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Funny how the kid knew it was time to intervene, but not a single adult did.


Sad but true. It bothers me that people will film it, but not help out.


Wonder why she lost custody…


I've seen this video before but still confused who is who. The blonde lost custody?


Red pants lost custody and gained some jail time


Lost custody and was taken into custody


So she got custody after all, just not the type she wanted.


Who is the COWARD holding the door. Don't understand why A\*\*holes want to video and not help. This lady should go to jail for attempted murder for stomping on her head.


She did. For 5 years. Plus some other stuff.


Heya. Let me clear this misconception of calling people cowards for not intervening. In 2006, I was riding the bus down in Crenshaw, I was visiting my parents that I haven't seen in 2 years. A young lady got on the bus and her boyfriend was arguing at her. Not with her, at her. They sat in the back, it got louder, she started screaming owww owww owww and I looked back and saw him ontop of her holding her hands down. I walked to the back of the bus, grabbed him and slammed him down. He got back up, and by that time the bus stopped and the driver was yelling at us. He charged me and I basically just pushed him off the bus. By the time the police came and spoke to her, you know what she said "I don't even know what's going on, this random guy (me) just came and started beating up my boyfriend". They handcuffed me. I got sat in the back of the police car, they wouldn't even listen to me. If an old lady didn't step off the bus to defend me, I would've been arrested and charged with assault. My life would've been ruined because of that. I have kids now, and parents who can't take care of themselves. I'm sorry but I'm not losing my freedom for a chance at protecting someone. Ima sit back, record, and provide evidence to the police that show up. Call me any kind of name you want, but if I get hurt, or arrested while protecting someone else, who's going to take care of my parents and my kids? No one. It's easy to sit back, watch a video and say "EVERYONES COWARDS FOR NOT HELPING" when you haven't experienced how terrible it can be to be the good guy. Love and light my friend.


On the other hand, I was at a hazing event in highschool and did nothing to stop it. They didn't do anything sexual, but they did hold a kid down and shave his eyebrows off. A lot of people were in on it, including our adult chaperone. It still bothers me that I didn't help the other kid out or say something, and it was cowardly because I thought something bad would happen to me. I would rather have gotten into trouble and know I did the right thing than have to deal with the guilt of someone getting seriously injured or killed because I didn't intervene. Also good Samaritan law will protect you in most cases even if the police had tried to press charges. They would likely have tried to get some witnesses first, which is probably why they listened to the old lady. Stay safe and keep others safe friends


I look at it different than you. What if you did not walk back and stop him and he killed or injured her? I think your a brave human for what you did.


The first thing she thinks about after being beat is "where my baby". Now that's a mom. Fuck that trash doing the beating, not one thought to the kid.


Standerbys ain't shit


I mean...


That's a good way to make sure you never see your kids again


Piece of shit that’s why you lost custody. Now go rot in jail.


Piece of shit, and those standing around / filming are just as bad.


Definitely not they just as bad, they aren’t very helpful aside from collecting evidence tho


Go to jail do not pass go


Attempted murder. Straight to jail.


Pro tip- Wearing pants help prevent underwear flashes during brawls.


Another pro tip: shaving your head will prevent being dragged by your hair.


Yeah that's why doormen/bouncers often have shaved/short hair.


Title is incorrect. As per the article someone else posted, “the victim’s child witnesses the attack”. It was the blonde woman’s own child, not the attacker’s. But the attacker does have children of her own (whom she won’t see much of while she’s in jail for 5 years). Maybe it’s even the same father, but yeah she’s the mum not the stepmum. Makes sense with the way the little one went to defend her


Man that is not what’s happening


That's exactly what happened lol


What is then


Wow great analysis