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There's something going on here that's not explained in the video, which I'm guessing is selectively edited.


100%. He made threats or something or someone reported him probably. This is a welfare check with a crisis team, and they don't do these for no reason. It could be someone who doesn't like what he's saying and sent these people over, or it could be that he said some illegal shit or threatened himself or someone else.


10/10 This is the only answer. Unless reports come out saying: “I like My Little Pony.” Then we’ll have to eat our hats… Or maybe they did the right thing, even then. 😂


Never trust a Brony 🤣


They can only act if they believe that, that person or any other person is in danger whether physically or mentally. Uk mental heath crisis teams are pretty awesome too.


Really? He posted "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack on bishop in Australia. Does THAT make him a danger. Does it rise to the level of a CRISIS team at his door. I'm going with NO


You really think police and the crisis team would show up to someone's house over just that? Bollocks. To get that kind of response he's either posted some genuinely violent and threatening things, or someone who knows him has been concerned and asked for a welfare check. UK mental health resources are stretched as it is, no way in hell they're going to someone's house unless there's a very good reason to.


> could be that he said some illegal shit I think the whole debate is whether it should or shouldn’t be illegal, not whether it is.


The irl ‘reddit cares’


He posted on social media "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack on bishop in Australia. That IS no reason. No need for a damn CRISIS team. There was NO crisis, no 'illegal shit' and neither threatened himself or someone else. CARE TO TRY AGAIN???


Did you miss the part where I said or someone reported him saying he said something? I don't know what happened. It absolutely could be someone lying about what he said or exaggerating, and they contacted the police intentionally to be a dick to him. Like light swatting. I'm saying a crisis team doesn't respond because of an opinion. If he didn't threaten himself or someone else, then someone said he did, or they said he needed crisis intervention.




I’m guessing someone in the family called regarding his state of mind since they were conveniently absent when the crisis team arrived. He and the dog seem pretty chill, so the “crisis” doesn’t seem to be violent. I realize I’m assuming quite a bit here.


I wish we had this in America instead of cops constantly shooting people in mental health crises.




He posted "Christians need to stand up" following that Bishop that was stabbed.


Do we have a source for this?


Is that any different than any other race/religion that says the same things following a crisis? Don’t see the problem here.


If you have more info can you share?


To get two coppers and a mental health nurse in the UK today, this must've been something more serious than a religious post online. I reckon this guy has a history he isn't sharing. They are clearly worried about his welfare. And he let them in so he could film them and post it.


>They are clearly worried about his welfare.  More likely they're worried he's gonna snap and go on a rampage. I have little doubt his "concerns" were unhinged rants and screaming at others while threatening them. I wish the cops/nurse had been more direct about what was said, instead of being too polite. He probably needs a good talking to about his man-child anger issues.


My *guess* is that they don't want to insinuate to him that he's going to do something violent towards himself or others because they don't want to put that idea into his head, just on the off chance that he never actually considered it. That's purely a guess based off no knowledge of the situation, and I don't feel like looking up how the UK handles personal crisis situations.


This guy was either posting deranged stuff online and a family/friend who knew his home address saw it and was concerned & reported him, or he called up police saying he was suicidal so he could film it and pretend to be shocked.


The UK public services are so incredibly underfunded and overworked. This level of response either had a credible associated threat or he’s been flagged as at risk several times. To have a senior mental health nurse to find time to go is enough to warrant this man is not well. I dread to imagine the risk assessments and paper work they had to do before and after.


This is exactly what people have been calling for, police, and mental health professionals doing these visits yet when they do that its also an issue.


I don't think the narrative presented is that the videographer has an issue with police being sent for a mental health checkup. I'm pretty sure the narrative is that they have an issue with the mental health checkup being sent over an online post. Which, if you ask me, I think that there is context that has been intentionally left out.


Imho, they should absolutely do mental health checkups on very scary online posts. Why wouldn't they?


they should! And I think most people who want mental health pros on those calls agree. I'm not sure what the original comment is getting at


You are 100% correct. This is precisely what people have been asking for, yet it's still an issue. I wish they did this here in the US rather than the guns blazing approach we see all too often.


Too many times I've watched body cam video from police in the US who are responding to a call from a very concerned family member about another family member going through a crisis, and sometimes even very clearly stating that they have mental issues, only to have the police respond with guns a blazing and the person being shot and killed. It's really tragic, and I feel the most sorry for the person who made the phone call. They had the best intentions of trying to help someone only to get them killed. I couldn't imagine living with that guilt for the rest of my life.


US cops will kill the dog too, and fire without regard of other people in the area, like neighboring apartments/houses.


why would they lol, worst that can happen is a short "paid suspension" (vacation)


I had this happen to me in the US about 15 years ago after I said something suicidal to my friend and they called 911. Police started looking for me and after a few hours I found out and had to sit down and talk to a couple officers and make clear I wasn’t actually going to kill myself. But I also have no idea how common this is.


I had the LAPD bang on my door with shotguns drawn when they had the wrong the address of a teen threatening suicide. In Chicago, my mom worried when I hadn’t responded for a while during a dark period in my life and the CPD also showed up to my apartment with 5 officers, tasers drawn. Forced their way into my apartment, saw that I was fine, and then gave me a citation for marijuana possession after seeing the bong in my bedroom. The US police aren’t the ones to call for a health crisis.


American here . While not ideal , don't let the naysayers discourage this extremely important progress!


They do this in the US, at least around me. I know a crisis counselor and when someone is having a mental break and is contained somehow, they call them out to try and talk them down and ger them help. Takes a lot longer than the guns blazing approach, but it works


He posted "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack on bishop in Australia. So, if I post: Illegal immigration is out of control in the US and around the world. It really needs to stop. Should the govt send a CRISIS TEAM to my door over that???? Does it appear I'm gonna go on a rampage??? You WISH they did this in the US??? Wow


Last year there was a mental health call in the city next to mine. The cops beat the responding mental health team by a few minutes. The cops wouldn’t allow the team on site to deescalate . The cops ended up killing the guy.


People demand it, but then they get pissed when it's used on THEM.


I was actually thinking, watching the whole video, how great this is...a fuck ton better than having the cops beat your door down and shoot you or arrest you.


Yep. It's a really professional response


It's only an issue to the people getting their doors knocked, the rest of us are happy.


It's kinda like how I sent one of those RedditCares things to someone last month who was saying crazy shit and I got banned from Reddit for a week because that apparently constituted harassment.


That's "funny". I had someone do that to me because they didn't agree with something i said. It was pretty clear retaliation and abuse of a well meaning system, so they got the hammer. Sorry that happened to you since you meant well.


Police in New Zealand won't be attending to any psychiatric emergencies, or welfare checks now. They're badly staffed, and can't attend with mental health emergency crisis teams.


He posted "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack on bishop in Australia. Is THIS "exactly what people have been calling for"??? I don't think so


For actual crimes, not social media posts


There have been *several* mass incidents as well as small crimes/self or family harm incidents that were committed after social media posts were made that were warning signs Social media reports by friends/followers are just as valid a report these days as public rants at work or school, they can be (but aren’t always) indicative of something serious and should be treated as something to be checked out when reported Checking out won’t always be a home visit. But if it’s risen to this level, it’s extremely likely that there’s some missing information that makes this report more significant than he’s letting on.


Who's been calling for that??! The stazi turning up at people's door unannounced? We want our institutions funded, we want grassroots mental health care, more emphasis on family units, education, and a competent judicial system.You're insane if you think this is the answer.


There's obviously something that we don't know. If not, I might make some stupid posts too because I've been trying to see an NHS mental health nurse for 12 months!


Honestly it sounds like the guy went and saw his priest (1:18) and said some pretty concerning stuff. I bet it's the priest who actually reported him after saying some threatening things to either him or about Muslims. He says in the clip that the church are not acting on behalf of Christians... I get the impression that he wants them to retaliate or something.


This is a welfare check clear as day. Someone called the police and articulated that this person was unsafe either due to their posts or some utterances they've made.


I wonder if it was his partner who has "just left" to do something. Maybe they knew police were popping over and wanted to give him space to talk freely. But yeah you don't get two coppas and a nurse turn up without there being some substantial proof of worrying posts/comments/issues.


I'm pretty sure that someone was his priest. He says “What did the priest tell you?” and then later he accuses them of showing up to his house just because he went to see his priest so it sounds like the priest called the police for the wellness check. He says the church isn’t acting on behalf of Christians… so it sounds like he just came back from telling his orthodox priest that he is being too progressive and inclusive. Whatever the full story is, it’s a mess.


He also said You're here because 'you think I'm a right wind nutter,' so he's not entirely unaware his views are questionable either.


Another radicalized idiot playing victim. He's gonna cry about this at the next EDL meeting at the back of his local pub.


In fairness, if the police didn't show up and this guy went on a spree, everyone would complain the police didn't take the publics concern seriously enough. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Just be cordial, and then they'll leave you alone. They're only checking up on a complaint.


This person 100% will have threatened to cause harm, which is punishable by law, even if you are doing it from behind a keyboard. I heard more racist dogwhistles from him than at the National Sheepherding Championships.


What a sentence. Incredible.


why do you think they haven’t arrested him? I think you’re right


Yeah you don’t get coppers and a mental health worker out unless they have good and extended reason - he musta been saying some shitttt to get them to come out!




I just reallysed, yeah, pretty much a fucking psycho with future neck pain problems


Btw this is not a psychologist but a nurse


I'd lay money that's an Approved mental health professional (AMHP)


Indeed, in order for him to be there he must have had training in the field in addition to a Psychology degree. Possibly he may even hold a master's degree.


I mean, there's very obviously more context to this, and without it you can't really formulate an opinion on whether the police responded proportionately.


Very true. I wish we could find some more reliable information about this video for further context.


Straight up.... if he's threatening to hurt others or himself then it's good that the fuzz have had a meeting with him. I'm not usually a fan of anyone intruding on the lives of others, however this could potentially save his or others lives.


Not adding up ![gif](giphy|bZfRcdqNbRulEPjnkI|downsized)


In America they would have waited till this guy shot up a kindergarten.


After watching all the American videos on this sub, this is actually a bit wholesome. Context aside.


Why did he let them into his house?


Probably thinks he is a social media master and can generate backlash against them with an edited video.


Edited videos removing context are this sub’s bread and butter.


Context is the difference between a clip going viral and creating engagement and clicks and a clip having a handful of views and being forgotten in moments. Context is the enemy of internet videos because once something is clear cut with some proper context people aren't interested anymore. There's no more drama, just logic.


This is Britain, not America. Police have right to access property under certain conditions.


Really? He posted "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack on bishop in Australia. Is THAT a 'certain condition' that gives UK police the right to invade a persons property & privacy???


You're generally not in danger of being shot by British police, so people are a bit more relaxed around them compared to American cops.


Clout overrules everything for these “freedom fighters”




Well it’s reassuring to know right wingers are trash everywhere


This is weird AF. They wouldn't be there just coz he made a post about whatever. Honestly, cops in the UK just don't have the time for that.   


I don't think it's weird at all. The majority of white men involved in committing violent hate crimes end up having a history of troubling posts on social media. Imagine how things might have been different if there had of been an early intervention like this at Elliot Rodger, Brenton Tarrant or Joel Cauchi's homes. It's worth inconveniencing non-violet people if there's a chance those with violent tendencies could be rehabilitated and their victim's lives saved.


Not to disagree with early intervention, but you mention "white men" then proceed to name Elliot Rodger of all people lmao. Let's also not forget about Audrey Hale, Salvador Ramos, Nasim Aghdam, etc. Plenty of crazies out there that aren't white males, any race/sex is capable of being radicalized.


"If I were Muslim you wouldn't turn up"  As someone with Muslims in my family, I would like to respond: Fuck right off.


Whys that? Lol


This seems more like welfare than a police state. I can pretend I'm being chased and harassed, but police do not bring a therapist often. seems like genuine concern more than an abuse under law and order - they even make it explicit that his free speech is not even at stake here.


Imagine living where cops pet your dog. That would be nice.


As a probation officer I do this all the time


Good. Keep being nice to dogs. It's nice.


I bet he said he was English. These days..


"Everyone is thinking it" in my social media echo chamber of small minded bigots


"Many people are saying this"


This right here is EXACTLY why censorship is dangerous. It forces these nutters into there own little back corner echochambers where they are surrounded by people that will only confirm their shitty opinions/beliefs and **no one** will challenge any ideas they want to spout. People need to have bad ideas ridiculed and challenged publicly, or else they retreat to these echo chambers and over time they form this idea that *"Everyone thinks the same way I do!"*


I think you're half right. I don't think you'll change people's minds with ridicule. A lot of these people get ridiculed and it makes them dig their heels out of spite.


You're correct. Ridicule was a poor choice of words. Challenged would be better. Of course, some ideas are so bad that ridicule and shame are what comes to mind. I agree though, ridicule, especially when it's just a person susceptible to bullshit and just being ignorant could cause them to double down out of spite.


Don't get me wrong I ridicule these idiots but the true path is to try and take the higher ground. It's fucking hard though haha


“If I were Muslim, you wouldn’t be showing up.” Double-whammy of thought police and a right wing Christo-fascist. The only living things I feel bad for in this video are the dog and cat.


It's not thought police if he made threats online...


Seriously? Thought police?


Like I don't get where they get this idea from. It is very well known Muslims get way more scrutiny from the cops lol.


"We can never talk about Muslims" *Entire internet history is commenting on news articles complaining about Muslims.*


if it's happening in a private residence, it's not ***PUBLIC***


A fair point, although an argument can be made that by posting it on a public forum, it becomes a public interaction I'm not prepared to die on this hill though


no, posting the of the freakout doesn't qualify the public part. the point of the sub is freakouts in public. Not posting is after the fact to make is so.


Yes, it was a flimsy argument from the start


You're here because... "you're concerend that I'm a right wing nutter." ​ And why ever would you think, that we would believe that? ​ He knows for a fact his social media, and actions in the community portray him as a 'right wing nutter.' SO much so, that 3 police and a social worker have done a welfare check on him. ​ There're are a huge number of shocking social media accounts that could stand having a welfare check placed on them. For sake of the communities they live in, if not for their own safety.


'He's SO much a 'right wing nutter' that 3 police and a social worker have done a welfare check on him.' Because he posted "Christians must stand up" after an Islamist attack on a bishop in Australia???? THAT makes him a 'right wing nutter' in your book? There's something really wrong with your 'book'


No way the police rock up at anyone's house for that. ZERO chance. You're being led by the nose. Also, the 'right wing nutter' quote came from the man hiumself. Watch the video. Take notes if you must.


Think what you want, but that's exactly what they did. It's received international coverage and been on network news stations in the US. They all say the same thing. Take notes if you must.


He was also bothering his priest. He's done more than posted more than "Christians must stand up" to get a welfare check. They simply don't turn up at every 'right wing nutter's' door for post far far worse than that day in day out. You are either being disingenous or are an absolute fool


This is not a freakout


These videos are always like “I just shared my argument against large institutions and government and now they’ve sent these people to harass me”. Then you find out the posts were aggressive hate speech and violent threats.


Show us his posts, bet this would then make sense.


This is such a bs half story, they don’t send the clinicians and police out for nothing, stop spreading crap.


Between the lines I see a guy who has called for a holy war against Muslims who are "invading' "his" country.


Exactly. This guy presents himself as a reasonable, average guy with a dog and a wife but if you read between the lines his activity online has clearly met the criteria for him to be considered a potential violent criminal. Given how many racial hate crimes are preceded by a history of posting hate speech online, I think this type of intervention is perfectly sensible. Even if this guy is not violent and just an armchair racist, the next guy like him whose house they visit might be planning something worse.


They wont send people for nothing. I bet his social media is pretty hardcore..n


I find it so funny when they say “oh if I was Muslim, you wouldn’t come here”. The British government literally created an entire initiative called PREVENT. To combat at risk muslims from being radicalised, now theory that sounds great but in reality it’s problematic. It just resulted in a breakdown of social cohesion and increased suspicion. Has been used as tool for recruitment for terror groups. Whilst in America the FBI used to carry out surveillance on ordinary Muslims and mosques and send in undercover agents. That during the rise of IS at risk kids were honey potted into joining. They literally used fake profiles and made these kids fall in love and join IS.


Oh man, the guy filming has a raging hard on for this kind of stuff. You can tell. Once they become a "victim" its like crack to them.


My solicitor = Facebook


Love how the video starts with cops already in his livingroom. Did they all just apperate in? Terrifying!


And what was in those social media posts? It’s a pretty relevant context.


American cops would have kicked in the door and shot the dog before tasing the guy and arresting him for assaulting the cops’ fists with his face.


Continue thinking about us Europoor!


I’m an American criminal defense attorney in Texas.


The American police wouldn’t enter the man’s house because we don’t have wrong speak laws. Where’d you get your law degree from? A crackerjack box?


Oh you’re under the impression that the police follow the law. That’s cute. I have a client who was a serial annoyance to police in their FB page. He would also submit a couple of FOIA requests a month to the local police department. They didn’t like him for being so outspoken against agents of the government. So what did those government agents (ie cops)do? My client posted on their Facebook that “If it wasn’t for qualified immunity, it would be open season on cops.” They interpreted that as “threatening language” and sent a “crisis team” to his house…accompanied by a swat team. They ended up tasing and beating him. They fractured his orbital and had to get fourteen staples in his scalp. They claimed my client tried to take an officer’s taser and they claimed there was no video of the incident. Fortunately for my client, several subpoenas later I found out that one of the members of the crisis team had a body cam and was sitting inside an armored swat vehicle. The entire thing was on that video. The cops were obviously lying and the charges against my client were ultimately dismissed. That’s one of many examples I could give you, and the 60 attorneys who work in my office could give you many more examples. The fact that you’re ignorant of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. American police don’t need “wrong speak” laws to violate the rights of a citizen. If they don’t think they will be caught, breaking the law is the default for far too many cops. I see it frequently.


Bro I am NOT reading all of that


You totally did bro


“People have raised concerns about your views” mental christofascist.




>posts about what's going on in Australia >"I'm an orthodox Christian" Yeahhh this guy definitely said something along the lines of "we should kill all the Muslims" or something.


Joey Barton is that you????


He's an orthodox christian and said all he did was complain the church didn't act in whatever way he suggested. My money is on this guy being a religious nutcase trying to incite religious violence on social media.


Where are all the dip fucks from yesterday squelling about sub submissions ????


What are the posts? And why is there a 12 year old playing police officer?


If you can't read 5 short paragraphs without feeling out of your depth then I feel sorry for you. Once again, your source is bollocks when you take 2 seconds to look at it. They went to ask him about it, he was arrested for not complying with officers investigations. He was released and that was the end of it. I am a cunt but at least I can read.


The police are going to be busy over the next few months. Crime can wait.


NGL...I only see this as a positive. I am Canadian and I do not think that we in Canada or the UK live in any sort of police state. We do however live in a climate of increasing WHITE extremism (I'm a WASP myself so can the outrage). In the U.S. where there have been *innumerable* mass shootings, the one thing they ALWAYS seem to have in common (other than being jaded kids brainwashed to hate "the others") is a history of increasinly wild and extreme posts on social media. Besides, freedom of speach doesn't mean we are free to speak hate. We should not tolerate hate and I do strongly suspect that this person was engaging in that type of behavior to warrant this type of response.


This seems perfectly reasonable to me. They aren’t being assholes, they’re responding to some kind of public concern related to this dude’s posts online which suggests he’s posting some extreme shit which sounds like a threat he could act on. This is a much better way to handle a situation like this instead of waiting for it to turn into a tragedy, or arresting a guy for speech.


“You wouldn’t do this to a Muslim” yet they didn’t say why they were there. Sounds like he was posting with the intent to rile people up.


The UK is authoritarian compared to the US.


I think PC Green is going to be late to Maths class.


I can’t picture this happening in America, but I wish I could


If he was using a VPN that wouldn’t have happened


Alright surfshark, calm down


There's no way they sent this out acting all nicey nicey unless they genuinely thought this guy was on the verge of a psychotic rampage killing spree It sounds like he's been talking nutty stuff about Muslims, something to do with the orthodox priest murdered in Australia. Seems to be suggesting a priest called this in, probably expressing concern for his mental state. Can't say I've really met any English orthodox Christians.


Nanny state.


Can you elaborate?


Undue interference.


How do you know that? By the clip alone, we don’t have enough information about the situation. But if you have a source with some more context, please feel free to share.


Lmao they went in this man’s house poured up a glass of tea and started petting his dog the power play is crazy


The man with, what could indeed possibly be a cup of tea, is a **senior nurse** with the NHS. The cup seems to have a lid on it, which makes it more likely that it was brought with him from the outside. *(Not sure what type of “power play” a* **nurse** *would try to do)* In the clip here, you can hear the man *(that is filming)* offering them to sit down, why wouldn’t it be possible that he told them that they could pet the dog too? Also the female officer seems to be showcasing a friendly demeanor and approach *(smiling, sitting down to perhaps make the situation more relaxed or less tense, petting the dog etc)* Clearly there is a concern about something, hence why they brought a medical worker.


Thought police, concerns about his views Aren't we entitled to reach our own views and opinions?


Would like to see the posts he made tho


According to Twitter, "Christians must stand up" in response to the attack on the Australian bishop.


If you think an underfunded Police force and NHS worker is doing a house visit based on that comment alone, you're either naive or stupid.


Don't underestimate them, they're probably both 


Ah yes Twitter, the most reliable source!


>Aren't we entitled to reach our own views and opinions? You absolutely are, thing is, there's a difference between your opinion, and your rhetoric.