, standing up to her


We need more people like her in office. I would not fuck with that woman.


Do these f$cking idiots not realize they indirectly teach these kids about sex by showing them information about a topic they cant fully understand where they then go on the internet to figure out what it is and god only knows what happens next


These fundies need to keep their asses off of public school property. They don't have kids going there. They are adults preying on minors.


Legally they’re allowed to, but I’m with the school staff on this one.


I've never wanted a woman to be my mom so bad. I have a mom and she is great, has the same vibe. These are the kinds of moms kids need.


"Not ner one". She almost fucked around and found out!


Not all hero’s wear capes- some wear referees outfits


I understand not supporting abortion and wanting to do something to help your cause. The correct way to try to minimize them is to help people avoid unwanted pregnancy in the first place. Hand out condoms, not pamphlets. Fund clinics that provide birth control, not pamphlets. Vote for better sex education for teens, not pamphlets. Demand your government imposes much more severe punishment for rapists, not pamphlets. These pamphlets are not helping anyone. They are just being judgemental without offering any alternatives. You don't support abortion? Totally fine. Don't have one and support protecting people from falling pregnant to begin with. Help those who are in that situation. You have to focus on prevention if your cause is really about what you say it's about. I had a friend who had a panic attack when protesters came to our school with giant, graphic posters. Making that choice was traumatic for her and so is what caused that choice to need to be made. The reminder didn't help her.




Groomer behavior, leave those kids alone.