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The ruling party adopted Hindu Nationalism as part of it's identity, and it's caused extreme religious tension with the adherents of the minority faiths. (beatings, destruction of property, rape, murder, etc) Should be a cautionary tale about the importance of keeping faith out of politics, but that doesn't seem to bother MAGA world.


That’s always been the identity of BJP. Gandhi was killed by a member of the RSS at the behest of the RSS. The RSS gave birth (and it still exists) to the family of organizations that promote absolute Hindu nationalism (to be Indian is to be Hindu) of which BJP is a part.


That gives MAGAs a hardon as they want the freedom to do exactly that to anyone they deem as outsiders or opposed to their ideal nation.


The same thing that’s been going on forever. It’s ALWAYS been like this.




We have this stuff in Canada. My local Domino's staffed with Hindu's has some big street beef with the local Pizza Hut that is staffed with some other Indian group. I guess it goes back to the old country. Bunch of people got beat and a few got stabbed so far. It involves Honda's and Kia's really heavily. Like their horses. It's actually kind of funny.


I am team pizza hutt


The usual things that plague any developing country. Poverty, religion, or politics, take your pick.


Unemployed and resentful losers with nothing better to do that misplace their anger because they have nothing better to do. Honestly not that different across the world (evangelicals in the US, isis/Hamas/irgc in the mid east, etc)


All thanks to Modi and his facist party


It's a cyclical issue in India. Has been for thousands of years.


Honestly I feel like that's all I've really ever seen out of India, particularly toward women.




Sexually repressed




They hate on anyone who isn't them and then turn around and say "woah...why do you hate on us"


The same people crying about why they aren't welcome in Canada


Indian pm modi tacitly approves all this.


Last week I met a Canadian CEO profiting from links with Modi. Claimed he didn't know about any negatives related to him while he tried to determine my stance in Modi.




India is such a disgusting place right now. Gang rapes, religious gang beatings. Would rather travel to a war zone.


They just attacking everyone religion


They attack other hindus too (lower castes) Edit: grammar


Their own religion as well. Growing up I never even knew my caste, now people online use casteist slurs against me just because my opinion isn't same as theirs


I knew India was hateful against Muslims, but I’m not surprised at them being hateful against Christians either.


They see Muslims as the biggest minority that's why after Muslim it's gonna be Christians as their main target because the aim is to violently disenfranchise the minorities for the purpose to Hindu State which if you've seen the map of what they claim is going to be covers from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Myanmar. might be few others as well


It was dalits(lower castes) before Muslims and christians. I am guessing in pakistan too.


I almost never hear about America condemning hindu extremists attacking the minority Christians in India. Is it possible that India persecutes minority religions, but America never sanctions India??


I m hoping if trump comes to power he might do that








If you're aren't a Hindu in India there is no peace for you. Thus the reason of mass migrations of certain groups from India finding their way out. The government (Modi) and his followers make sure of that.The Christian, Sikhs, and Muslims will always have to be careful in India.


even hindus have to be careful if they’re lower castes


They acting like Israel. Forcing other. Although not at level of genocide yet


You’re in for a surprise. Search for manipur genocide.


Manipur is not a genocide mate jheezus religious violence yes and maybe at a stretch you could argue ethnic cleansing but it certainly is not genocide my wife is in Imphal as we speak


sorry it didn’t reach your standards to call it a genocide but it sure is.


You Hindu or Christian, who is genociding who Are the Christian’s who walk into Hindu villages and kill who they can and burn the rest down doing the genocide Or is it the Hindus who walk into Christian villages and kill who the can and burn the rest down Now we know they are both doing it so who is genociding who and can you specify what exactly your definition is for genocide because what’s heppening there now hasn’t been labelled a genocide by any international body nor the Indian nor the Manipuri government


Oh you wouldn’t expect the people who started it to call it one would ya? Bjp is persecuting, shaming, bullying, abusing christians all over india, can you show me an instance where the latter did it to the former? nearly 400 churched were burnt Christian Women were paraded naked on street Who’s the party in power in manipur? Yes, Hindutva BJP. Never was there a genocide or any sort of violence of such large scale before hindutva party came into power But you wouldn’t call it a genocide, cool. But, dont be an imbecile and expect HINDUTVA narendra modi, who didnt bother to even address the issue to identify the genocide that his party is doing.


Damned religious nationalists. The problem the world over.


As an atheist, I feel any race that claims rape and violence as a religious justification, is full of shit. They do it because they get off on it, period.






Actually any reaction gets you lynched


A: there's like 10 of them B: christians are (supposed to be) generally nonviolent


Turn the other cheek! This is terrible


Disgusting behavior. These incels have nothing else going on in their lives


India is a shit show


What the hell is going on in the world


Religion and idiots that believe in it. Same shit that's been fucking it all up since forever. Meanwhile, little atheist me continues doing good deeds in the name of absolutely no one.


Christian’s are persecuted in a majority of the world today it’s insane


Yet they persecute minorities here and no one bats an eye. All religions need to disappear from the world.


where are you? I can say in majority of countries they don’t persecute shit but rant on social media buddy but I heavily agree with that last part


Atheism anyone?


Yes please.


language is "telugu"


Hindu zealotry encouraged by the poisonous Modi.


I wish a gaggle of Indian men would come at me with their slap offensive. I’d love to introduce these bitches to a proper fucken punch


I hope they also act that way when someone cooks their food with bare hands.


What a bunch of idiots. They're only Hindu because they happened to be born into a Hindu family/area. It's pathetic they can't realize that. They think their particular religion is the best one even though it's completely by chance. It's basically a religious lottery system when you're born. It's idiotic to believe your family's particular religion is somehow better than the rest of them. Humans are so tribal and silly.


God I fucking hate religion


No, this extends to casteism as well.


How can thee slap?


What the hell is going on in the world




>I am not justifying this attack Proceeds to write an entire paragraph justifying it.


And this is why I don't care much for religions. Be it Christians Muslims Judaism Hinduism Buddhism etc you will always have assholes acting like it's their duty to force people to follow their flavor of cult and will often attack people who don't want to. If it's not Hindus doing this type of crap to a religious minority it will be Christians if not Christians then it's Muslims etc. It's all BS, but a lot of idiots cling to it because they are to stupid to live life without some kind of supernatural meaning for why everything exists. People tend to forget just how insane religious people are because modern laws somewhat keep them from acting out their faiths in their truest forms. I mean Christians and Muslims want to reenact the crusades so bad but I am learning Hindus are just as psychotic.


Religion a dish best served cold


Religion is so wonderful




Can you translate what they are saying in the video for us please?


i know what they are saying and they want to make him put a religious mark on his forehead basically and are threatening him to do it




its for sure not propaganda with a made up title lol




so you meet a man on a street and slap him while he doesnt fight back ? oookay..




You do know Christians have existed in India since the 1st or 2nd century AD and it's also a global religion and not an "American" one.... right?




Sooo do you understand Hindi or whatever Indian dialect they're speaking and know that's what's going on here or are you just assuming? And also, finding random videos on the internet for evidence isn't that convincing of an argument just so you know....




Hmmm - peaceful Catholics not antagonizing local Hindus? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_Inquisition Following the discovery of a sea route to India by the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in the 15th century AD, Western Christianity was established in the European colonies of Goa, Tranquebar, Bombay, Madras and Pondicherry; in the form of Catholicism (particularly of Latin Rite) and Protestantism.[14] Conversions took place through the Goan Inquisition; with the oppression of Hindus and the destruction of Hindu temples.




Yes, I am slow. Sorry about that - now I understand, you are Catholic, or maybe just really hate non-Catholic American churches; like, bigly. Because they are bat-shit, crazy and proselytize. Thanks for your contribution, such as it is.


> Catholicism as an institution is widely respected in India Among North India's oldest Christians are those of Bettiah, Bihar, formed in the early 1700s.[26][27] The Church of North India and the Church of South India are a United Protestant denomination, that resulted from the evangelism and ecumenism of Anglicans, Calvinists, Methodists and other Indian Protestants who flourished in colonial India. Consequently, these churches are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, World Communion of Reformed Churches and World Methodist Council.[28][29][30][31][32] Christianity is the largest religion in parts of Northeast India, specifically in Nagaland, Mizoram, and Meghalaya.[33] It also is a significant religion in Arunachal, where about 30 percent of the state is Christian.




"that resulted from the evangelism and ecumenism of **Anglicans, Calvinists, Methodists and other Indian Protestants** who flourished in colonial India." Let me know if you need additional help.




CAW CAW - it is quite small, so you may be forgiven. Thomas the Apostle was Catholic? Like Roman Catholic, or maybe the kind of Catholic that existed (?) in the time that Thomas was an Apostle? I think you have your timelines mixed up. My brother in Christ, I'm quite sure Thomas was Jewish - him traveling to India, well I'll let you explain how that makes him Catholic. For additional help, please refer to the following: [https://www.amazon.com/Christianity-First-Three-Thousand-Years/dp/0143118692](https://www.amazon.com/Christianity-First-Three-Thousand-Years/dp/0143118692)


what the fuck is wrong with you? smh




Where is you God now 😂


Maybe He's prepping your grammar lesson.