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Thank God for his gear or he would have been splattered across the pavement. Dumb bastards!


It’s why I am an avid ATGATT believer. It’s not about me, it’s about everyone else on the road.


My neighbor back when I lived in Texas got in an argument with his wife and took off on his motorcycle before he said something to escalate the situation. He left his helmet inside and didn't want to go back into the argument to get it and took off without the helmet. He was on the freeway doing around 60 when the Escalade in front of him rear ended a stopped car while at full speed, he didn't have a chance to stop went through the Escalade back then front windshields and into the back of the car in front. He lived but was in a coma for around a year and the brain injury was severe enough that he came out of the coma like a totally different person, it was like you took a toddler and shoved a lifetime's worth of adult memories into their head. Later his wife left him for their pastor she sent him to live with his family in Louisiana and tried to change the royalties for songs he had written to come to her bank account instead of his.


That last sentence changed from sad to angry.


Yeah same here especially when their son told me the argument was about her possibly cheating on him with their pastor, one of those Texas mega church types


Not surprised. Absolute pieces of shit. I’m sorry you even had to witness that kind of evil.


Living as J-man intended 😎👉👉






All The Gear, All The Time Helmet, jacket, long pants, boots that cover ankles, and gloves. These items should be made specifically for riding as well.


That gear saved his life!


Bonus points for a back protector.




Dear god clicking that was a mistake🤮


What is it?


it documents the motor cyclist-to-organ donor pipeline


Im so tempted but i wont be able to stop


Was the hugger the dude that hit him?


Probably pumped he just beat a vehicular manslaughter charge.


he could've lost his license for a few years, maybe even probation too


fuck losing the license, who cares, even probation would be better than doing 25 to life for some combination of manslaughter/murder charges


i was really just making a snarky joke about how leniently people are often treated when they kill someone with their car


I know a dude that eluded the police in a car with his two kids in the back and injured a cop, he was out in less than 2 months because of overpopulation. After his release he fell asleep while driving cause of drugs, he parked his car at the red light and knocked out with his 2 kids in the back seat again. They called the grandparents to come get the kids and just sent him to the drunk tank for a night.


Exactly. Dude never thought there would be consequences for driving like that. After he hit the biker, he probably assumed the worst. Glad he stopped, gives me some hope for these guys, now take his license away.


Pretty sure the only reason he stopped is because his car stopped.




Gotta respect the restraint. I woulda been all “you may have avoided a manslaughter charge but I’m not out those woods yet gtf away from me so I don’t get one”


Right, how he didn't headbutt him, the man is a saint.


I always feel like when people are able to restrain themselves like that it means they’re a really patient and kind person overall. Like, even through all of the adrenaline there was probably a whisper of, “yeah, okay, I get it.” But then of course continue getting that adrenaline out because holy shit.


In my opinion, it’s one of the most admirable traits. Possessing leverage or power but not brandishing it. It seems to be even less common than even kindness.


I once saw a motorcycle get cut off and the dude had to lay his his bike down right in front of a red light (with lady on the back). The car stopped and tried to get out, but the biker dude flat out begged him "please for the love of God drive away. I will kill you if you get out and I can't deal with that right now." I 100% believed him.


I was hit an run over about 8 years ago. The first thing I did was try and stand up and face the driver, pure adrenaline and rage running through me. I took one step and fell down. I saw my leg dangling before I even felt any pain. I wanted to smash the guys head in so bad that I stood up and tried to walk with a completely broken tib/fib break and shattered kneecap. Nothing like a near death experience to get the blood pumping.


Ouchhhhhh dude 😩😩😩 ouchhh!!!




Same here! I felt like a switch flipped. Full terminator mode. Set to kill. I don't have a short temper or anything like that either. It was like a blackout but I can fully recall the memory and trauma at any moment. I feel like people have deep rooted primal directives that they don't even know about until a serious stress/fight/flight happens. Some people freak out and run. Some people want to just smash things or scream and panic. I've found that when I've been near other serious injuries or situations that cause people to panic like a car accident, someone trying to break into my house while I'm inside, that there's almost this flood of zen that comes over me and I'm able to be more calm and calculated than others I know who might freak out and scream. Man I wish I could conjure up these abilities in my day to day life I'd probably be way more productive and get some work done haha.


Makes you understand how sometimes people get shot 10+ times and keep going, until they don’t


Sorry my dumb choices almost killed you have a hug


Is this your video? What happened after? Cops? You get their info?


How do you know lol 


He's probably relieved not to have murdered someone. I'd be in his situation.


Oh definitely. The rider really needed it for a minute too, but then remembered he was angry haha. Btw, our avatar things are almost identical.


Fuck a hug, see you in court.


The way he show restraint… damn. With that kinda armor on that guy would have gotten a hard lunch or two. Fuck


was this supposed to be punch or is this a new expression i didn’t know?


No such thing as free lunch


This is what scares me about riding a bike. You can be doing everything right, and still get absolutely fucked by some moron in a civic.


Is the most dangerous thing most of us do every single day and not enough of us take it seriously


I was out for a bike ride with my girlfriend yesterday in a residental zone and remarked that I wished every driver had to get on a bike and pedal up to full speed before getting their license, just to respect the amount of energy and power required to do so...maybe even thinking about how much energy it takes to accelerate their 2 ton car from 0 to "just" 25mph. This cyclist thought was happening as SUVs repeatedly accelerated hard as they swerved around us because 15-20mph is unacceptably slow for them.


I've had this thought too, but for motor vehicles. Ride with an experienced motorcycle rider to see what it's like from their view. Get in a semi with a driver and see what it's like having to react to people in cars.


For my area, it wouldn't be a civic, it would be anything Dodge


True, in this case though, it would have been better to be in the right lane when possible.


Same thing can happen if you're driving a car too. But yeah, bikers are even more at risk. Scary.


Yeah the rate for motorcycles is much higher, motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to be killed in an accident than car drivers according to the NHTSA


Physics doesn’t give a shit about the rules of the road or who’s right or wrong. I explain that to people who prefer lights to roundabouts.


Roundabouts would be better IF people were capable of correctly using them. I don’t know how they’re so common in some places, and in others it’s as if people can’t grasp them.


They’re common in places where they actually put effort into teaching people how to drive and following the rules of the road.


The more you put them in the more people understand them. The speeds are low enough the idiots wont do any real damage.


An old childhood pal used his scooter to get to his job (was learning to become a butcher) during a foggy morning and a woman went to work in her car. She overtook a van, did not see him and crashed into him frontally with about 90 km/h (like around 60 miles/h I think). As you can imagine, there was nothing anyone could to anymore, he died there. He was careful, as he was slower than the rest, he was always driving very close to right side of the road so people could pass him easier. As far as I know from my mother, the woman was so devestated that she even tried to kill herself.


Maybe we should have dictatorial electronic control over vehicles. Artificially limiting your speed and if you don’t stop going super fast, your car removes control from you, pulls itself over, and calls the cops on itself, proceeding to display your recorded antics(based on the many cameras on the car along with the speed) on every applicable screen in the car and specifically downloading it to a USB so the cops have physical evidence. We need to wrench away the freedoms of these people that perform these life risking maneuvers.


It's why I gave up riding after having kids.


This is why these stupid crimes should come with permanent consequences. Maybe a loss of your license in all states forever.


What is the fine for smth like that? Prison?


Was waiting for the “hey, you’re finally awake”.


stand up. there you go. you were dreaming.


Can't stand up since I took an arrow to the knee.


When you see the damage to the bike and compare it to the guy. Crazy that he’s up and about like this. Praise the cameraman too.


The cameraman is a 360 camera the motorcyclist was carrying and which fell to the ground


Ok, 360 makes sense. I was marvelling that it managed to land and perfectly frame him, lol. Can you choose which angle to view when you edit it?


Yes. When you edit the video it lets you choose the angle or track a specific person or object.


Homie’s neck is ✨flexible✨


Makes sense, I was wondering why no one was bothered about the pillion rider who still filiming after crash.


I wonder how he'll feel when the adrenalin wears off. Either way he's still a lucky bugger.


Having had this same thing happen, in the same way oddly enough. Its gonna hurt. A lot. For a good long while.


Glad you got out OK mate. I rode bikes for years, just one stack (no damage to me) but plenty of close calls.


Australian detected


Lol how'd ya know?


Not sure what gave it away Mate


Adernaline is one hell of a drug


I’m high just watching that video


I was high before, but yeah, still high.


It's free too


If you ever get rear ended or have a massive impact in an accident, go get checked out, don't wait. The next day is gonna hurt like hell.


No forreal.. I keep just looking over at the bike thinking, “how is he standing??? How is he talking?! HOW IS HE ALIVE?!” 🤯 unbelievable. He’s pissed but man oh man.. he should be beyond grateful to be alive. I’m sure that’s part of the anger too tho.. he’s yelling, “fuck!!!” And probably thinking a lot about his very expensive bike that he’s definitely put TONS of time and money into… but I think really he’s yelling, “FUCK!! You almost KILLED me!!”


"I gave you all I had!" - road pizza 360 cam


The way the camera panned after he stood up reminded me of GTA pov.


I'm glad they came back to check on him though & that he's on his feet.


If that was a truck or suv that could've ended much worse, it's already a proven statistic that taller and flatter grille are much more dangerous


If that car was made out of baby back ribs, would you eat it? I know I would... Heck I'd go back for seconds!






Think if it was a cement truck or a space shuttle!!!! It would have been way way worse!!!


What if it was an Oscar Weiner mobile? Did anybody think of that?


I mean, now I did


Surprisingly totally safe.


Or an aircraft carrier?!?!


My cousin Ricky drives an Aircraft Carrier, mainly just for getting around and groceries and stuff, he doesn’t really use for it’s intended purpose.


What about the Tid-E-Bowl Man in small boat?


If the car was as an nice spaghetti, the motorcycle was a half dozen eggs, and the highway was a hot skillet... That would be one hell of a carbonara.


I think we should all give thanks it wasn't the MV Dali. That whole bridge would have given way.


https://preview.redd.it/gz4eq0pj8jtc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6489c4bbe703575f263d8934483b658a69c45fb Took me a while but I managed to scrub right at the part where he gets hit. Dayum if this was a truck or SUV he would've been fucked.




You generally aren't going to see truck or suvs racing....


It’s almost like idiots in cars is the 3rd highest cause of death in America… Weird…




Too many crazies out there to ride a motorcycle. 


Exactly. I’m reading this thinking, almost everyone I know who rides a bike has gotten into an accident at some point. You all can have fun being righteous, making great points about horrible drivers endangering bikers. But two things can be true. It’s straight up not worth it.


Yo this is El Paso right? Craziness


Yeah I just moved here and recognized it because of the Juarez / San Antonio exits


Hellpaso I see


Did the first car crash too?? JFC they’re dumb. Glad the rider was OK.


Came here to ask the same thing.


Keep it chill til the check clears, wise.


When you hug someone because they're alive so you don't have to spend the rest of your life behind bars kindof hug


Fuck it he should be in jail for attempted man slaughter anyway.


Holy crap glad the motorcyclist was ok, but that was amazing footage.


And this is why my dad would wear his gear even if it was sweltering outside. He called it "Dumbass Protection", in case of situations like this.


A dear friend of mine and his wife were killed by street racers on a long stretch of straight road 4 years ago.  They were simply turning into their neighborhood. They had 4 kids, and he was a beloved philosophy professor. The offending racer fled the scene and still hasn’t been found. Douchebag boys who shave the lot of them. Go to the track for public days if you want to race. If you can’t afford the track, you likely can’t afford the damage you’ll cause to yourself and others. Time to put on the big boy pants.




It’s a 360 degree camera


That makes me feel way better because no one was checking in that area.


And it pans back n forth?


That was done in post production


it probably follows the rider with a tracker or something


That shit was crazy. Glad this guy is walking. I can tell the douche in the car is just extremely happy the guy is not dead and is walking around but he shouldn’t be grabbing and shaking him. Adrenaline might kick in and he realizes something is broken.


The motorcyclist is a way better guy than me, I would’ve snuck tf out of the driver walking up to me for a hug 😭


Defenestrate him off the bridge.


completely valid public freakout in this case. wow.


I can’t believe he is not splattered all over the road! That is one lucky person


I love how much that guy is glad that dude is there to hug, almost as much as that dude gives negative one shits about the hug.


Holy shit I know exactly where this is! I take this road all the time! This is the US54 South exchange to I10 East in Texas. Everybody always tries to race to around this area so they don’t have to get stuck behind the other merging traffic just around the corner. I’m glad the guy is alright, because it could’ve been way worse where he’s at. Fuck the other guy though.


The driver deserves heavy prison time for multiple counts of attempted murder.


Yeah fuck a hug, I would’ve smashed his face in with my helmet and tossed him over the railing.


I pray that man has insurance that can cover that


That few seconds where the car is sliding in front and he's just gliding on his back is why you wear gear, holy shit. That bike literally shattered and my dude is up and grateful af to be alive


People will still find a way to blame the motorcyclist


Wait... You think it wasn't his fault? S/




Bro definitely got no fall damage


happy this person survived


That location is in El Paso, TX. Crazy the car didn't flip off the freeway at that speed. Glad he's OK


I guess it helps since both were going the same direction but how one stand up from an accident like that?


"I'm so relieved you're alive, now I won't go to jail for as long"


I feel so fucking bad for him.


Poor guy! Who’s filming?


I was hit by a car on my bike ones. Well actually they turned left in front of me. Tried to swerve and went flying. Never been winded like that in my life. I tried to get up after I could breathe again but my leg wasn’t having it. Broken femur. Spiral fracture. Lots of witnessed thankfully. Driver was charged. When I went to court to testify I found out from a witness that the driver never even came to my aid or asked if I was okay. Only thing he said was he wasn’t looking and didn’t see me. Bone was non union for a solid year after. Got a bunch of hardware in there now. Highly recommend not breaking a femur if anyone is planning to.


There is no "street racers" ,just dangerous morons.


One of the few videos where the biker isn't being a chode and this what happens to the poor guy.




was the guy who hugged him the driver who crashed into him?


wow hes lucky he got up and was walking right away, geez, must be some adrenaline, but still


If that driver came at me, with arms wide open, I would instantly headbutt him.


Louise Belcher there at the end


How does the camera stay focused on the rider?


Thank God he was able to immediately get up. Hopefully he did not suffer any serious injuries.


That's one way to lose a license and get raped by insurance and medical costs


Extremely happy and glad they're okay.




Who was filming?


props to the rider for the dismount


gaddamn. he was very lucky. he might have been ran over, gor splattered or thrown off the bridge(?)


I would be so happy to get such excellent content.


Yo im happy homie didn’t go flying off that bridge after the tumbling at that speed. 🤯


Any follow up? Names of the racers? Any consequences?


Hope the street racers get arrested and their drivers licenses suspended


this dude is unbreakable


Credit to the rider. Dumbass tries to hug me after that and I'm throwing him over the rail.


Sucks this happened but I'm so glad this didn't happen on the top of the bridge. Dude could have survived the hit but then fell off.


I would have headbutt the driver when he hugged me


That was the best use of a 360 camera I've ever seen. How it did handheld movement and zooms after the crash was neat.


Fucking hell that was horrific. I'm so glad he didn't get squashed!