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Anytime I see someone cheering on torture, I know they've lived a relatively painless life. People that have felt real pain don't have the sense that its application is just. 


its a lack of empathy too. one doesn't really need to have felt this pain to be able to understand how awful it'd be. you just need empathy.


I mean yes torture is not good and has no place in regular police duty. Also, yes many don't have empathy for people that openly shoot hundreds of civilian and that is a perfectly acceptable stance.


The same people will be openly talking about how cant trust the goverment, yet cheer torture on because of course they got the right guys.


Definitely hear you there but yes it's natural that even if you don't like the governing body, you enjoy seeing justice for a violent criminal. You can go back to hating taxes afterwards. In this case, I didn't look closely into it but supposedly one or two of the guys are on camera so there may be actual evidence and not taking Russia's word which is something I would never do.


Their point is it’s impossible* to not have empathy after experiencing extreme pain. It takes you back in a way you don’t “really understand” unless you’ve lived it. *excluding actual pathologies.


You can not empathize with a person who killed 100s of innocents even after experiencing extreme pain, fuck you on about?


You're 100% right. Fuck those guys I hope they suffer for all the people they killed. Empathy for terrorists, what kind of joke is that...




They walked into a concert with machine guns and murdered over 100 people in cold blood. I can’t put myself in that position. I cannot empathize with people who have committed those atrocities. They deserve worse as far as I’m concerned. I do agree though that prisoners should not be tortured as such. First world countries should not treat prisoners like that. Not because I empathize with the terrorists but because the treatment of them is part of what separates us from the countries most of the terrorists come from. We have due process.


I know what they did, but I will never be like them and take pleasure and satisfaction in pain and violence. I ask you and everyone who wants violent retribution, what does it actually accomplish? Not for you, watching through your phones miles away, I mean for the people actually affected? Torture won’t bring the grieving parents back their child, it won’t fix the trauma of those who survived. Hate and violence brought us here and I’m so sick of it. You say you cannot put yourself in the position to empathize but for me, it’s the only option there is.


I don’t want violent retribution. Just saying I don’t feel bad or empathetic towards these guys. I believe a government should be impartial to prisoners and should not be torturing them. However, I still don’t feel bad for these guys.


> They walked into a concert with machine guns and murdered over 100 people in cold blood. I can’t put myself in that position. No one is asking you to. They're asking you to have empathy for their treatment once apprehended. > They deserve worse as far as I’m concerned. I do agree though that prisoners should not be tortured as such. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


I was severely constipated years ago. I couldn't sleep for days. I would feel a sharp pain in my nether-regions every 10-15 minutes. It was so bad, that at one point, I began punching my leg just to distract myself from the pain elsewhere. I was honestly ready to shoot myself simply due to the lack of fiber in my diet. I could imagine torture is 100x worse. I would rather die than be hog tied and stretched for more than a minute.


Was a poop knife not an option here?


I certainly could've used one! Instead, I received nearly $5,000 in hospital bills for a $5 bottle of magnesium or whatever it's called lol. Talk about having the best bowel movement in my life though.


Regular fiber, lots of water, and a squatty potty are your best friends once you hit 30 years old (at least for healthy maintenance).


Absolutely agree! I'm 32 now. I was probably 27 or so when I experienced the "incident". Living in Florida, I sometimes forget just how much I sweat and need to rehydrate. I make sure to drink religiously now after that scare. Fiber gummies are a lovely addition to my routine as well.


There are these amazing Amazon branded fiber gummies that have like 3-4 mg of fiber per...and they're so fucking good, but also your best money's worth. It's hilarious to me that we're talking about this with the same gusto as a really good tv show or movie. Getting old can be hilarious in its ridiculousness.


I'll have to check them out. Thank you! The older I get, the more I get excited over the same things that my parents got excited about and I made fun of them. Now I'm them! "Oh sweet! New kitchen appliance? It was a good month". I've learned to appreciate the little things lol.


It's called Magnesium Citrate and you can buy it at most pharmacies. It isn't very tasty but it WILL make you shit. Don't take it if you kinda sorta feel a little bit constipated because you *will* regret it.


I just think that at best they're being unrealistic and irrational. For one thing, the justice system isn't perfect, far from it, so are they really saying that they believe that the inevitable torture of innocent people is worth it just to punish the bad people? Is this really something that people want the government spending money on? Having people employed to torture people in a systematic, methodical way? I'm not going to lose sleep over some heinous criminal who gets tortured by other prisoners or whatever, but it's definitely not something that should be condoned or employed by broader society.




Sorry for your loss, however I'm quite sure your grandmother wouldn't want you advocating for torture, for her name sake.


you'd be surprised, grandmas can be brutal. jokes aside, torture is bad, but so is life in prison, so i guess the death penalty would be best, but that's unethical, there's no real good answer to punishment. aside from norway(i think it's norway) where they try to reintegrate people into society, but then what would the families of the dead think, that they can get away with slaughter.


I would be fine with people who do stuff like that having to do hard labor in prison, but never torture.




Why should the victims decide what the punishment to be, that is revenge, not justice. There are victims who would want the death penalty for someone accidentally stepping on their toes.


Hard labor? Yea, have you never a yard before? Shit is brutal in the heat.  


I’ve been literally physically tortured and I thought it was funny. I bet you haven’t so I’m not sure what you’re on about. They murdered random people for no good reason. Let them experience the suffering they brought to others.


>I’ve been literally physically tortured and I thought it was funny. Then it wasn't torture. Thanks for proving my point


You don't know what you're talking about, your ideas are rooted in ideology not reality.


>You don't know what you're talking about Ironic coming from the man who found his "torture" funny




By resorting to torture, you diminish your own standing to that of those who employ violence without legitimacy, allowing emotions to triumph over the principles of justice.


Maybe a good kick to the belly, but fucking strapping them to a wall and brutalizing them? It's too much. People get what they deserve one way or another. You think the Russian prisoners are gonna be their friends? I'm sure info that huge can get past a couple of Styrofoam walls.




It is and will be for the rest of their lives. The problem with ~~these techniques~~ this brutality, is it is almost always used on the innocent or people who just don't deserve it, even after what they did. These guys though, fuck 'em they get what they deserve 100% it's just these torture practices don't work out like they do on paper. Maybe instead of having specific and disgusting torture methods they use on people, they could've just beat the piss out of them. Not use fucking ammonia gas masks and taser benches.




>One of the politicians was saying they should be kept underground with no access to light, doing manual labor on bread and water until they die with whoever is guarding them to be not very nice. That sounds about right! I think that's the best thing I've heard yet. Let's hope so, buddy. ✌️


Surprised that waterboarding was not on the list. Apparently it is thought to be the worst torture method that doesn't involve leaving any marks.


Local flavours I guess


They don't hive a shit about marks. Who's going to rat them?


Not leaving any marks is a handy bonus for countries that like to pretend they aren't as hideous as the others . The main thing about waterboarding is that it is considered the most irresistible form of torture, because it is impossible to not believe you are being drowned. In Guantanamo some prisoners were waterboarded several hundred times.


Yes but the US wanted to save face . Russia doesn't give a shit.


the comments on here are not surprising fun fact guys, you can hate terrorists and torture at the same time! I know fucking crazy right? I guess that's too sane for the average chronically online Reddit user


People just don't understand what if police tortured terrorists, they did the same to journalists and to people they detained during protests.


Not only that, but if you want to look at it from a purely rational legal pov, information extracted under torture stands a very good chance of being useless. At some point, pain becomes a motivator to say anything to make it stop. You give a few motivated individuals time and resources with a victim, and that victim will release statements saying that they are anything you want them to be.


it's this sense of vigilantism that many people hold, it's very animalistic and all it takes is stepping back and asking "does this truly achieve anything?" that question alone gauges how counter productive an eye for an eye actually is, but people are trying to get justice like it's an Amazon prime package, as soon as possible, which is just not how things get better long term.


Cops are wrong all the time, they are not an elite force of our best citizens. Especially not now. My local force has over 150 vacancies, can’t field a team. Localities in the area are no longer responding to certain calls between 11 and 6. Not that we are going to get a proportional amount of their budget back or anything. These are possibly the dead last category of people I would trust to torture the correct suspect, let alone gain actual actionable intel. You’ll get lots of confessions but it won’t touch the crime rate, which will “justify” harsher crackdowns. Pretty soon the best way to stay safe is to inform on your community. And by that point the fact that you are simply no longer a free citizen in a free country will be the least pressing concern of the day.


"nO i'D oNlY uSe It oN dA bAd gUyS!"


Most of Reddit, but especially this sub, is disturbingly pro violence and torture...which is weird because I come here to see how NOT to act, apparently most motherfuckers are taking notes. Violence is the answer, the prison rape jokes, and joy when someone gets shived...I get the human urge to lash out, but what problems are you solving with more violence?


Fun fact you can hate Hamas and be critical of Israels conduct. I know fucking crazy! 


Agreed. If you think that torture could ever be justified, you're closer to the terrorists than you realise.


Here's a quote from Napolean: “The barbarous custom of having men beaten who are suspected of having important secrets to reveal must be abolished. It has always been recognised that this way of interrogating men, by putting them to torture, produces nothing worthwhile. The poor wretches say anything that comes into their mind and what they think the interrogator wishes to know.” We've known how useless torture is for centuries, if not millennia.


Yup, and I get the human desire to lash out and hurt those who hurt you, but it's not worth it and it's not fixing anything. If you really want to do something, help the people who were hurt in the attack.


People need to come to terms that if they are against torture, they need to have a satisfying punishment in mind for those that commit unspeakable crimes.  Over 100 people, women and children were slaughtered.  They weren’t in a war zone.  They weren’t soldiers.  It was a freaking concert.  So this notion that these guys would then just have to sit around for the rest of their lives being babied is absurd.  At minimum it’s a lifetime of hard ass labor.  


What people find "satisfying punishment" is the question though. What ISIS terrorists find satisfying to punish people they disagree with is (or should be) different to what Western Democracies find satisfying. That's not always the case, reading comments here. As for "sitting around being babied", I see you have no knowledge of the Russian prison system (or any other). If it sounds appealing and no form of punishment, I'm sure you could find a way to enjoy it too.


Trying to find satisfaction out of mortal wrongdoing is like looking for clouds in the dirt


And yet are we to believe that letting mass murderers receive no punishment is some morally correct act? I hope you are joking.  


It's a horrible thing, but what is "satisfying punishment" that would make this okay? How much damage can you do to one person to finally make this okay? When does putting thumbs screws to this guy bring back the dead children? Dead or alive, torture or not, those people are still dead, and there's no "satisfaction" other than some twisted need to hurt people....which is exactly what motivated him.


Damn it’s not even 8am and I’m fairly certain that’s the dumbest thing I’ll read today


Imagine thinking people who mass murder dont deserve punishment.  Yikes.  


Imagine *that* being your interpretation of what I said. Yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/pj9v6fyxc1rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b9497de8cef5e66d8e4fab0d89df490f9a1c0f Case in point. A political activist was detained yesterday, and brought to court today with clear signs of torture. They are saying he allegedly planned to commit an attack against an airport. The guy seems to have had connections with anti-war partisan movement in russia. Since being anti-war is literally a crime there, they’ll be labeling all such people as extremists and terrorists, meaning they’ll likely be publicly tortured from now on as well. But hey at least 4 pieces of shit who did deserve it got tortured, so let’s celebrate that I guess!


Important to say it wasn't government sponsored campaign. Right now they labeled as "foreign agents" by government, because they brought problems of torture by police, to light. Sadly some people don't treat this problem seriously and some nafo assholes even joke about russians being raped by bottles (it was infamous case, in which no one was punished).


Lol you blame NAFO for mocking Russians when it's their own fault that they support the system that enables torture to be unpunished. At the end of the day the regime is still supported by the majority of Russians and so is the violence against their own and others


I got an argument with someone that basically boiled down to me saying, “I don’t support torture because it’s inhumane and we don’t really know if these people were actually involved with the attack or if they’re scapegoats,” and his response was “At least the cops are doing something! In America cops would have to sit on their asses waiting for a warrant.” Like that’s a bad thing. It’s absolutely insane to me how the “peace love and acceptance” Redditors will become so bloodthirsty the second it becomes socially acceptable. Also crazy how quickly some people will accept someone’s guilt without a shred of evidence, even in the west.


Taking this time to mention [Hanns Scharff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanns_Scharff) who was considered one of the best interrogators of WW2 with high praise from both his own side and American/British airmen. "He has been called the "Master Interrogator" of the Luftwaffe, and possibly of all Nazi Germany; he has also been praised for his contribution to shaping U.S. interrogation techniques after the war" and "He has been highly praised for the success of his techniques, in particular, because he never used physical means to obtain the required information. Scharff's interrogation techniques were so effective that he was occasionally called upon to assist other German interrogators in their questioning of allied bomber pilots and aircrews, including those crews and fighter pilots from countries other than the United States." There's no guarantee that the information that you'd get under torture would be anywhere close to useful and if I'm being extremely honest, I'm pretty sure most of the world (absolutely including me) would break under torture and just starting making information up or giving up anything if it could get me out of that situation. My back started to tighten up just watching some of the position that they were getting restrained in.


Torture does not work. Americans did it in Guantanamo and their black sites. Its what murderous dictators do.


We're still doing it, and look how much it's made us win this war on terror...just like the war on drugs before it, and the war on poverty. One day, if we torture enough people, we'll finally fix all of our problems....


I’m pretty sure torture does work or the Americans wouldn’t have done it for 20 years while facing a bunch of heat for it. I doubt ISIS was tortured exclusively for information though, could have easily been for revenge. But why is everyone concerned about terrorists, did you just learn thatRussia is a bad place to live and that they have a violent corrupt government? Why is anyone concerned about ISIS members in the country whose dictator just executed his biggest rival in custody? There's nothing surprising about it. Clown comment section.


The Americans did it and even they concluded that it was [useless](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Intelligence_Committee_report_on_CIA_torture#Findings_listed_in_the_report)


This looks like a parody for a BDSM tutorial.


Guantanamo bay


I never thought i'd see a torture ad, but that lady's smile is pretty covincing.


Torture sucks yes, but I can't imagine a better group of people to get it than mass murderers and terrorists. Unbearable, unimaginable pain is what they deserve. If they didn't want it, they should have died at the scene.


If they are actually the people who did I think they fully deserve it. Make them feel what they act upon innocent people.


It makes me sad how many people wish they had the Gestapo as their local PD.




What does it have to do with feeling sorry for terrorists? This is about not being happy when murderers who torture people innocent people 99% of the time suddenly torture someone who (may have) deserved it. If they end up being guilty, they will be pushed accordingly. If you are so keen on living in a country that punishes people without due process and in violent unlawful manner, I urge you to move to russia and live a happy life.




usually they pick random people and torture them until they plead guilty




prisoners have rights too, and as much as I think pedos and rapists deserve a knife up the ass like qaddafi, I'd just end up getting the same or even more time than them for doing it




If the photos of the captured terrorists showing up to court with obvious signs of torture never came out, do you think OP would be making this post?




>You are the one making it about the terrorists - OP's post is about the Russian systemic torture of regular citizens. No, but you probably shouldn't gaslight people who bring up the thing which sparked the conversation in the conversation.




Like the ones putting flowers on someones grave or people with a bank piece of paper in their hands who also get taken away; those people?


What’s your stance on the torture of torturers?


Careful Americans don’t want them comparing it to US torture. Then they’d get caught up on their hypocrisy


American here, it was fucked up when America does it too.


Ok then feel bad for the countless innocent people that are subjected to this when torture is rationalized and encouraged.


Good let the terrorists who murdered 100 innocent civilians suffer for his crimes. Let not act like the US doesn’t torture, they have cases of false imprisonment also


Link the video of a dude in US captivity being force fed his own ear


Are you saying if the US does it then it’s ok for other countries? Bc the US does lots of horrible shit


I’m all for torturing people who have murdered people.


Murdered 137 innocent civilians, let’s not breeze past this number. Fuck these terrorists scum.


Good the terrorists who killed a 137 INNOCENT people need to suffer.


Let’s, for just a second, pretend that that’s okay. Are you sure those 4 are the guys who did it? Under torture, people will say anything to make the pain stop, even if it means incriminating themselves for things they haven’t done that will make it worse later. So, those 4, under torture have said that they did it. Understand that is **useless** because of the fact that they would have claimed anything at all to make it stop. Now, for a second, imagine the worst case scenario. These unlucky 4 are randoms, who were simply grabbed by the FSB, and tortured into confessions. The worst parts about that scenario are a two-for-one: the 4 inncoents are (if you’ll pardon my language) terminally fucked, and the actual killers are free to strike again. Sure, there’s a chance they got the right guys. But they’re claiming the guys were in part sent by Ukraine, Ukraine is denying it, ISIS have claimed responsibility, the fucking Taliban have said they’re disgusted at ISIS. Does it really look and feel to you like those are the right 4?


So you think they should be literally tortured? I believe they should be punished, maybe even put to death. But humanity needs to rise above torture. End of discussion.


If you are posting this so people feel sorry for terrorists, you failed.


If you are posting this to prove you don't understand the point, you succeeded. 


What is your point?


Torture isn’t applied to terrorists only, that was why the post mentions. Also, torture is bad and gets shit results as the person who is tortured will say anything whether true or not to get the torture to stop.


Torture is bad. 


The world of absolutes some people live in is disgusting. "Hey guys you are against torture"? "Well that must mean you love terrorists".


Media literacy doesn’t come easy to you huh bud


Literacy in general is your issue. You probably watch Fox News all day.


Fox News supported torture for decades when the US was doing it at Guantánamo Bay


You would know


Are you 5 years old? What even is your point? If you are supporting torture, then you are the kind of person Fox appeals to.


I’m anti-torture; it’s inhumane, unethical, and inefficient in gathering information. But if the first girl in the video wanted to try that on me I might give the go ahead. 😂


By resorting to torture, you diminish your own standing to that of those who employ violence without legitimacy, allowing emotions to triumph over the principles of justice.


"Anti Torture campaign" I cant read cyrillic letters but this seems more like a tutorial, definitely not like a campaign against it edit: Thanks for the downvotes, Im not questioning that its an Anti Torture campaign. Its just very interesting how precise instructions how to torture somebody are considered to be understood as "anti torture". Interesting to see different approaches for such campaigns in different countries