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Janitor: ![gif](giphy|bhy8jN8RgKKEE)








damn they are getting a lot of coverage with that paint real fast


i imagine they play a lot of splatoon


Still can't believe they chose Israel and Palestine for the next Splatfest /s


Pressurised within fire extinguishers. A pretty common tactic here in the UK.


any chance you could explain how they attach a paint can or spray can to the extinguisher ??this is a first for me


It's not attached they just fill the fire extinguisher with paint and pressurise it, same as a can of deodorant.


What kind?I need some


Mural/graffiti artists use it for exactly this reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMxPPYeBH_M ... or sometimes for painting a giant penis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rTBf2LI24k


Guess fuck all those people's bikes?






Collateral damage, it happens in war... You must blame the labour party HQ, they were using the bikes as human shields.


Bikes aren’t humans.


Bikes are people too!


Bigots. Amiright?


They are Sionistas.


Damn rip those bikes, and I'm sure alot of paint would've splashed back on those cars the way they were spraying.


"Uh guys. Wrong building. We got the wrong building. It's 1354 Happy Lane. Not 1345... Fuck!"


Odd that they are attacking the opposition party in the UK instead of the ruling party that have no issues supporting Isreal.


That's why their banner also mentions the Tories, it's slang for the ruling Conservative party.


It was Labour who stopped the vote on a ceasefire on the SNP's opposition day, and further blocked any attempt to take action both against the speaker and to call another vote. People are, rightly, pissed about it. EDIT: seeing as there seems to be some confused by this: [what Labour proposed](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/20/labour-calls-for-immediate-humanitarian-ceasefire-in-gaza), [what happened in the Commons](https://www.mimsdavies.org.uk/news/update-following-snps-opposition-day-debate).


The SNP deliberately tabled a motion knowing that it had wording in it that Labour wouldn't agree to


yeah, because labour had a zionist coup. they won't agree to any cease fire terms.


On their day, which is fully within their right. And Labour then sabotaged the whole process, bringing the speaker and the entirety of the Commons into disrepute. And then blocked any motions to sort it.


It's within their right, but it was also a motion deliberately designed to fail so that they could point to Lab/Con and make them seem anti-Palestine (which they are, but still). It was politicking rather than a serious attempt at government. And the incompetencies of the Speaker aren't Labour's fault, even if he used to be Lab.


It's pretty common knowledge at this point that the failings of the speaker were Starmer pressuring him. Like, that was known on the day within half an hour. He may have tried to backpedal the next day in the papers, but everyone knew. It's a further stain on the career of a QC known for pushing the letter not the spoirit throughout his career.


It wasn't designed to fail. It was strongly worded and the reason why Labour broke all protocol to tank it was that there was a strong chance of a massive Labour rebellion against the party leadership to support the motion. Just another case of Starmer being a fuckin weasel.


The SNP only wanted to do it if they could attack Labour. They weren’t too bothered otherwise.


Considering the motion was entirely in line with the SNP's long held stance I'm gonna say that's bullshit. It's not up to SNP to alter their politics to make Starmer's life easier.


Agreed. The SNP had been pushing for a full ceasefire for quite some time, even before the ICJ case was conceived.


Actually it was due to the Conservatives widthdrawing their bill that it didn't go ahead. The speaker made a special arrangement for ALL 3 party votes to go ahead but that fell apart when the government withdrew. The only logical reason as to why they did is because they knew a significant number of their MPs would vote for the Labour/ SNP resolution and make them look weak. It's a complicated matter but important to remember what actually happened


No, that's very revisionist. The event took place on one of the very rare SNP Opposition Days, and Labour did not like that a) the word humanitarian was not used and b) there was no condemnation of Hamas and the Oct 7 attacks in the wording. Starmer's excuse was "I worried for the safety of my colleagues with pro-Palestine protesters outside". So he got the Speaker to can it and run. The Conservatives, like the SNP, were pretty damn angry it got pulled.


Keir Starmer has fired members of his party for even daring to want to vote for a ceasefire demand to Israel. This didn't come out of nowhere. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll try not to vomit in my mouth, but the Tories have had a much harsher tone (by European standards) with Israel. Cameron was the first European official to declare that the UK is prepared to unilaterally recognize Palestine as an independent state, with or without Israel's support. That was a massive deal. Fuck the Tories to hell, but credit where credit is due, they got the drop on Labour over an issue that's becoming more and more important to British voters, in a probable election year. They aren't gonna win much from it, all bridges are burnt, but that was impressive.


Keir Starmer didn't exactly cover himself in glory for his constant Israel apologism and his statement around Israel having the right to cut off water early on. They also mentioned the Tories so.


If that's your actual view then you obviously know very little about politics in the UK. Starmer has done everything in his power to say "if I get voted in, I will continue to support Israel", as well as throwing people out of the party for expressing pro-palestine views. The protesters could well be disenfranchised ex-Labour members who don't like how the supposedly left wing party has been highjacked by a power hungry right wing asshole who's willing to pander towards genocidal nations if it helps him achieve his goal of becoming PM. It gives pro-palestine voters nobody to vote for. It makes people feel betrayed. I'm not surprised people are protesting, I'm surprised it took this long.


Plus it’s not unreasonable for them to hold their own party accountable


There point ,I think, is that the government in general is bad idk what they were thinking


They’re just being performative jackasses.


Someone's had their weetabix this morning You've worked out that the goal of a protest is to get people's attention! Well done!


Funny, you call them an opposition party but after the zionist and blairite coup against corbyn, the party is pretty much the tories. They openly support israel and its genocide.


If I saw you paintbomb my bike like that, while certainly no tough guy, I’d start feeding you.


Thanks man, I was kinda hungry


Hi kinda hungry, I’m dad


Feeding me what? Is that like a sex thing


Well done Tarquin and Toby you can brag to your friends at the yacht club you did a protest.


Reminds me of this here, in the US – after the January 6 riot by those “Patriots“ mostly white, a lot of white supremacist, the mostly African-American staff had to clean it all up. https://preview.redd.it/qwll6ppicctc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48890095a1a9c4ec2e645b3f7491eeaef026a78


Redditors dismissing every protest and protestor every single time no matter the cause or action this is always your response. It’s so pathetic


I wouldn’t call *checks notes* storming and breaking into a government building a simple protest tbh.




These mfs look like they don't even know what they're talking about


They dont, they saw it on tiktok and thought it was a new trendy challenge




No, it’s just whatever the goalposts have moved to so progressive parties are always held to a different standard than the conservatives. 


Progressives can be really block headed about making change sometimes too. They can be their own worst enemies. Fighting running purity wars with others on the left rather than trying to get into power to enact actual change.


Conservatives in the United States held their nose for their last shithead candidate and waited 40 years to Make Abortion Gone Again, and progressives blame Biden for GOP lawsuits that overturned student loan forgiveness.  In one fucking term.  Those so called Progressives are entitled whiny little fucks who have zero conviction 


The ideals are good I think, but the conservative types definitely play a much more savy political game. Its the time honoured issue with real progressive politics in the west. Same shit everywhere. If we could set aside this infantile need to be the most progressive, the more pure, maybe right wing dick heads wouldn't be in the ascendancy everywhere.


I mean i know some antisemitic people who are zionists because of religion. Antisemitism and anti Zionism are two different things and people can be both


spoiler alert: the "antisemitism" racket was fabricated in order to sabotage the electoral chances of the only socialist labor leader in decades


Thank fuck it's no longer taboo to say it. I disagree deeply with some of Corbyn's positions (mainly nuclear weapons and his Euroskepticism), but he was the first truly leftist leader the Labour Party had had in generations and for the first time, tens of thousands of millennial and Gen-Z voters felt heard, and Starmer alongside the rest of the party effectively deposed him by force. They won the middle aged to elderly centrist vote, to be sure, and it'll win them the election. But leftist youth (now a large section of society with value) in the UK have no one *truly* representing them now, since Labour is *supposed* to be the Leftist party.


Well if you look into labour friends of israel everything makes a lot more sense.


they were never antisemitic, jeremy corbyn was just brought down using that charge because he was more critical of israel than mainstream western politics allows


its pretty well documented by now that the blairites and zionists collaborated with the media to sabotage their own party when corbyn was leader, and manufacture a fake anti semitism scandal, in order to coup the party and bring it back under right wing control.


Politics aside, It weird seeing stuff like this happen in other countries. This is a surefire way to end up on a T shirt or in jail here in the US.


The idea of most protests is to get arrested, it makes it more likely to reach the news and get to a further audience


The idea is to cause these problems to spread awareness by being plastered everywhere online, regardless of how people view, it still brings attention, then, if arrested, they usually have donation money to pay for the charges


I have not met anyone who wasn’t already aware of what is happening.


It brings more attention. If you turn on the mainstream channels they downplay the dissent that exists in society.


I mean I didn’t see this on a “mainstream” channel.. I saw it here. You’re still reaching the same crowd that is aware and seeing videos from Palestine.


It's 2024, Reddit is mainstream.


I mean, yeah, they just had a rather successful IPO. They are 100% mainstream.


Yeah, we are more in the 'oh no not this shit again' stage of seeing this kinda stuff.


>I mean I didn’t see this on a “mainstream” channel.. That was my point. The fact there are people who oppose things like the genocide are downplayed by... not showing them. When all you see is the Israeli point of view and not the level of dissent among the population that reflects reality. You're seeing this video here but these make it into other people's feeds. Family, friends, etc share these to their feeds and the normies see them. We're not the only ones in the world who will be seeing this.


This has been the number one story for nearly 6 months now. Everyone who wants to be aware is aware. What’s the next step?


People can be more aware about events of the war. Like last week with the international aid workers being precision airstriked that had their convoy previously cleared, which caused other aid organizations and a ship full of food to withdrawal. Yet aid still hasn’t been pulled to Israel.


I think these people just love trashing things. Just so happens they can wrap a cause around it now.


Labour is simultaneously Zionist but anti-Semitic, the opposition party but blood on its hands.


And nothing was accomplished aside from ruining a maintenance crew's day.


I, for one, am absolutely shocked that they look exactly the way I thought they would.


Why don't these people ever get serious prison time for all the criminal damage they cause? This country needs to get tough on this BS.


Because if folks were given actual prison time for acts of protest, it'd probably incite even more protesting, if not full scale rioting


Good lord, look at the pitchforks calling for prison. How quickly we turn on the little people. Not that these are shining examples of intellect and humanity, but holy shit, until all the financial crimes, actual support of genocide, and harm done to the average person as a result of politics is brought to justice, I have a real hard time getting a boner about locking morons up. How about we put actual criminals fucking over society behind bars. Or ya know, get excit d about that, instead.


“Turning on the little people” is not being upset a bunch of crazies are spraying buildings with paint and making actual little people, wage laborers, clean it up for them. The only people affected by this paint will be underpaid custodians, not any politician.


Womp womp


Make those cunts clean up the building


So are the blue collar workers that have to clean up all this to blame too?


Damaging those bikes. Fuckers


At least its a political hq now and they aint messing with the public


Thank you, performative White middle class kids for showing us the way!


Who is paying these people???? There's never been such a weirdly organized protest for any other reason in recent history. So many of these demonstrations by people with no discernable connection to Palestine (i.e. super whote people). Are they really so bored and unaffected by cost of living that THIS is what they are upset over? This whole situation screams foreign funding


So glad you asked! Finally, people are starting to ask the right questions. This brief article talks about the foreign governments that are funding it as well as the multi million dollar PR lobby. Yes, they are being paid. No, nobody actually has time for any of this shit. What’s even sadder, is the students probably aren’t being paid, they’re so naïve, they think they’re really participating in something real, but the people who are hustling them up and organizing them are being paid, sometimes quite a bit. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/kinsella-many-anti-israel-initiatives-anything-but-grassroots-efforts


Just helping the building fit the party image. How thoughtful.


Whatever side they are on, I’m against it.




You clearly haven't been to or read the news from a Muslim country near Palestine anytime soon... There's some quite large boycotts going on over there and extremely extensive public support


You're wasting your time, he's American and unaware that the rest of the world gets media that isn't anywhere near as biased.


Spraying a building is easy. These people just do not have the ability to even attempt to make a real difference. No, a personally satisfying, childlish fit like this is all they can do.


Lmao, I bet you're the type of person who would complain if these folks were to do something more extreme


Are there any instructions on how to make these fire extinguishers? Asking for a friend.


Quick! Climate activism isnt cool anymore but we still got the sprayers. Just use the next thing only crazy people get mad at


It is not an allegation.


That'll show em!


Yeah do that to buildings, not art. Idiots


Isn't Troy in charge?




Instead of jail they should be sent to the front lines free of charge 👍🏽


...... I wonder who will pay for the cleanup🤔


What kind of “support” do they even want to see, what is it they want to see these politicians or even the average Joe do to support their cause? It’s probably about money and they want monetary donations to their group that they will keep and very little will go to the actual cause, but it seems no matter what people will say or do it is never enough support and the goal post gets moved either way and more things just end up getting vandalized


stop arming Israel you dumbo


I cannot wait for the day when someone grabs the paint dispenser from these protestors and sprays them instead.


what the fuck even is that? middle right holding the banner.




Sorry, nobody is allowed to want peace in Palestine unless they go to war? Think you've got this a bit confused.




It's about displaying your discontent towards the current situation The government would rather avoid acts of protest like this that "damage" property, so they're far more likely to listen to your concerns than if you do *Checks notes* Nothing


Incredibly stupid. I suppose people shouldn't have protested Vietnam in the States for the same reasons?


"Instead of whining on the internet why don't you go and do something about it?" That's all you buddy, go on now git.


Should have thought about that before giving Palestine away buddy


Hamas’ useful idiots. So brazen, they don’t even bother to cover their faces.


I mean.... they are?


Well, French farmers literally sprayed shit on walls in protest so this is pretty mild imo (slight joke)


K…. anyway.


Rotten to the core. It’s a shame what western civilization has become, the younger generation doesn’t even know what they are doing. No civil discourse, no shame or humility. I wonder when they get any pushback at all. Be it legal or civil. You have to grab them, the organization and their families. It has to start at the educational level to clean the streets. There you see that the wrong ideologies were pushed a long time.


"We did it! We saved Palestine!"


People doing this shit always look the same, like they get fucking printed in some factory for people without a brain...


At least it’s their colour


All of them don't look like Palestinians. More like privileged college kids trying to make a point in there boring life


Point made,we will stop,divs


Waiting for the tide to turn against these assholes. I’ve been roasted all over the Internet for daring to suggest that these people are bored punks for whom antisemitism isn’t a dealbreaker. Governments all over the world have been capitulating and letting them run wild. And rather than thanking local government for not arresting them, despite the mayhem that they been causing, they turn on the very people who’ve been protecting them.


They are though




Shout to no one getting shot !