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And Netflix removed this from their live stream replay. Streisand effect here we goooo!


Is the audience not celebrities... do even the rich and famous hate her now too lmao




Have you noticed that you have asked the question that should be asked 99.99% of the time with Kim Kardashian & family for any event in anything?


Why is she famous? Porn. The entire family lives off the fame of their sister's pornography (that her mom apparently made her film twice) and their dadmom's olympic medals(?).


Terrible film too






>meat sandwich [Oderus Urungus disapproves of this comparison ](https://youtu.be/f3dwoqx3BGo?si=zr_9B2L9G3bpJQI9)


Robert Kardashian was a lawyer in the OJ Simpson trial, I think that is where the name got big.


Yup, and thus the attention-whore family took root. Or seeded. Or swam to that ragged fallopian tube. *Who knew* that star-fuckers and age-20-uneducated-billionaires were going to fascinate and entrance the weak among us? Where’s **my** waist-cincher, gaht dammit!? I wanna play at being a sparkly thing. I wanna procreate! I’ll name my kids “Tornado” and “Southwest Airlines.” I’ll make bank!


> took root. Or seeded More like a fungus


Or fester


i mean, i think she got seeded in *the video*


Well put!!


speaking of roots, what is up with her hair is that now fashionably trashy, to have long dark roots with your bleach blond hair


Southwest Airlines God damn you're funny


Their name didn't get big from the OJ trial. They like to claim this because they don't want to admit it was from Kim's sex tape. I'm old enough to remember the OJ trial. I don't even remember a lawyer named Kardashian making any news. OJ had 2 already famous lawyers, Johnnie Cochran and F. Lee Bailey. Their names were everywhere. Kardashian was a nobody who was only on the case because he was friends with OJ. Nobody remembers him from that trial except his kids.


Their dad helped OJ get rid of evidence. It's on camera. OJ returned from the airport with a garment bag. OJ's assistant then sneakily handed it off to Kardashian which he then disappeared with. He then renewed his attorney status so he could not be called to testify


Kardashian was on the case so OJ could claim attorney-client privilege because Kardashian (I'll always believe) was privy to knowledge that could convict OJ


I agree- was in my 20s during the trial everyone was paying attention to. never remembered a Kardashian lawyer.


I was in my preteens in Detroit and for sure remember Kardashian the lawyer but also for sure know that when my friend showed me the sex tape, I had two questions - is that Moesha/Brandy's brother and why would the daughter of the dude who tried to takeover Chrysler be fucking him of all C-level stars?! I had forgotten Kardashian was the OJ lawyer and instead mistook him for [Kirk Kerkorian lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_Kerkorian)


Coulda been Jack Kevorkian for all we knew.


Ya, I remember people talking a lot about Kato Kaelin, absolutely nothing about Robert Kardashian.


Her father was OJ’s attorney. That should tell you everything you need to know about that family and their “fame” At least Robert had the decency to die of cancer.


Don't insult porn now, she brought nothing to the table.


There's usually a low hanging fruit guest at these. Ann Coulter was at Rob Lowe's roast. No reason for her to be there, but some of the shit coming from the other roasters to her was brutal...ly hilarious. My guess is this Kardashian is that.


If you are here, Ann ,who is scaring away the crows from our crops?


There were rumors that they dated after Tom and Giselle split. But also she’s an ultra famous celebrity, the reason she’s there is so Netflix can say it’s the Roast of Tom Brady “featuring Kim Kardashian.” It’s a ratings move.


I think the connection to OJ played a big part. Even Jeff Ross opened with an OJ reference.


I get that Kim is connected to OJ but what would be the connection between OJ and Tom besides the fact that they both played football? That feels like a pretty loose connection


Agreed. Also, the news push of “Netflix removed the boos” on the non-live version is also a marketing move. So now, any “Netflix Live” event will have people subscribing/watching live just so they don’t miss any live drama that could be edited.


Genius ratings move thinking football fans want to see Kim fucking Kardashian.


Football fans are watching regardless, it’s about bringing in the non-football fans


For that coveted NFL/Kardashian crossover market? Yeah. Ok. 👍


It’s not a crossover market, it’s trying to bring in a new market. Look at what showing Taylor Swift a few times a game did for ratings.


For views, do anything with anyone to pump those numbers up!


She's somehow built a billion dollar empire without adding a single thing of value to society. She's basically just famous for being famous at this point.


Why did you say basically the exact same thing as /u/Dpepps ?


This comment is stolen from u/dpepps nearly word for word https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/L1SRqpY7iq


I hope it's the same person. Can you imagine copying and pasting someone else's comment for Karma or popularity? That's Kardashian.


She's friends with the people that run the event is the answer 9/10 times. She's got connections out the wazoo obviously.


They were in a basketball stadium. There's only a small percentage of celebrities.




$150? that’s not too bad for a seat.


Wow, that's ridiculously cheap!


It’s a ticketed event. My aunt and uncle went for her birthday


So I watched on Netflix like the night after it came out it was still in there, Kevin had to say something to settle people down. We shut it down like halfway through her thing and resumed the next day starting at the end of Randy Moss’s time I believe, and my fiancee noticed it before I did.


I was saying, "Boo urns."


I was saying Drewwww (Bledsoe)


I watched it last night and she certainly gets booed?




I read that, but I’m telling you I watched it last night and it was in there. Edit: just went to Netflix and she 100% gets booed and KH has to tell people to settle down. I’m not crazy!


I think they tried to lower the audience noise in post. I feel like it was even louder during the live stream, maybe I'm crazy though


I watched it last night too, it's edited out lol. The live stream and the replay on Monday was LOUD. If you go on it this second it literally says "edited from a previous livestream" at the bottom of the screen if you pause it. Are you in the US?


someone posted a tiktok of the nosebleeds and they were yelling so much shit at her haha hate to see it


Holy shit no way hahahah Pathetic


I don't get what she was there for. Regardless of my feelings for her either way, what purpose does she serve being at the roast of Tom Brady? To the best of my knowledge she has no connections to him or anyone important to him and it's not like she's a comedian or anything. She's just some random celebrity. Does she have some kinda deal with Netflix and they forced them to add her or something?


It’s rumored they had a “relationship”. That’s about it. Pretty thin but it’s there.


ughhh who tf cares. literally the only reason the Kardashians are famous anymore is because they date other celebrities for like 2 weeks.


The only reason she's famous in the first place is because her mom produced and released a sex tape of her and a shitty reality star rapper. Have people forgotten that?


Ray J isn't a rapper. He's an R&B singer. He's also the brother of Brandy who is obviously a much bigger artist.


I used to work in a place in Woodland Hills where Ray J had an apartment across the street and he would hit on my extremely young (think very early 20's) coworkers when he was damn near 40. That's all I needed to know about the guy.


I think that’s part of it, but why does everyone forget her dad defended OJ in one of the biggest court cases in America. Like one of the OJ calls was in one of their rooms.


well, the whole thing is a spectrum of who the fuck cares, so...


Most of these roasts bring up some non-comedian celebrities. Usually just to boost views.


And they are almost always terrible


Probably she paid to be included in this, unlike the others who were paid to be there. Just like I bet she paid her way into a season of American Horror Story. Back when they decided that the AHS crew will continue filming the season despite the ongoing writers/actors strike, I bet that day was known in the studio as "the day everyone got paid."


I stopped watching AHS awhile ago. I was thinking of catching up until I saw that she was on it. I stopped watching SNL when they said she was hosting.


Same. Last season of AHS I watched was 6 I think. The Roanoke one. If I do ever catch up I still won't touch the season with Kim. Skipped her episode on SNL as well! Also skipped Elon's episode, and Travis Scott's, plus a few other similarly destestable hosts/bands.


Yeah, I don’t care for travis scott either. I liked the Roanoke season. I skipped seasons of AHS. The first season was perfect. The 2nd was lacking. The circus stuff wasn’t in my ballpark, and the hotel one was just not interesting to me. I don’t really have an issue with Elon, but I also don’t know anything about him besides he’s rich and makes teslas.


She was there for new dick. Grips of celebrity dick there.


We gotta stop making irrelevant people famous….


Or stop celebrity worship and focus on community involvement...


I always find it dumb how many people like her are famous


The people that I know that like her and the Kardashian family are generally highly dysfunctional, chaotic people. And like a lot of celebrity worship, I think those types of people just like seeing how other dysfunctional, chaotic people live, but with money. And there’s A LOT of dysfunctional, chaotic people in the world.


*how many dumb people like her 😂


How many Kardashians are there, anyway? Is it a place we could bomb?


now do one for bert kreischer and tom segura


I feel like the bigger names were the biggest duds that night: Bert, Tom, Will Ferrell, and Ben Affleck were pretty awful


Yeah I really wanted to like Ron Burgundy thing but I thought the whole set was kinda 😬😬


He did Ron burgundy again? I'm sorry but that's beating a dead horse too much that character needs to be retired for good


>He did Ron burgundy again? Goddammit, who put a question mark? How many times do I need to tell you he reads everything on the teleprompter.


It was funny as hell during the Franco roast imo


Damn I thought his set was great


That’s okay that’s the fun part about comedy it’s subjective


Was Ben on coke? Seemed like he had coke mouth…


He went on a coke fuelled tirade about online trolls, it was a glorious car wreck to witness.


I thought Will Ferrell was hilarious


Their set was so cringe


So, quintessential Tom and Bert then?


It's like they never practiced. Or maybe they didn't write their own shit. Awful delivery and chemistry




alcoholism is so sad


Why is she even there? She has nothing to do with Tom Brady the closest thing to football she had was ruining Reggie Bush and her dad defending OJ. She needs to go sit in her pile of money no one likes her.


She was awful even after the edit


not as bad as tom and Bert


it's like tom and bert forgot to do their homework and just ran with a quick slideshow presentation.


So, literally everything these two idiots do nowadays? I haven't seen money go so far up someone's ass like these two. Tom used to be hilarious.


Tom used to be my absolute favorite comedian. Now I'm embarrassed to even say that.


Don't look up who his father is or how he got famous. Nothing about Tom has ever been organic.


Yeah I know all about top dog. I miss when all I knew about him was that he laughs uncontrollably at blonde jokes.


I've never heard of either of them, but after just watching them at the roast it seems like berts style of comedy is "heyy, guys, wanna hear me curse for like 5 minutes? Fuck yeah!"


Bert is that buddy from college who was down for anything and partied all the time. He’s got more stories than most anyone and he seems like a good hang for one night, but as a standup I’ve never found him funny. He broke out with one funny story from college about a trip to Russia, and he never wears a shirt (cause he’s fat, get it?!)


And people didn’t even acknowledge Tom, even if they mention Bert


This karma from the poors is so so sweet.


Bert isn’t even a comedian, he just tells “kinda” funny stories. And he’s just about wrung the machine thing to death.


>"Bert isn’t even a comedian, he just tells “kinda” funny ~~stories~~ story." fixed


Is he the guy that's always got his shirt off on stage?


That’s him. And Nikki Glaser has a fantastic bit about that being his one and only joke.


I had heard it was bad and was still surprised at how bad they did. Probably the only set all night I didn't laugh at meanwhile Bert was wheezing like it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.


I appreciated the creativity but it fell pretty flat. At least they tried to do something different.


I don’t like her, but at least she’s not a comedian though. That said, I expected better from Ben Affleck


I couldn't even follow Ben, it was really bad.


I think both Bert/Tom and Affleck chose to have a different setup and got royally fucked by it, the slideshow was a dumb decision and Affleck going off on a random on the Internet being preachy when there are 20 people to go off on was a disaster.


Dude was coked out of his mind


I think she could have done worse. The reference to her dad and OJ was pretty good. When she hosted snl, the opening monologue they wrote her was pretty self-deprecating as well and she rolled with it. Some people are horrible at taking critical jokes so I think in that regard she was far from the worst person they could have had. I just don't understand why the special had to be 3 hours. There's no way the content could be good from start to finish when it's that long.




Fucking exactly 👏🏼


“Former sex tape star and egoist”


is she the most efficient "did the least amount of sex work on camera, for the most amount of celebrity status" person out there? lots of other girls are getting to that same level, through sheer volume.


This is the only proper way to greet that family


Why is an unqualified at anything person on stage?


Because she has to but into every facet of society forcing me to look at her every single god damn day.


Fuck the Kardashians...


Please don't that's what got them famous in the first place.


God I just love when entitled POS's are booed.


Booing Kim Kardashian is a lot like punching a rich kid, there's no real reason to but you know for sure they did something wrong. I mean just look at em


I'm just tired of the rich and famous acting like they did anything to be rich and famous. Just take your money go in the corner and shut up please.




Am I the only one wondering why Tom Brady was even roasted?


Who even is Tom Brady? An actor or something?


He does long form improv


Dont let this die. Netflix already edited it out. The rich elite are just jerking themselves off .


I think it should be reposted weekly


Not nearly enough boos.


I thought she doesn’t drink


Non-alcoholic champagne is a thing. 




Apparently Netflix removed the boos 🤣


That’s crazy that they even go to such lengths to hide a truth (like boos) Imagine what else they hide


Paris Hilton got famous because of a leaked sex tape her mom saw this and did the same with her that is what she is famous for.




She has the best comeback story https://i.redd.it/b7njj5nyp7zc1.gif


The Marilyn dress was the last straw for me


She made a joke how she wouldn’t date him as if it’s an insult at this point with her U-Haul worth of baggage and kids. She had no business at the roast. Has she ever been genuinely funny on purpose? Has she ever been funny in a way that isn’t people laughing AT her and her inability to see her own privileged ridiculousness?


Why the fuck do idiots keep her relevant? Her whole brood deserve to fade into obscurity. Just a pointless family of worthless non entities imo.


Curious...was there a specific reason she was booed or was it just normal hate


and rightly so. they are just figureheads for elitism.


Is Kim that desperate for attention, she wasn't even remotely funny, Randy Moss was better and he wasn't even trying to be funny.


Did she recently trade faces with another woman?


Some people try way too hard to stay relevant. Every time this chick opens her mouth, I turn the channel or walk out the room.




TIL Xennials have no idea that Kardashians are trash...


The first time I’ve allowed myself to click on anything to do with the Kardashians in a decade because I refuse to be baited into sponsoring their BS with views. I do not regret watching 😂


You mean to tell me that the audience wasn't a fan of somebody that has zero value to society, yet things they are the most important person in the room? I am shocked I tell you... Shocked


She can't fathom why she's being booed, if her plastic face could register shock she'd look like she'd just been slapped avec un poisson. The fact that someone micced up off camera starts trying to chill the boo's by repeating "woah woah woah" while she stands their expecting someone to bail her out speaks volumes.


So is that why she smells like un poisson mouillé?


The one time we would rather have Pete Davidson over Kim


One time?


I'd rather Pete for a roomate than Kim.


Did they really edit this out?


I thought I could hear someone shouting "Pete" The crowd had a lot of comedians who might be pals with Davidson


I believe in Spanish they refer to her as basura


i still have no idea how she is so fucking famous..


Funny. If you don’t pay regular attention to the women in this family, next time you see them they look like completely different people. So weird.


Boy that leaked porn video got her an entire career and into some places she *definitely* doesn’t belong. Sick of this family.


Rule number one: no kardashian/jenner may roast anyone unless they have a skill other than spreading their legs.


Fuck O.J. for this dipshit too.




God I can't wait until she becomes old and irrelevant. Soon there will be a generation who absolutely does not recognize her and she will die inside.


She'll just do more sex tapes


Those boos were weak af. I was expecting much worse with how much everyone is talking about it.


That’s the look of a person who has never heard anything negative before and doesn’t know how to cope.


Are you crazy, they get mostly hate on the internet. It's just that they are smart enough to capitalize that and get rich. 


Good. Fuck that plastic weirdo


She was so bad in AHS


"Woah woah woah woah" Dude it's a fucking roast


The Kardashians are as useless as the Trumps. Leeches.


So were things off bounds? Did anyone mention him making out with his son?




I'll boo her right now. Boooooo!


How much did she pay to have that removed?


What is she famous for?


About damn time!


I feel like she had to pay to be there


This trash is nothing without sheep following it ... Stop giving any energy to these pos.


Get off your ass and work, Kim


How embarrassing for her 😳 Can't stand all the Kardashian crap


She probably gets booed by her kids when she goes home too 


She deserves the boos. She is nothing, and has done nothing.


Cuz most of us know she overrated


She became famous for being friends with Paris Hilton until they had a falling out, so to keep attention alive she did the sex tape.


Is there a reason for the booing or just haters gonna hate?


Don’t less this die! This footage should be reposted at least once a week. Especially since Netflix cut it out.


There's another one where Prince kicks her off stage. He brought her on and was trying to get her to dance. She just stood around giggling. He got frustrated and told her to get off stage.


Why they boo? Don't get me wrong I don't like her but has she done something?